MARCH10, 2011 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWNILES RALDSPECTATOR.COM * $2.00 THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS HIGH-FASHION FAIRYTALE 'Red Riding Hood' is in Film Clips PAGE B4 FOOD COOKBOOK REVIEW Explore the delights of vegan cooking PAGE 26 Inside! today s homes . Renee Gatsis taj chi instructor at the Niles Senior Center, teaches beginning and Look for it in tite center of Search Chicago-Autos TAKING TAU CHI Intermediate classes on Fridays. The new session starts March 25 and there will be free demo March 17 at lo a.m. PAGE 6 I Tamara Bell-Sun-Times Media i: High School Students and Pixents oc-Log -tE S1IH Come and discover why Oaktön is the LS NO..L>O (4 0959 -1_sIa AèIWj8I1OIl8fld S31IN ideal place to begin your college education S5EO0000.jiAèI8I1 OIlSfld SE1EN I:000000 :03 81;'T989 during a Campus Visit program. 6TO-3J..0i Wednesday, March 23, 5:30 p.m. Room 1550, Des Plaines Campus ,p,f OaktonReserve your seat at www.oakto,zedWadrnission ' Community College1600 East GoifRoad, Des Plaines z NIL- TIIURSSOY. 01h34 152011 www.pioneereocaI.Com S PIONEER PRESS PU2LICASON .553 www.pioneerlocal.com DWELL B rstand Last Name .in'ReaIEstat CoIdweIIBaflkerOnh!ne.corn Nitos $709.000 Olios $705,0 499,000 T 399, t t t OatsIfi50r.S00 blrenrloorOmIerooIstwI,'fi .. Orsroflrofi't:.'oolrt.Isrslaorocs.s.,tsryrroyco, 807151,5 oSOsas. Urtr101slaOc MasloroñIe.Garaytolrsoel000l,.......i rotOr......:a......... reS. Dobbs Oom,sl ORS, ORI 047.724.580....-......smIrk Cro, GAI ' 047.724.580 147.724.5800 700400 Stil 1ìi'iillÏ::: JII 11111 8,Io 55055 0,0150 III 07.5.5C: .5 ftII H Iii a5pft.55..:,5.::5,5.D.' 2S8a0t.tlkea1a,s :5" 'Ir 11H plan, rl,,', , ,5"r' wotOp 'fi".......1 Iii,., III M 05 14,0 5 I I rai , s s 5 2.70 - 5,555 III W I 1 lt at r - II lit t! IO OlI 1 1,11f' 7 T i I I I Srl t t It' t OblIi I I I ir Is ti71010 InI I lot N t Is I slit 0,1101 0 i IO, t 0511151 Nwl.n'l n isst t?Fomly mSS ndflo?Y hd oil winiel aodri.'ur:t; spring in the time to och With the help of the . :. ' . , ' L_...'. 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Call 888.349.1714 foes complimen80000 is-home coosoltation www.airoom.com/PP iuflaoNwoodeome5aslos5ooawoFc825NLGwvwLt77h0o1WuPmMu7.SM95,3ur0mYc7oTA O 544 11251 f i 44ll00ao Nf fil li stat Tntruso Sou,. 71771 tos rirE Saales oeil stesso OrlI ui 007,urrcflu,iu,Gocl,soSssoG!cw / Ohoornsaing hurdredr et prodscts end dosi gr oembirottons in tell room ssthngs «sia/fi tosAtI O flsCsafluI.r,4,Iflps. 2 rast 7E bOosts, 0551102 100515, sinon 'firs 'TlrsntsiOsstopuost012ltflorsa,lIIr,sto,a525lrtb5050r500'o CUSTOM HOMES HOME ADDITIONS KITCHENS j OATHS j EASEMENTS j www.piooeeriocai.com NIL SHUN525t MItCH It. loll u MmeagiogEollosrr Matt Sciomito VP'.' Same address, Picone r (708) 524-4433 moclonsite®pioornrlocul.coni LocalNeW EL VATIONS THIS WOOEr II6YSR GIVES UP SN VIDEs 6555115G nnv I RaleloHr L5CAL CHURCH UPLIHTt eins PLSVt SNWSRD'l SCROOLSr DIStSCt 63 READiES 2SEP 67260 CUTS I CIIARIXYr COPI FREEZE F00 FIINERSISER New home. SCHOOL FINAUCE District 64 board hopefuls won't rule out tax hike Re JENNIFER JOHNSON lu unticipaiesooewneiereoduro isa, bot Collies salthtiepiirsisoerl cucini do to forestall the neon," Danno Poll nr assweied. hoI ns on E pion e enivra Loo o from tire increasingly loved pop- to pr esento plus "to ondoie wit she noid. "Unfomtuonoiely, tlliooin Peilnmv innumbeeb Jonse olare is the fuluno," said condi- sOny withiu our budesi nviihoot low bosh eon siruotured toronso Sroom eisa said she would not Noi oil canolidatos eooeinc for dote Anthoey Sornolli. an additional refcoccolnm!' snhooi hoards to go to the pub' ssppoeto referendum lu lomomuse 00015 005 Sloe lovol evhool boards Moromlli, who now servas os She Nomonmer Marshall Warren lic periadicolly Inn noodod fund' property tonca, ore ratio g orsi Shit p000ibilioy of PorhRiolgePaiolicl,ikruryeoord, said ho would only supporte rot' "t favor culling enpensesesd golee to the mesone ton o proper- soid if elected 10110e school booed erandnmrnith "assnraeoes from CandidoSe ICristia sonoro bringing in aew aourvns of rev' ty-Gao jarrease jo thesoot-too' bowoold "opn'alo under uworat' the suponinoandent Ihot the culled Inc board membecs to nono," e000m said, di010nt fulero. cose scenario nod ont eupoct o funds raised would go envinsive' "mein tabo ucconotobuliiy und Incumbent Seen Subliman also Whe000ndidatos for the Pentu o'eferendum to pam io the Suture. Ip for upmacisely deSnod salol ncnaOny" when nonsidering the said Ire would be opposed tac Xidgo-Ntles School Distnioi 04 t ovnald champi lo piove Ihr dis- oeoded physical pieni probate." district's bodgeE. raforendum "anless it roes ab- Sound of Sd000ti on onere asked blat inusoend Ooonrisl looSing Those mould inrinde Sood mit- "Il all other options mere en- saiuielynevessor'y Ou maivtoin iittoeyonoutd supporta refureu' tobe ohio tu operate milbovl igation, oir noediUrneing sod roof hoastud andl felt ther'ewun osig- the qoohity at odonvction in the dom in liueeveot ero distr'ioj's 0- replacement, nmane oihors, he nitoont risk to alio qoulity oloar disto'icl end oil other avenase had ravvivi heolik look a sareiaritos Inaumbenls SrotlZimwermoo nhilolren'sednrutian, thon I reasoeabiy baena exhausted." noorue, oit indicoted ttnoy would nod John Sleyde, as well as sena' incumbent Geoie Taddev would ocosirler galeg la oeferon- All candidates' respanses mere like to avoid tine meaunre as bog coman Due Collins, peinlod Son rolled Ehe coed for ocoferesodum dnm," she added. based uno o quentionoaire from as pesuibte, bui only 2mo orado prowise made during the sur' "iseviioblo," bot odded thvt it tn the Maine Tuivnship High Pioo,eeO Pecco end mill ho printed statements thai the boord Should resoful 2007 reforendam cam' corild br postpornrd through Uha School Dietrich 207 Soordot5ol- ineQ-oed'Aloatuoc.D'nstrivtivP Beforé 4 Weeks Later Sporule without Oho lihoiliruod of paico thai the ucirool boerd vigilaare cA Iba board. ucatinn rece, tnnO candidalosep' condidutos Morijo Sontos nod unother rofcoond505 domo tire would noi perene on olber prop- "AU nome poiet we will need la peered udom001ly oogainns eneo Srio Podees nid not norbmii re- erty-rex increase until ut basi conaidro' onhive for aceleren- neehingnpcapecty'ton ldloo. TM i s eosero liai to provide 1017. Ail indicated that Obey dom and mhon Ihat lime comes "We need tu live mithin oar ..« "St Another CurLL Story vhonoee to the So000bul piolare would abad behind elnol prom- Ionillknoovthalikavedoneollt budget constraints," incambeni Cnvirnocnot:piorneorturoi,rorro Jackie and Jim loved their neighborhood, schoolsand friends, bat felt the enterior of their home didn't match the beautySt their interiarand they ST. JOHN BREBEUF didn't want to move. They heard about Elevations"CurbEppeaí°" plan and decided to call. Elevations Exterior RenovationSpecialist pronided: e Free Design Consultation International Fest is tao o Hassle trae estimate ne'S s Free Cslor Schematic Rendering o 0% Financing0 c1appeM Elevations brnught a pien and a price theycouldn't retase, with a timeline that taste of SJB'sdiversity dIVO matched their needs.... Elevationsgave them the some address, new home. Oli TRACY ORNEN made by mewbocs at Ehe parish. Cuntintutor Tb ere is no edmission fee for Ihr oveor, hntcuosos purchase It all begins with a FREE coneultation withan expert designer: More Iban USO garete 00000d- fund and caille ilaluets. 888-616-4686 od the 35th ao000t tntereatioo- Yeteotabom001 ioclsdedmusiv www.myeIevations.com/Pp uîo$3OOo el F06200 Pr'iduy at St. Jobo Son- by the St. Johs embed Clou- Uvnoi005500 HOne Design Shonnoom I 60255. tunool000sdOpen Morn-Oar 0-5, Sum byeppt I hoof. dren'a Chni taadbitanal duroces Neperurlie Home Dosgn Sinooroom I 2764 AunoreAue., NsperoilleI Open Moro-Sa 9-6 Sun. byeppL N FREEACCESSORIES. Maoy fumilies heed opta my frow Flaweu, Indie nod the INCLUDING windows, doors,shuttera, columrix, railings, etc. roods from difrermnteoaiotries Philippines, is addition tanper- and nvotrh eulertoiomant from formenvobya Moni000 Sollrlor'ic 12 Months Sameas Cash- aroond the world at tire oliveros gr-Osp. parish, 010202 N. Hartem Ave. "S ihioh it's very gond," solid COpino theresa periorm as moro son SOIOuests elienitel Oho 111v orruui Intemnatiavel Feest tn Jshn BreHul an FOfaR. I irany 0% INTERESTFOR ONE YEAR Tire event is one of the parish's 12es Nonhosgen, oïNiles, who Gouon'ior Sto-Sones AHIle FOR QUALIFIED INDI biggest fund-misers dunioc the has a child who attends SL Jobo VIDUALS00* your. Sn Iba past 1h o event has Orobeof School, 000tieg Obst loe "I'm impressed," sain Virginia blp enjoy nooppurhine Lire parish 5akery, Gnaeiaso's Orina Onus rulosdebout tIbe. eopoaialiy e000yed the mnsic Ryan, who attmnded the aunsal by rankiooe 000rd aenving Indiano Pissa, Lane tree lau, Minehli EXTERIOR RENOVATIONS FOR YOUR HOME The trotereetiooul Pest featnred prorided by Ihe ohildreu's rhoin event for the forst time uds yeon mod ai 110e event. 0000hern, Poetisa Meat Machot, av Ärmere FanrotjrCarorpeiry EXTERIOR MAI(EOVE voried cuisine h-0m S0000 coon' "I came enery your." "S like to see all the people t "We lavo it," Joseph sold.
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