12 !'i - s I nlHlTEk~I cn nnAGAZlhc. A,,THIRTY' YEAR TRADITION ry-February 1986 Val. Newsstand Date - March 1986 Gravity Sports Films lnc. NEW GSF TITLES SOMEWHERE IN IDAHO- An in depth look at what might be the finest white- AVAILABLE FALL '85 water drainage in North America. The 85 WHITEWATER HIGHLIGHTS- South Fork of the Salmon; includes the During the spring and summer of 1985, first filmed raft descent of the South we travelled to 8 Western States, and Fork overnight, the East Fork of the filmed 18 different rivers, including the South Fork, the South Fork Daily, and Grand Canyon, Forks of the Kern, South the Secesch. RP/32 35 minutes $39.95. Fork Salmon, Animas and Chilibar A WEEK IN COLORADO- A whirl- Rodeos, windsurfing at the Columbia wind tour through some of the south- River Gorge, the 1985 North American west's best whitewater; Pine Creek and Telemark Championships, and Fat Tire Royal Gorge stretches of the Arkansas, ~ikeWeek at Crested Butte. Basically the Piedra, and the Animas River Days this is our fall video catalog showing Rodeo. RP/33 35 minutes $39.95. highlights from our most recent produc- GRAND CANYON '85- Our first look tions. We didn't get enough footage at all at the world's most famous river trip our stops, so this will be your only since the floods of '83. This footage is chance to get a look at some of these taken from three different trips featuring rivers (Forks of the Kern, Salt, Virgin, rafts, kayaks and the legendary "little Westwater) ... until next year! RP/30 50 dories". See a totally new Crystal rapid! minutes $35. Unquestionably the most complete CHILI BAR/SNAKE DANCE- two video available of this incredible river different videos on one tape! See some journey. RP/34 40 minutes $39.95. of the most famous paddlers in the Don't forget that you can design you West's richest rodeo at Chili Bar, South own two hour cassette. Pick out all the Fork of the American. Some unbeliev- titles you want, and we'll put them on the able moves in rafts and open canoes! same tape. We require a minimum order Then journey to Alpine Canyon on the of $39.95 for any cassette purchase, with Snake River in Wyoming to watch some a maximum price for any two-hour tape of the world's best surfers shredding it of $135. For orders: Contact AWA up at Lunch Counter rapid. RP/31 30 Box 273 minutes $39.95 or $25 each if ordered Powell Butte, OR 97753 separately. (503) 447-6293 WHITE WATER Z PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN WHITEWATER AFFILIATION I- JANUARY-DECEMBER Vol. XXXI, No. 1 ,,,-I The American Whitewater Affiliation Board of Directors President MARGE CLINE 1343 North Portage Palallne IL 60067 Colorado River Excitement Tom McCloud 11352 Moblie Estates West Lalayette. IN 47906 Con tents: Jim Stohlqulst PO Box 291 4 Letters to Editor Buena Vlsta. CO 81211 5 Fluvial News Mlke Beard 8 400 NO Walnut River Access: The Real Issue - Llltle Rock. AR 72205 by Kirk Jonasson Kelth Thompson 9 Big Ed's Glossary - 1171 N 10th Street by Ed Evangelidi I.aramle, WY 82070 Fred Youna 11 The Arkansas Paddler 10401 ~enevaDrlve Roscoe. lL 61073 14 River Rendezvous Gets Rave Reviews - by Rudolph Davison Executrve 0,recfor Charles Andre 20 New York Citv Paddlers: On The Wav UD? 1083 Merld~anCt -.- Lexmgton. KY 40504 by Tom ~ellek Conservalron Dtreclor 24 Yakpacking The Colorado River - Delafleld Dubola Box 4936 by Randy Welch Albuquerque. NM 87196 30 John Pilley's First Law of Rapids - Treasurer by John Lane Clalre Gesalman 6301 Hlllcrest PI Alexandrla, VA 22312 Marketjng Risa Shimoda 428 Page Ave rll Atlanta. Georg~a30307 AWA STAFF AWA Jounul Editor: Dave McCourtney. Box 273. Poweil Butte. OR 97753 Edrtor-!n-Ch#er Racing Edltor Barb McKee 1167 M~Ilslon~River Rd Hllshoro NJ 08876 Dave McCourtney Rqlonal Edltors: Rocky MIS: Ed Slbert California: Rich Bangs Northeast: M~keRO~~~~~ Box-- 274- Powell Butte. OR 97753 Id8ho: Rob Lesser Midwest: Fred Young Alaska: Jack Allen (503) 447-6293 Membership Director: Marge Weaver. 146 N Brockway. Palat~ne.IL 60067 Advertlslng Dlrectoc Keith Thompson. 1171 N. 10th St.. Laramie.WY 82070, (H) (307) 742- 2512. (W) (307) 742-W31 Conservation: Pope Barrow, Bob Patraw Safety: 0 K Goodwm Affiliate Coordinator: Rob Forker, Keith Thompson Printing Consultant: Jim Muhlhahn Ken HomItz Safety Education Director: Dr. John Woods PO. Box 88108 Address Changes and Missing Journals: Contact Peter Sk~nner.Box 272. Snyder Seattle WA 98188 Rd., West Sand Lake. NY 12196, (518) 674-5519 (H) AWA Products: Marge Weaver, 146 N Brockway. Palatine, IL 60067 hkrN. Sklnner Equipment Performance Evaluation: Bob Patraw Box 272, Snyder Rd AWA is published six times yearly. S~nglecoples$l50ea Surplus back coplesand Wesl Sand Lake. NY 12196 other AWA Products are available from AWA. 746 N Brockway Palatlne IL 60067 on wan^ 1985 American Whitewater Affiliation. Ail rights reserved. Idaho State Un$vers~ty Box 8118 I Pocatelio. ID 83209 Cover Photo: Charles Peterson at Ender Falls, Gould's Bend Section o Obed River, Tenn. Vol. XXXI, No. 1 1- To The Editor Dear Editor, Myers to come to the Nantahala Out- m I would like to respond to a letter door Center fortheir staff training on the written in your Sept.-Oct., 1985 issue of Chattooga River. If she and the Carbon- the AWA Magazine by Kate J. Myers, dale Ambulance Crew can do good, EMT, Carbondale Ambulance Crew, efficient CPR on a Recording Annie, P.O. Box 1103, Carbondale, CO 81623. while evacuating her around 7 Foot Hooray! To Kate J. Myers, EMT, for Falls, and then maintain this good CPR speaking out against inaccurate and for the next 2 miles up-river, over rocks, misleading information about CPR. You around trees, if they can run me a good see it all the time on TV where an actor tape off that recording Annile while tries to do CPR. As a CPR instructor, you doing all this, I will stand corrected and could teach a class on everything that is will take the entire crew to the Dillard done wrong. House for the best "crow-eating supper As an ex-EMT Instructor for South- in the Appalachians. The point is that I western Technical College in Western don't believe they can do it. A well- North Carolina, I agree, theoretically, trained, much practiced, paid, profes- with everything Ms. Myers says. sional ambulance crew might be able to "Prompt, accurate assessment of the move someone up and down stairs while situation and a prompt attempt to get doing CPR, but they would not last long your patient further help" are vital on a class V portage and a 2 mile carry. concerns. However, this theory is great And remember, these are professionals, for the city, but not practical in a wilder- Can you expect the average paddler to ness situation. "Getting him out or be able to do all this? bringing a more qualified crew in," is So where does this leave the average easier said than done! paddler? Because CPR will only keep Having worked on the Instructional 25-35% of normal carotid artery flow and Guide Staff of the Nantahala Out- circulating, provided the rescuers are door Center, I've had the opportunity to doing technically perfect CPR, due to get first hand information concerning this low efficiency, I feel that it is more the drownings that have occurred on the important to stay put and do good CPR Chattooga, what was done, what was for the next h ourthan it is to worry about not done; and I have read the Accident getting the person out and doing sloppy, Reports. From this information and inefficient CPR during the evacuation. experience, I would like to make some Hopefully, by the end of that hour, suggestions for the average paddler. outside help would have arrived, as in a Some of what I have to say is in direct helicopter or an Advance Life Support opposition to what Ms. Myers has writ- team. ten, mainly because in a real-life, wilder- Another reason for this 1 hour of good ness, river rescue situation, you are CPR is the possibility of the Mammaliam dealing with paddlers, who are lucky if Diving Reflex associated with Cold they have taken a CPR course in the past Water drownings. As far as I am con- year or two, and to expect him to be a cerned, in any water situation, if the card-carrying Standard First Aider is water temperature is around 70 degrees, even more doubtful. the approximate temperature at which The first statement that I must take the body can no longer offset the heat issue with is that ''if taught correctly then loss to the water, the average paddler a rescuer will know how to move a should always think-COLD WATER, patient while performing CPR accur- MAMMALIAN DIVING REFLEX! This ately." I am a skeptic! I won't believe it dive reflex buys the first aidertime, up to until I see it! I would like to invite Ms. 60 minutes according to the Dive Spec- Vol. XXXI, No. 1 ialist of the University of Michigan. when you may happen upon the scene There have been dramatic rescues of a river accident, or worst, be that where people have been revived after accident! Then who will be there for prolonged periods of submersi'on in you? cold water. The protective MDR stops Sincerely yours, once the victim is removed from the David W.
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