165th annual report OF THE TOWN OFFICERS OF Wakefield Massachusetts including the vital Statistics for the year ending December thirty-first 19 7 6 Wakefield Item Press, Wakefield, Mass. Town of Wakefield Population, 1975 State Census — 26,438 1970 Federal Census — 25,268 Congressman, 7th District — Edward J. Markey of Maiden Councillor, 6th District — Joseph A. Langone, III, of Boston Senator, 3rd Middlesex District — John A. Brennan, Jr., of Maiden State Representative, 31st Middlesex District — Anthony M. Gallugi of Wakefield Town Officers, 1976-77 * Selectmen John J. Murphy, Chairman, 1978 John F. Carney, 1978 James E. Good, 1977 John Wally Moccia, Jr., 1979 George J. Toth, II, 1977 *Town Clerk Thelma E. Rennard, 1978 ***Assistant Town Clerk Virginia L. Climo *Moderator Roger H. Wingate, 1977 "Treasurer Paul Lazzaro, 1977 *Tax Collector Thomas Hennessy, 1979 * *Town Accountant John J. McCarthy t 9QOC9 ; fa %J m V> i*> O 165th ANNUAL REPORT *Assessors Term Expires Kenneth E. Morang, Jr., Chairman 1977 John E. Anderson 1978 Roger A. Curran 1979 Asst. Assessor, Dante C. Volpe ( App.) 1977 'Municipal Light Commissioners Joseph R. Sardella, Chairman 1977 Edward D. Conway 1979 Philip C. Siciliano 1978 Board of Public Works James M. Scott, Chairman 1979 Bartholomew D. Barry 1978 Alfred S. Confalone 1977 Joseph Anthony Curley 1977 Ralph P. DeCecca (Resigned) 1978 Dennis P. Hogan, Jr. 1979 Dianna J. Lowry (Resigned) 1977 School Committee William F. Kenney, Chairman 1978 Alfred A. Palmerino 1977 Louis R. Sardella 1977 J. Edward Surette, Jr. 1977 Donald A. Winsor 1978 Richard A. Wood 1978 Janice Poritzky 1979 Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational School Representative Philip L. McAuliffe, Jr. 1977 Trustees Lucius Beebe Memorial Library Virginia M. Jackson, Chairman 1978 Thomas M. Hourihan 1978 Walter A. Howlett 1978 Ethel S. Koulouris 1977 John M. Landers 1979 Derek D. Ober 1979 RuthE.Finlay 1979 John B. Shevlin, Jr. 1977 Albert Leon Burbine, Jr. 1977 Board of Health George O. Richardson, Chairman 1977 A. Louis Giamarco 1979 Merle A. Peabody 1978 TOWN OF WAKEFIELD *Town Planning Board (5 yrs.) Arthur A. Knight, Jr., Chairman 1980 Roland A. Cote 1981 AngeloD'Ambrosio 1978 Charles M. Imbracsio 1977 Ruth A. Woodbury 1979 * Wakefield Housing Authority (5 yrs.) Mary S. Sweeney, Chairman 1979 Philip H. DePasquale 1980 Steven D. Harrington 1977 Thomas A. Mullen 1981 Rev. John V. Thorp ( State Appointee) 1977 "Constables Harold R. Anderson (Town Appointee) 1978 Kenneth Lowry 1977 James T. McKeon 1977 Robert A. Westcott 1977 * * "Registrars of Voters Bertram A. Hudson, Chairman 1977 Lawrence C. Brown, Jr. 1979 Ellen A. Lee 1978 Thelma E . Rennard, Clerk 1978 ** "Finance Committee John A. Hanson, Chairman 1977 David N. Berry 1979 Philip C. Boody 1978 M. Kent Fletcher 1979 Steven J. Hegarty 1977 RoscoeE. Irving 1978 David F. Carpenter 1977 Henry A. Stahle 1977 Francis C. McGrath, Jr. 1979 William H. Patriquin 1977 Edward G. Riess 1978 George A. Snow 1978 Henry F. Sampson 1979 Charles D. Willis 1978 Robert L. Wixted 1979 * * "Board of Appeals Leonard I. Singer, Chairman 1977 Daniel Sullivan 1978 Richard D. Ellis 1979 165th ANNUAL REPORT ***Building Board of Appeals William J. Benedetto 1977 Dominic DiGiorgio 1980 John J. MacKay, Sr. 1979 Charles F. Storella 1978 James H. Sen 1979 ***Recreation Commission George E. Koulouris, Chairman 1979 J. Frank Anderson 1977 Fred A. Roberto 1978 Loins J. Racca 1979 ***Personnel Board Henry C. Anzalone, Chairman 1979 Francis A. Johnson 1978 Delbert W. Lawson 1977 Leonard Lewis 1979 John B. Anderton (Resigned) 1978 Ruth H. Nolan 1978 Elected ***Appointed * Tenure Attest: THELMAE. RENNARD - . Town Clerk TOWN OF WAKEFIELD When you VOTE you ELECT 1 Board of Public Works Board of Selectmen Town Treasurer - -Moderator Tax Collector _ uTown Clerk Planning Board- —Board of Assessors School Committee- —Board of Health Constables— —Board of Library Trustees Municipal Light —Housing Authority Commission 165th ANNUAL REPORT The Board of Selectmen Appoints and supervises the work of: Executive Secretary. .Town Accountant Town Counsel _ _ Police Chief Fire Chief. Veterans Agent Building Inspector. _Wire Inspector Sealer of Weights.. Gas Piping & Appliance Insp. Plumbing lnsp._ .Board of Appeals Recreation Comm.— .Retirement Board Election Officers. -Dir. of Civil Defense - Board of Registrars Various Special _ Committees Not Appoint ed by the Moderator Finance Committee Personnel Board ' Special Committees .. TOWN OF WAKEFIELD VOTING IN WAKEFIELD, ELECTIONS AND POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS Prepared by the League of Women Voters To Be A Voter, A Person Must Be an American citizen (native-born or naturalized) 18 years or more in age a resident of Massachusetts a resident of Wakefield registered as a voter To Register As A Voter, A Citizen Must appear in person before an authorized Registrar of Voters sign his (or her) name When and Where to Register: 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday in the Town Clerk's office. 7: 00 to 8:00 P.M. Tuesday evenings in the Town Clerk's office. Or at especially designated places in precincts, within two weeks of the closing of registration, scheduled by Board of Registrars and announced in the Wakefield Item. However no registration takes place between the 32nd day preceding and the day following the State and Presidential Primaries and the State Elections nor between the 20th day preceding and the day following the annual Town Election. Registration is permanent unless a voter moves to a new city or town or changes name by marriage. A voter, moving from one precinct to another within the town, should immediately notify the Registrars of the change to assure being able to vote in the new precinct, otherwise he must vote in his former address. Registrations are administered by the Board of Registrars. The Board is composed of three citizens, appointed for three year terms by the Board of Selectmen, and the Town Clerk, who by virtue of his office, serves as clerk of the board. Polling Places 1 Precinct 1 — First Baptist Church 2 Precinct 2 — Greenwood School 3. Precinct 3— St. Joseph's Hall 4 Precinct 4 — Hurd School 5. Precinct 5— Franklin School Local elections are held annually on the first Monday in March to elect certain officials and members of boards for their respective terms. Local elections are non-partisan. Write-ins are permitted, and absentee voting is allowed in local elections. 165th ANNUAL REPORT To Become a Candidate for Local Office A Citizen Must . secure nomination papers from the Town Clerk (one set of papers for each office to appear on the ballot) obtain signatures of 50 registered voters submit nomination papers with the Board of Registrars for certification 7 days preceding the 35th day before the Town Election file with the Town Clerk by 5 P.M. on the 35th day before the Town election. (This places the candidate's name on the ballot officially, providing the papers are properly certified). The Town Clerk administers election. The Board of Selectmen annually in August appoints election officers to supervise voting at the polls. These include five wardens and five clerks. To Join a Political Party . A voter must declare his party choice as he enters the polls to vote in the primary elections. To Change or Cancel Party Enrollment . A voter must appear in person at the Town Clerk's office and present the request in writing. This may be done any time except when registration is closed, immediately preceding elections. A party member is eligible to be a delegate to his party conventions. Membership on the town Democratic and Republican Committees is determined by ballot every four years at the Presidential Primary. A non-party member is called an "Independent" voter, or an "un-enrolled" voter. The Annual Report of the Town Officers is published each year and is available at the time of Town Meeting and also at the public library. The report includes all financial data pertaining to the costs of town operating expenses. Procedure of Town Meeting . The Moderator, an elected town official, presides at town meetings. He begins to read the call for the meeting. Usually a motion is made to waive further reading of the warrant (with the exception of the constable's return which the law demands be read ) and the motion is carried. Articles in the warrant are taken up in order as they are printed in the warrant unless it is requested by a two- thirds vote that they be taken up otherwise. The recommendations of the Finance Committee are given before voters discuss or act upon an article. For the annual town meeting, these recommendations are available a week to ten days before the meeting in booklet form, called "Annual Appropriations for 197-," and may be obtained at the Selectmen's Room at Town Hall. Following the Finance Committee's recommendations or the recommendations of such special department as may be permitted to make recommendations, the sponsor of the article is usually allowed to present his case. The voters may then debate the question according to rules of parliamentary procedure prescribed by the town's bylaws such as: —Stand, address the Moderator, give name and address clearly, confine remarks to the question under debate and avoid personalities. 2° TOWN OF WAKEFIELD -Speak for not more than 10 minutes at any one time, unless grantee permission by the meeting. No voter may speak more than once on an) question if other voters desire to be heard, and no voter may speak more thai twice on the same question without permission of the meeting. —Speak not more than two minutes on any one of the following motions: Motion to adjourn Motion to lay on the table Motion to take from the table Motion to put the previous question (These motions only are in order when a question is under debate.
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