. I ' The Newtown ' Bee VOLUME XXXI. NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 9 1909. NUMBER yo LOCAL DRAMATICS TRINITYPARISH. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, OBITUARY. Stepnev. SANDY HOOK LIBRARY. Sunday Services. Mrs AmeliaJ. Northrop. For the Benefit of St Rose's. Sunday Services. The funeral of Mrs Amelia BAPTIST At 11 a. m., service with Sophia CHURCH NOTES. morning widow Charles Annual Meeting;. sermon by the rector, Rev J. H. Nor'hrop, of the late At 1J a. m., morning service with of was at- At 10.45, Sunday morning wor- at 12 m., school Northrop Sugar Street, George; Sunday Tat sermon by the pastor; at 12 noon, tended on ship: subject, God's other Name. 7.30 p. m., Monday at 1.30 p, m., from ' The St. Rose's Dramatic Club will give evening prayer. Sunday school; at 7.80 p. m., Y. P. tne Rev 12 Congregational church. At m., Sunday school, classes an entertainment next Thursday night, The annual meeting of the Assoc- S. C. E. meeting. Subject, "Life Les- Alexander Steele officiated. Mrs Next Tuesday, 13, the annual for everyone. , iation was held 6, In July sons for Me from the Book of John." resided In Newtown July 13, for the benefit of St.Roee'i church. July the library meeting of the Fairfield Archdea- Northrop Street At 7.30 m clock Ref, John 14: (Consecration after the death of her but p. evening worship. The following program will be presented room, at f p. m. The reports conry will take at St Stephen's husband, place meeting.) for the l'.st four years had been with ,Mr Hubbard being away on his under the direction of Edward Pltzschler ' of the oflicerfc show that 80 volumes church, Ridgefield. At 11 a. m.,wlll a 'brother, A. A. Banks, in Chicago. be a celebration of the Holy Com J vacation the Union service will be 1. were aided within the last year, of Piano Selection, "The Voice of the followed a of the Thursday evening prayer meeting For 69 years she was a resident of conducted MuruiiiK," Miss Kilbride munion, by meeting at 7. 45 o oy the pastor of the Bap- Marguerite which were (riven and 72 lu clock. aiirt loved eight pur Fai.-fi.-- Clorical asportation. Newtown rreatly thetown. church. 2. "THE WKECK OF BTEUHINS I'lUDE." The whole ('runty was a member and a at- tist - IA In two acts. chased. number of vol Rev G. W. of Danbury will she regular comedy Davenport of church At the service the Metho- Char&etorn: umes listed is now of read a on "The Efficiency of tendant the Congregational morning 1426; takers paper Mrs was Edward 8. Pltiwchlor the Church." A service will be held THEY WERE "ON." for many years. Northrop dist congregation will be the guests. Ephrulm Stebblns, books, all of whom have drawn vol and died Arnold l'aiker, William Drlscoll in the evening at which Rev ur born February 17, 1824, Work on the baptistry progresses KobortGrey Harry Bradley umes during the year, 140; circula 1, 1908. The pallbearers at the Mr Bmltlwon. J amen Harrlman will speak on "The Divis- July It looks Make tion 3774. Of Telephone Managers Not Easily Left. were A. T. Nettle-to- n, rapidly and ts though the Huth Stiilililrm, J! Ins Esther MuQuade this number 55 were ion of the Diocese." funeral, Monday, B. Tomlin dedication service will take place on Agatha Stubbing, Mis Margaret Crowe at Botsford, about 100 in Zoar, Bishop Brewster will visit I. Goodsell, vvilllam part Trinity A Incident occurred last and W. H. Prindle. those 3. Bong, parish on November peculiar Among thp last Sunday of the month. ly in connection with the Zoar neigh- - Sunday evening, The committee from out of i, Vaudeville Sketch. "The Man With the 14. Thursday. Judiciary present at the funeral Miss Wells of brrno-j- in San- Julia Stony Brook, Hod." library, charge of Mrs The members of Guild will gave a hearing on a bill introduced town were Mr and Mrs Stephen Characters: Trinity Long Island, has been visiting at the Frederick Bemls, and 142 at Hanover meet at the on Friday at 2.30 by one of the farmer members, Mr ford of Redding Ridge; Mr and Mrs Tlmothv Clancy. Edward 8. PItzHRhlitr Rectory Johnson of which Mr paisGiiute. in care of Mrs Lucy Baldwin. The p. m., to work for the sale on August Newtown, would Frederick Burritt of Weston; Cordelia Clancy Misu Lena blake make the rate be- and Mrs Meeker of Cross Mr and Mrs Boutwell spent the j Zoar has 350 volumes and Its 4. night telephone Leroy The curtain will rise at 8 o'clock sharp so library come effective at 8 p. m., Instead of Highway; Mr and Mrs George Banks In Norwalk. circulation was 353. U is no of 1 0 liodpy come early and get a good seat Reserved part at p. m., as at present. The hear- of Stratford; Mrs George Gorhamand the Hook The treas PALESTINE 8 D0DGINGT0WN 7. ing did not apper rn the bulletin Miss Eliza Gorham of Westport; Mr seats, may be purchased at the store of Sandy library. Al Wilscn, horseshoer for C. L, the" and the members as a whole did not find Mrs V. Aithur Banks of Chicago. in urer of Sandy Hoo library re Henry Rupf Newtown and at Finch's know that It was to be given until Smalley Is spending this week at his that $145 was received Red Hot Baseball. store in Sandy Hook. General admission ports for the two minutes before 'the House ad- old home In Green Village, N. J. 25c. year and about $30 remains to be which was less Reserved seats 35c. Dancing to journed, something THE HOTELS. Do you need a scythe, snath, rifle, used for new books. Officers Those old enemies in the national than hour before the time set for follow. were ap hand Palestine and the wnen hear- hay rake, pitchfork, in fact any elected as follows: Directors, O. O, game, Dodglngtown, hearing and yet, the got together again on Monday morn- ing was called, the country members Arrivals at The Inn. kind of small haying tool? We can Wright, chairman; Mrs W. N. Mit HOUSE SAVED ing in a ball game which was nip found four of officials of the supply you with a No. 1 All FROM BURNING. high Mrs V. H. Charles grade. chell, secretary; D. J. Keane, treas an tuck all he way, Palestine coming telephone company awaiting them. Smith, Russell, of Pen-fiel- d Mr and Mrs J. Mrs Clark, kinds soft drinks on Ice. G. F. Taylor, Mrs Harriet R. out one run ahead. Sccre 8 to 7. Those efficient gentlemen down in u Gould, urer; M. L. C, & Craig, at the Depot. Both teams had secured big league New Haven had heard of it in lime to tiss Endemann, Kennedy, Sniff en and Mrs O. O. Wright., Li A. L. Fire Cracker Supposed to Have Start- twirlers for the occasion and they be present when members of the C. Kerlholz, Merlin, Brooklyn. Mrs F. H. Bent-le- y, brary committee, Mitchell, up a exhibition. Errors had not an hour s notice. Mrs Bentley, Miss Bernice ed the Blaze. put grand Legislature a. Mrs H. H. Curtl3 and Mis3 Susie were frequent owing to the con- It is little stunts of this sort which New Orleans, C. C. DeForest Huntington. A. Minor. Committee on care of dition of the fieiu, but each dumb are rendering the country members Mr and Mrs P. Coe, was offset a brilliant one. a bit of their leaders and Harral, C. F. Ritchel and son, Dr building, O. O. Wright, G. F. Taylor play by suspicious WHITE HILLS. Mrs Susan Hall's residence had a The teams meet again in the near also of the 'corporations. Shore' anr' Mrs Emr. F. Blank, Bridgeport. and Michael Kilbride. Dr M. Mon- Finance, future for a side bet and a Line Times. L. Hubbard, Wallingford. narrow escape from burning, purse. Hart-'or- Mr and Mrs Charles Robeitson end Kiernan, M. A. Corbett and L. T. A. L. Peck, Miss Helen Peck, d. day. Fire was discovered on the roof daughter, Estelle, and Mr and Mrs Briscoe. Libiarlan, Miss Mae F. Mr and Mrs Frank McLarney and by a boy Brisk work saved ST JOHN'S. of N. Miss Anna S. White, Miss Mary Arthur Montrose and passing MacNamara. daughter, Beatrice, Brooklyn, son, Frederick, the house but not until a sizable hole Y., are spending their vacation with W. White, Waterbury. all of New Britain out Miss W. Mer-wi- n, camped at had beeu burned ii. the roof. Sunday Services. Mr and Mrs Jeremian Troy in Berk Kate Blanc, George "Tip-To- p Farm" over the Fourth. shire. New Haven. HIGH At 11 a. m James K. Miss Mildred Dimon has returned SCH00I morning prayer and Augustus Holly, Holly, sermon by the rector, Rev O. O. Miss Phoebe John New York. from a in Carey, Scully pleasant visit Nangatuck A. P. Smith, Editor of The New- Wright. and Martin Carey of Ansonia spent Edward N. Frary, Mr and Mrs Al and Waterbury. town Bee: We are told by those in the Fourth in Berkshire with Mr den Cutler, Mrs Mary A. Smith, Mrs Who Passed Entrance Don't fail to attend "The Wreck During last Monday's storm Mrs attendance at the recent examina- Pupils and Mrs Jeremiah Troy. J. J. Cavanaugh, Hartford. of Stfebbins' Pride," a comedy in two Mrs J.
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