New England Biolabs Foundation 2020 Board-Approved Grants Decision Amount Organization Name Address Project Name Country Date Awarded 39-40 North Road, Establishing eFFective lionFish management in Blue Ventures 12/15/2020 $10,000 Belize London N7 9DP, UK Belize's Fish replenishment zones 249 Windward Passage, Increasing public awareness to conserve the Clearwater Marine AQuarium 12/15/2020 $7,900 Belize Clearwater, FL, USA Antillean Manatee in Belize Sarstoon Temash Institute For P.O Box 127, Punta Gorda Revitalizing Maya Forest Food knowledge, Food Indigenous Management 06/18/2020 $9,000 Belize Town, Toledo, Belize security, and climate change resilience (SATIIM) 2300 Southern Boulevard, Strengthening the management oF Belize’s WildliFe Conservation Society 12/15/2020 $12,000 Belize Bronx, New York, USA small-scale Fisheries sector 20A George Price Street, P.O. Box 177, Punta Monitoring native bee diversity within the Ya'axche Conservation Trust 06/18/2020 $10,000 Belize Gorda, Toledo District, Maya Golden Landscape in southern Belize Belize P.O. Box 3962, Santa Wealth Untold: At the nexus oF culture and Belize; Exploring Solutions Past 06/18/2020 $9,000 Barbara, CA, USA nature in the Maya Forest Guatemala Cuidando el medio ambiente y medidas contra el COVID-19 con el trabajo de los Calle Nataniel Aguirre # niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) migrantes Instituto Politecnico Tomas 560, Sucre, Oropeza, 06/18/2020 $9,000 de barrios periurbanos del municipio de Bolivia Katari (IPTK) Bolivia Sucre/Caring For the environment and measures against COVID-19 with youth From Sucre Main Block, Opposite Centre For Community Double Pole, Bitngui- Community-led onitiatives For the restoration Regeneration and Bokova Road, Buea, 12/15/2020 $5,000 Cameroon oF degraded Forests and livelihoods Development South West Region, Cameroon Samco Junction, Centre For Nursery Ameliorating productivity oF Farmlands in buFFer Bondadikombo Mile 4, Development and Eru 06/18/2020 $7,000 zone oF Mount Cameroon National Park Cameroon Limbe, South West Propagation (CENDEP) through promotion oF nitrogen Fixing plants Region, Cameroon Old Market SQuare, Community Action For Promoting community wildliFe management in Bangem, South West 06/18/2020 $6,500 Cameroon Development (CAD) the Bakossi Landscape Area Region, Cameroon ChieF Street Bomaka- Rebuilding the Bakingili Community Forest, Ecological Balance Buea, Buea, South West 12/15/2020 $7,000 Cameroon tree by tree Region, Cameroon Organization For Gender, Civic West End Junction, Engagement and Youth Newtown, Limbe, South 12/15/2020 $9,000 Green City Theatre Road Show: Buea edition Cameroon Development (OGCEYOD) West, Cameroon A pioneering agroForestry techniQue to reduce Pan AFrican Sanctuary 3426 S.W. Arnold Street, 12/15/2020 $10,000 poverty and protect wildliFe habitat in Cameroon Alliance (PASA) Portland, OR, USA Cameroon P B. 582 Mankon, Near Supporting hunters to reduce pressure on Express Union Famers Sekakoh 12/15/2020 $7,500 Cameroon's lesser known wildliFe in the Ebo Cameroon house, Bamenda, North Forest Reserve West, Cameroon Zoological Society oF San Community-driven alternative livelihoods and P.O. Box 120551, San Diego (d/b/a San Diego Zoo 12/15/2020 $8,500 habitat monitoring in Cameroon’s Ebo Forest Cameroon Diego, CA, USA Global) Region 520 3rd Street, Suite 108, Women DeFenders oF the Amazon: Two-year Amazon Watch 06/18/2020 $20,000 Ecuador Oakland, CA, USA grant Asunción Cueva y Zulay. Bancos de plantas para consumo comunitario Asociación de Mujeres Shell, Provincia de autosostenible de regreso a las Waorani de la Amazonía Pastaza, ParroQuia Shell, 12/15/2020 $12,000 Ecuador chacras/Building seedling banks For Ecuatoriana Fuera de EE.UU./Canadá, sustainable community use back to the Farms Ecuador Page 1 of 4 As of 3/26/21 New England Biolabs Foundation 2020 Board-Approved Grants Decision Amount Organization Name Address Project Name Country Date Awarded Abdón Calderón y Garcia Fundación Runa (dba DiversiFying Amazonian Farmer imcome with Moreno 205, Tena, Napo, 12/15/2020 $8,000 Ecuador Fundación Aliados) heirloom peanuts Ecuador Recuperación, restauración y manejo sustentable del humedal intercomunitario Barrio Santa Rosa, “Aguajal” y su laguna sagrada, en las Selva Sagrada (as Fiscal agent ParroQuia Tutinentza, comunidades Jiat y Naikim y su zona de For Asociación Agroganadera Taisha, Provincia de 12/15/2020 $6,000 amortiguamiento/Recovery, restoration and Ecuador Taramak Nunka) Morona Santiago, sustainable management oF the “Aguajal” inter- Ecuador community wetland and its sacred lagoon within the Jiat and Naikim communities and buFFer zone 228 Park Avenue South, Indigenous-led grantmaking in the Andes and Ecuador; Land is LiFe PMB 45112, New York, 12/15/2020 $10,000 Amazon Peru NY, USA Accelerated Rural Transforming the ecosystem services Flow P. O. Box 359, Hohoe, Development Organisation 12/15/2020 $10,000 through livelihood enterprises in the Togo Ghana Volta, Ghana (ARDO) Plateau Region Strengthening culture and Faith to promote ABC 22 Achimota, Accra, ECOMAF 12/15/2020 $9,000 community-based crocodile conservation in Ghana Ghana Paga, Ghana Asociación Multicultural de Barrio Cacahuatal, Building resilient communities with Mujeres para el Desarrollo Livingston, Izabal, 06/18/2020 $7,000 participation oF women From AmatiQue Bay: Guatemala Integral y Sostenible Guatemala Phase II Inspirando y empoderando a niños y jóvenes 13 calle 12-50 zona 17, en la conservación de ccosistemas costeros y Finca Lomas del Norte, Semillas del Océano, ONG 12/15/2020 $7,500 marinos//Inspiring and empowering children Guatemala Interior de empresa and youth in the conservation oF coastal and TecniFibras, Guatemala marine ecosystems Center For Community Bay Islands Conservation Growth, Sandy Bay, 12/15/2020 $10,000 Conserving my watershed Honduras Association Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras Conservación comunitaria del paisaje del Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano en el 12 Kimball Road, Unit 2, norte de Honduras/Community conservation EcoLogic Development Fund 06/18/2020 $24,000 Honduras Watertown, MA, USA oF the landscape oF the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor in northern Honduras: Two- year grant Land For LiFe: Inga alley-cropping to stop slash- 101 Mortimer Drive, The Inga Foundation 06/18/2020 $10,000 and-burn and save the world’s tropical Honduras Evington, VA, USA rainForests 240 County Road Road, Multiple Creative Action Institute 12/01/2017 $60,000 Core support Ipswich, MA USA countries 1201 Connecticut Ave NW Multiple New Ventures Fund Suite 300, Washington, 06/18/2020 $10,000 Agro-Ecology Fund countries DC USA Aceleradores por Naturaleza: Training a new Sociedad Peruana de Av. Prolongacion Multiple 12/15/2020 $10,500 generation oF environmental leaders in Latin Derecho Ambiental Arenales 437, Lima, Peru countries America Strengthening Food security through seed- P.O. Box 835, Millbrook, Artists For Soup 06/18/2020 $8,300 saving and slow-drip irrigation in Corozo, Nicaragua NY, USA Nicaragua during Covid 19 Page 2 of 4 As of 3/26/21 New England Biolabs Foundation 2020 Board-Approved Grants Decision Amount Organization Name Address Project Name Country Date Awarded Del puerto de Moyogalpa, Cuidando Fuentes de agua y adel ParQue 400 metros al Oeste, 100 Volcán Madera en la Reserva de Biosfera Isla Asociación Movimiento de metros al Norte en de Ometepe: Etapa II/Caring For the water Jóvenes de Ometepe OFicinas de ROCO, 06/18/2020 $7,500 Nicaragua sources oF Volcán Madera National Park in (AMOJO) Municipio de Moyogalpa, the Isla de Ometepe Biosphere Reserve: Isla de Ometepe, Rivas, Stage II Nicaragua 80 Garden Center, Suite Community-led watershed restoration in the El Porvenir 06/18/2020 $11,300 Nicaragua 135, BroomField, CO, USA Bosawas Biosphere, Waslala, Nicaragua Isla de Ometepe, Seguridad alimentaria Familiar a traves de la Moyogalpa Frente a Fundacion Entre Volcanes 12/15/2020 $8,500 agricultura sostenible/Family Food secuity Nicaragua Banpro, Moyogalpa, through sustainable agriculture Rivas, Nicaragua Developing autonomous permitting systems to P.O. Box 129, Austin, TX, support long-term Financing oF communal Global WildliFe Conservation 06/18/2020 $10,000 Nicaragua USA conservation action in the Indio Maíz Biological Reserve Growing Hope Globally Children Flourishing in saFe and Food secure 4479 Central Avenue, (Formerly Foods Resource 12/15/2020 $10,000 communities: A holistic approach to Food Nicaragua Western Springs, IL, USA Bank) security 8 West 40th Street, 18th Establishing a territorial Indigenous Panthera 12/15/2020 $8,000 Nicaragua Floor, NY USA conservation area in Nicaragua Protecting Brazil nut Forests and securing Alliance For a Sustainable 7224 Boscastle Lane, 12/15/2020 $7,000 sus`tainable livelihoods in the Peruvian Peru Amazon Hanover, MD, USA Amazon Sustainable harvest and marketing oF value- Center For Amazon Community 1200 Market Street, PMB added non-timber Forest products (NTPFs) 06/18/2020 $12,000 Peru Ecology 285, Lemoyne, PA, USA with native communities in the northern Peruvian Amazon 21240 Ridgetop Circle, Conserving biodiversity and improving child INMED Partnerships For Suite 115, Sterling, VA, 06/18/2020 $8,000 nutrition in Peru’s Amazon RainForest through Peru Children USA expanded Indigenous training in aQuaponics Empowering maijuna communities to protect 2444 Navarre Way, OnePlanet 12/15/2020 $12,000 their ancestral territory and biocultural Peru Virginia Beach, VA, USA resources Wood View, Church Walk, ReForesting the Amazon through community Plant Your Future 12/15/2020 $8,000 Peru Combe, Witney, Oxon, UK capacity building Talpunanchicñam: a holistic project working 2228 Boston Post Road, with school children in the central Andes to Saphichay 06/18/2020 $18,400 Peru Larchmont, NY, USA revitalize connections to seeds, soil, native diet, language, and identity: Two-year grant The Andean Alliance For 560 Orchard Road, Developing local agroecology leaders in the 06/18/2020 $10,000 Peru Sustainable Development Marshall, MI, USA Andes 3545 Fillmore Street, Restoration and protection oF boFedales in The Chijnaya Foundation 12/15/2020 $8,000 Peru Denver, CO, USA alpaca herding communities Creation oF the Imiria concession protected P.O.
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