University of North Dakota UND Scholarly Commons W. P. Davies' Newspaper Column ('That Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Reminds Me') Collections 2-1932 February 1932 William Preston Davies Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.und.edu/davies-columns Part of the Communication Commons Recommended Citation Davies, William Preston, "February 1932" (1932). W. P. Davies' Newspaper Column ('That Reminds Me'). 46. https://commons.und.edu/davies-columns/46 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections at UND Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in W. P. Davies' Newspaper Column ('That Reminds Me') by an authorized administrator of UND Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. tan for two-.objecte '" --=o-=r-:-o~ ,=--Wl!!!l!~PII\ I am · cpen· to convlction on that :,toint. PetJOrially, aside from gra.in- 111&tlcal rtt_lea, I .- never. cared for the torm .htob rhymes "crannies" with "man la.'' Ii i1 a at)'le which is used OCdaslonally by almost all ot Larimore. poe.ts, itnd I which. some- 1>oets seem to pr4!f e • To me It looks, some­ They are strewn on the far horizon time,; Ill hod and sometimes arti­ Like fallen stars that are tos ed lltdal. nyway, the subject is open Irl: f the net ot night, while the hat Reminds for discUttaion. heavens, * * * Hang empty and blank an ERENCE TO SHEL- They beckon with gleatning 1Ag Me W.P.D. li'Vs lin b lllgs Up Hvera.l _things. Through nlght·clouds~ ha 1 For insta ce, Wh n ·tho poet wrote:' lowert N SEE WHERE ~ START­ Those beacons bright in the wlnd­ t!tblng with "Flower in the Hail t thee, blltht, •t>itit! Htept n11ht,- 4 all.'' In addition to re­ Bir thou h •er w~rt, 'rbl llghts of Lar1_inore. already acknowJedged I have received re­ Though the town be no great city, plies fro~ Martha Tbough home be humble and S. Ingebretson of poor, Michl g an a n d The fires burn bright, and a pool Mrs. Prudence of light Tasker Olsen of - Bpil,ls o'er the living-room floor. Larimore, both of lid home, wherever its place ts, ~hom 1lve cor- · Calls to one. o'er atid o'er; rectty the text So across the· hilla tnr glad heart and authorship of tllrnts. the poem. Mrs. '110 the lights Olsen thinks that more r o p 1 i e s would have been l sent if everyone j had not supposed that everyone else would be sending quotation being such a ...... WE ARE TALK­ ·- --~WI,/'' writes Mrs. Olsen, 1al ~o~ the author, y or..r cou!d use such 'Goa. and tda.n ls' just e or 'crannies 1' Of tor 'man are' would .T * * * b t I'nt sure he strug­ HTS OF LABIMORE• e orse ones In his e ut great poets By RUDENCE T KER OL EN 14W unto themselves by witb what would Cold and gray are the prairies, ray and cold ate the skies; bnnle a red F if he I Before the chilling north-wind taa;rUU1 to rtn grade. Shelley ~r,~•R1:t;~~1Rrd thoti nev~r wert,' The_gray goose-squadron ,flies. "'..-~.illiMtr'ifte knows 'thou' ii sin- ut between the skies and the ·.a•r-'·•ett; (horrid word any· prairies I. And a pretty punk There's ·something gleams be­ plrit.' Oh to be great!" fore;- A toss the plaf~s my eager heart ... -... ,.~ ...- .___ .,.* .. 'I' *HOULI> * START 1tr&1n1 again. Did Tennyson To the light, of La.rlmore. ilril'11:~111w,tn.ar? Did he intend Darkness aa4 night may be falling, 611d man. is'' to Tem:1>eat and ccrld b ear, THE KANSAN CONTAINS pie 1a my prea1e1ent; no m-.~t letter ,rlitten by one George W. his. party brand, because ha Dari; of Webber, Kansas, to his resents the government of aona in California, and because it United States, and tba.t IOV deals with that moat fruitful of a.11 ment Is- the best government ot ta subjects for discussion, hard tlmea, world, because it has b)~ot;a~ I liv• aome.excerpta from it below: into law the best thoug!tts and poli;. cles ot the best people of au na... ''I AK WRITING* * *TO ALL OF tions, and I .represent and rupect you. How do these times strike the l>est thought. you? They are nothing new to Ille, . The ftrst time I met up with them "WE MOVED* * TO* J'EWEi:l was in 1865 following' the Civil war. .ci:nmty, Kan., in 1895, with a. ta.mt,. Then ln 18'iS, when apeeie payment ly of nine, not a doltar to go on, W'&a resumed or the so-called de­ took over a mortgage on a hill monltlu.t1011 of silver, noted In his­ farm, built my own house, barn tpry u Black Friday, having been and fence, working . whettever I "ttorklllf 'l years at 30 to 50 cents could get work, fl per day, for iny per day to support :iny fatbet"iS :tii.m­ n•lghbors, many of them social­ ilf• 00..-«1._,. in aU4 father to go lets, took their whines and cuuinp to Nebr... ka and homestead. We of the government but never anived there the 17th of N ovem­ flinched. Stood by Cleveland, Mc­ ber, ma. a family of 9 with 10 dol­ Kinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, lars n ,money, and no one coul Harding, Coolidge and Hoover, and ~ow money for less than 36 pe am proud of it. While I lost my '*1.t ad. some paid ISO per cent But none of use could borrow mon ~lde_!!Ual :vote in 1928, being in ey, because none could give secuJ California, yet the people who are lty, and then there was no mone cussinr Hoover today would cuss in Nebraska. or· in that part Jesus Christ if he were here. This of Flllmore country where -vte set­ element has no constructive tled., We dU&' a. hole In the bank thought, but ;u-e just against every and covered it with wll\ows, sod good thing on general principles. and dirt and burned weeds and gra!IS We tolerate them as we do the for fuel and I got a few days work wind, the mud, the cyclones, the plowing with our plug team, before earthquakes, and the ttdal wa.ve. they l'Ot so weak from lack of feed They may engulf us for a time, or that they could not work. Then I annoy us for a season, but we do Ired out for half a. month for $8 not try to stem their tide by our to haul logs with oxen~ but I weigh­ puny form, but bend and let them ed. only .77 pouncls, and was not go over us. Then we can stand heavy enough to control the oxen. erect and go forward with honor a.s .I was only two months past six­ a. helpful citizen to the betterment teen. Then a man who ran a saw of mankind. mill c&me and tried to hire my two * ,:,: * 1ou11rer brothers to do his chores "EVERY BUSINESS OR IN- and when they would not, he turn­ dustry is affected by every othtr ltd to me and said: "Buel, you're Industry to more or less eJtte t. big enov.gh to do those chores." The1·efore we must get In h&rmo\t,)r "Yes," I said, "if you ,vill give me and all pull together, and how cu work ao I can support this fap,.­ we all pull together when some of .fly." Ht uked me what I could us are ridiculing the president, do, ancJ. I told him anything any sqnie the senate, some congreu, man can do, and It turned out that some the church, 11ome the state I got work all winter, cutting wood legislature, some this industry, at $1.00 a day, more than I ever some that and all are ..-ccusing sot in my life. ellOh other of stealing, scheming for the upper hand and all in blind­ "THEN IN* 1892* *CAME THE ne88 getting nowhere? tlood of pelitlcal insanity, soclalla­ tlc-fa.rmer-labor, and every other er­ HOW AND* WHERE* * SHALL ratic hoocllum il.ctlon that. stopped we begin to get the best from life industry, glutted markets, depress­ In these United States and kill this ed finance and threw nine-tepths depression in spirit, In morals, in of the banks of the nation Into the politics, and In business. We must h-anda of the receiver. Men left look up a.nd grasp first 1>rlnciples. tht tJtlited -States, Coxey's army, Seek for and pu1h forth the best th}'o"lh lta '1er at Masillon, Ohio, thought, the best men, the most reel'Ui• followers from Cali- honest and true :measures and be forafa td da., from Canada to honest and true ourselves." the <kilt. d made conditions for W. P. DAVIES. ffle ~e along their route much wo _..l wer, fQJ •*8.1I1Nr a de- f4'!_jjWdat$ . ~m • 4C>Dgresa t tllllfl••'111 ~ .-~ tt,i11C>bslbie for :iiJ4 to ~ Preal­ ,t.ho, ~JtBh a. JL~~a»Ubilcan, was ,~lnua prealdeata ever bad. • *' one of your columns concerniu e notable irregularity of Boston IT IS· ALWAYS PLEAS T 0 · streets. · All that you say is true of hear from old friends at a distanc old Boston, and for the same rea­ and to know that spme chance bit son that · Grand Forks' streets are of information or .
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