Author Title AR Book AR Interest Joyce, Melanie (Ls) Billy's Boy 1.6 0.5 MY Milford, Alison (Ls) Circus Scam 1.9 0.5 UY Milford, Alison (Ls) Circus Scam 1.9 0.5 UY Milford, Alison (Ls) Circus Scam 1.9 0.5 UY Pearson, Danny (Ls) Escape From The City 1.9 0.5 MY Pearson, Danny (Ls) Escape From The City 1.9 0.5 MY Pearson, Danny (Ls) Football Smash 1.9 0.5 MY Pearson, Danny (Ls) Football Smash 1.9 0.5 MY Pearson, Danny (Ls) Football Smash 1.9 0.5 MY Powell, Jillian (Ls) Cage Boy: Level 5 1.9 0.5 MY Gray, Kes Oi Goat!: World Book Day 2018 2 0.5 LY Hurn, Roger (Ls) Too Hot: Level 3 2 0.5 MY Thomas, Valerie Winnie Flies Again 2 0.5 LY Thomas, Valerie Winnie Flies Again 2 0.5 LY Adams, Spike T. (Ls) Evil Ink 2.1 0.5 UY Adams, Spike T. (Ls) Snap Kick 2.1 0.5 UY Clayton, David Hell-Ride Tonight! 2.1 0.5 MY Cullimore, Stan (Ls) Bubble Attack 2.1 0.5 UY Cullimore, Stan (Ls) Bubble Attack 2.1 0.5 UY Cullimore, Stan (Ls) Robert And The Werewolf 2.1 0.5 UY Cullimore, Stan (Ls) Robert And The Werewolf 2.1 0.5 UY Higson, Charlie Silverfin: The Graphic Novel 2.1 1 MY Lee, Janelle (Ls) Badu Boys Rule! 2.1 0.5 MY Orme, David Boffin Boy And The Emperor's Tomb 2.1 0.5 MY Powell, Jillian (Ls) Chip Boy 2.1 0.5 UY Tompsett, C.L. Not A Good Look 2.1 0.5 MY Blum, Paul Enemy Inside, The 2.2 0.5 MY Blum, Paul Face In The Crowd 2.2 0.5 MY Blum, Paul Loss Of Nerve 2.2 0.5 MY Cullimore, Stan (Ls) Robot Girlfriend 2.2 0.5 UY Cullimore, Stan (Ls) Robot Girlfriend 2.2 0.5 UY Griffiths, Andy Big Fat Cow That Goes Kapow, The 2.2 0.5 LY Griffiths, Andy Big Fat Cow That Goes Kapow, The 2.2 0.5 LY Orme, David Boffin Boy And The Rock Men 2.2 0.5 MY Pilkey, Dav The Invasion Of The Potty Snatchers 2.2 1 MY Powell, Jillian (Ls) Skyrunners 2.2 0.5 UY Powell, Jillian (Ls) Skyrunners 2.2 0.5 UY Tompsett C.L. Lights In The Mirror 2.2 0.5 MY Tompsett, C.L. Ghost In The House 2.2 0.5 MY Tompsett, C.L. Lion On The Loose 2.2 0.5 MY Tompsett, C.L. Wrong Wheels, The 2.2 0.5 UY West, Jane A. C. (Ls) Shark's Fin Island: Level 1 2.2 0.5 MY West, Jane A. C. (Ls) Shark's Fin Island: Level 1 2.2 0.5 MY Zucker, Jonny (Ls) Football Killers 2.2 0.5 UY Adams, Spike T. (Ls) Burn Up 2.3 0.5 UY Anholt, Laurence Bruno The Bravest Man 2.3 0.5 LY Blum, Paul (Ls) City Eye 2.3 0.5 MY Blum, Paul (Ls) City Eye 2.3 0.5 MY Blum, Paul Route 6 2.3 0.5 MY Chambers, Catherine Chinese New Year 2.3 0.5 Cullimore, Stan (Ls) Super Teacher 2.3 0.5 MY Curtis, T Ug 2.3 0.5 LY Donbavand, Tommy Head Is Dead, The 2.3 0.5 MY Orme, David Boffin Boy And The Deadly Swarm 2.3 0.5 MY Orme, David Boffin Boy And The Lost City: V. 8 2.3 0.5 MY Orme, David Boffin Boy And The Temples Of Mars 2.3 0.5 MY Prince, Alison Smoke 2.3 0.5 UY Prince, Alison Smoke 2.3 0.5 UY Stine, R L Creepy Creatures 2.3 1 MG West, Jane A. C. (Ls) Dodgems: Level 6 2.3 0.5 MY Blum, Paul Night Of The Crash 2.4 0.5 MY Blum, Paul Under Fire 2.4 0.5 MY Cawthon, Scott Silver Eyes Graphic Novel, The 2.4 2 MY+ Chmakova, Svetlana Crush 2.4 1 MY Cullimore, Stan (Ls) Fight To The Death! 2.4 0.5 UY Cullimore, Stan (Ls) Fight To The Death! 2.4 0.5 UY Harth, Ann (Ls) Kidnapping, The 2.4 0.5 MY Herge Cigars Of The Pharoah 2.4 1 MY Herge Cigars Of The Pharoah 2.4 1 MY Joyce, Melanie (Ls) Dark Star 2.4 0.5 UY Joyce, Melanie (Ls) Doom Clone 2.4 0.5 MY Joyce, Melanie Dark Star 2.4 0.5 MY Norman, Tony (Ls) Fame Game, The 2.4 0.5 MY Owens, L.L. Hunchback Of Notre Dame 2.4 0.5 MY Peters, Andrew Fusek (Ls) Wolf Boy: 3 2.4 0.5 MY Prince, Alison Luck 2.4 0.5 UY Rooney, Anne Wacky Sports 2.4 0.5 MY Stevens, Roger (Ls) Something In The Kitchen 2.4 0.5 MY Telgemeier, Raina Sisters 2.4 1 MG Tompsett, C.L. Missing 2.4 0.5 MY Beale, Fleur (Ls) Annie And Mitch: Volume 0, Part 0 2.5 0.5 MY Blum, Paul Dexter V Merton 2.5 0.5 MY Colfer, Eoin Illegal: A Graphic Novel Telling One Boy's Epic Journey To Europe 2.5 1 MY Herge Tintin - Black Island 2.5 1 MY Herge Tintin - Black Island 2.5 1 MY Jean, Cassandra Beautiful Creatures: The Manga (A Graphic Novel) 2.5 2 MY Kenrick, Joanna Babyfather 2.5 0.5 UY Lear, Edward Owls And Pussy-Cats 2.5 0.5 LY Orme, David Boffin Boy And The Forest Of The Ninja 2.5 0.5 MY Orme, David Boffin Boy And The Forest Of The Ninja 2.5 0.5 MY Orme, David Boffin Boy And The Invaders From Space: V. 8 2.5 0.5 MY Orme, David Boffin Boy And The Wizard Of Edo: V. 8 2.5 0.5 MY Peters, Andrew Fusek (Ls) High Stakes: 4 2.5 0.5 MY Peters, Andrew Fusek (Ls) Sliced In Two 2.5 0.5 MY Pilkey, Dav Adventures Of Ook And Gluk, Kung-Fu Cavemen From The Future, The2.5 1 LY Stevens, Roger Ghost In The Artroom, The: Level 2 2.5 0.5 UY Tompsett, C.L. Shut Down 2.5 0.5 MY Burgan, Michael Dracula 2.6 0.5 MY Dahl, Michael Don't Open It! 2.6 0.5 MY Horowitz, Anthony Point Blanc Graphic Novel 2.6 1 UY Joyce, Melanie (Ls) Changing Rooms 2.6 0.5 MY Kenrick, Joanna Perfect 2.6 0.5 MY Orme, David (Ls) Scary! : Level 1 2.6 0.5 MY Orme, David (Ls) Scary! : Level 1 2.6 0.5 MY Orme, David The Grey Men 2.6 0.5 MY Ridley, Frances Download - Rock Climbing 2.6 0.5 MY Smart, Jamie Fish-Head Steve 2.6 1 LY Stine, R L Return To Ghost Camp 2.6 2 MY Telgemeier, Raina Guts 2.6 1 MY Telgemeier, Raina Smile 2.6 1 MY Beale, Fleur (Ls) Rosh: Volume 0, Part 0 2.7 0.5 MY Beale, Fleur (Ls) Finding Abe 2.7 0.5 MY Blum, Paul (Ls) Changing Sides 2.7 0.5 MY Cheshire, Simon (Ls) Revenge! 2.7 0.5 MY Cullimore, Stan (Ls) Killer Sharks 2.7 0.5 UY Cullimore, Stan (Ls) Killer Sharks 2.7 0.5 UY Dahl, Michael Death Sentence 2.7 0.5 MY Forde, Catherine Dead Men Don't Talk 2.7 0.5 UY Hurn, Roger (Ls) Robot Goalie 2.7 0.5 MY Nicholls, Sally (Ls) Lily, A Rose, A 2.7 1 MY Peters, Andrew Fusek (Ls) Crawling Hand, The 2.7 0.5 MY Powell, Jillian (Ls) Missed Call 2.7 0.5 UY Powling, Chris Fight 2.7 0.5 UY Prince, Alison Speed 2.7 0.5 UY Smith, Justine (Ls) Mer-Boy 2.7 0.5 UY Stine, R L Beast From The East 2.7 2 MY West, Jane A. C. (Ls) Just In Time 2.7 0.5 MY Blum, Paul (Ls) Set Up 2.8 0.5 MY Bradman, Tony Magnificent Mummies, The 2.8 0.5 LY Chapman, Helen (Ls) Champions 2.8 0.5 MY Cheshire, Paul (Ls) Astro-Man 2.8 0.5 MY Dhami, Narinder (Ls) Grow Up, Dad! 2.8 1 MY Dragoon, Leigh Vampire Academy: A Graphic Novel 2.8 1 UY Gaines, Keith (Ls) Playing Away 2.8 0.5 MY Gibbons, Alan Dying Photo, The 2.8 1 MY Gibbons, Alan Dying Photo, The 2.8 1 MY Hill, David (Ls) Between The Lines: Volume 0, Part 0 2.8 0.5 MY Linnell, Maxine Breaking The Rules 2.8 1 MY Mellor, Robin Mr Stofflees And The Painted Tiger 2.8 0.5 MY Orme, David Cyberspace Warrior 2.8 0.5 MY Orme, David They Came From The Sea 2.8 0.5 MY Young, Moira Rebel Heart 2.8 12 UY Zucker, Jonny (Ls) Evil Brain Chips 2.8 0.5 UY Zucker, Jonny (Ls) Evil Brain Chips 2.8 0.5 UY Zucker, Jonny (Ls) Hitting The Basket: Level 7 2.8 0.5 MY Atkins, Jill Cry, Baby 2.9 1 UY Blum, Paul (Ls) Atlanta 2.9 0.5 MY Blum, Paul (Ls) Warning, The 2.9 0.5 MY Blum, Paul (Ls) Warning, The 2.9 0.5 MY Bowler, Tim Blade: Risking All 2.9 3 UY Bowler, Tim Blade: Risking All 2.9 3 UY Brevard K & Miller D War Of The Worlds 2.9 0.5 MY Condon, Alison (Ls) Right Or Wrong? 2.9 0.5 MY Eagland, Jane Wild Song 2.9 1 MY Franks, Elizabeth (Ls) Another Point Of View 2.9 0.5 MY Hawes, Alison (Ls) Awesome Animals 2.9 0.5 MY Hooper, Mary (Ls) The Genie 2.9 1 MY Johnson, Pete (Ls) Girl Gang 2.9 0.5 MY Johnson, Pete Awesome 2.9 0.5 MY Lee, Janette (Ls) Legend In Our Team, The 2.9 0.5 MY Macphail, Catherine (Ls) Picking On Percy 2.9 1 MY Markham, Lynne (Ls) Cinderalf 4U2read 2.9 1 MY Nicholls, Sally Shadow Girl 2.9 1 UY Nicholls, Sally Shadow Girl 2.9 1 UY Orme, David The Great Brain 2.9 0.5 MY Peirce, Lincoln Big Nate On A Roll 2.9 2 MY Pilkey, Dav Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot 2.9 0.5 MY Powell, Jillian (Ls) Robot Eyes 2.9 0.5 MY Powling, Chris Blade 2.9 0.5 UY Ridley, Frances Bmx/Mountain Biking 2.9 0.5 MY Rowell, Rainbow Pumpkinheads (Graphic Novel) Qr 2.9 1 MY+ Rushton, Rosie Life Line 2.9 1 MY Stine, R L Bad Hare Day 2.9 3 MY Stine, R L Cuckoo Clock Of Doom 2.9 2 MY Taylor, Richard (Ls) Cyber Phone 2.9 0.5 MY West, Keith (Ls) Maxi Beasts 2.9 0.5 UY West, Keith (Ls) Maxi Beasts 2.9 0.5 UY West, Keith (Ls) Maxi Beasts 2.9 0.5 UY White, Kathryn (Ls) Splitzaroni 2.9 0.5 UY White, Kathryn (Ls) Splitzaroni 2.9 0.5 UY Wooding, Chris Pale 2.9 1 MY Young, Moira Blood Red Road 2.9 12 UY Young, Moira Blood Red Road 2.9 12 UY Blum, Paul (Ls) Avalanche! 3 0.5 MY Blum, Paul (Ls) End, The: Part One 3 0.5 MY Blum, Paul (Ls) End, The: Pt.
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