Phone Shop Ref. Phone Shop Ref

Phone Shop Ref. Phone Shop Ref

Retailers & Locations CENTRE TRADING HOURS PHONE SHOP REF. PHONE SHOP REF. PHONE SHOP REF. PHONE SHOP REF. PHONE SHOP REF. Monday – Wednesday 9.00am – 5.30pm Thursday – Friday 9.00am – 9.00pm ATMS Ghanda 5229 0411 293 G10 Katies 9748 7204 183 I8 GIFTWARE Shingle Inn 8742 1129 K101 E11 ANZ K4, P5 Gymboree 207 G10 Lonsdale 9748 4722 266 N8 Adairs 9974 6111 MM02 E12 Squires Loft 9748 6543 RE12 L1–B3 Saturday 9.00am – 5.00pm Bank of Melbourne P6, M7 H&M 1800 828 002 MM05 N8 Lorna Jane 9749 6454 276 K10 Adairs Kids 8742 4300 50 L8 Sushi Sushi 9988 0102 5 K6 Sunday 10.00am – 5.00pm Millers 9748 2644 173 F8 The Coffee Club 9974 3206 214 J10 Bendigo Bank E3 Just Jeans 9749 4126 222 K10 Australian Geographic 9749 2099 203 F11 Public Holidays 10.00am – 5.00pm CBA E2, E7, K4, P6 MYER 8734 1222 M002 S11 MYER 8734 1222 M002 S11 Authentic Autographs 0439 743 710 109 E9 SERVICES Neverland Store 8742 1826 267 M8 Excludes Anzac Day & some public holidays Credit Union Australia D5 Ollie’s Place 8742 4182 205 F11 Bed Bath N’ Table 9974 3174 51 L8 American Express Pacific Werribee is not open Christmas Day & Good Friday NAB P5 Peter Alexander 9749 1970 257 P10 Noni B 9748 5297 174 G8 Better Home 9731 6974 6A K6 Currency Exchange 1300 139 060 70 Q6 Westpac K4 Seed 9748 5266 MM03 Q11 Ozmosis 8742 2422 249 P9 Dusk 9749 4732 117 D8 Alter It 9748 8532 278 K9 Peter Alexander 9749 1970 257 P10 MAJORS Sussan 9748 4319 164 I8 Games World 9748 4200 11 M7 Audio Clinic 8742 7893 67 Q4 AUTO Target 8754 2900 M003 C11 Portmans 9749 0918 259 O10 Big W Kmart Tyre & Auto 9749 1732 B027 A13 Habitania 8742 7668 186 J8 Australia Post 13 13 18 70 Q6 Uniqlo 9748 6728 MM15 L9 Rockmans 9748 9357 171 G7 House 9749 5400 9 L7 BUPA 8742 4100 111 M8 Midas 9748 3477 B024 T1 Seed 9748 5266 MM03 Q11 Monday – Wednesday 8.30am – 6.00pm Subaru 0428 288 816 101 F8 FASHION – MENS Kikki K 8687 2310 241 R10 Eye & Ear Clinic 9749 3768 280 K9 Thursday – Friday 8.30am – 9.00pm Seventh Ave 9731 6153 210 H11 MyHouse 9749 2244 184 J7 Foxtel 9749 5923 K66 K7 SuperCheap Auto 8744 3001 B022 T3 Bad Workwear 9748 4812 115 D8 Sheike 9317 6006 258 P10 Saturday 8.30am – 6.00pm Bonds 9974 3400 220 L11 Retreat 8742 2011 8 K7 Gold Buyers BANKS & FINANCE Sportsgirl 9749 1192 229 N11 Smokemart & Gift Box 9748 8411 84 K4 iClean Dry Cleaners 9749 4395 81 K3 Sunday 9.00am – 5.30pm Bossini 8742 2259 215 J10 Sportsco 9748 8591 221 K10 ANZ 13 13 14 67A Q5 Connor 9749 5800 284 K10 T2 9749 1283 256 P10 I Fix Mobile K30 D6 Kmart Bank of Melbourne 13 22 66 71 Q6 Street Machine 9731 6812 264 N9 Zing Pop Culture 9749 2469 47 M8 Library 8734 2600 MM11 R6 Cotton On 8742 1785 MM06 L9 Suji Kim Collection 0438 397 781 167 H7 7 Days 24hrs Commonwealth Bank 13 22 21 68 Q5 Ed Harry 8742 2733 287 J10 HAIRCARE Magic Hand Car Wash 9974 3716 B14 I3 Myer Credit Union Australia 8734 3800 124 D5 Sunburn 9974 6344 242 R10 Edge Clothing 9748 4813 243 Q9 Grindstone Barbers & Baristas 8087 0858 244 Q9 Magic Hand Car Wash 9748 2866 PAD006 F12 NAB 13 22 65 63 P4 Supre 8742 1493 289 I10 Medibank Private 13 23 31 69 Q5 Monday– Wednesday 9.00am - 5.30pm Factorie 9731 6737 34 O8 Sussan 9748 4319 164 I8 Grindstone Barbers 8714 3188 105 E8 Thursday – Friday 9.00am – 9.00pm Westpac 8734 1066 65 P5 General Pants Co. 8398 9188 252 P9 Melbourne Pathology 9748 7674 199 E12 Suzanne Grae 9749 5804 169 H7 Hairhouse Warehouse 9749 0200 6 K7 Saturday 9.00am – 5.30pm BEAUTY Ghanda 5229 0411 293 G10 Just Cuts 9731 6457 147 E9 Mister Minit 9748 9210 K4 K56 Target 8754 2900 M003 C11 Pacific Smiles Dental 8754 7200 283 J9 Beauty 4 Life 9749 0461 277 K9 H&M 1800 828 002 MM05 N8 Uniqlo 9748 6728 MM15 L9 Linear for Hair 9749 4662 107 E8 Sunday 10.00am – 5.00pm Beauty & Brow Parlour 9974 6680 300 E10 Hype DC 8731 9573 269 M9 Linear Hair & Beauty 9748 2244 66 Q4 Pacific Werribee Tattslotto 9749 0734 K65 K6 Target Valleygirl 9731 6409 MM07 H10 RACV 116 D8 Beauty On Earth 9748 7013 211 H10 Jay Jays 9749 5776 224 L10 W Lane 9748 0463 171 G7 Xpress Cutz & Color 9749 2083 281A K8 Monday – Friday 8.00am – 12.00am Johnny Bigg 9748 7904 290 I10 Shoe Express 9748 2631 K33 E9 Green Palm 9748 9478 188 J8 HOMEWARES Saturday 8.00am – 8.00pm Hairhouse Warehouse 9749 0200 6 K7 Kathmandu 9748 0355 250 P9 FOOTWEAR Sunline Clothing Alterations 9748 2218 119A E7 Hawaii Nails 9974 3988 52 K8 Lonsdale 9748 4722 266 N8 Betts 0409 947 703 166 I7 Adairs 9974 6111 MM02 E12 Werribee Watch & Jewellery Solutions 9748 9226 K064 K8 Sunday 8.00am – 7.00pm Hollywood Nails 8742 7387 142 E6 Lowes 9907 9350 112 D9 Betts Kids 0405 303 742 209 G11 Adairs Kids 8742 4300 50 L8 SPORTS & LEISURE Better Home 9731 6974 6A K6 AUSTRALIA POST Inglot 0451 805 811 162 J7 MYER 8734 1222 M002 S11 Converse 9974 6397 16 N7 Bonds 9974 3400 220 L11 Bed Bath N’ Table 9974 3174 51 L8 Laser Clinics Australia 8592 0178 280 K8 Neverland Store 8742 1826 267 M8 Famous Footwear 9731 6468 291 I11 Foot Locker 8754 4000 39 N8 Habitania 8742 7668 186 J8 Monday – Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm Lotus Chinese Massage 8742 4885 65A P5 Ozmosis 8742 2422 249 P9 Foot Locker 8754 4000 39 N8 Kathmandu 9748 0355 250 P9 House 9749 5400 9 L7 Saturday 9.00am – 4.00pm Lush 9748 9549 200 E11 Peter Alexander 9749 1970 257 P10 Hype DC 8731 9573 269 M9 Lorna Jane 9749 6454 276 K10 Kikki K 8687 2310 241 R10 Sunday 10.00am – 2.00pm Luxe Therapy 9974 6288 106 E8 Peter Jackson 9748 3164 236 O11 Nike 9748 0354 251 P9 Nike 9748 0354 251 P9 Manchester & More 8742 2586 113 D9 Max Therapy 9749 0189 85 K4 RDX 9974 6857 36 O8 Novo 9315 1666 288 I9 Rebel Sport 9749 5866 179 I8 MyHouse 9749 2244 184 J7 SUPERMARKETS Mecca Maxima 9748 3172 237 P10 Roger David 9749 4671 230 N10 Platypus 8742 4196 18 N7 Sportsco 9748 8591 221 K10 Platypus 9748 5022 265 N8 Robin’s Kitchen 9731 6078 122 D6 My Beauty Spot 9731 6038 K11 G7 Sportsco 9748 8591 221 K10 The Athlete’s Foot 9974 3668 219 J10 Coles Woolworths ALDI Street Machine 9731 6812 264 N9 RMK Shoes 0401 707 169 212 H10 T2 9749 1283 256 P10 Napoleon Perdis 9749 1733 K116 Q10 SUPERMARKETS 7 days 7 days 7 days Odyssey Nails 9748 5077 110 E10 Target 8754 2900 M003 C11 Rubi Shoes 9731 6746 217 J10 JEWELLERY Aldi 145 F4 6.00am – Midnight Palermo Perfumes 0487 597 440 K105 I10 Tarocash 9974 6015 216 I10 Shoex 9974 6901 168 H7 Angus & Coote 9748 6290 143 E6 7.00am – 10.00pm 8.30am – 8.00pm Coles 9974 7300 58 J6 Priceline 9749 0305 102 G8 Uniqlo 9748 6728 MM15 L9 Skechers 8742 4510 286 J9 Bevilles 9974 3622 119 E7 Some stores’ hours, including majors may vary. Woolworths 8734 3610 128 D4 Priceline Pharmacy 140 E5 YD 0449 508 311 218 J10 Spend-less Shoes 9749 0199 175 G8 Duff’s Jewellers 9749 4399 254 Q10 Sportsco 9748 8591 221 K10 Professionail 8742 1961 80 J4 FASHION – MIXED Goldmark 9748 4731 53 K8 TELECOMMUNICATIONS BANK TIMES Results Laser Clinic 1300 722 432 301 D10 The Athlete’s Foot 9974 3668 219 J10 Makers Galleria K15 DoDo Connect 9749 1645 K58 P5 Best & Less 9748 0455 108 F9 Wittner 9748 9012 160 J7 The Body Shop 9749 1613 253 Q10 Big W 8734 3600 118 C7 Michael Hill 9748 7491 228 M10 Hi Touch Mobile 8742 7929 295 F10 ANZ Bank CUA The Lounge Beauty and Brow 8742 7701 K12 H7 FOOD COURT & TAKEAWAY Pandora 8742 7872 255 Q10 iCollection 8742 1499 K63 L7 Bonds 9974 3400 220 L11 Mon – Fri 9.30am – 5.00pm Monday 9.00am - 5.30pm Therapure Massage Therapy 8742 4885 142A E6 Cotton On 8742 1785 MM06 L9 Ajisen Ramen KN02 D4 Prouds The Jewellers 9749 4175 7A K7 Samsung 1300 362 603 K108 M10 Saturday 9.30am – 1.00pm Tuesday 9.30am - 4.30pm CHEMIST / MEDICAL / NUTRITION Edge Clothing 9748 4813 243 Q9 Bacetto K52 P7 Salera’s 8742 4404 104A E8 Smart Phone Repairs 0406 432 855 K117 Q9 Telechoice 8742 1464 K111 M8 BUPA 8742 4100 111 M8 Factorie 9731 6737 34 O8 BBQ Wrap 0433 244 322 F20 P5 Swarovski 8742 4206 239 P11 Sunday Closed Wed - Thurs 9.00am - 5.30pm Telstra 9974 6000 12 M7 Chemist Warehouse 9749 1754 282 J9 General Pants Co. 8398 9188 252 P9 Boost Juice 9731 6794 K10 G7 Zamel’s 9748 2952 299 F10 Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm Vodafone 9901 5527 46 M8 Bank of Melbourne Healthy Life 9731 6146 4 K5 Ghanda 5229 0411 293 G10 Donut King 9749 0556 K35 E7 LIQUOR Vodafone 9081 5560 103 F8 Mon – Fri 9.30am – 5.00pm Saturday 9.00am - 12.00pm Medibank Private 13 23 31 69 Q5 H&M 1800 828 002 MM05 N8 Fancy Fillings 8087 0188 F3 F6 BWS 8742 9610 128A D3 Yes Optus 9749 8211 49 L8 Sunday Closed Medical Centre 8560 0220 MM01 D12 Jay Jays 9749 5776 224 L10 French Baguette Café 135 E3 BWS (Drive thru) 8742 1187 B021 Q2 Saturday 9.00am – 1.00pm Melbourne Pathology 9748 7674 199 E12 Just Jeans 9749 4126 222 K10 Fresh Kitchen By Rozzi K62 L7 Liquorland 9748 9874 58A J4 TOYS Sunday Closed Kathmandu 9748 0355 250 P9 Healthy Habits 9748 5263 K54 P6 NAB Pacific Smiles Dental 8754 7200 283 J9 MAJORS Australian Geographic 9749 2099 203 F11 Lonsdale 9748 4722 266 N8 Hello Juice 0401 060 018 245 P7 Build A Bear 9749 1460 204 F11 Mon – Thurs 9.30am – 4.30pm Priceline Pharmacy 140 E5 Aldi 145 F4 Commonwealth Bank MYER 8734 1222 M002 S11 Hungry Jack’s 8742 2850 B2 T8 Games World 9748 4200 11 M7 Friday 9.30am – 5.00pm Quality Pharmacy 9749 3332 MM01 D12 Big W 8734 3600 118 C7 Mon – Thurs 9.30am – 4.00pm Neverland Store 8742 1826 267 M8 Jamaica Blue 9749 2055 F14 O7 Riot Art & Craft 9748 4882 304 D11 CONFECTIONERY Coles 9974 7300 58 J6 Saturday 9.30am – 1.30pm Ozmosis 8742 2422 249 P9 Kebab Empire 9748 5488 F2 E6 Robinson’s Bookshop 9783 6488 185 J8 Friday 9.30am – 5.00pm Sweet Box 139 E5 KMART (24 hours) 8734 4700 59 M5 Sunday Closed Rebel Sport 9749 5866 179 I8 KFC 9974 3955 F16 06 Toys R Us MM09 E5 Saturday 9.30am – 3.30pm MYER 8734 1222 M002 S11 DISCOUNT VARIETY Sportsco

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