ISAAC WILSON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50.—50c. DISCOUNT IF PAID IN ADVANCE VOL. ALEXANDRIA, ONTAEIO, FRIDAY, SEPT. 24, 1897 No. 89. GLENGAEEIANS ABEOAD. j T H E .M OS 1' H E .1 LT H FU L A N D S .\ 1- E (Crowded out lust week! A Serious Cut, but no Danger ! The following are extracts taken trom a Baking Powder letter received by Miss Laura Wilson, from —IS THK GENUINE— Miss Annalena Sinclair, of St. Elmo, who was one of a party of 28 which left Max ville The “ BON MARCHE” are Cutting their Prices Down. We are going to give BETTER BARGAINS for Manitoba three weeks ago, in which she COOK’S FRIEND THAN EVER, in Fall Overcoats, both Mens and Boys. Come and price them and be convinced. Oar describes points of interests on her journey; Ask j’our Store-keeper for store is filled from top to bottom with Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Groceries, and everything Nemengosenda, Thursday morning.— to be found in a first-class general store. Highest Price paid for Eggs, they will be considered as Cash." You Here we are out in the wilderness. The train is very crowded, and we are in the best must remember that we have come here to stay. Special prices for Crockery. Remember the “ BON crowd on the whole train. We fill all one MMs Cool’s FrleU MARCHE, the New Store, NEW GOODS and LOW PRICES. end of the sleeper and let the rest alone. AND TAKE NO OTHER. We are passing through a real wilderness m now. Now and again we see a little lake, but the scenery we gaze on, is, for the most music being supplied by her two sons Mal- part, sand, shrubs and rocks. There are colm and Angus. The only great regret GLENGARRY-BLOCK. BON MARCHE STORE. c6 two drunken people’at the end of the car, amongst the family was that their only sur- singing hymns, such as “Glory to His name” viving uncle, Alex. MePhee, of Lochiel, •rH and “ Since I have been redeemed,” which better known as the “Lord of Glengarry,” seems sacriligeous. could not be present. Mumm O Chapleau Station—Ton minutes for re- But amongst all tlie pleasure and enjoy- AT 5 AN^i^R CENT. freshments.—This is the first place for ment there was a certain degree of sadness, refreshments we have passed since we left that of parting, perhaps never to meet The undersigned has made arrange- ill®! CM Ottawa, and we are 500 miles from there. again. THE MISSES McOOHELL ments with private capitalists to lend O This is also the first decent place we have ONO WHO WAS PRKSKXT. money on improved farms of 50 acres passed since we left Arnprior, there being a Wolverine, Mich., Sept. 11th, ’97. ,VVill have their Fall Millinery Opening and upwards in gums not less than $500. 4^ nice station here, and a few respectable houses. We are going along pretty fast ON Interest on sums over $1,200, 5 per cent, for each year after first year, and for a now, and I can see little else save stones 0- E. DEPAETMENT- TEACHES ARITHMETIC, SPELLING, and small spruce trees. Here we are pass- first year, payable half yearly, and in BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, 0 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1st sums under$l,200 at 5J per cent., pay • ing a little ravine, and see a little lake near A LESSON. SHORT-HAND & TYPE-WRITING o by. Some one says we are near Lake Su- And following days, when they will be able yearly, for terms ol 5 to 10 years. in the very best way. Three children to their mother’s side had Ü perior, and I am very glad, for the scenery pressed. prepared to show the Latest Styles 'n Valuations must In alt cases be made by Success of pupils prove it. Write Ü is rather monotonous liere. Here is another And eager voices had made their loud ac- FALL AND WINTER HATS, BON- either D. A. McArthur, Reeve, Alexandria ; for catalogue. little lake.- We have seen no Indians so far claim, • NETS, RIBBONS, &c. Alexander McDougall, Reeve No. 1 Lochlei ; Conflicting prayers, Imperious request; Duncan A. McDonald, Post-master, Alexan- C. VV. GAY, PHINCIPAL. c3 but I expect we will soon. Here is another Wide differlug tastes, that could not be the ,, , Ladies are invited to call. dria; William D. McLeod, Cheese-maker, or John J. McDonell, 9-3 Kenyan, to either of little lake on the left side and a swamp on same. whom application can be made direct, or to 0 the right. The track here is cut through I marked with wonder, how with p.tllenC8 O the solid rock, and there is a switch ti'ack wise. A. H. CONROY. V. D., J. A. MACDONELL, (Greenfield,) li^SURAtaCE. with a number of cars loaded with stone. Untroubled brow, and lovirg gentle smile. 9-tf. ALEXANDRIA. We now come to a place which has burnt She heirs each one, to each she soft replies, ALEXANDRIA. spruce trees on either side. Now we are And all their varying wants does reconcile. passing over a lake, and now a series of One wish she grants, another must deny. Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty THE MHDFACT'JREBS IIFE IKS, CO. © Yet gives the pleader something In Us Head Office, Toronto. high hills, covered with small poplars and place; Good, Warm, stable attached. 3-6 rO spruce trees, rises to our left. Loves all alike, sees with impartial eye, J. F. JUNKIN, GEN. MANAGER. We have now gone quite a distance since And measures gifts to meet each suitor’s This Company is now Introducing new I wrote the preceding, and the co'untry is case. features, such as the Double Maturity, In- a JOHN A. CHISHOLM. just as desolate as Lji'ore. Such rooks ! And thus, when once you said to me, dear stalment and Yearly t.enewable Term © There is nothing picturesque about this part friend. Plans. Beiore placing your Insurance it That you believed in God, but not that He Barrister,.Solicitor, Notary,- &c. will be to your advantage to see one of the of the globe in my mind. ' To individual prayers H:s ear would land, Company’s represeolatives, who will be glad PI Dalton Station.—We have just passed Since olt conflicting men’s desires must be. Gptjn.'pma.ll, Oïitario. to call and explain the advantages of in- suring in this progressive company. © another small body of water. We are now I though# of this sweet mother, and her plan. OE-FIClÉS: — LIDDELL’S BLOCK. Take an Accident Policy, Never before 661 miles from Montreal, and are now- half How she the children’s wants did satisfy, has accident insurancebeenoffered so cheap m way to Winnipeg, our destination. And learned how God’s far wider wisdom Private Funds to Loan. Nussanabee. This is only a little station can JOHN D. ROBEPiTSON, Most loving grant, and tenderly deuy.- r0 w'here they take on water. Dog Lake lies SCHOOL District Agent for the Manufacturers’ —Bi/ Susan if. Day in S'. S Times. blËNTISTRY, Life and Manufacturers’Guarantee and Ac- to our left. cident Co., MAXVILLli, OlNT. White River.—We have now gone a long A week-night service tlirusts religion into Students and Parents, don’t 00 distance; we have just passed some mud the secularities of the week. It is as much - HOWES & FITZPATRICK. cq huts occupied by Indians. At this place as to say, “This is God’s Wednesday, or âEAD-OFFICE VANKLEEK HILL. forget that we have a full there is a station, together with half a dozen God’s Thursday, or God’s week !” You SAILLIE â HOEEHTSOM, houses and a school-house. Almost all in Dr. HOWES will be In Alexandria and Max- would not give much for a property the pos- ville twice each month. and complete line of the car have got out for refreshments and session of which you could have only one- t3^Seeloca notice for dates. - 39 ill 0 fresh air. The track is rough here, and I seventh of the time, and God does not want can hardly write at all. We passed Heron that man whose services He can have only Bay, and I got few' glimpses of Lake Super- on the Sabbath. If you paid full wages to SCHOOL BOOKS, MANUFACTURERS. ior, which were very beautiful. Here we a man, and found out that six-sevenths of MACDONELL & COSTELLO, rP pass through a small tunnel, and now we the time he was serving a rival house, you Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,&c. 4-^ have a good view of the lake. It is very would be indignant ; and the man who takes ALEXANDRIA, ONT. SCRIBBLERS, SLATES, A full stock of Lath, Clapboards, Sash, I> calm, and the surface is scarcely stirred by God’s goodness and gives six-sevenths of his Doors,Shingles,and all materialrequired the gentle ripple. Another tunnel. time to the world, the flesh and the devil, J. A. MACDONELL, Q C. F. T. COSTELLO- CM Port Coldw-ell.—We have a grand view (Greenfield.) in finishing off houses, kept constantly is an abomination unto the Lord. And all articles used in the on hand, at right prices. from here. The scenery is so grand that I The whole week ought to be a temple of OFFICES Grand Union Block, Main will not attempt to describe it, but will seven rooms dedicated to God. You may if Street, Alexandria.
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