Exhibitiones archaeologicae ecclesiae s. Nicolai 1 Luka Bekić, Šime Vrkić, Mladen Pešić, Roko Surić EAEN 1 / 2017 Sveti Nikola u Zadru - Saint Nicholas in Zadar Arheološko iskopavanje u samostanskom sklopu sv. Nikola u Zadru 2014. - 2016. Archaeological Excavations at Zadar’s St Nicholas Monastery Complex 2014 – 2016 ISBN 978-953-56855-3-1 Sveti Nikola u Zadru - Saint Nicholas in Zadar 1 dio / Part 1 Sveti Nikola u Zadru - Saint Nicholas in Zadar 1 dio / Part 1 Impressum / Credits Izdavač / Publisher Međunarodni centar za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar Urednik / Editor Luka Bekić Recenzenti / Reviewers Karla Gusar, Igor Borzić Prijelom i dizajn / DTP Marija Marfat Prijevod / Translation Neven Ferenčić Korektor / Proofreading Maja Kaleb Tisak / Printer Stega tisak d.o.o. Naklada / Print run 500 Zadar 2017. CIP-Katalogizacija u publikaciji Znanstvena knjižnica Zadar UDK 904:726>(497.581.1Zadar) 726(497.581.1Zadar) BEKIĆ, Luka SVETI Nikola u Zadru : arheološko iskopavanje u samostanskom sklopu sv. Nikola u Zadru 2014. - 2016. = Saint Nicholas in Zadar : archaeological excavations at Zadar’s St Nicholas monastery complex 2014 - 2016 / Luka Bekić ... <et al.> ; <prijevod, translation Neven Ferenčić>. - Zadar : Međunarodni centar za podvodnu arheologiju = International Centre for Underwater Archaeology, 2018. - 244 str. : ilustr. (pretežno u bojama) ; 30 cm. - (Exhibitiones archaeologicae ecclesiae s. Nicolai ; 1) Bibliografija. ISBN 978-953-56855-3-1 1. Bekić, Luka 150824051 Exhibitiones archaeologicae ecclesiae s. Nicolai 1 Luka Bekić, Šime Vrkić, Mladen Pešić, Roko Surić Sveti Nikola u Zadru - Saint Nicholas in Zadar Arheološko iskopavanje u samostanskom sklopu sv. Nikola u Zadru 2014. - 2016. Archaeological Excavations at Zadar’s St Nicholas Monastery Complex 2014–2016 1 dio / Part 1 Zadar 2017. Sadržaj / Contents 1. Uvod / Introduction 4. Prostor sv. Nikole u novovjekovno doba / The St Nicholas Site in the 9 Šime Vrkić Post-Medieval Period Povijest istraživanja lokaliteta sv. Nikola u Zadru Excavations – Past and Present – at the St Nicholas 83 Šime Vrkić Site in Zadar Nepokretni nalazi iz novog vijeka iz sv. Nikole u Zadru 2. Prostor sv. Nikole u prapovijesno doba Post-Medieval Features at St Nicholas / The St Nicholas Site in Prehistory in Zadar 15 Mladen Pešić 97 Šime Vrkić Keramički nalazi željeznog doba iz Grobovi i groblja u samostanskom kompleksu kompleksa sv. Nikole sv. Nikola u Zadru Iron Age Pottery at the St Nicholas Complex Post-Medieval Graves and Cemeteries at the St Nicholas monastery complex in Zadar 3. Prostor sv. Nikole u antičko i srednjovjekovno doba / The St Nicholas 113 Roko Surić Nalazi srednjovjekovnog i novovjekovnog Site in the Antiquity and Middle Ages glaziranog posuđa kod crkve sv. Nikole u Zadru Medieval and Post-Medieval Glazed Pottery Finds 29 Šime Vrkić at Zadar’s St Nicholas Church Nepokretni nalazi iz doba antike i srednjeg vijeka iz sv. Nikole u Zadru 131 Luka Bekić Antiquity and Medieval Features at St Nicholas Necakljena keramika novog vijeka iz okoliša in Zadar crkve sv. Nikole u Zadru Post-Medieval Unglazed Pottery from the Environs 37 Luka Bekić of Zadar’s St Nicholas Church Antička, kasnoantička i srednjovjekovna gruba keramika i amfore kod crkve sv. Nikole u Zadru 137 Luka Bekić Antiquity, Late Antiquity and Medieval Coarse Duhanske lule iz nekadašnje vojarne Pottery and Amphorae at Zadar’s sv. Nikola u Zadru St Nicholas Church Tobacco Smoking Pipes from the Former St Nicholas Barracks in Zadar 63 Mladen Pešić Antička fina keramika i uljanice iz sv. Nikole u Zadru 151 Šime Vrkić Antiquity Period Fine Pottery and Oil Lamps from Koštani predmeti iz sv. Nikole u Zadru St Nicholas in Zadar Bone Artefacts from St Nicholas in Zadar 75 Luka Bekić 159 Luka Bekić Metalni, stakleni i ostali antički i srednjovjekovni Novovjekovni i moderni numizmatički nalazi nalazi iz sv. Nikole u Zadru pronađeni kod crkve sv. Nikole u Zadru Metal, Glass and Other Antique and Medieval Post-Medieval and Contemporary Numismatic Finds from St Nicholas in Zadar Finds Recovered at Zadar’s St Nicholas Church 171 Šime Vrkić 5. Zaključna razmatranja / Svetačke medaljice i drugi religiozni predmeti Discussion & Conclusions iz sv. Nikole u Zadru Devotional Medals and Other Religious Items 223 Šime Vrkić, Luka Bekić from St Nicholas in Zadar Povijest i arheologija samostanskog sklopa Svetog Nikole u Zadru 187 Luka Bekić The History and Archaeology of Zadar’s St Nicholas Novovjekovni i moderni metalni nalazi iz okoliša Monastery Complex crkve sv. Nikole u Zadru Post-Medieval and Contemporary Metal Finds from 235 Literatura i izvori / Bibliography and Sources the Environs of Zadar’s St Nicholas Church 205 Luka Bekić Novovjekovni i moderni stakleni nalazi iz sv. Nikole u Zadru Post-Medieval and Modern Glass Finds at Zadar’s St Nicholas Church 211 Roko Surić Arhitektonski elementi iz kompleksa sv. Nikole The Architectural Elements of the St Nicholas Complex 1. Uvod / Introduction Šime VRKIĆ Povijest istraživanja lokaliteta Excavations – Past and Present – sv. Nikola u Zadru at the St Nicholas Site in Zadar Najstariji interes za arheološke ostatke na lokalitetu Sv. The eighteenth century saw the earliest known interest in Nikola u Zadru zabilježen je u 18. stoljeću, tijekom kojega su the archaeology of Zadar’s St Nicholas site, with two digs un- dva puta bili otkopani ostaci građevine za koju su suvremenici dertaken of architectural ruins deemed by contemporaries to smatrali da pripada crkvi sv. Nikole iz 11. stoljeća. Prve podatke be the remains of the eleventh century church of St Nicholas. o tome nalazu zabilježio je zadarski kanonik Ivan Tanzlinger The first records of the find were made by Zadar canon Ivan Zanotti (1651.-1732.) u svome rukopisnom djelu „La dama Tanzlinger Zanotti (1651–1732) in his manuscript La dama cronologica“ ili „Notizione storiche di Zara“. On je zapisao da cronologica or Notizione storiche di Zara. He wrote that the su 1716. godine, prilikom rušenja i obnove bedema i bastiona remains of a church were found in 1716 – with the walls bear- sv. Nikole, otkriveni ostaci crkve na čijim su zidovima bile ing frescoes depicting various saints – in the course of the vidljive freske s prikazima različitih svetaca (Bianchi 1877, 402; demolition and renovation of the ramparts and bastion of St Brunelli 1891, 126). Pronađeni ostaci zatrpani su odmah po Nicholas (Bianchi 1877, 402; Brunelli 1891, 126). The discov- završetku građevinskih radova. Međutim, ponovno su izašli ered ruins were backfilled as soon as construction work was na vidjelo 1761. godine, kada je providur Francesco Diedo completed. They were, however, once again revealed in 1761 naručio kopanje jarka u blizini bastiona sv. Nikole, na kojemu when Proveditor Francesco Diedo ordered that ditches be se tada nalazila vjetrenjača za mljevenje žita. Tom prilikom dug near the bastion of St Nicholas, which at the time housed ponovno su otkriveni ostaci građevine s freskama svetaca sv. a windmill used to grind grain. Again on this occasion the re- Nikole, sv. Jeronima, sv. Marije Magdalene i sv. Lovre (Bianchi mains of a structure were unearthed with frescoes depicting 1877, 402). Osim toga, pronađene su nadgrobne ploče s St Nicholas, St Jerome, St Mary Magdalene and St Lawrence isklesanim likom biskupa i vitezova, kvadratne ploče koje bi (Bianchi 1877, 402). Also found were gravestones with the mogle pripadati popločenju starijeg samostana i rimski carski carved image of the bishop and knights, square slabs that novac (Bianchi 1877, 402-403). may have been from the paving of the earlier monastery and Roman imperial coins (Bianchi 1877, 402–403). Prvi arheološki radovi unutar kompleksa samostana sv. Nikole provedeni su 1988. godine. Radove je vodio Zavod za The first archaeological work within the St Nicholas mon- zaštitu spomenika kulture u suradnji s Arheološkim muzejom astery complex was conducted in 1988. The campaign was u Zadru. Istraživanja su provedena u sklopu sanacije crkve i led by the Cultural Monuments Protection Institute in collab- dijela samostana sv. Nikole, a uključivala su iskopavanje dviju oration with the Archaeological Museum in Zadar. Excava- probnih sondi unutar crkve (Vežić 1992, 306, bilj. 5). Prva je tions were conducted in the frame of the repair of the church sonda iskopana uz pročelje, čime je potvrđeno da je barokna and of a part of the monastery of St Nicholas, and included crkva iz 18. stoljeća izgrađena na ostacima srednjovjekovne the digging of two test pits within the church (Vežić 1992, crkve iz 14. stoljeća, od koje je naslijedila veći dio pročelnog 306, bilj. 5). The first trench was excavated along the façade zida (Vežić 1988, 311). Druga je sonda iskopana na prostoru and confirmed that the eighteenth century Baroque period apside, točnije uz njen istočni zid, gdje je istražen dio grobne church was in fact built onto the remains of a fourteenth kripte (sl. 1). Na ovu sondu nadovezala su se istraživanja iz century medieval church, from which it inherited a large 2014. godine u kojima je istražen prostor ispred vanjskog part of the façade wall (Vežić 1988, 311). A second trench ulaza u kriptu i manji dio njene unutrašnjosti. Na žalost, od was dug in the apse, more precisely along its eastern wall, istraživanja iz 1988. godine nisu sačuvana izvješća niti druga where part of the burial crypt was investigated (Fig. 1). The terenska dokumentacija, izuzev nekoliko fotografija i jedne excavations of 2014, which saw the investigation of the area skice, na kojima je vidljiv nalaz starijeg zida položenog u facing the outer entrance to the crypt and a small part of its Sveti Nikola u Zadru / Saint Nicholas in Zadar 9 Šime Vrkić Povijest istraživanja lokaliteta sv. Nikola u Zadru interior, continued on this trench. Unfortunate- ly no reports or field documentation have been preserved from the 1988 excavations outside of a few photographs and one drawing on which we see the find of the older wall running from the northwest to the southeast, while we know of no data pertaining to small finds.
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