November 27, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7333 Casey decided to pursue a lifetime of hope. On May 4, 2017, Pope Francis an- The message further announced that service and entered Saint Francis Sem- nounced that Father Casey would be pursuant to section 5 of the Frederick inary in Milwaukee, WI. The next 8 elevated to the status of Blessed, rec- Douglass Bicentennial Commission Act years were a difficult journey toward ognizing his widespread reputation of (Public Law 115–77), the Minority Lead- priesthood for Father Casey as he holiness and intercessory prayer. Ac- er appoints the following Delegate of struggled academically. The seminary cording to the Roman Catholic Church, the House of Representatives to the officials believed that Father Casey did a Panamanian woman on a pilgrimage Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Com- not have the proper skills to be a priest was healed from a genetic skin condi- mission: Ms. NORTON of the District of and suggested he join a religious order: tion almost instantly, with no sci- Columbia; And from private life: Mr. Franciscans, Dominicans, or Jesuits. entific explanation, after visiting the Kenneth B. Morris, Jr. of Orange, Cali- After praying before a statue of the tomb of Father Solanus Casey at Saint fornia. Blessed Virgin Mary, Father Casey Bonaventure Monastery in the city of heard the Blessed Mother tell him to Detroit in 2012. In order to receive the At 4:49 p.m., a message from the ‘‘Go to Detroit,’’ home to the Capu- title of Blessed, the Roman Catholic House of Representatives, delivered by chins. In 1897, Father Casey was in- Church investigates reports of excep- Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, vested as Capuchin Novice Francis tional favors received, acclaimed as announced that the House has passed Solanus, named after Saint Francis miraculous or unexplainable. The be- the following bill, in which it requests Solanus of the 17th century. The name atification of Father Casey is the the concurrence of the Senate: seemed fitting as both Father Casey greatest testament to his commitment H.R. 1. An act to provide for reconciliation and Saint Francis Solanus loved to to those in need and a significant step pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent play the violin. toward sainthood. resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018. After being ordained as a simplex I cannot express enough the impact f priest in 1904, Father Casey began his Father Solanus Casey had on commu- MEASURES REFERRED ministry in the State of New York, nities across the State of Michigan. serving three different parishes: Sacred The road to sainthood is paved with The following bill was read the first Heart Parish, Our Lady of Sorrow Par- love and service for Father Casey. He and the second times by unanimous ish, and Our Lady of Angels Parish. was a beloved Capuchin friar in the consent, and referred as indicated: While in New York, Father Casey held city of Detroit credited with miracu- H.R. 3109. An act to designate the facility numerous positions within the church, lous cures and valued for his compas- of the United States Postal Service located including porter. He embraced the task sionate counsel. Throughout his life of at 1114 North 2nd Street in Chillicothe, Illi- nois, as the ‘‘Sr. Chief Ryan Owens Post Of- of doorkeeper, welcoming and praying tireless service, he encouraged count- with all visitors and offering simple fice Building’’; to the Committee on Home- less individuals in the metropolitan land Security and Governmental Affairs. and candid comfort. Father Casey held Detroit region to address issues of pov- f weekly services for the sick and quick- erty and hunger. I am confident his ly became known for his compassion legacy will continue to inspire others MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME towards all who suffered. He embodied to open the door and be a porter to The following bill was read the first the ultimate spirit of public service by anyone who knocks.∑ time: giving 100 percent of himself to the f poor, the hungry, and the unloved. H.R. 1. To provide for reconciliation pursu- In 1924, Father Casey was appointed MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT ant to titles II and V of the concurrent reso- lution on the budget for fiscal year 2018. to the Saint Bonaventure Monastery in Messages from the President of the the city of Detroit as a porter, pro- United States were communicated to f viding soup for the hungry, kind words the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES for the troubled, and a healing touch retaries. The following reports of committees for the ill. For over 20 years, he f were submitted: brought comfort and hope to people of all religions, earning the recognition as EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED By Mr. JOHNSON, from the Committee on ‘‘The Doorkeeper.’’ During the Great Homeland Security and Governmental Af- In executive session the Presiding Of- fairs, with an amendment in the nature of a Depression, Father Casey helped estab- ficer laid before the Senate messages substitute: lish the Capuchin Soup Kitchen in the from the President of the United H.R. 3210. A bill to require the Director of city of Detroit, which prepared large States submitting sundry nominations the National Background Investigations Bu- sandwiches and warm cups of coffee for and a withdrawal which were referred reau to submit a report on the backlog of the hungry and unemployed. Today the to the appropriate committees. personnel security clearance investigations, Capuchin Soup Kitchen is recognized as (The messages received today are and for other purposes (Rept. No. 115–185). By Mr. THUNE, from the Committee on one of the most well-known food pan- printed at the end of the Senate tries in the region, serving over 60,000 Commerce, Science, and Transportation, proceedings.) with an amendment in the nature of a sub- meals and distributing roughly 250,000 f stitute: pounds of food a month. During World S. 1425. A bill to reauthorize the Integrated War II, Father Casey also provided ad- MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE Coastal and Ocean Observation System Act vice and prayers for many families At 4:04 p.m., a message from the of 2009, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 115– throughout southeast Michigan whose House of Representatives, delivered by 186). sons and daughters were honorably Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, f serving our Nation. Although Father announced that the House has passed INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND Casey was ordained as a simplex priest, the following bill, in which it requests JOINT RESOLUTIONS people across the State of Michigan the concurrence of the Senate: waited in lines in order to speak with H.R. 3109. An act to designate the facility The following bills and joint resolu- him and receive his blessings. Father of the United States Postal Service located tions were introduced, read the first Casey never fully retired, but rather at 1114 North 2nd Street in Chillicothe, Illi- and second times by unanimous con- spent the last decade of his life serving nois, as the ‘‘Sr. Chief Ryan Owens Post Of- sent, and referred as indicated: the sick and troubled at Saint Felix fice Building’’. By Mrs. GILLIBRAND: Friary in Huntington, IN, until his The message also announced that S. 2161. A bill to prevent gun trafficking; to death in 1957. pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 2081, and the order the Committee on the Judiciary. In 1995, Father Casey received the of the House of January 3, 2017, the f title of Venerable from the Roman Speaker appoints the following Mem- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS Catholic Church in recognition of his ber on the part of the House of Rep- virtuous life. Father Casey exemplified resentatives to the United States Cap- S. 109 the theological virtues of the Roman itol Preservation Committee: Mrs. At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the Catholic Church: charity, faith, and COMSTOCK of Virginia. name of the Senator from Wyoming VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:33 Nov 28, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27NO6.018 S27NOPT1.
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