![1944-11-09, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
HISTORIC L SOCIETY OF MONTANA _/«*«*** KEEP FAITH fâàjflL \wifhus~I : \by buying] Montana Labor News BUÏ MORE THAH BEFORE MJmn bonds ******* -!- PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF ORGANIZED LABOR BUTT U MONTANA,; THURSDAY, NOV. 9,1944 .No. 36 FtOPLt WIN OVER S3 r L • ST. GOVERNMENT ISSUES PRELIMINARY MEET THE PEOPLES CHOICE A F L PRESSES FOR ELECTI0N 0F PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT GUIDE TELLING HOW FOR WORLD LABOR SHOWDOWN ON WAGE MEANS WORLD-WIDE VICTORY FOR DEMOCRACY AND THE COMMON PEOPLE TO BUY PROPERTY PARLEY IS CALLED i POLICY CHANGE WASHINGTON, D. C.—Pressing for a The majority of the people of the United State indicated A buyer's guide for purchasing gov­ WASHINGTON (FP)—A preliminary ernment-owned property both from dis- | conference to set the agenda for the Jan, quick showdown on the nation’s basic their belief and their faith in conduct of the war and of the posai and owning agencies made its ap- 8 world labor congress in London will be wage policy, A. F. L. members of the Na­ administration of domestic policies November 7, 1944 LUC pearance today under the auspices of attended Dec. 4 by representatives of the tional War Labor Board refused flatly to sit In consideration of any specific when they re-elected Franklin D. Roosevelt Chief ex­ the Senate Small Business committee. cao. lJ wage cases now pending until the Presi­ In the interest of a "fair opportunity Announcing the CIO’s acceptance of v ecutive of the United States and Commander in Chief of ■ dent decides once and for all the future the invitation sent by Sir Walter Citrine, for small business,” a subcommittee on status of the Little Steel formula. the armed forces and this notwithstanding a tirade of surplus war property headed by Senator general secretary of the British Trades The NWLB, still puttering around with abuse and misrepresentation and the expenditure of vast Tom Stewart (Tennessee), initiated this Union Congress, OIO Pres. Philip Mur­ i. first official and comprehensive book of ray said Nov. 2 that Pres, Sidney Hill­ its so-called "factual” report to the sums of money to discredit him. instructions to buyers. man of the Amalgamated Clothing Work- President on demands for readjustment • It was with a sense of thanksgiving of the pay formula had Indicated an The guide lists five disposal agencies ers, Pres. R. J. Thomas of the United Re-Elected to Congress that the people accepted the re-election I intention of proceeding with a number of Mr. Roosevelt. In Montana notwit and the Army and Navy as sources of Auto Workers and Pres. Emil Rieve of j ! of pending cases, and offering "appease­ standing some set-backs, many liberal, government-owned property : classifies the Textile Workers had been asked to ment” to labor In the form of "hidden” were elected to office including Albert the| property handled by each and in­ represent the CIO to help work out the PH wage increases. H. Angstman, R. V. Bottomly, Sam W. cludes brief instructions to the buying agenda. I The AFL, standing on its earlier de- Mitchell, John J. Holmes and Mike public as to how it may secure informa­ The reaction of the A. F. L. members tion about offerings and how to buy. vision not to participate in the woi id ■was prompt and uncompromising. They Mansfield. Under each aigency is a complete list of i labor parley, sent Citrine a cablegiam served notice, after conferring with A. One of the gratifying phases of the its field offices, where sales actualy take ' informing him the AFL would not send F. L. President William Green, that they national election was the elimination of would be satisfied with nothing short of place. I any representative to the Dec. 4 prellm- a number of reactionary isolationists ' inaries and the invitation to the Janu- revision of the Litlte Steel formula The guide's index makes the following j from the national congress. |ary labor congress would be taken up which would adjust wage rates upward catégorial assignment of property : cap- i by the executive board at the AFL con­ to make up for increased living costs. ital and producers goods, RFC ; consum-1 Serious Lack of Child ers’ goods (other than foods), Treasury j vention in New Orleans. : c It would be impossible, In the A. F. L.’s Originally scheduled for June 8. the Procurement; foods, WFA; all types of judgment, to deal adequately with the Care Services Revealed world labor conclave was postponed due problem on the basis of evidence in any "As long as the size of the family surplus property abroad, FEA; merchant 'to travel restrictions pending the In- ships and small-powered water craft and |1 (single case until the over-all policy is pocketbook determines whether a child various maritime items, U. S. Maritime '/asion of Europe. The 9 CIO internat­ decided. and his mother are going to get the best Commission; industrial scrap material,ional vice presidents,, „ Sec., T Treas,____ James_ Furthermore, the A. F. L. is disturbed available medical care at birth, we are and other items resulting from contract |B- W and Gen. Cou^el Ue Pressman, ■ by increasing indications on the part of undermining the possibility of main­ 1 previously delegated, will attend the con­ 4 the public members of the NWLB of a taining a healthy and strong generation,” termination, Navy Department and War gress with Murray when it convenes in desire to continue stalling on thèir re­ Dr. Leonard W. Mayo told the annual Department. Then under each agency ; £w-.: heading are cataloged full illustrative January. port to the President, thus delaying the meeting of the board of directors of the lists of the types of property handled. Back in September Murray sent Cit- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt final decision for months, fS. Child Welfare League. ••If small business is to receive its fair|rine a letter, urging quick action in call- A. F. L. Secretary-Treasurer George The League reported serious and un­ share of surpluses, goods must be made. ing the United Nations labor meet and Meany charged in a public statement MIKE MANSFIELD necessary suffering and increased deaths accessible through simple, convenient I stressing the importance of forging un- that NWLB Chairman Davis had “in- from diarrhea among this year’s record and well-advertised disposal methods,” ity among the nations for peace. j crop of babies overtaxing of existing Senator Stewart said in a letter of sub- He earlier had sent the CIO proposed '■SOUTH AMERICAN SOVIET UNION TO draw” from^hftoardlfSey^perristed MONTANA’S 0I10TA child care facilities, a newly discovered mittal to the committee chairman, Sen- agenda for the conclave to be attended I in their refusal to participate further in »'»vil 1 min «J l fi need for these services, and a gain in ator James E. Muray. by union organizations of 37 countries j specific cases until the general wage s-irt nin irmrn prinn Înationwide efiorts to provide day care “Your subcommittee on Surplus War representing 45 million organized work- LABOR EAGER TO ATTEND WORLD policy is settled. (jf I/AK 1 IKtj jtl for children of working mothers. The Property has received a number of re- ers, with suggestions for speeding the al- Davis quickly denied having issued j | overall; lack of services for the protec- ultimatum, although it was I Montana’s passenger car tire quota for tion of children is “disgraceful to a quests for information on the means to Hed war effort toward victory, facilitat- such an be employed in acquiring surplus prop- ing postwar reconversion and establish- KNOW Ü.S. UNIONS BUSINESS MEETING learned that other public members had November is slightly larger than the country with so many resources," the NEW YORK (FP)—Business and in- erty. The accompanying report repre- ing an international trade union move- WASHINGTON (FP)—Two of the Lat- warned him to retreat from his extreme October quota, A. T. Patterson, State oj eague declared. sents the information on this subject ment, In Amifican labor representatives, dustry representatives of 48 nations will | posjti0n. PA Director, said today. ________ furnished by the Bureau of the Budget, In first declining Citrine’s invitation'«^ of the U S. Dept, of Labor fin- attend the Inti. Business Conference j ,mj-. Meany and Matthew Woll, the The November quota of 6,565 is 987 I more than the quota for October. It is ' Wins« Attorney, p J with the approval of the Surplus War|t0 attend the ]abor c0ngress, the AFL,ished the fir6tlap Z riZvardf the U, 3. Chamber of Cora-[other A. F. L. board member, were re- Property Administrator. By reference to retused on grounds that it should have u- s- wak Plants, textile mills shipy r . called by just about large enough to meet estimât- «Cnerâl Xvctce merce, the Natl. Assn, of Manufacturers i ported to be suspicious of a move by the this report, small businessmen will be ; been caUed by the InU Federation of]and an'plane fact°ties. ^epoF* g , ° j NWLB to appease certain C. I. O. unions ed November replacement demands by able to determine on the basis of au-|Tradc Unions mstead of the BTUC. A*|'vomen.s «vision Nov. 1 ‘^ait they v and the Natl. Foreign Trade Council at j| by offering “hidden” wage increases in'eligible ”C” and "B” ration holders, Pet- thoritative information the steps to be L attendance will be possible only If the ]learm:d mllch about wo k g conditions the Westchester Country Club, Rye, N. jtbe jorm 0f differentials for night work, erson said, but is not large enough to taken to be informed of surplus disposal | executiVP board should reverse its de.
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