San Marcos River Watershed Monitoring Stations – RM 150 San Marcos River Blanco FM 535 FM 2001 1815 River

San Marcos River Watershed Monitoring Stations – RM 150 San Marcos River Blanco FM 535 FM 2001 1815 River

San Marcos River Watershed Monitoring Stations – RM 150 San Marcos River Blanco FM 535 FM 2001 1815 River HAYS FM 1185 FM 812 BI 35J RM 150 12672-G San Marcos River at IH 35 in 1813 ® San Marcos FM 1854 12671-T San Marcos River 0.7 m downstream FM 672 FM 2720 RM 32 of IH 35 in San Marcos FM 1966 RM 12 12628-T San Marcos River downstream of SINK CR FM 20 *A FRQÁXHQFHZLWK%ODQFR5LYHU SH 21 # SH 142 SAN MARCOS SL 82 12626-G San Marcos River at Luling 1809 12672-G 12671-T FM 1984 16578-G San Marcos River at SH 90A, near FM 3407 " York Creek MARTINDALE LOCKHART Gonzales PR 10 12628-T FM 713 FM 2673 " FM 1979 FM 1322 IH 35 FM 621 US 183 SH 80 Long Creek FM 2439 FM 1978 Dickerson Creek FM 86 FM 3158 COMAL FM 671 Caney Creek FM 1977 FM 306 WaterFM Hole 1102 Creek FM 1979 Callihan Creek RM 2722 FM 2984 CALDWELL FM 3353 3353 FM FM Mesquite Creek FM 483 FM 1339 YORK CR FM 20 " SAN MARCOS R FM 1863 FM 1101 BS 46C FM 758 US 90 BI 35H SL 337 LULING Mule Creek FM 2623 12626-G Wolf Creek "# FM 482 SH 46 1808 US 90 " US 183 GUADALUPE " FM 1104 Highsmith Creek SH 304 304 SH SH Smith Creek FM 725 SH 123 SH Legend 123 SH FM 2438 Monitoring Station Artesia CreekCanoe Creek PR 11 Stream Segment Smith Creek FM 1586 FM 1044 " Segment Boundary FM 1150 " Tributary SH 97 BS 123B BS FM 464 123B BS WatershedFM 78 Boundary Dry Fork FM 2091 FM 794 City 1808 SH 80 GONZALES Oil Reserve FM 465 FM 725 FM 466 GONZALES 16578-G FM 532 FM 775 UA 90 Sampling sites are labeled in red followed by FM 467 FM 477 " DomesticIH 10 WW Permit SS 146 the letter G (GBRA), T (TCEQ), U (UGRA) or W " Texas Land Application Permit FM 2091 FM 1117 FM FM 1117 FM (Wimberley) indicating who is the monitoring entity. # USGS Gage San Marcos River Watershed Vegetation Cover: Water Body Uses: Aquatic Life Use, Contact Recreation Pasture/Hay- 27.0% Evergreen Forest - 12.8% Use, General Use, Fish Consumption Use, and Drainage Area: 522 square miles Grass/Herbaceous - 16.3% Shrublands - 12.2% Public Water Supply Use Streams and Rivers: Lower San Marcos River, Deciduous Forest - 19.0% Row Crops - 8.6% Upper San Marcos River, Sink Creek, York Creek Climate: Soils: Varies from thin limestone to black, waxy, Aquifers:Edwards-Balcones Fault Zone, Carrizo-Wilcox Average annual rainfall: 33 inches chocolate, and grey loam River Segments: 1814, 1808 Average annual temperature: January 40° July 96° Permitted Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Cities: San Marcos, Maxwell, Martindale, Fentress, Land Uses: Urban, Industry, Agricultural Crops (corn, Domestic: 4, Land Application: 2, Industrial: 0 Prairie Lea, Luling, Ottine, Gonzales sorghum, hay, cotton, wheat, pecans), Cattle & Hog Counties: Hays, Guadalupe, Caldwell, Gonzales Production, Poultry Production, Oil Production, and Recreation EcoRegion: Edwards Plateau, Post Oak Savannah, Texas Blackland Prairies - 66 - 2008 Basin Summary Report Wastewater Contributions RM0012RM 12 In addition to the city of San Marcos’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), CREEKK CR there is one other wastewater discharge to the segment. The Texas Parks and SH 21 SH0021 Wildlife Department’s A.E. Wood Fish Hatchery manages a concentrated aquatic 1814 SAN MARCOS 1814 FM 2325 7 FM1854 SLSL0082 82 Blanco River SAN MARCOS RM3237RM 323 FM2001 18151815 US0183 animal production general permit. The General Permit (TXG130005) requires BI0035J HAYS FM1185 RM0150RM 150 ek 1813 RM 12 ! FMFM1984 1984 1809 12672-G® PHDVXULQJDQGUHSRUWLQJÁRZRQFHGDLO\GDLO\PD[LPXPWRWDOVXVSHQGHGVROLGVRI 1809 FMFM3407 3407 1808 RM0032 RM 32 FMFM2720 2720 12672" FMFM1966 1966 RM0012RM 12 Purgatory CreekSINKSINK CREEK CR Plum Creek ! 90 milligrams per liter (mg/L) monitored once per month; dissolved oxygen of 5.0 FM0020 SH 21 FM 20 SH0021 1814 SAN MARCOS 1814 SH 142 SAN MARCOS SLSL0082 82 12628-T12628 MAXWELL FM1984 *A mg/L monitored once per week; carbonaceous oxygen demand of 250 pounds per ! FM 1984 12672-G FM 713 York Creek FMFM3407 3407 LOCKHART 12672" 1808 FM 20 FM 306 York Creek ! 183 US SH0142SH 142 PR0010 FM0713 12628 SH0123 FM2673 12628-T MARTINDALE " SH0123 FMFM1322 1322 IH 35 day maximum reported once per month and an ammonia daily maximum of 2.0 IH 35 SH 123 IH0035 SH 123 IH0035 " FMFM1979 1979 Long Creek FM2439 FM1978 FM 2439 FM 1978 Dickerson Creek FM 86 Dickerson Creek 439 FM0086 FMFM3158 3158 78 FM1979 FM0621 439 FM 1979 FM 621 FM 671 978 COMAL FM0671 " mg/L. The city of San Marcos wastewater plant is permitted to discharge 9 million Caney Creek FMFM1977 1977 FM0306 Caney Creek FM 306 WaterFMFM1102 Hole 1102 Creek 1808 Callihan Creek FMFM1979 1979 Callihan Creek RM2722 gallons per day. After a lengthy court battle, the San Marcos River Foundation was FENTRESS CALDWELL US 183 183 US SH0304 FM3353 FM 3353 3353 FM SH 304 304 SH FM 671 ek Creek Saols Mesquite CreCreek FMFM2984 2984 FM0483IH 35 FMFM1339 1339 YORK CR FM0020 PRAIRIE YORK CREEK LEASAN MARCOS R FM 20 VXFFHVVIXOLQJHWWLQJWKHFLW\·VHIÁXHQWWUHDWHGWRDKLJKHUTXDOLW\7KHHIÁXHQWPXVW BS0046C FMFM1386 1386 FM1863 San Marcos FMFM1101 1101 SHSH0080 80 River BI0035H SL0337 LULING FM0758 Mule Creek US0090US 90 Brushy Creek Mule Creek meet high quality standards of 5 mg/L biochemical oxygen demand, 5 mg/L total FMFM2623 2623 12626-G FM0725 Wolf Creek SH0046 Wolf Creek ! FM0482 12626 IH 10 US0090 " Legend GUADALUPE US 90 Highsmith Creek FM1104 Highsmith Creek FM 1104 suspended solids, 2 mg/L ammonia-nitrogen and 1 mg/L total phosphorus. The ! Monitoring Station SmithSmith Creek Creek River FM2438 " HWY 123 B B 123 HWY Artesia Creek FM 20 FM 2438 Artesia CreekCanoe Creek PR 11 Segment Boundary PR0011 IH 10 OTTINE Smith Creek FM1586FM 1586 US0183 wastewater plant utilizes ultraviolet light for disinfection and is allowed to discharge Smith Creek US 183 Tributaries FM1044 " FM2091 Watershed Boundary FM 2091 FM0464 BS0123B USUA0090 90A City FM0078 Dry Fork SH 97 up to 200 organisms per 100 milliliter of fecal coliform bacteria. The wastewater SH0097 HWY 123 123 HWY FM0794 FM 794 FM1150 Oil Reserve FM 1150 1808 SH 80 County with significant poultry activities SH0080 FM0465 FM0725 5052.5 BU0183V ® Road Miles GONZALES FM0532FM 532 SODQWKDVUHFHLYHGDXWKRUL]DWLRQIURPWKH7&(4WRUHXVHWKHHIÁXHQWIRULUULJDWLRQ FM0775 FM0477 ! County Line SS0146 IH0010 16578-G16578 SS 146 FM0467 # Industrial WW Permit FM 2091 FM2091 GONZALES FM1117 FM1117 FM1117 FM1117 FM0466 on golf courses and dust control, when possible. The Gary Job Corps Center (GJCC), " Domestic WW Permit " Texas Land Application Permit located along this segment, no longer discharges treated wastewater to the San 7KH6DQ0DUFRV5LYHULVGLYLGHGLQWRWZRFODVVLÀHGVWUHDPVHJPHQWV6HJPHQW Marcos River. The GJCC discontinued its treatment of wastewater in 2000 and 1814, the upper San Marcos RiverH[WHQGVIURPWKHFRQÁXHQFHRIWKH6DQ sends its raw wastewater to the San Marcos WWTP. Marcos and Blanco Rivers, just outside the city of San Marcos, to the headwaters of the river in and around Spring Lake within the city. The segment is 4.5 miles long Endangered Species and is separated into four assessment units: the lower 1.5 miles; from that point to IH 35; from IH 35 to Spring Lake; and, the remaining portion of the segment to the The San Marcos River is home to the Texas Wild Rice and fountain darter, headwaters. The lower San Marcos, segment 1808, is described in the following ERWKHQGDQJHUHGVSHFLHV7KHFRQVWDQWWHPSHUDWXUHDQGFRQVLVWHQWÁRZPDNH section. GBRA has been monitoring the San Marcos River at IH 35 (site no. 12672) the conditions conducive to these unique species as well as other native and quarterly since 1998. The GBRA site is located in the upper half of the segment, QRQQDWLYHDTXDWLFÁRUDDQGIDXQD7KH7H[DV:LOG5LFHLVLQGDQJHURIEHLQJ above the discharge of the city’s wastewater treatment plant but below the city’s out-competed by an invasive non-native aquatic plant, cryptocoryne, also known as downtown and business district. TCEQ has one historical site less than one mile water trumpet. Water trumpet is a fast-growing rooted aquatic plant with no natural downstream of the GBRA site that has data from 1991 to 1997. TCEQ monitored predators. In addition to the damage it poses to Texas Wild Rice, water trumpet is this site two to four times per year. There are other TCEQ sites in this segment but replacing the habitat that the fountain darter relies on. Removal or control of this with very limited data sets. LQYDVLYHSODQWLVGLIÀFXOWEHFDXVHLWLVIRXQGFRPPLQJOHGZLWKWKHZLOGULFH*HQWOH removal techniques, that are very labor intensive, have been employed so as to not Stakeholder Concerns uproot or damage the wild rice. The cryptocoryne is an example of the damage that can come from introduction of non-native species, in this case, most likely The stakeholders, primarily the San Marcos River Foundation, have asked that introduced by people disposing of the contents of their aquariums. Other species TCEQ locate a monitoring site downstream of the city’s discharge. The closest that are associated with the improper disposal of aquarium populations include monitoring station downstream of the discharge is at site no. 12629 (approximately loriicarids (algae eaters), hydrilla and the giant ram’s horn snail. 0.5 miles) but only four sampling events were conducted in 1999-2000. When asked at a basin steering committee meeting, representatives of the TCEQ Region Water Quality RIÀFHH[SODLQHGWKHGLIÀFXOW\RIJHWWLQJSXEOLFDFFHVVIRUDPRQLWRULQJVLWHLQ close proximity and downstream of the wastewater treatment plant. The San 7KHVWUHDPVHJPHQWLVKHDYLO\LQÁXHQFHGE\VSULQJVIURPWKH(GZDUGV$TXLIHU Marcos River Foundation offered to assist in locating a landowner that could grant located in the hills above the city and in Spring Lake. The springs discharge a public access to the regional Surface Water Quality Monitoring team.

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