Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1951-11-16 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1951). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1892. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1892 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. •iov -·. , 1951 < . LET'S GO USKIES! Xavier University News .11 Weekly Newspape1· By Students F1'oni The Evanston, Downtown Aud Milf01·d Camvuses. VOLUME XXXVI CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1951 NO. 8 UNBEATEN X, UC TO MEET SATURDAY .·.::::::::;:\~/;!·i.•.' .·:·:· .• :·::::::.=: .. :::; ~;:)ii_;'.·.:.:::-..:::.~ ·\~~;1•Linebacker Bill McDonalcl Tackle Andy Matto Quarterback Gene Rossi Guarcl Jack Tracy Coml1i11atio:n Rally Ancl Dauce Traditio:nal l11tra-City Rivalry T·o Precede Game Sat11rday Geared To Higl1est Pitcl1 Ever UC Co-Captain Ralph Staub A combination pep rally and be provided by Joe Lorentz and By Jim O'Connell dance will be held this Friday his band. The admission price i.;; News Co-Etlitor night before the annual X-UC 50 cents per person and 75 cents V icto,-y Mass fl elll Xavier and the University of Cincinnati will send a pair game. The dorm council is spon­ per couple. A door prize will be of undefeated football teams into their traditional gridiron soring the dance and ti1e student raffied during the evening'. In Ca11ipus Chapel classic Saturday afternoon at 2:15 p.m. in UC's Nippert Sta­ council is in charge of the pep The annual Victory Mass for rally. the success of the Musketeers in dium. Never before in the seven previous meetings between The rally and dance, which is Pigskin Luncheon the UC game was celebrated Fri­ the two schools have both teams entered the contest unbeaten. open to the public, will begin at To Draw 800 Faus; day morning at 7: 45 in Bellar­ The Musketeers' 7-7 tie with 8 p.m. in front of the shrine of mine Chapel. Members of the Camp Lejeune is the only thing waii, Louisville, Western Reserve, Our Lady of Victory, where Fr. Waite 1-Ioyt E1ncee team and their supporters gath­ preventing both squads' records Texas Western, Hardin-Simmons and Ohio University. Only Tulsa, Buschman will lead some prayers. Over 800 football fans will be ered to seek divine help in Sat­ from being perfect in every re­ There will then be a candlelight on hand Friday afternoon, Nov. urday's intra-city battle. spect. Over 30,000 fans are ex­ which Cincy out-oITcnsed, 47-35, parade to the armory. 16, at 12: 15 p.m. in the Roof Gar­ pected to be present for what and Hardin-Simmons, victim by a nai·row 13-12 margin, have pre­ The pep rally will feature as den of the Hotel Sheraton-Gibson by Dr. Raymond F. Walters, could be the greatest football speakers Joe Kruse, a member of for the annual Pigskin Rally president of the University of game ever played in The Queen sented the Bearcals with any real the '26 football' team, Coach Ed Luncheon of the Cincinnati Cincinnati; Rev. James F. Ma­ City. Kluska, Al Stephan, Tito Car­ Chamber of Commerce. The af­ guire, S. J., president of Xavier; UC Boasts Nine Straight See Lineups, Pictures inci, George Gilmartin and Bob fair will honor the players and coaches Sid Gillman and Ed Conch Sid Gillman's Bearcats Pages 4, 5 Finnell. There will also be a coaches of UC and Xavier on the Kluslrn; Bearcat Co - captains have captured nine straight vic­ prominent figure as master of eve of their traditional game. Ralph Staub and Nick Shundich, tories, the longest winning streak problems. If the Red and Black ceremonies, who had not been Waite Hoyt, WCPO sports com­ and Captain Tito Carinci of the in the history of UC football. can conquer Xavier, Miami will announced as the News went to mentator and former big league Musketeers. Numbered among the 'Cats' be the lone obstacle standing in press. pitcher, will be maslet' of cere­ H. Leo Koester, a Xavier alum­ prizes arc Virginia Military In­ the way of Cincinnati's first all·­ The evening's musical fare will monies. Speeches will be made, nus, is in charge of the rally. stitute, Kansas State, Tulsa, Ha- winning grid campaign.· Likewise, the Musketeers, own­ ers of a 7-0-1 record, can look Ho1neco1ning Crowd Sees Econ Cl11b Win Float Parade forward to their first undefeated season if they can get by the Grads Con1e Fron1 Near · ' · · ; , >> \.. .. "Cats" since Toledo is not ex­ . .· ' '\ . pected lo give them too much Ancl Far To Celebration ··'f{ . \ ...., trouble on Thanksgiving Day. By Bob J?itzpttlrick ~-i;.fjf/ ..... _.. ~· Rossi Big Threat Alumni from the entire mid- As usual, the Bearcnts' biggest 1 western area returned to the threat will come through the air. Quarterback Gene Rossi, w h o Xavier campus last Saturday, passed the Xavier secondary dizzy Nov. 10, for the annual Home­ in last year's 33-20 UC victory, coming ceremonies. A crowd is among the country's passing of eight thousand graduates and leaders, having completed 12 TD students was on· hand to witness tosses. Rossi's principal targets the Musketeer victory over John are ends Dick Jarvis and Co­ Carroll together with the tradi­ captain Ralph Staub. The "Cats" tional parade o f homecoming wide-open ground game from floats constructed by the various both the tight and spread T for­ activity and dormitory groups. m a ti on s complements th cir Winner in the float competi­ aerial attack. Veteran Bobby tion was the Economics Club Stratton and sophomore Dick entry, which depicted Xavier ·f'B.GIYEIHE BDJSR·H~ Gordon will probably start as halfback, with Bob Dougherty at students donating blood to the SI;~~~;~ ·~=t·~·~·~·:··1·~···'ii~~ E~~l~~;~;i~s ci~;b .float.· \l'hlch took first place' i.~ ··ti~~ pre-game 11ar:ule. The float Reel Cross. full. However Gillman will have was on the theme of the coming Xavier Bloo1l Cam11aign. -Photo by Heavcrn in reserve five other experienced Prizes for beauty and humor bucks in Dom Del Bene, Jack were taken. by the Pershing Ri­ Namara, who was elected by vote guire, S. J. while the undergrads made merry Delaney, Dix Anthony, Harry flles and the Clef Club respec­ of the student body. Miss Mc­ Students and alumni held sep­ at a dance held in the fieldhouse. Andreadis and Joe Benzinger. tively. Namara was officially crowned arate celebrations in the evening, The homecoming ceremonies The rest of the oITensive team Reigning over the entire pro­ during the halftime ceremonies the alumni meeting for dinner were under the general chair­ (Continued on Page 8) ceedings was Queen Pat Mc- by the Very Rev. James F. Ma- and dancing at the Hotel Alms, manship of Jim Spraul. PAGE TWO XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1951 Letter From UC Editor hether sports is his favorite pastime or Wnot, every student looks forward to the Comnion Sense Beyond XU-UC games with pleasure. We all enjoy a manating from any group of football-minded game when the competition is tough; and when the opposing team hails from the same city, E students gathered anywhere on campus is The X- Horizon the interest doubles. talk like this: "We've got to beat UC this year. If we lose, our season is a flop even though In Bearcat-land we're hoping for an unde­ we'll tack up an 8-1-1 record." And so on ad By Jim Gilli1an feated record this season-the same as all XU nauseam. Why?. fans undoubtedly hope for the Musketeers. Why is it that the X-UC game and victory When we meet this Saturday, you on one side therein should be thought by some to be the of the stadium and we on the other, the com­ thread by which the futures of the two schools According to the Silver and Gold, things started oft with petitive spirit between the Cincinnati univer­ hang? Will the loser suffer public disgrace? a bang at the Un~versity of Colorado not long ago when s~u­ sities should hit a record high. Why must the fanatic elements of both rooting dents attending a morning lecture got exactly what they were Yet this spirit, rapidly mounting as the sections be so quick to bellow their raucous game approaches, must be supported by an wishing for-the roof fell in. affirmation at the sight of an opposing player While the professor droned on, the ceiling began to crack understanding of why UC and XU enter the injured on the field? Is it true, as some main­ gridiron struggle. Of course the object is to tain, that the great intra-city series is more of loudly. The professor screamed a win. But if both the winning and the losing a detriment than a boon to the amicable re­ hasty warning and students fted man for the magazine, "we had schools do not enjoy the contest, the effort is lationship which should exist between Xavier in all directions. Two jumped out the youth wear a sweater em­ a total loss. Both must emerge with something and the University of Cincinnati? the window while others hid un­ blazoned with a huge X. But, gained. That something is the mutual recogni­ Now what was said above is not meant to der furniture.
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