Mfc?. RICHARD KILEY You can live the lake-life year 'round at Wood­ land Springs! Swimming, boating, fishing. Ten­ nis courts, your own private club lodge, swimming lake-living pool with decks. Nearby, Woodland Springs Rid­ ing Academy for your horses. All this on the shores of beautiful Lake Woodland, at 116th and just North Keystone Expressway . plus city utilities, Carmel city schools, paved streets. Why minutes not drive out today? away! On the shores of beautiful Lake Woodland 116th and North Keystone/Phone 846-6561 rx vr&p ^aMwrf covmmJ G/fa/famd ^l %...CM 9w&>ap/ Seerne JaMtmd 1eme, Om w&GMz&m mM^ Q/asm &/&#& &em^?&, Wata- Qn^& setfmtw Fred Davidson Herbert Davidson boutique glendale center 'FURRIERS FOR OVER EIGHTY-FIVE YEARS ••MB -SSB page one 4 • _ MAIL ADDRESS STARLIGHT MUSICALS, INC. 2511 East 46th Street, Suite M2 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46205 926-1581 + * ROBERT L. YOUNG, General Manager t "v. Operated by STARLIGHT MUSICALS, INC. at the OFFICERS Hilton U. Brown Theatre L. G. GORDNER Butler University Honorary Chairman of the Board NOBLE L. BIDDINGER Chairman of the Board ROBERT M. LOOMIS President K. P. GALLAGHER Vice-President MRS. WM. B. ANSTED, JR. Vice-President GREETINGS AND GOOD EVENING: FRANK P. THOMAS Vice-President A. E. WILHOITE You're inside the friendliest outdoors in America, here at Starlight Treasurer MRS. C. BEN DUTTON Musicals. We hope you will thoroughly enjoy yourself and will come Secretary back again. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mrs. Wm. B. Ansted, Jr.* Don Bailey* Always alive and in motion, ready to burst into song at the wave of John W. Biddinger Noble L. Biddinger* Carroll H. Blanchar a baton, this is our goal. The fun never sets in the changing pro­ Alex M. Clark James C Clark Carl R. Dortch grams at Starlight. Each show is designed to give you, our patrons, Jack D. Dustman Mrs. C. Ben Dutton* Roy C. Echols the ultimate in musical entertainment. Dr. Gail Eldridge O. T. Fitzwater E.P.Gallagher* Thank You for coming. Richard L. Greaves Harold W. Handley Mrs. Harry J. Harman Cordially yours, Carl S. Hulen Needham S. Hurst Herman C. Krannert STARLIGHT MUSICALS Mrs. Howard J. Lacy, II Miss Louise Lage Arthur F. Lindberg Robert M. Loomis* Miss Josephine Madden Mrs. C. Bruce McConnell J. Perry Meek James Pauloski Mrs. Wm. F. Shafer Mrs. Ralph W. Showalter Roland Swingley Frank P. Thomas* A. E. Wilhoite* ROBERT M. LOOMIS •Executive Committee President HONORARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Edgar D. Whitcomb, Governor Richard Lugar, Mayor J. M. Bloch George Fotheringham Charles Gisler Mrs. J. A. Goodman Morris Goodman L. G. Gordner Henry Holt, Sr. John I. Kautz Kurt F. Pantzer page two CALL 545-2449 For Dinner Reser­ vations and Starlight Musicals tickets and we'll be sure you make it to the show on time! BEFORE: Drop by on the way to Starlight Musicals and enjoy Indianapolis' finest dining. AFTER: After Starlight, the Lamplighter is the favorite spot to meet your friends and discuss the show. Live entertainment in two rooms nightly. UmplighteR Inn. 5101 east thiRty-eiqhth stReet For Reservations Call 545-2449 HIGHLIGHTS OF 1962-69 FORREST TUCKER VAN JOHNSON GINGER ROGERS CAROL BURNETT MUSIC MAN — MR. PRESIDENT DAMM YANKEES — HOW TO SUCCEED ANNIE GET YOUR GUN IN BUSINESS WITHOUT REALLY TRYING ETHEL MERMAN ANN BLYTH GORDON Mac RAE ROBERT GOULET CARNIVAL — SOUND OF MUSIC OKLAHOMA — KISMET JACK BENNY LIBERACE EDIE ADAMS JANET BLAIR CAN CAN — FUNNY GIRL SOUTH PACIFIC COMPLIMENTS OF STAGE HANDS UNION LOCAL #30 page four HIGHLIGHTS OF 1962-69 MAA cidsL^ KATHRYN GRAYSON FLORENCE HENDERSON TONY RANDALL KAYE STEVENS SHOW BOAT SOUND OF MUSIC HOW NOW DOW JONES MAME JOHN DAVIDSON WAYNE NEWTON GIG YOUNG BELAFONTE ON A CLEAR DAY YOU CAN SEE FOREVER :: JACK CASSIDY JANE POWELL ANNA MARIA ALBERGHETTI CARROL BAKER CAMELOT MY FAIR LADY WEST SIDE STORY GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES f-^aint ^peciali&fo Whatever Your Painting or Finishing Needs & Call on an Expert 1 d ARMSTRONG PAINT DUTCH BOY PAINT Pflim PRODUCTS, mc 3301 N. MARTINDALE AVE. AT SUTHERLAND ELLIOTTS PAINT INDIANAPOLIS 5 GRAHAM'S PAINT PHONE |*AINT 925-8255 page five HILTON U. BROWN THEATRE (BUTLER BOWL) BUTLER UNIVERSITY, INDIANAPOLIS THE HONORABLE OPERATED BY STARLIGHT MUSICALS, INC. EDGAR D. WHITCOMB (A Non-Proflt Organization) THE HON. RICHARD LUGAR Honorary Chairman, Indiana Honorary Chairman, Marion Co. OFFICERS 1970 L. G. GORDNER NOBLE L BIDDINGER ROBERT M. LOOMIS Honorary Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Board President BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mrs. Wm. B. Ansted, Jr.* Carl S. Hulen Don Bailey* Needham S. Hurst John W. Biddinger Herman C. Krannert Noble L. Biddinger* Mrs. Howard J. Lacy, II Carroll H. Blanchar Miss Louise Lage Alex M. Clark Arthur F. Lindberg James C. Clark Robert M. Loomis* Carl R. Dortch Miss Josephine Madden Jack D. Dustman Mrs. C. Bruce McConnell Mrs. C. Ben Dutton* J. Perry Meek Roy C. Echols James Pauloski E. P. GALLAGHER MRS. WM. B. ANSTED, JR. Dr. Gail Eldridge Vice-President Mrs. Wm. F. Shafer Vice-President 0. T. Fitzwater Mrs. Ralph W. Showalter E. P. Gallagher* Roland Swingley Richard L Greaves Frank P. Thomas* Harold W. Handley A. E. Wilhoite* Mrs. Harry J. Harman *Executive Committee HONORARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Edgar D.Whitcomb, Governor Richard Lugar, Mayor Morris Goodman J. M. Bloch L G. Gordner George Fotheringham Henry Holt, Sr. Charles Gisler John I. Kautz Mrs. J. A. Goodman Kurt F. Pantzer MRS. C. BEN DUTTON A. E. WILHOFTE Secretary Treasurer page six S M I • i - f- ••••"• ^JO"-'.» :1E^#' r' *£*-* JS •* : .M : -f I ::•'- i H0\ rstafci Seeing our homes can be a moving experience 1970 HOME BUYER'S Our newly-built homes have a way of unsettling you. It's because they have so many of the niceties that make life easier GUIDE built into them. After seeing our homes, somehow it seems We have just published the harder to remain at the same old address. 10th edition of our unique Home Buyer's Guide. This So be warned—visit our homes at your own risk. We think free booklet makes it sim­ you'll find them hard to resist. And, by the way, you'll find pler to select your builder, moving companies on page 512 of the Yellow Pages. building site, and home in the Indianapolis market. CUSTOM BUII.DKHS ASSOCIATION For your copy, write to: Home Buyer's Guide, Registered i, embers displaying this emblem are: Suite #114, 4002 Meadows S. E. Arvin & Sons, Inc. • Robert Q. Bruce, Inc. • Paul Clark • Jack Curtis, Inc. Robert Dawson • J. Dugan & Company • Thomas F. Gastineau • Lee W. Graham Drive, Indianapolis 46205. Robert R. Palmer • Sanford Builders, Inc. • John R. Gray, Jr. • Don Harsin, Inc. John T. Polley Corp. • John J. Schneider & Co., Inc. • Bob Zeager Homes, Inc. THE CUSTOM BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, INC. page seven Interior of the New Riverside Community Center The Honorable Richard G. Lugar, Mayor of Indianapolis Department of Parks and Recreation City of Indianapolis page eight The Wilking wigwam holds the widest selection of superb quality pi­ anos and organs available. And Wilking prices really save you wampum. THE WILKING MUSIC COMPANY DOWNTOWN 120 N. PENNSYLVANIA GREENWOOD CENTER HWY. 31 SOUTH CALL 637-1326 or 888-1151 FOR INFORMATION page nine GUARANTORS AND CONTRIBUTORS STARLIGHT MUSICALS 1970 (Guarantors give nothing unless% there is an operational loss at the end of a season, in which event they are assessed on a pro rata basis to the limit of their guaranties. Individuals, and organizations of all kinds, who are interested in joining the list of civic-minded people and organizations printed beloiv, are invited to call any officer of the Board of Directors for particulars.) Mr. & Mrs. Edward Adair, Jr. Dr. Miles S. Barton George A. Bowen Philip Adler, Jr. Dr. Gordon W. Batman Boyer & Gatewood Steel Co., Inc. Advertising Letter Service, Inc. J. S. Battersby Victor L. Boyer Cornelius O. Alig Mrs. R. Norman Baxter C. Harvey Bradley Cornelius 0. Alig, Jr. Robert R. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. William C. Brandt Rowland Allen Fred A. Beck Co., Inc. W. A. Brennan, Jr. E. E. Allison Burton E. Beck David N. Brewer H. A. Alpert Beef Corral of Ind., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James D. Brooks Miss Gladys Alwes Mr. & Mrs. Virgil L. Beeler Dr. Archie E. Brown American States Insurance Co. Eugene N. Beesley Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Brown American United Life Dr. Jack A. Beiman Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Brown Anderson Electric Service, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Victor Belinski Chester W. Browne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frederic D. Anderson Arnold Berg Bryant-Hedback Co. Stephen C. Ansted Mr. & Mrs. James S. Berg Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Bubenzer Virginia J. Ansted Mr. & Mrs. John Biddinger Harold C. Buell William B. Ansted, III Mr. & Mrs. Noble L. Biddinger Mr. & Mrs. L. Keith Bulen Robert D. Arnold, M. D. Thomas M. Billings Si Burgher Jeweler Harold S. Aron L. Tex Black Lee A. Burton Mrs. Watson Atkins Mr. & Mrs. Walter Black Henry C. Swift Bush Ayrshire Coal Co. Fran Blair S. Eugene Bychinsky George Bahre Mr. & Mrs. Carroll H. Blanchar Mr. & Mrs. Phillip A. Byers Don Bailey Dr. A. Ebner Blatt Mr. & Mrs. R. Ronald Calkins Merlin M. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Bloch J. A. Campbell Stewart Bailey Mrs. Harry C. Block, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. G. L. Canfield Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bain William R. Bone Mr. & Mrs. William Cannicott Hugh J. Baker Co. Wilfred R. Borinstein Fermor S. Cannon Tom Baker Motors Robert A. Borns Mr. & Mrs. H. Earl Capehart, Jr. Paul J. Baldwin Lawrence M. Borst Mr. & Mrs. C. William Carey Mr. & Mrs. William H. Ball, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles E.
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