Essex County Council Regular Meeting Agenda (also available at www.countyofessex.on.ca) Wednesday, December 2, 2015 County Council Chambers 2nd Floor, Essex County Civic Centre Electronic Agenda Instructions: Anything in blue and underlined denotes an attachment/link. By clicking the links on the agenda page, you can jump directly to that section of the agenda. To manoeuver back to the agenda page, use the Ctrl + Home keys simultaneously or use the “Bookmark” icon on the navigation panel to the left of your screen. 7:00 PM Regular Meeting 1. Moment of Reflection 2. Singing of ‘O Canada’ 3. Recording of Attendance 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 5. Adoption of Regular Meeting Minutes Moved by Seconded by That the minutes of the November 18, 2015 Regular Meeting of Essex County Council be adopted as presented. 6. County Warden’s Welcome and Remarks Corporation of the County of Essex Phone: 519-776-6441 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, Ontario, N8M 1Y6 FAX: 519-776-4455 TTY Telephone (Toll Free): 1-877-624-4832 1 Essex County Council Agenda Regular Meeting December 2, 2015 7. Delegations and Presentations A) Request to Stop Lowering Speed Limits on County Roads Mr. Jim McGuire, resident of the Town of Amherstburg to speak to County Council. Moved by Seconded by That Mr. McGuire be permitted to address County Council. B) Presentation of the AODA 10th Anniversary Champion Award for demonstrated leadership in accessibility to Michelle Jones Rousseau. C) International Day of Persons with Disabilities and Annual Report on Accessibility Initiatives and Accomplishments Members of the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee to speak to County Council. Moved by Seconded by That the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee be permitted to address County Council. 8. Communications A) Correspondence 1) Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) i. View the online versions of the AMO Watch File, dated November 19 and November 26, 2015 ii. Received e-mail, dated November 17, 2015 regarding AMO Policy Update – 2016 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) Allocations Announced. iii. Received e-mail, dated November 18, 2015 regarding a survey referring to Training and Development for Municipalities. 2 Essex County Council Agenda Regular Meeting December 2, 2015 iv. Received e-mail, dated November 25, 2015 regarding AMO Policy Update - AMO and UQM to Collaborate on Climate Change. v. Received e-mail, dated November 25, 2015 regarding AMO Breaking News - Federal Government Announces Plan to Resettle Syrian Refugees. 2) Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Received e-mail, dated November 16, 2015 regarding the 2016 FCM Sustainable Communities Conference, Ottawa 2016. 3) Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA) Received copy of the Report of the OGRA Nominating Committee, dated November 16, 2015. 4) Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade Received correspondence, dated November, 2015 from Minister Michael Chan, regarding two of Ontario’s volunteer recognition programs for 2016. 5) Municipality of Neebing Received e-mail from Rosalie A. Evans, Solicitor- Clerk, Municipality of Neebing, referring to their Council’s resolution regarding Consultation on the Police Services Act. 6) Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Received correspondence from Minister Murray, dated November 19, 2015 regarding County Council’s resolution supporting ‘Right to a Healthy Environment’. 3 Essex County Council Agenda Regular Meeting December 2, 2015 7) Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport Received correspondence dated November 25, 2015 regarding the launch of the 2016-17 Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund. Moved by Seconded by That the correspondence listed on the regular agenda for December 2, 2015, be received and the noted action be approved. B) Resolutions 1) Essex County Library Board Resolution and Background Report Moved by Seconded by That Essex County Council support/not support/file the resolution from the Essex County Library Board. 9. Consent Agenda A) Approval of Invoices - Legal/Consulting Services Report number 2015-R021-ADM-1202-BG, dated December 2, 2015 from Brian Gregg, Chief Administrative Officer. Moved by Seconded by That the recommendation in the Administrative Report listed as item 9.A) on the Consent Agenda for December 2, 2015 be approved. 10. Reports and Questions A) Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Report of the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee, dated November 12, 2015, Mr. Gord Queen, Chair. 4 Essex County Council Agenda Regular Meeting December 2, 2015 Moved by Seconded by That the minutes of the Essex County Accessibility Committee, dated November 12, 2015 be approved. B) Report of the Essex County Library Board, dated October 28, 2015, Mr. Richard Meloche, Chair. Moved by Seconded by That the minutes of the Essex County Library Board, dated October 28, 2015 be received. C) Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Annual Report to County Council Report Number 2015-R012-CS-1202-MB, dated December 2, 2015, from Mary Brennan, Director of Council Services/Clerk. D) Closed Meeting Investigator Agreement Renewal Report Number 2015-R013-CS-1202-MB, dated December 2, 2015, from Mary Brennan, Director of Council Services/Clerk. E) Request Pre-Budget Approval for Purchase of Eight Ambulances Report Number 2015-R009-EMS-1202-BK, dated December 2, 2015, from Bruce Krauter, Chief, Essex- Windsor EMS. F) Speed Limit Revisions – Various County Roads Report Number 2015-R028-ENG-1202-TRB, dated December 2, 2015, from Tom Bateman, County Engineer. G) County Road 20 Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design Report Number 2015-R029-ENG-1202-TRB, dated December 2, 2015 from Tom Bateman, County Engineer 5 Essex County Council Agenda Regular Meeting December 2, 2015 11. Unfinished Business 12. New Business 13. Adoption of By-Laws A) By-law Number 55-2015 A By-law to amend By-law Number 26-2002, being a By- law to regulate traffic and parking on Highways within the Essex County Roads System B) By-law Number 56-2015 Being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Essex. (December 2, 2015) Moved by Seconded by That By-laws #55-2015 and #56-2015, having been read a first, second and third time, be finally passed and enacted. 14. Notice of Motion 15. Adjournment This document is available in alternative formats upon request. 6 Essex County Council Regular Meeting Minutes (also available at www.countyofessex.on.ca) Wednesday, November 18, 2015 County Council Chambers 2nd Floor, Essex County Civic Centre 7:00 PM Regular Meeting 1. Moment of Reflection 2. Singing of ‘O Canada’ 3. Recording of Attendance Mayor Gary McNamara and Mayor Ken Antaya were absent from the meeting. 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 5. Adoption of Regular Meeting Minutes 247-15 Moved by Mr. Queen Seconded by Mr. Bachetti That the minutes of the November 4, 2015 Public and Regular Meetings of Essex County Council be adopted as presented. Carried 6. County Warden’s Welcome and Remarks Warden Bain welcomed the members and noted that he had attended the following events: • Gordie Howe Bridge Update meeting • National Housing Day Workshop • Global Entrepreneurship Flag Raising Corporation of the County of Essex Phone: 519-776-6441 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, Ontario, N8M 1Y6 FAX: 519-776-4455 TTY Telephone (Toll Free): 1-877-624-4832 7 Essex County Council Minutes Regular Meeting November 18, 2015 6. County Warden’s Welcome and Remarks (Continued…) • Several Remembrance Day services • Honourary Chair District 32 Senior Games • National Karate Championship • Grand Opening of the Best Western Hotel and Conference Centre in Leamington • Attended several schools in recognition of Municipal Government Week In addition, Warden Bain congratulated Assistant Engineer, Richard Fazecash who was retiring after 28 years of service with the County. 7. Delegations and Presentations A) Hospice Erie Shores Campus Update Mr. Cole Cacciavillani, Hospice Erie Shores Campus Co- Chair Capital Campaign and Ms. Cheryl Deter, LDMH Chief Nursing Executive, Vice President Patient Services and Director of Hospice Erie Shores Campus requested to address Council to provide an update on the construction of the Hospice Erie Shores Campus. 248-15 Moved by Mr. Paterson Seconded by Mr. Fazio That Mr. Cacciavillani and Ms. Deter be permitted to address County Council. Carried Mr. Cacciavillani and Ms. Deter presented a PowerPoint presentation to update Council on the construction of the Hospice Erie Shores campus. Ms. Deter noted that the County had provided $2,000,000 in funding over the next 10 years towards the construction of the campus. Mr. Cacciavillani noted that another $1.5 million needed to be raised in the community. Council was also advised that Corporation of the County of Essex Phone: 519-776-6441 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, Ontario, N8M 1Y6 FAX: 519-776-4455 TTY Telephone (Toll Free): 1-877-624-4832 8 Essex County Council Minutes Regular Meeting November 18, 2015 Page 3 7. Delegations and Presentations (Continued…) plans called for construction to be completed in January 2016 and that the facility should be operational by the end of March 2016. B) Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority (EWSWA) 2016 Budget [Refer to Item 13. New Business A) Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority 2016 Budget] Mr. Eli Maodus, General Manager and Mrs. Michelle Bishop, Manager, Finance/Administration requested to speak to County Council regarding the 2016 EWSWA Budget. 249-15 Moved by Mr. DiPasquale Seconded by Mrs. MacDonald That Mr. Maodus and Mrs. Bishop be permitted to address County Council. Carried Ms. Bishop and Mr. Maodus presented the 2016 EWSWA Budget to the members of Council. During consideration of the budget, Ms. Bishop was asked if the Authority would be considering going to weekly recycling collection and bi-weekly garbage collection. She advised that the current recycling contract would be expiring in 2017 and that the new tender would set out weekly recycling collection as an option.
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