Bird Conservation International (1993) 3-37-55 The avifauna of the Polylepis woodlands of the Andean highlands: the efficiency of basing conservation priorities on patterns of endemism J. FJELDSA Summary The Andean paramo and puna zones may once have been densely dotted by woodlands, mainly of Polylepis, but human impact has now led to a highly disjunct distribution of this habitat. Because of the habitat fragmentation, many specialized woodland birds now show relictual distributions. Speciations to the Polylepis zone took place in Peru and Bolivia during cold/arid climatic periods, as Po/yfepfs-dominated woodland refuges were isolated away from the humid cis-Andean zone and the pre-Andean scrub-forest in Bolivia. An efficient protection of biodiversity in a minimum of well-managed areas could be achieved, if efforts were concentrated in highlands near the proposed Pleistocene woodland refuges: 55% of all endemic and 67% of all threatened and near-threatened landbirds of the high Andean zone of Peru and Bolivia were recorded within three 10 x 10 km study plots near Cochabamba in Bolivia and east of Abancay and on the east slope of Cordillera Blanca in Peru. The biological basis for the efficiency of this approach is discussed. Los paramos y punas Andinas pueden haber estado densamente poblados de bosques, principalmente de Polylepis, pero el impacto humano ha causado una distribution muy esparcida de este habitat. Debido a la fragmentation del habitat, muchos pajaros espe- cializados al bosque, ahora muestran distributiones rudimentales. La diferenciacion de las espeties en la zona de Polylepis se did en Peru y Bolivia durante periodos climaticos frios/aridos, al igual que los refugios de bosques dominados por Polylepis fueron aislados de la zona humeda cis-Andina y de la zone chaquena en Bolivia. Se podria lograr una protection efitiente de la biodiversidad en un mrnirno de areas bien manejadas, si se concentrasen los esfuerzos en las sierras cerca de los refugios propuestos de bosque Pleistocenico. Asf es, que un 55% de los pajaros endemicos y 67% de todos los espeties en peligro de extintion de la zona alto-Andina de Peru y Bolivia fueron registrados dentro de tres areas de estudio de 10 x 10 km, cerca de Cochabamba en Bolivia, y al sureste de Abancay y en la vertiente oriental de la Cordillera Blanca en Peru. El artfculo diserta los processos basicos. Introduction The paramo and puna zones at 3,500-4,500 m altitude in the Andes of South America are dominated by monotonous bunch-grass steppes and semi-desert. Locally, these habitats are broken by tiny woodland patches, which thus grow /. Fjeldsa 38 well above the upper fringe of the montane cloud-forests ("ceja de montana"). The high-altitude woodlands comprise mainly trees and bushes of the genus Polylepis (Rosaceae), which are usually small and gnarled, but occasionally reach 15-20 m tall. These evergreen trees are well adapted to grow in places with regular night frost, in certain highlands nearly to 5,000 m. In favourable places Polylepis will form mixed stands with Gynoxys, Buddleja, Escallonia and Weinman- nia trees. Many Polylepis woodlands "hang" on the upper parts of steep slopes, on boulder-scree or rocky outcrops, or form strips along streams. Botanists have attempted to give microclimatic explanations of this (see Simpson 1979), but Ellenberg (1958) instead suggested that these woodlands are the relicts of a once-widespread habitat. Recent studies (Jordan 1983, Fjeldsa 1987 and unpub- lished, Kessler and Driesch unpublished) suggest wide ecological amplitudes for certain Polylepis species, which thus appear to be able to grow widely on ordinary compact soils, along the edges of the high plateaus, and also in some areas inside the puna. A main reason for the restriction of Polylepis in many districts to stream ravines and steep and rocky terrain seems to be that these places offer some protection against grassland fires and grazing. Laegaard (1992) concludes that some and maybe all grass paramo is secondary vegetation cre- ated and maintained by man's use of fire. The direct evidence on the distribution of high-altitude Andean woodlands since the last Pleistocene glaciation is limited and conflicting, but the combined evidence indicates that man-made fires had a strong impact immediately after the Pleistocene, and which accelerated when the management of pastures for domesticated camelids started 7,500-4,500 BP (Wing 1986). Famines following over-exploitation of the highlands possibly paved the way for the Andean high cultures (Wari, Tiahuanuco, Inca), in which land use became technically advanced with a strict resource management (Earls 1991). However, the Spanish Conquista caused a breakdown of such traditions. Introductions of unfortunate agricultural practices, such as ploughing downhill with European-type ploughs, increased use of fire and a shift from camelids to sheep, has now led to severe land degradation (Ansion 1986). Despite the nearly complete destruction of virgin high-altitude wood- and bushland habitat, many bird species survive in the tiny patches that remain (Fjeldsa 1988). The Polylepis woodlands are favourable feeding habitats for birds because of the thick, rough and laminated bark, small leaves and in many woodlands also large amounts of vines and mistletoes and diverse shrubby undergrowth. In view of the strong pressure on these remnant habitats, surveys of their biota are strongly needed, together with analysis of how to identify top priority sites for conservation. This paper presents results of a detailed study of the avifauna of relict high- altitude woodlands in Peru and Bolivia. The biogeographic patterns and diversi- fication have been analysed by Fjeldsa (1992), and the present paper reviews the biological basis for the efficiency of basing conservation priorities on local aggre- gations of endemic species rather than species richness. Polylepis woodlands of the Andean highlands 39 Materials and methods Ornithological data were gathered from 1983 to 1991 at more than 400 sites above 3,500 m in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, mainly by myself and N. Krabbe (e.g. Fjeldsa 1987, Krabbe 1991, Fjeldsa and Maijer unpublished), with addi- tional surveys by Frimer and Nielsen (1989). The results of these surveys were supplemented with published bird lists (especially Vuilleumier and Simberloff 1982) and with collecting data for the majority of museum specimens of birds from the relevant altirudinal zone in the Andes (see Fjeldsa and Krabbe 1990: 12-13 f°r a full review of institutions visited). The localities from which bird data are available are shown in Figure 1 together with important topographical features and names. Among the larger "gaps" in the coverage, those in south- western Bolivia and the highland transition between Apurimac, Arequipa and Puno in Peru have monotonous habitats which are rather uninteresting in the present context. The paucity of records from the highlands fringing certain valleys in central Peru is more regrettable. These areas, which are hard to travel in because of difficult terrain and lack of roads, are marked with question marks on the review maps (Figure 4). Figure 1. Ornithological collecting sites in the Andean zone from the equator to the southern border of Bolivia (A), with important topographic features and important geo- graphical names (B and C). Black signature in B marks areas above 4,000 m (the altiplano, which is a basin of inner drainage around 3,800 m, shaded); black signature in C marks semi-arid valleys with bush-steppe, thorn-scrub and woodlands, hatching marks transit- ory vegetation towards lower-altitude deciduous woodland, and stippling marks deserts. /. Fjeldsd 40 Most open-land sites were visited for a few hours only and most woodland sites for 2-5 days, with a campsite within or close to a woodland. The main method was observing and listening for bird.calls while stealing quietly through the terrain. This was supplemented with mist-netting, with 5-10 nets operated in most woodlands, and the nets moved every other day. In order to evaluate the adequacy of my data, I usually recorded the birds in 10-minute periods spent within study plots of c. 100 X 100 m. In most wood- lands, 2-3 plots with dense or complex vegetation were visited several times each, and some additional plots, selected for a broad coverage of microhabitats, were examined for 1-2 periods each. To illustrate the relationship between the effort and the number of species recorded, Figure 2 gives data from those six study sites where five plots had been surveyed for at least five 10-minute periods each, giving a total of four hours coverage. This record is compared with the total number of birds found by 2-4 ornithologists during 3-4 days in each of the woodlands. Birds often missed by the four hours of sampling were tinamous, birds of prey, ground tyrants, and furnariids and emberizines of open country. These are typically widespread species which occur at low densities, but some of them Quebrada Ccenua by Puquio, r33 Cerro Quishuarnioc above Chuquibamba, Cerro Palmaderas by Pampa Galeras, 30 -i Ayacucho Arequipa M Ayacucho 401 Cerro Runtacocha SE Abancay, Pueblo Quichas by Oybn, Lima ; Pariamarca in upper Huallaga Apun'mac Valley. Pasco 30. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th visit to the five study plots Figure 2. Number of bird species recorded in six Polylepis tracts in Peru, in relation to the number of ten-minute visits (with attentive watching and listening) to five one- hectare plots covering various habitats within each woodland. The upper cumulative curve for each woodland shows the total number of species, the lower curve shows species of restricted geographical and habitat distribution (those mentioned for Figures 3 and 4B and C as well as Stripe-headed Antpitta, Giant Conebill and Thick-billed Siskin).
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