AVERAGE DAILT OIRCIJlA'nON WEATHER for the Month o f AprU, 1988 Foreeaat of U. 8. Weather Bureau, Hartford 6,124 Showers tdnight and Tuesday; Msaber of the Audit slightly cooler In the north portion Bureun of OIroulatlooa iH am lyrBtrr iEurtttng Ifrra lb Tuesday. MANCHESTER ~ A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM V O L. L V II„ NO. 199 (ClaasUled Advertlsliix ou Fags 10) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, MAY 23, 1938 (TW ELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTO^ Europe’s Best “Little Army” Was Ready WILUAMSON SILENT RECALL REICH TROOPS AS HE SURRENDERS FROM CZECH BORDER IN WATERBURY CASE f- Darieo Lawyer Has No State- WHILE TENSION EASE JAPAN CLAIMS ment To Make As Re Henlein, Leader Of The Posts Bonds; Hearing Set TEN THOUSAND F r a n ce a n d Brit a in deten Minority Rc For 10 A. M. Tomorrow. FOES CAPTURED W arn R eich A g a inst From Vienna To Hold I THOMS RESIGNS. Press Corre- ference With Pr Hartford, May 28.— (A P )— Czechoslovakia sent armored giants such as the motorized heavy artillery unite pictured above Into Governor Crosa today ’ had re- the Sudetqn-German areas of her s mall land In a swift answer to ru mors of German troop movements A C zech C ivil W a r ceived the resignation of only spondent Flies Over Bat- outside her borders and Nazl-lnaplre d terror within, Hodza In Effort To one of the three state and conn- r* ty oommlssloneni who be bad Parl^ May 23—(A P )— Informedis Edouard Dalsdier that the Praha tlekeids In Central China quarters reported today the France government was capable of crush- asked to quit offtoe as a reault The Germanic Diffic and Britain had joined in warning ing any revolt Inside the Republic of the Waterbary Grand Jury disclosures. Germany that Czechoslovakia could and would seek French aid only If And Describes Sitnation. John D. Thoms, statute re- not be made the theater of a war and when German troops crossed vtslon commissi oner, haa re- like that In Spain. the frontier. Praha, M ay 23.— (J signed, the governor annonnoed. Konrad Henlein, leade By ELMER W. PETERSON Both French and Czechoslovak The calmness of Sunday's muni- Be Is still waiting, be said, for quarters said the Praha government cipal elections In Czechoslovakia Czechofllovakia’s autontj the other two to comply. They With the Japanese Army In Cen- had evidence that Sudeten German and the firm stand taken by France seeking Germanic mine are Athletic Oommlsaloner tral Cniina, May 28.—(A P)— The Nazis were storing up arms. These and Britain against possible German Joseph H. Lawler of Waterbary, Japanese field command said today quarters were alarmed by persistent Interference were considered In and Premier Milan Hodza^ and Matthew A. Daly of New reports that the war supplies were Paris to have eased the tension tonight in a preliminary that 10,000 demoralized f'.hinese .ol- Haven, a county commissioner. coming from Germany. slightly. to settle their dispute, uiers have surrendered smee tne laii or bUcao<v. Informed peraoiu said the British- Reports of a hurriedly called Nazi had brought Europe daJ^ Waterbury, May 23 — (A P ) — French warning was delivered by counoll of Hitler, his diplomatic and 'rue numuer of prisoners mounted Charles E. Williamson, Darien law- Sir Nevlle Henderson, British am- military advisors with, the O cch ously near the brink of rapiuiy as Japanese torces relent- Henlein returned to th€^ yer and Fairfield county Republican lEMiy pusueu nagmunts or toe rout- bassador to Berlin, in one of hts Nazi leader, Konrad Henleln, led to leader, surrendered at the Court ed t-mnese army tleeuig irom tne visits to the Wilhelmstrasse during the belief, however, that danger was ital by airplane late t o ^ y ^ the current German-Oechoslovak not yet over. House here at 11:30 a.m. (daylight conquered Central Cbtiia railroad it was understood he had i crisis. May Bisk EverytMng saving time) today In connection zone. Fesrs here were bssed on the from Vienna, where pr with a Waterbury Grand Jury in- h lying over the Suebow area In France had left no doubt that she possibility Hitler might decide to bly he had seen German vestigation of municipal affairs that a Japanese war plane, 1 saw a would fight any unprovoked aggres- risk everything on the chsnce of s leaders. resulted In the issuance of bench ghaatiy spectacle ot desperate, sion again Czechoslovakia. quick wsr, rather than see what the warrants against 27 persons Includ- shattered Chinese fighting for their Although the first of three con- He arrived soop aftn French consider hla plans for domi- ing Lieutenant Gov. Frank Hayes. lives In the Suchow trap. secutive Sunday elections of oora- ports were received th a tl atova map shows the perilous position of little Czechoslovakia under threat of German invasion, nation of Central Europe blocked Williamson, former compensation The Japanese said tney had nar- munal officials In Oechoslovakla ^ e Austria-augmented Reich grips her like giant pincers. Potential "teeth" in the pincers is the Sude- by Czecboilovakla'a refusal <to be- man troops were withd commissioner who resigned today as rowed the trap down to an area had passed without a major Inci- ten-Geriimn area, home of Czechoslovakia's pro-Nazi minority, shown in black. The horizontally striped come another Austria. from the Czechoslovak prosecutor of the Darien Town roughly 12 miles In diameter, cen- dent. French officials viewed the Mctlon Is inhabited by Czechs and Bohemnians, while the vertically striped area Is the home of Slovaks, In that case, the French spokes- Orurt, was accompanied to the tering on the Lushan bills midway situation as only temporarily re- Hopes for averting a Poles, Hungarians M d Ruthenians. The killing of two Sudeten-Germans In Eger, at the extreme west- man explained, France was deter- between Suctaow and Suhsien. lieved. central European conflict! Court House by Samuel Friedman, em tip, precipitated the war scare. PUsen, location of the great Skoda munition works, would be the mined to fight, inevitably drawing a lawyer. Passing over Suchow at 500 feet. Cristo Not Ended Immediate taiget of Invading armies. Britain Into the conflict with her. considered appreciably The former associate of the late They Instated the crisis was far It could be plainly seen that the Jap- Even French Isolationists, who er. J. Henry Roraback, one time na- anese were In full possiesslon ot that from ended. If German arms were used to until the Czech situation became ex- tionally known Republican chief- city. Junction of the Lungbai and His talk with the Cz start a revolt of the Sudeten Ger- tremely grave on Saturday bad In- tain In Connecticut, was formally Ttentain-Pukow railways. The Ris- vak premier was conside PHILUFOLLEnE mans, the French said, there would stated France bad no Interest In placed under arrest by County De- ing Sun flag floated over the city CONFERENCE ON RELIEF preliminary to real peace 1 Czechoslovakia's fate, agreed tective Edward J. Hickey, ace In- be a "million Incidents" which and It swarmed with Japanese France would be bound to aid her tiations between the A vestigator for Prosecutor Hugh M. troops, tanks and trucks. might afford an excuse for Adolf central European ally in caoe ol at- Alcorn who conducted tha Jury tn- In the adjacent fighting zone, IGNORED BY GROUP Hitler to march Into Czechoslo- government and the 8,S tack. veatlgatlbn. where the Japanese say more than CALLED FOR TOMORROW vakia. Sudeten (xermans, for Except for consU!nt conferences Friedman posted the $10,000 bond 200,000 Chinese were caught, tanks, That, the French said, would at the foreign ministry and Premier Henlein considers hn for Williamson’s release, in the motorized units and infantry coulil mean war. Informed quarters said that Daladier'a office In the national de- spokesman. be seen pursuing groups of fugitives Wisconsin’s Politics Forther fense ministry, France outwardly CALL IT VICTORY. (Uontlnued on Page IWo) across the fields, harassing them Slump In State’s Business REBS’ PRISONERS Franca through diplomatic quarters had- warned Berlin there could be was calm. The French feeling A feeling that a victory had I with machine gun and rifle fire. no Intervention In Czechoslovakia seemed to be hope for the best while won 'prevailed in Praha today,'] Scenes of Devastation. Brings Problem Back; A T T F M P T F Q f A P F Scrambled By Action Of like the Intervention—of Germany preparing for the worst. mented by the conviction The terrain was Uttered with and Italy—In Spain. Today’s Cabinet session was pri- for the obvious detetrmlnat ruined vUIages, wrecked bridges, PAPE AND ALCORN One In Every Ten Is ___ Farmer-Labor Faction.They said France's representa- marily to give final approval to a the Czechs to defend their devastated farm houses and endless new group of economic decree laws, at all costs and against a llj lines of trenches. tions were backed by Britain's. Stefan Oauaky, Czechoslovak min- but the central European crista Germany's Adolf Hitler amu" Operations around Suchow have STATE GOP TICKET Madison. Wls., May 23.— (A P ) — ister to Paris, reassured Premier made of them a secondary subject. made another lightning move.'l turned Into widespread open war- Two ThoDsand Spanish Loy* Official circles and tha fare, terrifying In iu scope, with Wisconsin's cr:stomarlIy strangely public expressed not only the fleeing Chinese fighting desper- scrambled politics were stirred up over relaxaUon of International | Hartford. May 23.— (A P I - The ah'sts Seize Arms But ate rear’ guard actions as they seek Just a bit more today by the out- Sion but also pride that Political Observers In Hart- to save themselves from the Jap- business recession has brought the come of the Fanner-Labor-Progres- vakia's determined stand anese.
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