Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 29, 1949 , 5 -- J- , , , i V. I 4 Aj 1 r -t n iiiimi ''in I . I., I Wl- 1S f PTF"--'v .iLi "Vt 9 Xi world welterweight champion Sugar Bay Robinson euccessruuy detenas sntl-tru- Ten Spot News 1 justice department files title from Havana'a Kid Gavilan. Top m Teagu defeat suit u.s. district court in Chicago llAmerican aimed at breaking up du Pont em- NaMrmal Laaffue te.im. Stories of 1949 pire. 31 Snead takea Kestem Open folf CHRONOLOGY Sam IS Charles (Lucky) Luciano, Pact-Ratifie- d S chdinplonahip at at. rim. York vice king, barred from Rom Atlantic August These are the 10 biggest iter being questioned about nar- A cotics ring. 10 Euard Char lea successfully defends news stories of the past year, as prixe heavyweight cbampionaiup oy ae-- f 15 Thomas Mann receives Goethe January eating Gue Lesvenich. selected by a representative for literature In first visit to native ft Truman asks higher of Germany In 18 years. 1949. Hironoshin FuruhdsAi. J a pan, sets taxes, universal mil- It group of weekly newspaper edi- world swimming records of 18 IP itary training, wage-pri- style; August jnfnutes in 1.300 meter free tors speaking through an an- Photometer, meas controls In ths 4 33 S minutes In 400 meter tree style which accurately message. nual poll by ures constituents of single cells, Is Mar- and t:3i.$ minutes In 800 meter tree conducted The 7 Secretary of State George C VAT stvle. Publishers' Auxiliary. demonstrated at Columbia univer- shall resigns and is replaced by 20 Coal town. Steve Brooks up. sets sity. world record of 1 14 4 In winning 1. 4 Dispute over federal aid to religious 14 policy statement Announcement that the between SpeOman State department e WbirUway Stakes. schools Cardinal aaya u .a. win jum Soviet Union possesses atom and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt ends. defense alliance. T September 19 announcea a on bomb. FCC ban radio and 1 U.S. retains Davis Cup, defeating television quia program. February Australia lour matches w one (ten- 2. 8 Truman constitution Sweeping victories of September declares - January nis . him power to atop walkouts affect- 1 Vaughan defends 1 Three-fo- snowfall In Charles Coe, Oklahoma City, wins Communist armies in China. General Larry ui " t goli championship himself tn center" probe and nauonai nruiui de-- LJ Teheran a d other U.S. amateur in 3. Trial 11 IT Presidents says current price towns Bochester, N Y. Joseph De Bona. of top Commu- keeps White House job. Defense - Iranian eauiei Secretary to abolish ennv aim UIICIU(iujiii;ih earthen to collapse, killlnf 60. Hollywood, wins Bendlx air trophy. in U.S. Johnson wants notmng wuriy auuuv, i hruses nists the senators world trip government iu I- lX L Tom do demolishes Warren. Ark., Bill Odom. speed record holder for at 34 Hoover commission makes repo" on - . I MA - killing 611, injuring 175. H:gh galea, tUfht, craahea Into 4. Coal and steel strikes and expense. government reorganizimon. vl floods, cold Wave kUis 39 In wtsuro a house tn Berem. Ohio, during Na- American expedition to find Noah's says he will stump nation to nuidefend Yanks Win Series Europe. tional Air Bacea tn Cleveland, kills subsequent events in nation. Ark falls. program, in congress. judge FCC his suited 14 Cold wsrei cm Wert const kills citrus elf, two others. Silver Cup Trophy 5. Marshal Tito's successful 13 U.S. district restrains crop. Blizzards roar through Rock-le- In mo torboat racing goes to B1U Can. com emorcmg proniDiuon ox give- March C Dodge's My Comin-for- away programs. causing 121 deaths. trell. driving Horace defiance of Russia and 0 first p 29 Tokyo Rose found guilty of treason. 3 Air fore makes If At tea at (MO Chinese missing follow- Sweetie. trip around world. ing collision of two steamers off 25 Lcuiee Suga, Carrollton, Ga., takes October Louis Johnson replaces James For- - Shanghai coast V S. women s open golf title In Land-ove- r, 6. Story of Kathy Fiscus fall- restal as secretary of defense. aid. 8 Agriculture department reports ruling against Ftbruary Americans spending 3 per cent less 11 U.S. senate reject ing into well and subsequent filibusters. U.M.W. announces k g October of their Incomes for food than last Blizzard tn western and mountam 423 memorial walkout. WX 5-- New York Yankees defeat Brooklyn rescue efforts. year. Vatican reports million states cause deaths and property In SO President signs bill extending rent damage 8200 Dodgers la World Series, four games Catholics the world. 30, of million. 7. Failure of congress to re- 17 Use Koch, convicted as murderess control through June 1950. Twenty-eig- die when Scandinavian to one. y of Buchenwald camp flluA 38 Capo t beau Coal town to win BaltL peal the concentration plane crashes oft Swedish coast. labor Germany, formally April 29 a express more s PlmUco Special. in released from train law. military prison after her life sen 14 Congress passes second year E.R.P. H plunges down embankment, November authorization. House votes 116 bil- killing 90. tence is commuieo. base- 8. Ending of the 17 Dr. Walter Hess. Zurich, and Dr, lion for arms. 14 Crasn of Cathay Pacific plane from 11949 major league AP Berlin top . Antonio Monlz, Lisbon, divide Nobel Government rests case In trial of Hong in- ball team team announced blockade by the Russians. II Manila on northern Kor.g heavy- U.S. Communists, Twenty-tw- o IS Eddie Vaon scores fastest prii for medicine for work on brain land kills 23. die in air 9. inter-servi- 30 Navy Secretary John L. Sullivan re. Ul Ul IWII at Cuzco, Peru. weight knockout on record tn Lon- Bitter dispute function. iiuuy crash don bout with George Stern tl2 sec- signs in protest against cancellation f Vine students die in fire destroying onds, round between the army and navy. November of plans to complete super aircraft dormitory Kenyon college. Gam-bie- first i. at 21 sold to a syndi- 4 Dsalers urge no hoarding oi coffee Ohio Clevtland Indians 10. Devaluation of pound in carrier. cate of Cleveland business men. during shortage. May March 24 Ted Williams, Red Sox, named Great Britain. 16 Shah of Iran arrive for American repeat American League a moat valuable visit 4 Administration efforts to t Tornadoes kTl 36 In south and south- player. 18 Alben Barkley mar. y act come to iem-ui- west Arkansas, Oklahoma. Texas, nes ears, war.eion naaiey ox halt tn congress. Mississippi and Louisiana. December 14 Chinese Reds take Canton. 8 of 62.250 C.I.O. workers Louis. Strike Rouge 3 Notre Dame defeats Southern Meth- 15 Wholesale arrest conducted by Com- 19 Eighteen of 20 who went down on closes Ford Motor Co.'s River April continue In I odist to end season undefeated and munists Czechoslovakia. 9 near Bermuda rescued, plant W SerentT-ffnj- die to Effingham, ZD. Army, 20 Yugoslavia elected to U.N. aecunty 29 New drug, neomycin, works wonders 13 Francis Patrick Matthews, Omaha, It1. lead football pack. Oklahoma - hospital fire. and California remain undefeated. council over Soviet protests. in ending kidney uuecuons, succeeds John L. Sullivan as aecre- J 18 Sixty-tw- o persons tn 28 George art k!i:ed earth- 12 Kentucky and Oklahoma bid for na- Bidsult becomes French tary of navy. NEXT quake that rocks .ntral Chile. tional cage leadership. premier, ending crisis. December 17 Atomic energy commission under at Crash la South Africa of three elec- - 29 United States consul and staff f U.S. msy have "booster" bomb to fire as pound of uranium reported trt trains kill 74. seized by Reds at Mukden. set off more powerful bomb. Mt, missing. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr.. Etna eruption threaten Sicilian elected to congress by New York November towns. district. Italy's entire world champion soccer of atom- 1 Dutch, Indonesians agree on terms a r orrorr ncp, Andrew r, oiaj iy 23 Congressional Investigation team dies In plane crash at I urin. Ky.) on fraud energy begins. 46 for sovereign Indonesian state. enters federal prison ic commission tt Tornadoes k:l persons la Mis- sentence. say em- WEEK'S 7 France and Canada team up to urge Census bureau souri, Indiana, Klinoia, Iowa and ployment Is up, Shirley Temple gets Kentucky. nations' pact. June I r 14 Indian extremists hanged for assas- aivoroe on uquor ana upsuc 3 Alger Hiss perjury trial opens. Three June sination of Gandhi. Britain delays top Communists sentenced to Jail New Jersey citizen told to curtail Twenty-tw- o killed in Oreek air crash mm January date for nationalizing steel. Chinese t for contempt of court. hiding in near Cr.icJt.up of plsne Nationalists shell U.S. merchant use of water. G.I. found T Gray appointed secretary of Britain Devalues Pound Athers. near iTi Israel Involved tn a Gordon Florlanopolia, Braz?!, kills 17. issl ship. Chinese Reds ask U.N. to oust tent In Germany with frauleln and army. Fifty-iou- aispuiv wim buuiid babv. New German drug reoorted PAPER r persons in of Nationalist delegates. Lewis orders mine t killed crash after Invading Egpt as "promising" treatment for can 8 John L. plan San Juan, Puerto Rico. planes. 18 Washington refuses to recognize con- stoppage. and ahoorinf down R.F. trol body created for Danube by cer. orders miners to 13 pressure on Britain to 30 John L. Lewis July U S. turns Russia. 10 Berkley satirizes self onlv three dnys a week.
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