Xi ' 1 B EVENING STANDARD OGDEN. UTAH. TTTV.rtiav nprn?.TvnjT?r it mm H (Coay-n-c- d vTM From Paj- Two.) pKI clamoring I for II; COULON'S TITLE 'u3 0lma7 CouIon' plon, baatamvelsht apparent? fc thr-- h.- to I held tie m tao onr g.Vm t the manner in xrhlch me?, of bis S ar? hh - wcrnth they have been seeking to ilo- -' ft vIm r tl3e rePtation he gained through many victories over ' the best men in the division Ho has been j recognized champion for the last three . seasons, and this is the first time j that his right to the championship has bepn disputed openiy. Coulon thinks It is due to his hold-- f jn& the crown so long and because there are no men In sight who are J capable or trimming him. ."Charles Ledoux of France started tho crusade against the champion Tvhen he arrived iu 'New York, about three weeks ago. and declared he was the bantamweight champion of the world. His announcement had hot been made when ''Kid" Williams of qjiv C Yor"" entered a claim for the 2 j honors. Now Jimmy Walsh has ioin- - cd the ranks and asserts the wreath g , belongs to him. : Tlie fact that these men are clalin- - ' ,1E the title !s not disturbing the xm i trancWnity of the Logan Square box-r'i- tT' He has defeated all the legitimate j f bantams whom he has been asked to battle against and knows In his heart IP h? Is S c of the class. He does 8 5 Then why not give lasting gifts to indicate it. We give at Christmas time to JNS nt fear any of ihe disputants and Is llW : &' 1 MWII roady o accept with any one matches ?t show our love for others. our is as trifling as some of useless gifts, 5 ' at any time Coulon sajs he is the ?M t X? If affection the jplfe;, - legitimate champion and insists the ; S 4 s vQj) iP -- vrelght, 115 pounds,, be made for him. yS no always appreciated. What we give reflects our character. Be sure you are properly M w He has been taking on the best men v represented in your gifts they thoroughly your love and deep rooted sentiment. v 9 $& 'M at 116 pounds, which is one pound a, that show, $ ., : aboe the international weight re-2- I faently drawn up in England at a il jJ meeting of the boxing authorities of J if WHAT IS A BETTER CHRISTMAS GIFT THAN A PIECE OF Rr 5 America, England, France and Aus-ti- r.Y .( j, tralla Jimmy Walsh of Boston i3 the latest lS e une to enter a claim for Coulon's ! ,9H title. He is not a bantamweight, for 'I WELL SELECTED JEWELRY IJH ' ' he cannot train below lis pounds, and he Insists that that the rec-.- ? Mu: '; I 9 ognized weight of the division. Se-- era' years a5 when Nolll T - $gH nnd Karrj- Forbes were unable to train k to M& ' I AH f below IIS pounds and do themselves Mere Yoh Arc at Prices Suit All Diamonds, i IfJVi figures we,re pet l Justice the at that if notch by the men themselves, but " ,' - ma jf npver officially by fight authorities in it Jlk iffiond Mnqso Watclies and Other Jcvclry. l It I iq l this country and across the pond it U Tram - J 1 "f has alwayB been 115 pounds and 't is ?m H S f at those figures that Coulon has d- - AH gMSFaMeed as represented i. ;;.. I fended his title. U ifMll 2jJ S Walsh, according to exports, has no jjM $ right whatever to claim Cnulon's One-four- th Karat Diamonds. S20.00 to S25.00 Diamond Rings from ? 6.00 to $ 17.50 ' s flWl Muj:I cjiami lohshlp He h-- been beaten U MShM 1 wMwjl One-ha- lf 50.00 to 75.00 some "Beauties" from 100.00 300.00 ikiik 1 fotral times by men of 's own Karat Diamonds... .... to Sfl H H tf vrelght, while the loc?l, biv does not Three-fourth-s Diamond 75.00 to 125.00 Diamond Ear Screws, 20.00 to 400.00 7M I liov,' what it is to be beaten There U &sm) Karat from. fQjW ." M , ; ; ' IH oes no Beem to e hox.er In i One Karat Diamonds 100.00 to 175.00 Diamond Studs, from 10.00 to 300.00 ft tt sjpht at present who seems able to 1SSWSf 91 'wj 21-Jew- if defeat the Chicago woudor Wiriacs el Railroad Watches 18.00 to 25.00 uiamond Broaches, from . 10.00 to 150.00 W& s boy IH of New" York vas picl:ed the ;" - turn the trick, but Coalon proved : master in a battle in f wfe ' :H fto " G&M 5$ Now Lodoux of France Is belni Line Solid Watches Iof Ladles and Gents H Fall 7 "- 1. H SS as his prospective conqueror. touted -, Lut this is not expected bv f?ns, -. 2a , m4jtt IH Judslng from the reportB of Lcdaux's iff mm $ 2 I contest with Reddy. Walsh, Ill Eddie Keevin, manager of ' Wm is out with the cry that the reason "; 0.MJ Coulon can trim his opponent is that ftjT "WE BUY FOM LESS aiad SELL FOM LESS95 ,V& '' H ' ho gets them down in eliht to the H extent that they are we?.k and help- - MJ less. Coulon dos? not ask for more 2Cl h than a charop'on has a right to. He til-- onlv requests that opponents, no inat- - Mly er' who they are, make the legltl- - mate bantamweight figures. He doc3 I not demand they train below that 12 notch. Coulon will insist on his men j making 115 or 11C pounds, as long as 0: there arc bantamweights n the riutf. for he does not weigh an ounce 'over H 278 25th Sfrzel x B. Smitb, Prop. St the ring. H 5 114 pounds when he enters tal- Known as as one," THROWS Tray park lhcy found the acats sup- - ier may come bobb.ng to ou and though they should, with all the I'ave much an Ecr time one of us got two strikes ago by a fraternal order, promises al-- they and no we - nation-wid- e. jjj 10 be thom 1 just as you reach to clutch it. it will ent hae. sas Eers balls knew that the pitch- to become rosed reserved for I i - by injuries DOWN GAUNTLET icady occupied. .Mayo:- Fitzscrald fly over our head or hit ou in "They will be hoodooed "One day when Hub Perdue was cr didn't dare get tho next ball near Light state. goNurnors toda I Turner, maybe both pitching against Cubs.. So wo go sided with them in blaming McRoy the face. Both B?rry and I got some to Lajoie or and for Eoston the the plate let that cna past Hed Arthur Burrage Farwcll. I Naps' for the Kub no balls on a tl Secretaiy Robert B. McRoy of the and In demanding his resignation. uglv whacks Irom these gToundera "Look over the record had two strikes and end took lusty swing at tae pitched at the head ot the crusade, that u ' years you will find SchccV.ard. put tho next one over ball we u j champion Red Sox has thrown down "The Cubans thought they had the past four and Hub that followed Say, Lad woJld help' carry on the fights i.i ,HH injury to ono or these two tho plato Scheckard landed on It picnic I is ll an and regular gcss that a their the gauntlet to Mayor Fitzgerald and bc3l ball clubs In the world until that rcsi.cctivc states against all llH demanding IKLING RETIRES wo went down there, and then they 6tars has always viven tho club a lor a hit and drove in tho runs that little of what might, be called 'inside" kinds of rambling in churches, club3 H the fans, who have been won baseball We reBign because of seat trou- began to realizo that Undo faa: had bad backset. the gime. had the Information and lodges, as well as in professional H that he FROM BASEBALL "Lajoie went down and out this 'After the came Mr. Ward went to straight from the inside and played gambling ropuis, bles at the world's series games here. a few terns that overmatched them H resign and Presi- 'I want to say a uord about our season with a sprained back. He was j the dressing room and gave Perdue U for all It was worth." The governors are Osborn of Mich- - McRoy refuses to Kansas City, Dec 17. John Kilns, Injured Chicago, just as team a tearing out. He then notified the Igan, Colquitt is understood to stand threo pitchers, Eddie Plank, Jack in the of Texas, Gilchrist oi H dent McAleer manager of the Boston Nationals laBt !hlt Its stride. Had Lajoie played the Eoston pitchers that the next time Florida, Dlx of New Goldsbor- - 51 position. CoombB and 'Chef Bender. Thev had York, H behind him in his season, night he never I seventh said last that more than thev have ever shown, and season through. believe the Naps a pitcher had two strikes and no balls ough of Maryland. Morris of Montana H im The trouble started in the play aagin dl-- When would baseball they used it when It was needed.
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