The International Monetary Fund, 1946- 1950: A Selected Bibliography Martin L. Loftus * HE SELECTED REFERENCES presented in this bibliography, Tcovering books, pamphlets, and periodical articles published since the Fund was organized in 1946, include publications describing the organization and functions of the International Monetary Fund and also comments and analyses of its activities. Since this is not a bib- liography of international economics, writings on various aspects of this subject are included only when they contain material on the Fund. Although most of the official publications of the Fund are included, this is not intended to be a complete bibliography of such publications. A number of important articles and basic documents published prior to the organization of the Fund are listed in Bretton Woods agree- ments; a bibliography, April 1943-December 1945 (with supplement, January-December 1946), published by the Library of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Washington, 1946-47), and in "Classified bibliography of articles on international economics," compiled by Howard S. Ellis and Lloyd A. Metzler and published in Readings in the theory of international trade, American Economic As- sociation (Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1949), pp. 555-625. A few im- portant publications issued before 1946 which were not included in either of these two bibliographies are listed here. "A.B.C. of the International Monetary Fund," Barclays Bank Review (London), 22, pp. 24-25 (May 1947). Aberdam, Simon. "Bretton Woods et les anglo-saxons," Revue Politique et Parlementaire (Paris), 184, pp. 252-68 (August/September 1945). Academia de Ciencias Economicas. Fondo Monetario Internacional y Banco Internacional de Reconstruccion y Fomento (acuerdos de Bretton Woods) (Buenos Aires, Editorial Losada, 1945), 187 pp. Achterberg, Erich. "Die Ubernationale Bank," Zeitschrift fur das Gesamte Kreditwesen (Frankfurt am Main), 3, pp. 31-33 (Jan- uary 1, 1950). English translation in Journal of Finance and Credits (Frankfurt am Main), 1, pp. 21-23 (May 1950). * Mr. Loftus, Librarian of the Joint Bank-Fund Library, is a graduate of the University of Washington. He was formerly a member of the New York Public Library Economics Division. 471 ©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution 472 IMF STAFF PAPERS "L'activite des organismes de Bretton Woods," Bulletin de Renseigne- ments Economiques (Saigon), No. 16, pp. 17-20 (November 15, 1947). Arndt, H. W. "Bretton Woods; progress to date in the establishment of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank," Public Administration (Sydney), n.s. 6, pp. 321-28 (June 1947). "The International Monetary Fund and the treatment of cyclical balance of payments disequilibria," Economic Record (Melbourne), 23, pp. 186-97 (December 1947). "Aspects nouveaux des accords de Bretton-Woods pour la Belgique," Bulletin Financier, Kredietbank (Brussels), 3, pp. 237-39 (June 13, 1948). Australia, Department of the Treasury. International monetary agree- ments act 1947; annual report (Canberra, 1948-1949). Two re- ports: Financial year 1947-48; Financial year 1948-49. "Australia and Bretton Woods," Eastern Economist (New Delhi), 8, pp. 629-30 (April 4, 1947). Bachmann, Hans. "Bretton Woods als Weg zum freien Zahlungs- verkehr?", Aussenwirtschaft (Bern), 1, pp. 112-19 (September 1946). Die Konventionen von Bretton Woods (St. Gallen, Fehr, 1945), 140 pp. Balogh, Thomas A. "A new view of the economics of international adjustment," Review of Economic Studies (London), 14, No. 36, pp. 82-94 (1946/47). Comments on R. Triffin's "National central banking and the international economy." . "The proposals for post-war international currency and invest- ment," in his The dollar crisis, causes and cure (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1949), pp. 201-25. Banco Central de Chile. Convenios sobre el Fondo Monetario Inter- nacional y el Banco Internacional de Reconstruccion y Fomento (Santiago, Imprenta Universitaria, 1946), 240 pp. "Ponencia sobre el manual para el calculo de la balanza de pagos del Fondo Monetario Internacional," in Memoria, Reunion de Tecnicos sobre Problemas de los Bancos Centrales del Continente Americano, Segunda Reunion (Santiago, 1950), 2, pp. 89-98. Banco Central de Reserva del Peru. Exposition hecha al Directorio del Banco Central de Reserva del Peru por su Presidente Doctor Francisco Tudela, con motivo de la aprobacion por el Congreso, el 29 de diciembre de 19^5, de los acuerdos de Bretton Woods. Inporme .... con referenda a la ley que encomienda a dicho Banco la representacion del Peru ante el Fondo Monetario Inter- ©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution IMF: A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 473 national. Exposition .... relativa a la paridad de valor del sol peruano en el Fondo Monetario International (Lima, 1946), 40 pp. Banco de Mexico. "Analisis y caracterizacion de diversos tipos de desequilibrio internacional," in Memoria, Reunion de Tecnicos sobre Problemas de Banca Central del Continente Americano, Primera Reunion (Mexico, D.F., 1946), pp. 236-69. Bareau, Paul. "The Bretton Woods institutions," Journal of the Insti- tute of Bankers in Ireland (Dublin), 51, pp. 30-43 (January 1949). "International banking organizations," in Current financial prob- lems and the tity of London, Institute of Bankers (London, Europa Publications, 1949), pp. 45-59. Barreto, Emilio G. Los problemas monetarios de la post-guerra (Mexico, D.F., Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1945), 197 pp. Basu, Saroj Kumar. "Post-war machinery for international monetary co-operation," in his Recent banking developments (Calcutta, The Book Exchange, 2d edition, 1947), pp. 319-78. Bernhard, Heinrich. "Die Schweiz und die Konvention von Bretton Woods," Schweizer Monatshefte (Zurich), 26, pp. 521-30 (1946). Berthoud, Jean-Louis. Plans et accords monetaires des Nations Unies. Des ,plans Keynes et White au pro jet d'accord monetaire de Bret- ton Woods (Neuchatel, Imprimerie Richeme, 1946), 132 pp. Beyen, Johan W. Money in a maelstrom (New York, Macmillan, 1949), 221 pp. Bing, Walter. "Die Bretton Woods—Session in Paris," Zeitschrift fur das Gesamte Kreditwesen (Frankfurt am Main), 3, pp. 464-66 (October 1, 1950). Bloomfield, Arthur I. "Foreign exchange rate theory and policy," in The new economics, Seymour E. Harris, ed. (New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1947), pp. 293-314. Blusztayn, Mendel. Essai sur les plans anglo-saxons d'organisation economique Internationale de I'apres-guerre (Paris, Recueil Sirey, 1945), 144 pp. Bourneuf, Alice. "Exchange practices and the Fund," in Income, em- ployment and public policy; essays in honor of Alvin H. Hansen (New York, W. W. Norton, 1948), pp. 363-79. "Lending operations of the International Monetary Fund," Review of Economic Statistics (Cambridge), 27, pp. 237-47 (November 1946). Bratter, Herbert M. "Bretton Woods twins: fourth year," Banker (London), 95, pp. 176-82 (September 1950). "Fund and Bank: another year," Banker (London), 87, pp. 152- 58 (September 1948). ©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution 474 IMF STAFF PAPERS . "Fund and Bank follow the talks," Banker (London), 91, pp. 171-77 (September 1949). "Fund and Bank: the first full year," Banker (London), 83, pp. 147-52 (September 1947). "Gold in the news," Commercial and Financial Chronicle (New York), 167, pp. 98, 121-24 (January 8, 1948). "Gutt of International Monetary Fund answers some questions," Commercial and Financial Chronicle (New York), 168, pp. 1, 24- 25 (July 1, 1948). "The 'IMF'—a troubled infant," Commercial and Financial Chronicle (New York), 167, pp. 1220, 1251 (March 18, 1948). "The Monetary Fund and ITO," Commercial and Financial Chronicle (New York), 165, pp. 274, 305-6 (January 16, 1947). "World Fund rejects gold price increase," Engineering and Mining Journal (New York), 151, pp. 76-77, 81 (July 1950). Bresciani Turroni, Costantino. "La collaborazione finanziaria inter- nazionale," La Comunitd Internazionale (Rome), 2, pp. 177-92 (April 1946). " 'Fundamental disequilibrium' in exchange rates," Review of Economic Conditions in Italy (Rome), 2, pp. 211-16 (July 1948). "International financial co-operation," in his Economic policy for the thinking man (London, William Hodge, 1950), pp. 243-63. "The problem of cross-rates of exchange," Review of Economic Conditions in Italy (Rome), 2, pp. 147-55 (May 1948). Reprinted in his Economic policy for the thinking man (London, William Hodge, 1950), pp. 263-70. "La recente attivita della Banca Internazionale per la Rico- struzione e lo Sviluppo e del Fondo Monetario Internazionale," Rassegna dell' Associazione Bancaria Italiana (Rome), 4, pp. 429- 36 (July 15/31, 1948). "Bretton Woods in action," Journal of the Institute of Bankers in Ireland (Dublin), 49, pp. 115-23 (July 1947). "Bretton Woods twins," Economist (London), 155, pp. 506-7 (Sep- tember 25, 1948). "Bretton Woods twins," Hyderabad Government Bulletin on Economic Affairs (Hyderabad), 1, pp. 940-43 (December 1948). Browaldh, Tore. "Bretton Woods—institutionerna i arbete," Ekono- misk Revy (Stockholm), 4, pp. 224-28 (October 1947). Bye, Maurice. "Monnaie supra-nationale ou nationale? Le Fonds Monetaire de Bretton Woods," L'Egypte Contemporaine (Cairo), 37, pp. 23-64 (January/February 1946). ©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution IMF: A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 475 Canada, Department of Finance. Reports on operations under the Bretton Woods agreement act (Ottawa, 1947-1950). Four reports: Fiscal year 1946-47; Fiscal year 1947-48; Fiscal year 1948-49; Fiscal year 1949-50. Canal, Julio
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