$1 Alamo, Tennessee CrockettCountyTimes.com • [email protected] Volume 149 Issue 26 Wednesday, July 7, 2021 Save the Children Head Sparks fly Start Expands at Fruitvale Programs into celebration Tennessee The town of Fruitvale celebrated In- Save the Children to Serve dependence Day with the eighth annual Fourth of July celebration in historic 300 Children and Their downtown Fruitvale. Families in Five Counties Guests watched fireworks from the Save the Children Head Start, which historic JO Boyd General Merchandise, has operated Head Start and Early Head CH Lawson General Merchandise and Start programs since 2011, has further The Potato House buildings after enjoy- expanded operations into Tennessee ing music, food and fellowship earlier and will now serve children and fami- in the evening. lies in five counties, including Crockett, The event was modified during 2020 Dyer, Fayette, Lauderdale, and Tipton, to accommodate pandemic protocols, the nonprofit announced today. Save but the town celebrated over the week- the Children Head Start was granted end in a more normalized setting. to serve these counties by the Office of Fireworks began just before nine, Head Start in Washington, D.C. with guests downtown and others The program will serve 300 children, watching from their vehicles parked on including 204 children ages 3 to 5 in the surrounding streets. Head Start program and 96 infants and toddlers birth to age 3 in the Early Head Start program. Services will begin this fall with enrollment commitments to returning children, children with spe- cial needs, children in foster care and to families experiencing homelessness. “Save the Children Head Start is proud to build on the legacy of service and commitment to children and fami- lies by Northwest Tennessee Econom- ic Development Council, and looks forward to ensuring the youngest chil- dren in these communities get the ear- ly learning opportunities they need to be successful in school and life,” said Arvelis Byrd, Save the Children Head Start’s Executive Director. Head Start and Early Head Start are the newest additions to Save the Chil- Photos by Cynthia Kilburn dren’s programs in Tennessee. Since 1933, Save the Children has been work- ing in rural communities across the Vol- unteer State, providing support to the most isolated and under-resourced chil- dren living in poverty. The organization partners with 30 schools in 10 counties to provide early learning programs and resources to more than 15,000 Tennes- see children. Head Start and Early Head Start are federally-funded programs that offer early learning opportunities to children birth to age 5 and their families living in poverty. The programs provide compre- hensive services, including education, health, social-emotional and family en- gagement, to address the developmental Photos by Cynthia Kilburn needs of children and families. Save the CRASH- A two vehicle crash at the intersection of Conley Road sent one by am- Children currently operates Head Start bulance to the hospital on Monday, July 5. The car, driven by an unnamed female, jumped the Safari Park fencing on the Alamo City side of Conley Road before com- and Early Head Start programs in rural ing to a stop in the field with animals. Photo by Cynthia Kilburn communities in four states – Arkansas, Louisiana, North Carolina and North Dakota – serving more than 1,100 chil- dren and their families. Local churches combine For more about Save the Children’s Head Start and Early Head Start pro- grams, visit www.SavetheChildren.org/ for Street Worship Revival HeadStart. A Street Worship Revival was held And then everything else. I want to see Save the Children believes every on Alamo Court Square on Saturday, our community on fire for God! I want child deserves a future. Since our June 26, drawing in a large crowd to to see kids wanting to go to church to founding 100 years ago, we’ve changed worship and fellowship. learn more about our Heavenly Father. Music was performed by Endless It would be such a great thing if every Worship, Pentecostal Tabernacle Wor- church in our community would come ship Team and Liberty Hall Church together in worship. We truly serve an See Children, Page 2 Choir. amazing God!” Musicians included Drummer Spen- Williams was on fire with her mes- cer Cecil, Lead Guitarist Rikk Legions, sage of hope and transformation. Three CCHS students Rhythm and Lead Guitarist Eric Jones, “I am 30 years old and a radical fol- Rhythm Guitarist Will Fry, Bass Gui- lower of Jesus Christ,” she said. “It is tarist Chris Cecil, Singers Randy But- an absolute honor to represent Christ. I earn State FFA Degree ler, Jaymie Hendrix, Helen Cecil, Haley am first before anything a child of God. Three Crockett County High School hours) of systematic school instruction Cecil, Kandi Randall, LeAnn Hughes, God has completely transformed and (CCHS) students received State Future in agricultural education at or above the David Laws and leader Sandra Powell. delivered my life. That is my testimony. Farmers of America (FFA) Degrees on ninth grade lever, including an Super- Speakers included Pastor Joey Mooney, I’m so excited to be a part of this move Tuesday, June 29. vised Agricultural Experiences (SAE) Daniel Tillman, Bradley Campbell and of God, I am ready for more, we all are. To achieve a State FFA Degree, Erin Earned and productively invested Megan Williams. I’m ready to watch God love on his chil- Gillon, Lani Woods and Owen Gibson at least $1,000 or worked at least 300 Mooney’s message was about trying dren from town to town, to watch Christ completed multiple tasks over their hours outside of scheduled class time to bring believers back closer to God Followers coming together to form an four-year course study at CCHS. through an SAE. like they once were. army, to reach each community.” Requirements included: Demonstrated leadership ability by “A renewing of their spirit,” he said. Campbell’s message embraced the Receiving the Chapter FFA Degree performing 10 parliamentary law pro- “After the pandemic it has been hard hope of bringing everyone together as Remaining an active FFA member cedures, giving a six minute speech on on all of us as Christians with churches one to love, honor and worship Jesus. for at least 24 months at the time of re- a topic relating to agriculture or FFA, closing and people scared to go out. It “If you confess Jesus Christ is Lord, ceiving the State FFA Degree is now time for us to take a stand in our relationship with God and put him first. Completing at least two years (360 See FFA, Page 2 See Revival, Page 2 Visit Us Online At: www.CrockettCountyTimes.com Page 2 | The Crockett County Times Wednesday | July 7 | 2021 CONTINUED/LOCAL NEWS Gov. Lee signs TANF Opportunity Act On June 30, Tennessee Gov- eral workforce development and strengthening program invest $180 million in provid- Year 2022, unspent funds be- ty Act is a comprehensive plan ernor Bill Lee and the Ten- and employment program integrity.” ing comprehensive support to yond that cap will be used to that modernizes our policies, nessee Department of Human emphasizing work, training, Key components of the leg- families as they move from cri- fund Families First Communi- partnerships, and programs to Services (TDHS) Commission- and personal responsibility. It islation include: sis to career pathways. ty Grants. grow the capacity of families er Clarence H. Carter recog- Increasing the monthly av- Providing $50 million in Protecting the integrity of we serve to reduce dependen- nized the passage of the TANF erage cash assistance families Families First Community the TANF program by increas- cy.” Opportunity Act (HB142 / isthrough a temporary employment. benefit focused receive under Tennessee’s ing civil penalties for individu- Gov. Lee will be recognizing SB751) by the Tennessee Gen- on“By gaining modernizing self-sufficiency these vi- TANF funded Families First across the state. this legislation with a ceremo- eral Assembly. This legislation tal funds, we are providing a Program from $277 to $387. GrantsEstablishing to smaller a 21-membernon-profits with a false identity. nial bill signing at the Martha is the result of more than a pathway to prosperity for Ten- Creating a two-year Educa- TANF Advisory Board to pro- als“From who trythe to securebeginning, benefits we O’Bryan Center in Nashville to- year of collaboration with the nessee families,” said Gov. Lee. tional Opportunity Pilot Pro- vide input on the direction of have been focused on creat- day, June 30 at 10:30 am. Tennessee General Assembly “I am especially proud that we gram for qualifying families the TANF program and select ing a conservative thoughtful For more information on TANF Working Group to mod- are increasing educational op- partners to conduct program way to put those dollars into TANF, visit: https://www. ernize Tennessee’s Temporary portunities that can bridge the or other educational advance- research. play to help the Tennesseans tn.gov/humanservices/ Assistance for Needy Families - seekingment. a degree, certification, Implementing a $191 mil- who need them,” said TDHS tanf-opportunity-act.html. (TANF) program. nesseans. I applaud the Gen- Establishing the Tennessee lion TANF reserve cap so that Commissioner Clarence H. The TANF program is a fed- gaperal toAssembly self-sufficiency for innovating for Ten Opportunity Pilot Program to beginning in Federal Fiscal Carter. “The TANF Opportuni- REVIVIAL, from page 1 then we the people are the body Lord.” of Christ, regardless of the de- To stay updated on future nomination or church name,” events, follow Endless Worship said Campbell. “It’s not about on Facebook at https://www. your political party, it’s not facebook.com/Endless-Wor- about representing the donkey ship-115105843692214/ , Pen- or the elephant, and it’s about tecostal Tabernacle at https:// representing the Lamb of the www.facebook.com/pentecos- tribe of Judah.
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