1) A = Add-on/Accessory: device only functional in conjunction with a base unit. C = Computer: system with standard keyboard and (interfaces to) re-writable media. G = Game Console: dedicated gaming system without a standard keyboard. M = Multimedia: console compatible to other AV media (e.g. VideoCD, PhotoCD). T = Tabletop: stationary system with built-in display. TC = Tabletop Computer: with built-in display and drive(s), separate keyboard. Hardware Index H = Handheld: portable gaming or multimedia device with built-in display. L = Laptop: portable computer with integrated keyboard and display. DIY = Computer sold as a 'do it yourself' assembly kit. etc = other hardware: e.g. video or audio devices with built-in game console or non-programmable systems. Product name Year Type1) Page Product name Year Type1) Page Product name Year Type1) Page Product name Year Type1) Page Acorn Archimedes series 1987 C 113, 231 Atari 600 XL 1983 C 37f Commodore C 128 1985 C 66 Hitachi MB-H3 1985 C 78 Acorn Archimedes 310 1987 C 230, 231 Atari 65 XE 1985 C 38 Commodore C 16 1984 C 90f IBM JX 1984 C 99 Acorn Atom 1980 DIY 61 Atari 7800 1984 G 26, 69, 91, 92, 229 Commodore C 116 1984 C 90, 91 IBM PC-compatible 1981 C 21, 60, 65, 95-98f, 102, Acorn BBC+ 1985 C 61 Atari 800 1979 C 8, 34-38, 62f, 68, 91, Commodore C 64 1982 C 21, 27, 36f, 46f, 58, 60f, 110, 162,172, 179, 192f, Acorn BBC A, B 1982 C 61, 64, 72, 112f, 220, 229 107, 226 62-66, 77, 90, 94ff, 106, 196, 198, 221, 239 Acorn BBC Master series 1986 C 61 Atari 800 XE 1985 C 38 113f, 220, 227, 239 IBM PC/AT 1984 C 98f, 230 Acorn Electron 1983 C 61 Atari 800 XL 1983 C 36-38, 50, 68, 227 Commodore C 64 G 1987 C 66 IBM PC/XT 1983 C 98f Aiwa CSD-GM1 1994 etc 127 Atari Falcon 1992 C 105 Commodore C 64 Gold 1986 C 66 IBM PCjr. 1983 C 98, 99, 226f Amstrad CPC 464 1984 C 94f, 112, 222, 229 Atari Jaguar 1993 G 150f, 183, 232 Commodore C 64 GS 1990 G 65 Interton VC 4000 1978 G 28f, 57, 228 Amstrad CPC 464+, 664+ 1987 C 95, 229 Atari Lynx 1989 H 7, 129, 132f, 178, 236 Commodore C 64 II 1986 C 66 INTV System III 1985 G 42 Amstrad CPC 472 1984 C 95 Atari Lynx II 1991 H 132, 133 Commodore C 64 SX 1984 L 64, 66 ITMC MPT-05 unknown G 29 Amstrad CPC 6128 1985 C 95 Atari 1040 ST, 1040 STe 1986 C 104f Commodore CD 32 1993 G 110, 111, 231f ITT Telematch Processor 1978 G 16 Amstrad CPC 6128+ 1987 C 95 Atari 2080 ST, 4060 ST 1986 C 105 Commodore CDTV 1990 M 111, 135, 168, 231 Joypac Videopac G7401 1983 G 32 Amstrad CPC 664 1985 C 94f Atari 260 ST 1986 C 105 Commodore Maxmachine 1982 C 66 JVC HC-7 1983 C 77 Amstrad GX 4000 1990 G 7, 95 Atari 520 ST (m, f) 1985 C 104f, 107 Commodore MMF 9000 1982 TC 23 JVC HC-80,-90,-95 1985 C 77 Amstrad Mega PC 1991 C/G 127, 231 Atari Mega ST series 1987 C 105, 230 Commodore Plus/4 (264) 1984 C 91 JVC V-Saturn 1994 G 157 Amstrad Spectrum +2 1986 C 59f, 227 Atari ST series 1985 C 17, 37, 61, 95, 96f, 99, Commodore VIC-20 1981 C 45, 46f, 62, 64, 66, 85, JVC Wondermega 1992 G 127 Amstrad Spectrum +3 1987 C 60 104-108, 112, 120, 122f, 90, 227 JVC Wondermega 2 1993 G 127 APF M1000 1978 G 215 213, 230 Commodore VIC-1001 1980 C 47 Kyocera (Yashica) YC-64 1984 C 79 Apple II 1977 C 11, 18f, 20-23, 34, 36, Atari Mega STe 1991 C 105 Compaq Deskpro 386 1986 C 99 Magnavox Odyssey 1972 G 14ff, 31 62f, 96, 114, 226 Atari Stacy 1989 L 105 Compaq iPaq 2001 H 3 Magnavox Odyssey 100 1975 etc. 31 Apple II europlus 1978 C 18, 22 Atari TT 1990 C 105 Creative Labs 3DO Blaster 1995 A 153 Magnavox Odyssey 2 1978 G 31f Apple II+ 1979 C 22, 226 Atari VCS 2600 1977 G 11, 16, 18, 24-29, 31, 34, Daewoo/Dynadata Zemnix unknown G 78 Mattel Aquarius 1983 C 42, 213 Apple IIc 1984 C 21f 40f, 48, 50f, 68, 85, 92 Docomo 900i series 2004 H 170 Mattel ECS 1983 A 42 Apple IIc + 1988 C 22 132, 223, 228 Dragon 32, 64 1982 C 64, 72, 220 Mattel Intellivision 1979 G 25f, 29, 31, 40ff, Apple IIe 1983 C 22 Atari VCS 2600A 1980 G 26f Elektor 2650 TV-Computer 1979 DIY 29 50, 57, 228 Apple IIe LC Card 1991 A 22 Atari XE Game System 1987 G 7, 38, 92, 229 Emerson Arcadia 2001 1982 G 56f Mattel Intellivision II 1983 G 41f, 221 Apple IIgs 1986 C 22, 231 Audiosonic GB-1000 unknown H 149 Enterprise 1985 C 112 MB Microvision 1979 H 43, 54, 236 Apple III 1983 C 20, 100 Bally Astrocade 1976 G 223 Entex Adventurevision 1982 T 53, 228 MB Vectrex 1982 T 43, 54f, 85, 228 Apple Lisa 1983 TC 100 Bandai Arcadia (HMG 2650) 1983 G 57 Epoch TV Tennis 1975 etc 89 Microsoft Xbox 2001 G 79, 174, 180f, 192-195, Apple iMac 1998 TC 175 Bandai Atmark (Pippin) 1996 M 168, 234 Epoch Cassette TV Game 1979 G 27 206, 208, 235 Apple iPad 2010 H 218 Bandai Playdia 1994 G 223f Epoch Cassettevision 1981 G 89 Microsoft Xbox Special Ed. 2002 G 194 Apple iPhone 2007 H 207, 217f Bandai Supervision 8000 1978 G 29 Epoch Cassettevision Jr. 1983 G 89 Microsoft Xbox 360 2005 G 207, 208f, 211, 215, 235 Apple iPod series 2001 H 207, 217 Bandai Tamagotchi 1998 etc 168, 178 Epoch Super Cassettevision 1984 G 89, 223, 239 Microsoft Xbox 360 Elite 2007 G 210 Apple Macintosh series 1984 C 17, 21, 96, 100f, 103, Bandai Wonderborg 2000 A 179 Epoch SCV Lady's Set 1985 G 89 Microsoft Xbox 360 S 2010 G 210 106, 120, 134f, 145, 168, Bandai Wonderswan 1999 H 176, 178f, 216 Fairchild Channel F 1976 G 16, 228 MITS Altair 1975 DIY 11, 17 192, 230 Bandai Wonderswan Color 2000 H 179 Fujitsu FM-7, FM-77 1982 C 71, 79, 134, 220 Mitsubishi MLF-48, -80 1984 C 78 Apple Macintosh 128 1984 TC 100f, 103 Bandai Wonderswan Crystal 2001 H 179 Fujitsu FM-Towns series 1990 C 134f, 231 Mitsubishi ML-G series 1985 C 78 Apple Macintosh 512 1984 TC 100, 103 Bit Dina 2-in-1 unknown G 52 Fujitsu FM-Towns II series 1991 C 135 NEC LD-ROM2 1993 A 119 Apple Macintosh II 1987 C 100, 103 Casio Cassiopeia 2000 H 171 Fujitsu FM-Towns II Fresh 1994 TC 135 NEC PC-6001 1981 C 33 Apple Macintosh IIc 1989 C 103 Casio PV-1000, 2000 1983 G, C 223 Fujitsu FM-Towns II UX 1992 TC 135 NEC PC-8001 1979 C 33 Apple Macintosh Centris 1993 C 103 Casio PV series 1983 C 78 Fujitsu FM-Towns Car Marty 1994 A 135 NEC PC-8801 MC 1989 C 33, 119 Apple Macintosh Classic 1990 TC 103 Coleco Adam 1983 C 52, 227 Fujitsu FM-Towns Marty 1994 G 135 NEC PC-8801 series 1981 C 33, 39, 71, 220ff Apple Mac. Color Classic 1993 TC 103 Colecovision 1982 G 25, 29, 45, 50ff, 57, 67, Fujitsu FM-X 1984 C 79 NEC N900i (Docomo) 2004 H 238 Apple Macintosh Quadra 1991 C 103 75, 81, 228 Fujitsu FM-8 1981 C 220 NEC PC-98 series 1982 C 33, 134, 162, 221, 230 Apple Macintosh LC 1990 C 22, 102f Commodore CBM 2001 (Pet) 1977 TC 23, 34, 46, 226 Fujitsu FMV-Towns 1995 C 135 NEC PC-Engine 1987 G 7, 33, 97, 114-119, 140f, Apple Macintosh Performa 1993 (T)C 103 Commodore CBM 3001 series 1979 TC 23, 227 Gamepark GP2X 2005 H 198, 223 159, 162, 229, 239 Apple Macintosh Plus 1986 TC 103 Commodore CBM 4001 series 1979 TC 23 Gamepark GP32 2002 H 7, 194, 237 NEC PC-Engine CD-ROM2 1988 A 33, 115 Apple Macintosh Portable 1989 L 103 Commodore 8032, 8096 1981 (T)C 23 General Paxon series unknown C 79 NEC PC-Engine CoreGrafx 1989 G 119 Apple Macintosh Powerbook 1991 L 103 Commodore C 128 1985 C 66 Gizmondo 2005 H 224, 238 NEC PC-Engine CoreGrafx II 1991 G 119 Apple Macintosh SE 1987 TC 102f, 230 Commodore Amiga series 1985 C 7f, 17, 59f, 76, 90, 95ff, Goldstar FC 200 1984 C 79 NEC PC-Engine Duo 1991 G 116, 119, 232 Apple Newton 1992 H 113 99, 106-113, 120, 122f, Goldstar GDI 750, 1000 1994 M 148 NEC PC-Engine Duo-R 1993 G 119 Atari 1200 XL 1982 C 37f 132, 150, 152, 221, 225, Goldstar GPI 1000, 1200 1994 H 148 NEC PC-Engine Duo-RX 1994 G 119 Atari 130 XE 1985 C 37f, 92 231, 239 Goldstar System 32 (GDO) 1994 M 153 NEC PC-Engine GT 1990 H 117, 119 Atari 2080 ST 1986 C 105 Commodore Amiga 1000 1985 C 66, 107, 111 Grundig Superplay 4000 1979 G 29 NEC PC-Engine LT 1991 H 117, 118f Atari 2600 (black) 1982 G 26f Commodore Amiga 1200 1992 C 106, 111 Hanimex 1292, 1392 unknown G 29 NEC PC-Engine Shuttle 1989 G 117, 119 Atari 2600jr 1986 G 27 Commodore Amiga 2000 1987 C 109ff, 241 Hanimex HMG 2650 1982 G 56, 57, 229 NEC PC-Engine SCD-ROM2 1991 A 119 Atari 2800 1983 G 27 Commodore Amiga 3000 1990 C 109, 111 Hartung Supervision 1991 H 149 NEC PC-Engine SuperGrafx 1989 G 119 Atari 400 1979 C 34, 35, 38 Commodore Amiga 4000 1992 C 109, 111 Hitachi Hi-Saturn 1995 G 157 NEC PC-FX 1993 G 162, 223 Atari 4160 ST 1986 C 105 Commodore Amiga 500 1987 C 106, 111 Hitachi MB-H1 'Hint' 1983 C 78 NEC PC-FX GA 1993 A 162 Atari 5200 1982 G 26, 37, 68f, 85,92, 229 Commodore Amiga 600 1992 C 108, 111 Hitachi MB-H2 1984 C 78 NEC Turbo Grafx 16 1989 G 115, 117, 119 240 A page number printed in bold indicates a hardware photo 241 1) A = Add-on/Accessory: device only functional in conjunction with a base unit.
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