OUACHITA PARISH SCHOOLS Building Bridges to the Future COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT For the Year Ended June 30,2018 Monroe, Louisiana COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT OF OUACHITA PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Monroe. Louisiana For the Fiscal Year July 1,2017-June 30, 2018 With Report of Independent Auditors Prepared by the Business Department Juanita H. Duke, CPA Director of Business 'OUACHITA PARISH SCHOOLS Building Bridges to the Future 100 Bry Street ° Monroe, Louisiana 71201 ° Phone: (318) 432-5000 www.opsb.net Don Coker, Ed.D. [email protected] Superintendent 318-432-5204 December 29, 2018 Dear Citizens, We are pleased to present this Annual Report to you on behalf of the Board Members, employees, and students of Ouachita Parish Schools. This report wiU inform our stakeholders, as well as newcomers to our area, of the highlights in Ouachita Parish School System over the past year. The 2017-18 school year saw many accomplishments throughout our district. As you read through our physical, financial, technological, and educational achievements, know that we are honored to impact our community, region, and state, as we serve the best interests of our students and faculty. As Ouachita Parish Schools meet and exceed accountability growth targets and continue to grow in academic achievement, the district earned a "B" District Performance Score issued by the Louisiana Department of Education. Our schools continue to show academic success. School Performance Scores issued for spring 2018 reflected growth in educational performance for a majority of schools, with sixteen schools earning Top Gains Honoree distinction, and six recognized as Equity Honorees. Overall, I credit our success to the outstanding support of our caring Board Members, exceptional leadership of district and school administrators, the professionalism and diligence of our amazing teachers and support staff, and willingness of our students to work hard and excel in aU they accomplish. Our vision of Building Bridges to the Euture involves collaboration with students, parents, educators, and community stakeholders to connect student learning to 21st century skills in order to prepare students for a global society. As district leaders, my team and I are grateful for the support of our citizens and the confidence you bestow in Ouachita Parish Schools. This has been evidenced through our steady student enrollment, passage of tax proposals, and renewal of bonds to create state-of-the-art school facilities. With the goal of remaining a strong, viable entity for future generations, we are focused on sound fiduciary practices and excellent educational programs. Through the steadfast effort of all stakeholders, we make the greatest difference in the lives of our students, our future generation of leaders. Sincerely, Don Coker, Ed.D. Superintendent Ouachita Parish School Board Monroe, Louisiana Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2018 Table of Contents Page Table of Contents 1-111 INTRODUCTORY SECTION V Principal Officials Vll-Vlll Selected Administrative Officials ix Letter of Transmittal xi-xxiv GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Einancial Reporting XXV ASBO Certificate of Excellence in Einancial Reporting xxvi Ouachita Parish School System-Organizational Structure xxvii Business Department-Organization Structure xxviii Ouachita Parish School Building Bridges to the Euture xxix-xxx FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditor's Report 3-5 Required Supplementary Information 9 Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) 10-34 Basic Financial Statements Statement Government-wide Financial Statements (GWFS) 37 Statement of Net Position A 38 Statement of Activities B 39 Fund Financial Statements (FFS) 41 Governmental Funds: Balance Sheet C 42 Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Position D 43-44 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Eund Balances E 45-46 Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Eund Balances to the Statement of Activities 47-48 Proprietary Eund Type - Internal Service: Statement of Net Position G 49 Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position H 50 Statement of Cash Plows I 51 Eiduciary Eund: Statement of Eiduciary Assets and Liabilities 52 Notes to the Einancial Statements Index 55-56 Notes 57-93 (continued) Ouachita Parish School Board Monroe, Louisiana Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2018 Table of Contents Exhibit Pase FINANCIAL SECTION (Continued) Required Supplementary Information 95 Schedule of Changes in the Total OPEB Liability and Related Ratios 1 97 Schedule of Employer's Proportionate Share of the Net Pension Liability 2-1 98 Schedule of Employer Contributions to Pension Plans 2-2 99 Notes to Required Supplementary Information for Pension Plans 100 Budgetary Comparison Schedules 101 General Eund 3-1 102 School District No. 1 Sales Tax 3-2 103 West Ouachita Sales Tax 3-3 104 Notes to Budgetary Comparison Schedules 105 -106 Exhibit Supplementary Information 107 Combining Nonmajor Governmental Eunds: 109 Combining Balance Sheet- By Eund Type 4 111 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Eund Balances - By Eund Type 112-113 Nonmajor Special Revenue Eunds 114-115 Combining Balance Sheet 116-117 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Eund Balances 118-121 Schedules of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Eund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual 1995 Sales Tax 1% 8-1 123 1968 Sales Tax .5% 8-2 124 School Eood Service 8-3 125 Title I Programs 8-4 126 Special Education IDEA-B 8-5 127 Other Eederal Programs 8-6 128 State Grants 8-7 129 Nonmajor Debt Service Eunds 130-131 Combining Balance Sheet 132-133 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Eund Balances 10 134-135 Schedules of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Eund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual West Ouachita Bond Reserve 11-1 136 West Ouachita Debt Service 11-2 137 School District No. 1 QSCB Sinking 11-3 138 School District No. 1 Debt Service 11-4 139 East Ouachita Debt Service 11-5 140 (continued) Ouachita Parish School Board Monroe, Louisiana Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2018 Table of Contents FINANCIAL SECTION (Continued) Exhibit Pase Supplementary Information (Continued) Nonmajor Capital Project Funds 141 Combining Balance Sheet 12 142 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes inEund Balances 13 143 Proprietary Eund Type - Internal Service Eunds 144 Combining Statement of Net Position 14 145 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position 15 146 Combining Statement of Cash Plows 16 147 Eiduciary Type -Agency Eunds 148 School Activities Agency Eund - Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities 17 149 School Activities Agency Eund - Schedule of Changes in Deposits Due Others 18 150 Supplementary Information - General 151 Schedule of Compensation Paid Board Members 19 152 Schedule of Compensation, Benefits and Other Payments to Agency Head (Superintendent) 20 153 STATISTICAL SECTION Table 155 Contents 157-158 Net Position by Component 1 159 Changes in Net Position 2 160 Eund Balances of Governmental Eunds 3 161 Changes in Eund Balances of Governmental Eunds 4 162 Assessed Value and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property 5 163 Direct and Overlapping Property Tax Rates 6 164 Principal Property Taxpayers 7 165 Property Tax Levies and Collections 8 166 Ratios of Outstanding Debt by Type 9 167 Ratios of General Bonded Debt Outstanding 10 168 Direct and Overlapping Governmental Activities Debt 11 169 Legal Debt Margin Information 12 170 Pledged Revenue Coverage 13 171 Demographic and Economic Statistics 14 172 Principal Employers 15 173 School Building Information 16 174 School Personnel 17 175 Operating Statistics 18 176 (concluded) 111 Ouachita Parish School Board This page intentionally left blank IV INTRODUCTORY SECTION ^UCs^.JL Robert McCandlish - Grade 12 Ouachita Parish High School Talented Art Teacher: Anne Gilbert Jewell McGuffee - Grade 11 West Ouachita High School Talented Art Teacher: Michele Olinde Omayma Asim • Grade 8 Laila Stewart - Grade 11 Sterlington Middle School Ouachita Parish High School Talented Art Teacher: Katie Prewitt Talented Art Teacher: Anne Gilbert OUACHITA PARISH SCHOOL BOARD PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS SUPERINTENDENT Dr. Don Coker SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS PRESIDENT Jerry R. Hicks VICE-PRESIDENT Greg Manley Tommy Comeaux Seott Robinson Rev. John Russell A.R. "Red" Sims Carey Walker Vll Ouachita Parish School Board Mr. Toniniy Comeaiix Schools: District A Boley Elementary Highland Elementary |T 238 G.B. Cooley Road Crosley Elementary Kiroli Elementary West Monroe 71291 George Welch Elementary West Monroe High 318-396-9818 Good Hope Middle Mr. Scott Robinson Schools: District 6 Calhoun Elementary George Welch Elementary 805 Avant Road Calhoun Middle West Monroe High West Monroe 71291 Central Elementary' West Ouachita Higli 318-397-9953 Claiborne Elementary West Ridge Middle Drew Elementary Mr. A. R. "Red" Sims Schools: District C Calhoun Elementary West Ouachita High 339 Marion Sims Road Calhoun Middle Woodlawn Elementary West Monroe 71292 Central Elementary Woodlawn Junior High /7 318-322-3399 Pinecrest School Mr. Jeriy R. Hicks, President Schools: District D Claiborne Elementary Riser Middle 351 Kendallwood Road Highland Elementary West Monroe High West Monroe 71292 Lenwil Elementary West Ridge Middle 318-396-7118 Riser Elementan' Rev. John
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