T h e S t a r Issue 58 "We Speak Their Names" September 2010 Pictured left, the entire AWON entourage ther, LTC Morris Crossen, for the first time, that traveled to Europe for Memorial Day ob- at Ardennes. At right, center, sisters Nancy servances at the American cemeteries at The Netherlands Heath Lawson and Helen Heath Vernon present the AWON (Margraten), Henri-Chapelle and Ardennes. Center, sisters wreath at Henri-Chapelle Cemetery. More stories and pic- Nancy Boothe and Stacy Roberts visit the grave of their fa- tures of the trip inside. AWON Spends Memorial Day with Fathers Buried in Europe by Gerry Conway Morenski; Contributors: Nan- Five years ago I wrote an article in The Star cy Lawson, Gail Eisenhauer, and Helen Vernon. about the first-ever AWON Memorial Day trip to a foreign cemetery (Margraten). Since emorial Day weekend, 2010, was a mile- then, AWON groups have traveled to Ar- stone in AWON history. dennes and the Philippines. All have been M In honor of the 65th anniversary of Me- unique experiences but with something in morial Day ceremonies in Europe, and thanks in common. Being with other AWONers whose part to a gift to AWON from the Adoption Com- fathers or loved ones are either memorial- mittee at Margraten, three groups of AWON mem- ized or rest at the same cemetery makes the bers and their families traveled to Europe to at- journey ‘softer’. tend ceremonies at the Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial, the Ardennes American The Margraten Group Cemetery and Memorial, and the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial (Margraten). Those of us who traveled to Margraten in This marked the first time since the end of World 2005 couldn’t imagine how that trip could War II that so many orphans visited their fathers’ be bettered - but we were wrong. The Dutch, graves on Memorial Day. For some it was a return and in particular, the Adoption Committee, trip, for others it was their first visit. For all of us, it was an experience we will never forget. ...continued on page 8 The Star • TheSeptember Quarterly 2010 Newsletter of the American WWII Orphans Network 1 AWON Marks First Spirit of '45 Day This summer, the U.S. Con- this possible...," comment- gress endorsed August 14 ed McCleary. "... I sincerely as National Spirit of '45 Day, thank all of you who partici- to commemorate the end of pated in this effort." AWON FOUNDER WWII. The first celebration of Na- Ann Bennett Mix All year long AWON members tional Spirit of '45 Day was on across the nation worked to August 14 in New York City. spread the word about Spirit More than 50 AWON orphan AWON OFFICERS and family members attend- President of '45 Day in their communi- Ed Peters ties, and lobbied their con- ed the event in Times Square Vice President gressional representatives to that included celebrities and Gerry Conway Morenski support the measure. dignitaries, USO music, and Secretary AWON wishes to especially a re-enactment of the famous Judy Geis Hoffman "Times Square" kiss. Treasurer thank Lorin McCleary, who Norm Burkey spearheaded AWON's par- AWON stood out among the ticipation in the nation-wide estimated crowd of a thousand AWON DIRECTORS campaign, as well as Roger veterans and supporters with Barry Barr-Finch and Sharon Connor, and all poster-sized photographs of Norma Nicol Hamilton AWON fathers, while AWON Bonnie Crane Blackford Hellums members who helped make it Kathy Le Comte a success, coast to coast. Board President Ed Peters Bob Meek "This is a real achievement made remarks. Pictures from for the Spirit of '45 organiza- the Times Square event and tion and for the many AWON Peters' remarks can be seen AWON ADMINISTRATION Database Manager Ann Bennett Mix members who helped to make on pages 4-5. Pub. Relations Patricia Gaffney-Kindig Bookstore Manager Walt Linne The Star Editor Kathy Le Comte Inside: Asst. Editor Rosalie Miles Francisco Webmaster Rik Peirson Features ListServ Moderators Judy Hathaway, Judy Hoffman Memorial Day Parade .................. 3 National Spirit of '45 Day .......... 4-5 Our Other Hero ........................... 6 on the Web: www.awon.org Memorial Day Wreaths ........... 16-18 Email us at: [email protected] Normandy Revisted .................... 18 Atoll of Nanumea ....................... 19 The Star is a quarterly publication of the American WWII Orphans Network (AWON), a nonprofit 501 (c) 3, nonpolitical, Departments public service organization, serving the AWON Connections ................... 27 children of U.S. servicemen killed in WWII. The Star is published and mailed from New Members ............................. 7 Springfield, Illinois. ISSN 1941-370X (print) AWON Board News .................... 30 1941-3769 (online). Copyright 2010 by the American WWII Orphans Network. All rights reserved. ...and much, much more! Issue #58 1M (09-10) 2 American WWII Orphans Network A collage featuring AWON's participation in the 2010 Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C. (photo courtesy of Warren Hegg, Spirit of '45) AWON Marches in D.C. Parade "A new awareness of AWON fathers. Some members parade route would rise, was born in D.C. this day." marched the entire parade applaud and cheer. It was That's what AWONer Rog- route down Constitution Av- a magnificent afternoon to er Connor of San Diego, CA, enue in 90-degree heat and see that our fathers have thought upon reading on- humidity, while others rode not been forgotten by the line reports about AWON's in WWII-era Jeeps. people of D.C. ... It was a participation in the Memo- "It was a wonderful and wonderful experience and I rial Day parade in Washing- heartwarming event," added am grateful that I could be ton, D.C. AWONer Lorin McCleary, here to participate." The estimated crowd of who flew in from Albuquer- The Memorial Day week- 300,000 roared as AWON que, NM. "The very best end was part of Spirit of '45's members and their fami- part of this was that when activities to gather support lies marched past, carrying our group of AWON march- for a national day of remem- 200 giant photos of AWON ers passed, people along the brance for the end of WWII. The Star • September 2010 3 National Spirit of '45 Day in New York City National Spirit of '45 Day in San Diego, CA 4 American WWII Orphans Network WWII End Joyous, Even for Orphans Remarks delivered by Ed Peters at National Spirit of '45 Day in New York City's Times Square The members of AWON are about 600 of the rough- the event creates such an atmosphere of relief and ly 180,000 American children whose fathers died joy that you can only be glad and thankful for the in WWII. You see around you a few of our mem- soldiers who returned and for their families. Their bers, along with members of their families. They are hardships, sacrifices, and uncertainty were now at carrying photo posters of their fathers, or someone an end. else's father. Another reason for joy was that it put an end to These are photos of some of the men who did not the creation of more WWII orphans. It is a club to return. Some of those standing are holding their which no one wants to belong. August 14, 1945, father's photos, as I am. We also have here a few happily, ended the addition of new members to that members whose fathers were inducted into military club. We, unwilling members of this club, could service right here in Times Square. only be happy that no one else would be joining As I began to think about this talk, I asked myself, us. “What does the end of WWII mean to me, whose It is not my intention to create a negative or bleak father died, whose father atmosphere. The end of never came home to the WWII was truly a joyous celebration?” I will an- occasion and its remem- swer that question with a brance should be joyous short story. also. We are here, in part, In 1998, AWON held a to remind us all that the conference in St. Louis cost of war is high. Also, near the National Per- we are here to help keep sonnel Records Center. the memory of our fathers We had arranged to send alive. We can take pride requests for our fathers' and feel happiness that VJ military records ahead Day meant the dying had of time. We would visit ended and the goals our NPRC and receive the fathers, and many others, information during a fought to achieve had been visit there. Shortly before leaving for St. Louis, I accomplished. And we are proud to be a part of this found that due to a mishap my father's records had effort to remember and honor their legacy, and to not been requested. These records are one of only a keep their spirit alive forever. few connections we have with our fathers. I was so To the WWII veterans present today I want to say disappointed I decided not to go; it would be too sad “Thank You” for the sacrifices you and your fam- and upsetting to see other people receiving precious ily made. We know every front line soldier, sailor information when I would receive nothing. Now, or marine took the same risk of injury or death and the value of these records may not seem too great to we are thankful for what you have done; for the you. But I can assure you they are indeed precious dangers you survived and the gift you have given to those whose fathers did not return.
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