■ ;■ .V r/ - ■ T Ai S B T E E ir manrljrater Snenins Ifentlii THURSDAY, FEBRUARY tS, WSO' S=:7 r-.Tr . Ir. Before It*s Too Late— Help the Heart Drive building cuatomer good will a* the" knowledge, skill nr ^ ^ tu d e o f " • ■ Grosbeaks Art Reported Engaged to Marry well as In getting along with one’* those participating In th* program. "I ^t^utT o^ Two Are Held Sales Classes Registration for th* cloiaea may PRESCRIPTIONS ... By Local Resident fellow employees. This course will be made with Mrs. Martha Steven­ OompemMlai by nssa TIM iMikm Aid Sdototy of the help store clerke to deal with cus­ Th8 Weather As Reckless Begin Monday son at the Chamber office at the yean Aversfe Daily Net Proas Ron OovtMat • ODnfrt(»tlonal church A flock of American gros­ tomer* mor* effectively and *t toe first aeations next week, mt roroeaal of 0. R Wootott Rama will BMCt tomorrow evenlDK with beaks was reported at the some time work with the ’’other For to* Moatli of Sanoary. 1888 Mr*. Robert WIdhem of 32 Ben­ home of Mrsl Leslie Flske, fellow” more harmoniously. Jack Arthnr Drug Storea Mixed rain and eww hU* thtonf- ton itreet. Work will be on b»nd- Woodland street, this morn­ One 'Failed to Keep Two Courses in Retail L. Calkins of the Aetna Fire In­ use* for mleslonary u»e In Africa. ing. They arc reddish-yellow Werner’s Younger 9,839 torneoni mneb esMer Into tonIgMt Windshield Clear, 0th* Instruction to Be Con­ surance Company will be the in­ breasted with a black head, structor. ljp0tpr €uFttttt5 npraUi Sotnrdoy fair and coUL and are rare in this vicinity Monbor of ths Andit - u M )n Bu* Tnutenltsar. daughter er Passed Stop Signs ducted by C of C. Effective Speech ia the topic Pupils in Recital Borann of qreabititns of Hr. and Mr*. Maurice Truaten- They are members of the finch Milk Fed BroUerai Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm family and, according to bird selected for the Wedneedsy night Itaer of 33 Phelpe Road, waa flr«r Failure to keep hla windshield Two course* in Distributive class. Correctness and effectlve- Frederic E. Werner onnouneea chairman for the midwinter dance, books Mrs. Flake referred to. Fryers, Roasters clear of sleet and Ice almoat nesa o f speech are important In (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE POUR CENTS •The Man)! aras." of R ubrcII Saijc they do not often come cast of Education, sponsored by the Re­ the first of a scries of mid-season (UtaasUod AdvortMsg o. Pog* II) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 24, 1950 Minnesota or south of Canada. business life. ’This course Includes VOL. LXIX, NO. 128 Collage, held Febniary 18. Mins caused a colllalon yesterday and tail Merchants Bureau of the grammar, pronounciation, and vo­ recitals, for Sunday afternoon, and Capons' Tmatenitxer la a member of the The flock this morning was resulted in the arrest o f Robert C. Chamber of Commerce and con­ cabulary building. It will help Fcbniary-20 at 3rl6 o'clock In the O reeaed,_______ _____ Junior claaa and la a merch.indiz- feeding on seeds from pods on Rlslej*r 22. of 210 Eldridge street, you to express yoursel^wlth great­ Wrapped In ceUopbane oad bsM catalpa trees at the Flske resi­ ducted under the supervision of the Chapel of the South Methodist Inlng major. on a charge of reckless driving, State Board of Education, will oe er confidence and hence to do * church. Eleven o f the younger to deep frees* tor your eon- dence. better selling Job. Alvin F. Gold­ venlenoe. N o walOng. police reported this momilig. offered for the next eight weeks pupils of Mr. W em en will be pre­ Mancheater Juvenile Orango berg, Hartford ‘store Junior Execu­ sented In the coming! recital. Monday Trial Date Labor Party Holds Rialey. was arrested by Super- here The sessions will be wrin meet tomorrow evening at tive, has been assigned to instnict Among them are beginners this PriccB Are Lower 6:30 In Tinker hall. The huKine.sa i A rumniuniraiion from Clinrlcr miineraiy Philip L. Hayden fol­ held on Monday and Wednesday this class. lowing a near-collislon with a bua season and it should prove inter­ will include the election of officern Oak Council. Boy Scouta, la to the evenings from 7 until 9 o’clock in The Connecticut Plan of Dis­ esting to parents and friends to DcUvery In Btenebeoter ^ and every member la reque.aled to effect that the closing date for at the Interse^ctlon of Main end the library of the East Side Hec Prldoy Eveolngs North Main streets, polica said, tributive Education for adults-in- see what they have accomplished For Mine Workers attend. reservation* for the camporee at on School atreet. and investigation diacluaed that servlce hoe been developed for within such a short space o f time. Only Narrow Lead V'alley Forge has been advanced to The Monday evening class will all but a small area on the driv­ 7 those persons desiring more com­ Others have been studying for a H. A. FRINK February 27. It is suggested that study Human Relatlona for Satea Pvt. Richard S. Paul, aon of Mr. er's side of the windshield of Hla- prehensive knowledge of a specific few years. Sullivan Ave. Wapplng and Mra. Rusaell J. Paul of 15 Scoutma.sters gel their reserva­ Personnel. The use of good human area on retailing. Each course Friends and all interested will ley's cur was obscured by sleet. Miss Dorothy Hehmedding Tel. BUn. 3188 A fter 4 P. II. In Contempt Case tions in as .soon as possible io Peart atreet, haa been tranaferred Another reckless driving charge relations is an important factor in provides an opportunity to improve be welcomed. from Fort Dlx to the Signal ecli')ol avoid disappointment. A work week end will be held at Camp was lodged against Edith Bahre Mr. and Mra. Alfred Schmedding at Fort Monmouth, N. J. NiBsen,‘’ 40, of South Coventry, British Voting of North Coventry announce the In Johnson, February 2.5-26, Oiid Scoutmasters and Ciibmastcrs are after ahe went through two stop engagement of their daughter, Set by Judge Kec<* at Inclination Joaeph Della Fera of Pine atreet signs at Manchester Green, police urged to bring paint hrnshes and Dorothy, to Donald Tracy, son of who recently underwent an opera­ .said. Patrolman Edward M. Wiiiz- Hearing Today; Con­ axes. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Tracy o f 468 Faces Possibility of Go> tion at the Memorial Hoapital and Icr gave eha.se and because of the Parker atreet. viction Could Bring House Burnn Down haa been convalescing at hla home, .slippery highway waa unable to Miss Schmedding in employed as Shown to Aid Banking Croup When Line Refused ing into New House haa returned to hi; tailor shop on The Fast Chiefs Club of Me­ stop the other vehicle until after Multi • Million Dollar morial Temple, Pythian Sisters, a beautician in Hartford and Mr. Walnut street after an absence passing the Bolton town line. Tracy is with the Connecticut Of Commons Without which waa to have held a meeting of about five weeks. Both accused will be presented State Police, stationed at Stafford Fines; Union Attorneys On Coal Need Cuts Housing (Typress, Calif., Feb. 34.—(IT) tonight wltli Mrs, Herl)ort Alley of Having Workable Ma­ in Town Court Saturday. Springs. Argue Against Order —"Oh, that's an old excuse to Rev. Willard J. McLaughlin, Washington street, has cancelled No definite wedding date has get the line," someone laughed it on account of the difficult jority; Late Conserva­ minister of the North Methodist been .set. Trickle Mined by Non Plan in HalC when John Ogle broke Into the church, will be the guest speaker traveling. North Methodist Washington. Feb. 24.—(/P) ronversatlon on his 10-party tive Victories Throw at the Lenten servlee this evening —Federal Judge Richmond Union Diggers Being telephone line to call the Arc at 7:30 at the Talcottvllle Con­ Richard F. Klein, Airman, U. S. department. Up Stumbling Blocks gregational church. B. Keech today set Monday Choked Off by Pick­ Middle-Income Cooper­ N.. son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Men’s Club Supper While the conversation was On Road to Socialism Klein of 28 Foley atreet, was grad­ HALE'S • * for trial of the United Mine ets Despite Appeals ative Program Ap­ resumed and Ogle ran to a .The Missionary Circle will ipeet uated recently from the Aviation ^ UN T^.. Workers on charges of con­ nearby ranch to use the phone tomorrow evening at eight o'clock The Men's club of the North Kleclrieian’s school, at the Naval tempt for disregarding his pears Headed Today there, his house burned down, lyondon, Feb. 24.—(A*)— in Emanuel Lutheran church, and Air Technical Training Center in Methodist church will serve their Headquarters Pittsburgh, Feb. 24—(ff)—Strlk leaving the Ogles and their Prime Minister AtUee’s La­ It is hoped all members will make Memphis. Tcnn. Before entering annual roast beef supper tomorrow order to end the coal strike. Ing soft coal miners are showing For More Trouble live children homeless, yester­ an effort to attend. A newly re­ evening in the church social rooms FUR bor party held only a narrow the Naval aeH'ice he attehded Conviction could bring multi­ no inclination to dig coal on an I.MII.'--- day. leased film, "Barabbas, the Rob­ Manchester High school. from 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. The meal million dollar hnes against Washington, Feb.
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