CATALOGUE EIGHTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION CHICAGO ARCHITECTURAL CLUB ART INSTIT UTE CHI C AGO MAY 23 TO JUNE 10 .'ADCCC\CV. The ~hicag-o Architecturnl Club and the Chit·ago Soddy of Artist.; occupy joint quarter:. in the cluh hon..;e at 274 :\licl11g:w .\venue. THE CHICAGO SOCIETY OF ARTISTS. Tht: Soci~:ty tllllllht:r:-. ::nnong it~ m~mlu;:r-. many rl.'prcst:utn- tivc men in painting. ~ulptun: and architcctnn: and Jta,. :1 total membership of nm: huudrul a11tl Iitty. Prc,..i•lcut, • jllll:-;' 11. \',\:->l>J.RI'OHI. \ 'it·c·l'r.:sidt•IJl, \r~r. \\'JI.XDT. S<:crt!lary. ,\t,III,RT FOl!RSl'EK. Tr... ,lsurcr, . CIIAS. Ell\\', Bot 1"\\'11111•. /II N L'CJ( JN ...... LOR.\ II() T.\1'1'. l.OI'JS J. :'llll.l.Kf, THr\or•otn: Ost:\l( FK \1\:-;t-:..:t .. CluL Hou..,c, 27+ Michigan .\\'(:nut:. CHICAGO ARCHITECTURAL CLUB. lii·I'ICEJ.'.\. l'rc,i<lcnl, CI!ORI;H R. llHA:-o. Fir.-t \ i••e.J'rc,i<lcnl, Er.~tJ!R C. jHXsh:-.". !"t•cuml \'icc-l'n-sidcnt. FRA."K :0.1. (;:\RDHX. Scnetllr,l', . JuHX ROIIHRT llll,l.o~. Trclhllrt.:r, • Ent:AR S. BHJ.nEX. ,\,,l,lanl Scl·rctnry, IIARR\' C. S'fARR. H.\'Rr.t '/'//'/;' 01,1/.JIIT!F/'. c;.,ow.c;J·: R. flt·:.\:-, PR,\:-o;J.:: :0.1. (; \RI>J>:». Ht>I.-\R S. Bl!l.IIH:>:. 1\l."ER C. jF.l'Sr:.:s-. jOIIX RonHtn I>JJ,J.OX. jou:-o \\', jon:-oso:-;. C. /'/ A I t/t, I H CO.l/.111 f f E 1::. Hll<:AR s. Bl 1,\>F.:S. FRA:SK ~l. I~ARI>UX. lln:JJ )1. C GARPK:s·, Cliail'lltrlll. Jf f..' J' OF AIJ.l/1.\,\/0.V.\. IR\'I:'a; K. l'o~ll. R. c. SI'H:-iChR, JR. The exhibition ha., ho.'cll n>n<luclc<l by the member,; of the Excculin~ and Cutnlo~uc Committees. Members of Chicago Arcbitecfural Club. ACTIVE MEMBERS. llugo Arnold, 364 Wells Street. 1\li«s jen01e Arnold, 36o South Paulina Street. Cbas. Eliot Birge, 389 r:nst Superior Street. F,dgar S. Belden, 1313 Monadnock Building. A. C. Berry, - 1228 Wrightwood Avenue. A. G. Brown, 825 Temple Court Building. J. nen Baars, 338 Washington Boule,•ard. Adolph Bentbarcl, 1534 West Fulton Street. IL G. Uriosley, 44, 115 Mouroe Street. Lawrence Buck, 237 Dearborn Avenue. \Vm. Braeger, 1200 1\raiu Street. Dubuque, lon·a. W. J. Beauley, 6o4 Scott Street, joliet, Ill. Oscar Hlurnner, 1034 1'rinity Avenue, New York City. D. H. Bumbam, TT421'he Rookery. S. S. Beman, 507 Pullman Building. D. C. Chaffee, 36or \'incennes Avenue. Myron II. Church, Royal Insurance Building. W. W. Clay, - 5oS Insurance Exchange Buildiug. Ceo. R. Dean, 274 Michigan Avenue. F. I,. Davis. - Temple Court Building. john Robert Jlillou, 544 l." nity Building. Oscar T~nclers, 900 Columbian Building, St. Louis, Mo. Alfred Evans, 155 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Chas. F. Eppinghauseu, 70 La Salle Street. T. 0. Fraenkel, 6o4 Pullman Duildinl-{. j. L. Fyfe, 670 Massachusetts A\•enue, Boston, Mass. john n. Fisher, 89 29th Place. Aug. Fielder, Schiller Building. Chas. S. Frost, 502 Pullman Builrling. F.dward G. Garden, 32 Telephone Building, St. Louis, Mo. Frank M. Garden, 362 Ontario Street. Hugh J.\.1. G. Garden, 362 Ontario Street. Henry F. Griesbach, 176 Center Street. Ww. R. Gibb, .p7 Royal Insurance Building. Julius Harder, 342 l,exington AYenue, New York. .\rthur Henn, 701, 172 Washington StreeL F.. A. IToeppner, - 611 The Rookery. John L. Hall, Temple Court Building. A. W Howpe, Care of Royal f'umiture Co., Grand Rapids, 1\Iich. 0. C. Han,en, 739 Sixty-second Street. Clarence Hanson, - X23 Larrabee Street. ~1. H. Hunt, - 1309 \'enelian Building. Elmer C. Jensen, - 1120 Home Insurance Building. J. W. John..on, Care of Williams & Andrew5, Dayton, Ohio. Max Jenne), - 1120 Home Insurance Buihling. Frank Jobson, Royal Insurance Building. Chas. A. Kessel, 4105 Indiana Avenue. Prank 1,. J.imlen, - 1.216 Michigan Avenue. J. IJilleskau, - 271 Wl>st Ohio Street. Ramud H . J,evy, - S-l9 La Salle Avenue. Thomas F. ll. Leyden, - 6516 Stewart A,·euue. R. S. Lindstrom, - 3234 Portland Avenue. Jos. C. J,lewellyn, - 8.j Adams Street. J. \. Miller, 271 Chicago Avenue. Paul 1\Iueller, Schiller Building. \\'m. H. Mundie, 11 20 Home Insurance Buihliug. Robert McWhirter, 5548 \\'aha-.h Avenue. L. J. :\Iillet, - 225 ·wabash A,•enue. Jas. \\'. McDonald, t r 10 Boyce Building. Chas. \\'. Obel'lllaier, 935 North Clark StreeL A. Heatly Orth, -104 SouU1 Highland Avenue. Fre•l Pi~chel, 166 Cleveland Avenue. D. H. Perkins, Slcinway Hall. Alex. Y Robertson, 5.'1 Campbell Park. Emery Roth, 241 East 87th Street, ~t'w York City, N. Y. G. ~f. Russeque, 215 \\"abash Aveuue. john A. Rogers, Marquette Building. Arthur Rouleau, 47 Winilirop Place. David Robertson, 4633 Champlain A\·enue. F.. H . Seeman, 15 Major mock. R. C. Spencer, Schiller Huilding. C. Bryant Schaefer, !!25 Temple Court. Richard E. Schmidt, 6o4 Pullman Building. G. A. Schonberg, 826 Y. :\f. C. A Building. R F.. Smith, - Care of Sneacl & Co., Louisville, Ky. lla rry C. Starr, 27 43<1 Street. <~co. II Strnlwn, 28 Sherman Stret:t. ,\lex. Sandblom, , 99 n.. "ll"r Str~·et. I lownnl Sha11. 115 ' lonroe Street. E. F. Starck, 1"01 Teutonic lluillling. <;eo. \\' Selin·, :.\larshnll Jlielu Uuild1n~. II. C. Trost 2611 South I Jal-.tccl Str,·et. :-amuel .\ Treat, sS \\'abash A \'Cnue \"ictor Tra·'Cler, 1 q2 The Rookery. I~clwnrd T. Wilder, 112o Home Insurance Building. Hrue.-t J. \\"a~:ucr, 1216 :.\ lid 1ignn Avenue. \\'. I ;, \\'illiam-.on, 159 J.a Raile Street. R. 11. Williau1... ou, 159 l.n Salle Stret:t. Stephen :.\[. \\"irt". 150 Wabash .\venue. l'.J. \\'cher, - 11 12 The Rookery. Arthur \\'olter~rlorr. l:io T,a !'ia lie Street. .\. <, Z.irmncrmau, 631 Fulh:rtou Avenue. HONORARY MEJ\tBCRS. J. K. ,\lien. 25, 34 \\ahash Avenue. F. L. Ulakc, - 117 East 23d Street, :\cw \'ork. Robert Clark, Kingsbury ami Ohio Streets. llenry l.cml Cay, 92 I >earhorn Slrt'el. ):red S. H unt, .JS-1 \\'arrcn .\ vcnnt'. \\'. L. H. Jcnm·y. - Howe ln!>urancc Building. llnrry LaiHic, Onmha, :\cb. l .. :.\fuller, 19 Trihunc Ruilcling. R l 'Icl.can, 19 Tdlmnc Building. I l. <~. l'himio;t~·r, 9-19 Jackson noult:vanl. J. II Snllivau. .\uditormm 1'owcr. J.or:ulo Taft, - .-\thcn:~mn IJuilding. Frit7. \\'ngner, 1 11~ The Rookery. ASSOCIATE J\\EMBER.S• C. l.aurou I looper, .;~ \\'alton Place. Jlankmar Aclltr, Awlitoritun Tower. 1.. D T>ixon, - 95. 2,W l,a Salle Street. F. R. Schock, S:17 Teutonic Building. Uimon J. Warre n, s.1 I ,a ~"lie :;lrecl. C'h ns. n. .\twood, - II.J2 The Rookery. 1·:. R. (~raham. 114 2 T he Roohry. !'nul C. Laulrup, 1142 The Rookery. llenry h·es Cobh, - 100 \\'a-;hington S1rec:t, Francie; ~1. \\'hitchonse, 1 17 J,.1kc :-;hore llri,·e. <ieo. 1~. Amlron:lt~·. 2; Clinton !:\lrtet. \\'m. llnlahirol, 161S :.'llouaclnock UuildinJ.C. ~1. H.ochc, 161~ ;\!onaclnm·k Ruilcling. Ed :->. llushuell, ::01 ~lctlinah Temple. 11rccl K••es, )Jiunenpoli~. ~linn. n. <~. TraphaJ.enn, - Duluth, :\linn. ~1. I.. Recrs, - suS Insurance ExchanJ.!e. John \\'. Parker, 40 Rh·cr !:\treel. John )1. Ewcu, 1121 The Rookery• •\rthur l'eahocly, ll, ~~ Cnrrier, t()(.6 Title .111cl Tmsl BuJ!tling. Chas. 11. Kihhy, 1.309 \'o:mctian Huiltling. Chus. A. l.'oohclge. 13<•9 Yt·nctian Jluilcling. <:en. \\'m. Sooy Smith, &11 Stock HxchaUJ.Cl'. \\'111. Zimmennan, :\lasonic 'l'emplc. l.'ha~ S. Frost, 502 l'nlhnau lluilcling. Theoclon: F. Ree"-. 3S Rnnclnlph :-'olreet. \\'111, I I. I ~ales. ~laTIJIICltc lluilcling. 1>. \ '. Purrington, - J2,l Chamher of Co>Uimerce Building. Thomas,\, )lunJ.efln, 6tr Security Ruilding. llarry C. Knisely, 6S \\'est ;\I em roc !'trect. II. ll. l'ro~scr, :'\!arcpu:ttc lluiltling. I Ierman I.. )Jalz, 323 Chamhcr uf Conmwrn· lluilchng. l'hbter cnsb of the Cover lle~iJ:n, 2-1 im:heo. high, hy Richard \\'. Rock, Sculptor, mar h•· had hy addressing ~lr. Bock at the CluiJ House. Price, $1.5<1. THE CANCELLER. A FAI_Ar.:L ''R,ot.-11 1"raf!dm!( Sd10/ar.<lti/' f:'II'C'tm. ~- L <;pm.-.-r, .fr The Uold ::\Iedal of the lllinois Chapter, .\merican Institute of Architecb, offt!red annually to be competed for by members of the Chicago Architectural Club, has beetl awarded to ... ELI\IFK C. J~o::-;sr:N. Subject for Competition: A R1u/Jmff Dn'Oied lo /II( \"'ut~l of Bola11y, Zoo/()gy a11</ Jl/i11t'ralogy. A Djf DIC.-1 T1 \ (; CO.llllf/TTEF . CIIAS S. FROST. T. 0 . FRAI-:O:KF.L. At l.t·sT I~tF.Dt.I!R. Catalogtle. Afli.ER & S{'LLI\'A~-Atulitnrium Tmwr. Guaranty Huiltliu~. HuO.llo, :"'cw York. 2 St:-111!' nra\\;ll).!S of llrnaua•nt for Guarnlll) lluiltling. 3 l'hntograph'- nf :\lrult!b from th~· ahCI\'C I >rawiu~"· ,J Exc,·utt!d Examples uf sume. l.W\, E. ANI>RO\"l','lvl'g CO. 2; ~olllh Clinlou Slrt!t:l. li ~h: ~ketches for Sluiuc•l 1~lr1ss. h Lcaolerl Clll"-"· lolmuul lllultf. 7 :-; \\'l\1, J E.\X 1\E,\l'LEY joliet, Ill 9 Europe:m Sketch""· Ill II 12 Ilouse al Le :\!a us. 13 Old House al Le !\!mrs 14 Original Stnuy. CARL BHII.-St TUinoi!l Strcel. 15 Dormer \\'indow, l'la~ler Cast. 16 Corbel, l'la~ter Cast. 17 r8 ... ... ; .:'!p ~ --=:;-.:: ~~"' ~~.. HEll. &. :\IAlTII-81 lllinois Stret:t. 19 l\lantel in Louis X\".
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