DIRECTORY.] HA.J.'fPSHIRE. LYNDHCRSf. 223 field, the late Chevalier de Chatela.in and others, and O>mpton Henry Francis esq. Manor house, Minstead, applied to the schools and the relief of the poor. There Lyndhurs~ R.S.O are many good residences around Lyndhurst, and the Coonpton Francis esq. M.A., D.O.L., D.L. Blackwater, parks attached to some~ of these are planted w.ith fine Minstead, Lyndhurst timber. Brooklands, witll 30 acres of grounds, ":is the Douglas-Scott-Montagu the Hon. John W. E., M.P. The t~eat of Lieut.-Ool. WHliam Martin Powell J.P. ; :Foxlease, IAldge, Beaulieu, Southampton with 130 acres, of William George Sttevenson esq. J.P. ; Drurnrnond Andrew Cecil esq. Cadland, Southampton Wilverley Park, with 58 acres, of Henry Martin Powell Drummond Capt. Cecil George Assheton, Enderby hall. eo;q.; Cuffnells, the seat of Reginald Gervis Hargreaves Leicester esq. J.P.; Northerwood, with 120 acres, of Edward Festus Eyre George Edward Briscoe esq. M.A. Warens, Bram- Kelly esq. and Parkhill, with 40 acres, of Willinghom shaw, Lyndhurst Franklin Rawnsley esq. M.A.~ J.P. H.M. the Queen is }<'ox Robt. Gerard esq. The Purlieu, Hythe, Southampton lady of the manor of Lyndhur~t. The principal landowners Griffiths Richard William Smith esq. Eyeworth lodge, are Reginald Gervis Hargreaves esq. and William George I Fritham, Lyndhurst Stevenson esq. The .soil is. loamy; .subsoil, gravel. The Hargreaves Reginald Gervis esq. Cuffnells, Lyndhurst chief crops are hay and grass. The area is 3,822 acres; Hobart Robert Henry esq. C.B., LL.B. Langdown,Hythe~ rateable value, £g,5o6; the population in 1891 was r,80. Southampton Pike's Hill and Bolton's. Bench are hamlets in this Jaffray John Munton esq. The Stydd house, Lyndhursi pa.rish. 1 J effreys John esq. Canterton manor, Lyndhurst Emery Down is an ecclesi!llstical parish, formed in 1864 Jenkinson Henry Thomas John esq. M.A. Ower~ Fawley, from the civil parish of Lyndhurst, and is ~ mile north- Southampton west from Lyndhurst. Christ Church, built in 1864, Macleay Col. Alexander Caldcleugh C.B. 17 Buckingham is a p!ain edifice of red brick in the Early English style, Palace gardens, London S W from. designs by Mr. W. Bulterfield, architect, con- Powell Lieut.-Col. Wm. Martin, Brooklands, Lyndhurst sisting ol chancel, nave, north porch and a tunet at Ra.wnsley Willingham FrankHn esq. Park hill, Lyndhurst the west end containing one bell: there are r6o. sittings. Roy William Gascoigne esq. Byams, Marchwood,Sthmptn The register dates from the year r864. The living is a Stevenson William George esg. Foxlease, Lyndhurst vicarage, gross yearly value £zoo, net £133, in the alter- Timson Capt. Hy. Tatchbury mount, Totton, Southmptn nate gift of H. T. Boultbee esq. and the V en. William Bree Ward-Jackson William Charles esq. Camp hl.Lyndhurs\ D.D. archdeacon of Coventry, and held since r8Bo by the Clerk to the Magistrates, William Ooxwell, g Gloucester Rev. Herbert Thomas Hughes M . .A.. of Lincoln College, square, Southampton Oxford. The population in xBgr was 454· Petty SeSISions are held at Queen's hQuse the second Sextons, Thomas Burge, Lyndhurst; Moses Blake, wednesday in ea.ch month at n a.m. The followjng Emery Down. places are included in Lyndhurst sub-division:- Post, M. 0. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., s. B. &; Insurance, Express Bartley, Cadam, Eling, Fritham, Bramshaw, 1\finstead, Delivery, Parcel Post & Annuity Office (Railway Slub- Ower, Totton, Lynd.hurst . Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Rants added).-J. Pubhc Establishments.. G. Ford, postmaster. Letters arrive at 2 & 10.15 a.m. Cemetery, 'Y1lliam ~errard, clerk to bunal boa.rd & 5.30 p.m.; dispatched at 10,10 a.m. & 2 , 10 & 10 p.m County Pohce StatiOn, Edward Payne, supermtenden~ Post & M. 0. 0., s. B. & .Annuity &; Insurance Office, one sergeant & two constables Emery Down.-Mrs. Jane Marshall, sub-postmjstress. 4th Vohmteer Battalion Hampshire Regiment (D Co.), Letters arrive at 7.30 & 11.3o a. m. & 7 p.m. ; dispatched Hon.-Col. J. H. Roberts V.D. commanding at g.25 a.m. & r.5 & 7.40 p.m. ; sundays, nil. Lynd- Public Officers: burst, I mile distant, is the nearest telegraph office Assistant Overseer, George John White Wall LetJter Boxes, Goose Green, cleared at r.ro & 9 p.m. Relieving & Vaccination & School Attendance Officer, :znd Bank, cleared at 7.40 & n. 15 a. m. & 7· 15 p.m. week District, New Foresr, Union, Wi11iam Holloway days only. Empress road, cleared at 8 a. m. & 1.3o .& Places of Worship, with times of services. 8 p.m. Southampton ;road, cleared at t.1o & 7·40 p.m. St. Michael's Church, Rev. Canon John Compton ~f..A. Eme-ry Down, cleared at g.2o a.m. & 1.15 Oli 8.5 p.m incumbent; Rev. Charles Henry Compton M.A. priest Verderers of the New Forest (New Forest Act, 1877). in charge; holy communion, 8 a. m. & on 1st sunday at The Verderers hold a regular court of Swainmote five or noon; matins, II a. m.; evensong, 6.30 p.m.; children's six times year:y & !Special courts are held when required. service, 3 p.m.; daily, 1o a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; thursday Court H<mse, Queen's house, Lyndhurst celebration, 8 a.m H b Official Verderer,H()(D, Evelyn Ashley, Broodlands,Romsey Christ Church, }Jnery Down, Rev. er ut Thomas Hughes M.A. vicar Verderers. Our Lady of the .A..ssumption & St. Edward (Catholic), Rev. J a:rnes J oseph Daly, priest; holy communion, 8.30 Oompton Henry Francis J.P. Manor house, Minstead a.m. ; high mass, n a.m. ; rosary & benediction, 3.30 Esdaile W. 0. D. esq. Burley manor, Ringwood. p.m.; daily mass, 8 a.m. except friday, 9 a.m Eyre G. E. Briscoe esq. Warrens, Bramshaw, Lyndhurst Baptist, Rev. Tom Webb Scamell, 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 Jeffreys John esq. Gwterton p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m Lovell FranciSI Frederick esq. llincheslea, Br<JICkenhurst Plymouth Brethren, n a.m. & 6.30 p.m Roy W. G. esq. Byo.ms, Marchwood, Southampton National Slchool (mixed & infants), built in 1849, & since Clerk, George Ferris Whidborne Mortimer esq. Romsey enlarged for l200 mixed & 100 infants; average attend­ Crier of the Court, Oharles Newbolt ance, qo mixed & 79 infants; Edward. Hammick, Crown Officers of the New Forest. master ; Mrs. Amelia Oockg, infants' mistress National School (mixed), Emery Down, built about x865, Surveyors, Commissioners of Woods & Forests for 145; average attendance, 73; Ernest Warr, master; Deputy Surveyor, Bion. Gerald William Lascelles Miss Collier, mistress; Miss Alice Frost. infants' mist Assistants to Deputy Surveyor, James Harold Roberts, Conveyance--Omnibus to Lyndhurst Road station daily John Henry Dixon & Henry Ernest HoUoway Clerk Deputy Surveyor, Arthur George Grace (sunday excepted), from the Crown hotel to meet the to London trains. Parcels booked & fOTwarded to all parts County Magistrates for Lyndhurst Sub-Division of Omnjbus to :Brockenhurst station three times daily (sun- Lywingtou & New Forest Petty Sessional Division. day excepted), from the Grand hotel, to meet the fast Everett John esq. Oolbury house, Netley Ma:rsh, South- trains to & from London amp ton, chairman Carriers to : Montagu of Beaulieu Lord, D.L. Palace h<mse, Beaulieu, Lymington-WilHam King, thurs. caJJing ab the 'Fox Southampton . & Hounds ' Catt Geo. Henry esq. Villa Amalthea, Hythe, Southampton Southampton-Wm. Roberts, mon. wed. fri. & sat LYNDHURST. Bowd~n-Smith Mrs. Richd. Ver.nalh Downman Charles B. Rosie:re Bryan Willoughby Edward, Haskells Emms John, The Firs, Queen's road PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bushman Maj.-Gen. Henry Augustus Fenwick George John, .Allum green Adams Fredk. Charlstrom, Fern cot C.D. Bird's Nest Gaussen Mrs. Hill house .Aitchison RPar-Adml. Henry Compton, Carlyon Gerald Winstanley,The Cedars Goldfinch John Howard, Forest lodge Shrub's hill Chawner Mrs. Forest Bank Grace Arthur George, Pike's RiU viis .Alexander Adrian Wm.Gordon,Red lo Compton Rev. Charles Hency M.A. GTeen George Robert, Rufus house Anderson Mrs. Rosiere (priest-in-charge), Ballard lodge Havgreaves Rlginld.GervisJ.P.Cuffnlla Ansten John H. Queen's cottage Daly Rev. James Joseph (O&tholic), Hayes :Mrs. The Cottage Best Mr!l. Fernlea Prt'sbytery Head William Henry, Roe Beech .
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