Student center move raises questions about A LA s role _By Ellen L. Spero for review of office space alloca- said. "We are operating with a The Student Center Commit- tion within the Studenlt Center, much smaller manpower th-an is tee's recent reorganization of of- according to the Undergraduate SCC." fice space in the Julius A. Strat- Association constitution. The groups involved in the ton 523 Student Center has Kirsi C. Allison '84, president move are the MIT Science Fiction caused concern about the role of of the Association of Student Ac- Society, the Technology Commu- the Association of Student Ac- tivities, said, "We felt that it was nity Association, the Chinese tivities, which is responsible for our duty to see that the move Student Clusb, the MlT Debate review of such changes. went forward in the manner that Society, and the Shakespeare En- James S. Person III ?86, chair- was best for all involved. .. semble of MIT. man of the Student Center Com- "We are very glad that SCC is The Chinese Student Club has mittee, which largely organized doing the leg work for us. .. already moved, and the Science the changes, said, "I think we did We don't see it as a matter of Fiction Society is in the process their job." power, we see it as a matter of of moving. The Technology The Association of Student getting it done in a manner that Community Association, the Activities, however, is responsible is best for all concerned," she Shakespeare Ensemble, and the Debate Society are still consider- ing which space they would pre- LSC: No sex film fer, according to Andrew M. Ei- By Barry S. Surmanl the situation by showing a porno- senmann '755 a staff assistant in and Robert E:. Malchman graphic film next week, he said. the Office of the Dean for Stu- The Lecture Series Committee "That's nice," said Stephen D. dent Affairs. decided last night not to show a Immerman, assistant dean for Stephen D. Immerman, assis- registration day movie Monday. student affairs. "I hope that to- tant dean for student affairs, said The group had planned to gether we can reasonably come to the Science Fiction Society need- show a pornographic film Mon- a resolution on this long-standing ed more space and the Student day, but reversed its decision issue." Center Committee needed "to se- after protests from the MIT ad- In a separate interview con- cure [its] office for Coffeehouse ministration and campus wo- ducted before LSC announced its and Student Center business." men's groups. decision to cancel the registration The Dean's Office and the MIT Tech pholo by Corey D Chaplin '&We won't be showing any- day film, Imnmerman said the Science Fiction Society assisted Director of Admissions, Peter H. Richardson '48, examines thing on registration day,"' said Dean's Office has taken no posi- the Student Center Committee in student applications. Timothy L,. Hucklebery '84, LSC tion ona whether sexually explicit (Please turn to page 19) chairman. The committee does films are good or bad. plan to show "a sexually explicit A segment of the campus feels film' May 19, he said. hurt or threatened by such mate- Erl AC ti1ion acce S 4 The group agreed to form a rial, he said, and that is why the By Charles P. Brown The Institute will make approx - acceptance before spring break committee of LSC members and Dean's Office is concerned with The Admissions Office has ac- mately 1800 offers of admission, so current students may contact representatives of other con- the issue. cepted 443 of 1201 early action expecting an entering class of those accepted from their home- cerned campus groups, Huckle- The Deans-, Office could, inter- applicants for admission to the about 1075 students. Those Early townls over the vacation, Richard- bery said, to,-develop standards to vene to prevent the showing of a -Cass 6f-1998' The office had re-' .A-cti6-n applicants not accepted in son said. "We think it is impor- differentiate between offensive, por nographic film, Immerman ceive 5913 applications as of last -December are deferred for review tant that [the applicants] talk to "6pornlographic" films and inof- noted, but stressed that "every week, according to Director Peter with other applicants, he said. students." fensive, "erotic" movies. effort will be made to avoid con- H. Richardson '48. The office will place about 300 Richardson said MIT began a That committee, Hucklebery frontation." No transfer students will be applicants on a waiting list when policy of limiting transfer student said, will be asked to screen and He also expressed optimism admitted to the Department of admissions decisions are made, enrollmaent to Course VI three suggest specific sexually explicit that other groups fundamentally Electrical Engineering and Com- Richardson continued. years ago, "and now we are re- films for LSC to showt on cam- opposed to sexually explicit films puter Science, Richardson noted. Thle office will send letters of (Please turn to page 18) puls, but will have no formal au- can join in an acceptable com- "As far as the transfer student is thority over his committee. promise. concerned, there is no opportuni- "A lot of people were upset, if H~ucklebery cautioned, "If a ty to enroll -in Course VI," he T he evfawalmuation-u of not hurt" by the showing of sex- group cannot compromise, there said. ually explicit films, Hucklebery is not a lot to do. If some . Admissions expects a final ap- %A said "Obviously we would like can't change their opinion and plicant pool numbering approxi- Jothnl Iu resheian to show the film." won't change, we can't do mately 6000, only about 60 mrefr Manyy factors are considered before an applicant is accepted LSC did not wish to aggravate much." then last year, Richardson said. to or reejected from MIT. The completed application folder for an applilicant to the Class of 1988 consists of: a Application form: Contains personal information, extra- De ocrats spar on foreign policy curri cular activities, schools attended, Achievemenlt Tests and By Burot S. Kahiski from a panel, and then two from military death squads" are re- Scholastic Aptitude Test scores; The Democratic candidates for each other, and discussed foreign sponsible for more deaths in El * Two F-ssays: 'What responsibilities have you had for oth- president mnoved from the expect- policy in Central America and Salvador than are the guerrillas ers, and how has it affected your personal growth?," and ed topic of nuclear arms control the Middle East. the United States opposes. "Make up a question, state it clearly, and answer it."; to a general debate on foreign Discussion of American in- South Carolina Senl. Ernest F. eSecondary School Report; policy last night at Harvard Uni- volvement in those areas included Hollings, meanwhile, said the * Three Recomnmendationas; versity. explanations of the factors which Cubans "have been taking advan- * Evaluation from Educational Counselor: Written state- The candidates - excluding cause terrorism and death tage" of poor living conditions in ment from interviewer; former Florida Governor Rubin squads, and how the factors the area, and said he wvould wvith- Summary Card: Summary of the application, intended to O'D. Askew who had a prior could be prevented. draw US troops if Cuba volun- provide a "thumbnail sketch" of the applicanlt. commitment - responded to John H. Glenn Jr., an Ohio teers to end its involvement. The completed application is evaluated, yielding: q uestions from the audience, senator, said "right-wing para- George M~cGovern, a former e Scholastic Rating: An objective scale, based upon, in de- ·--·-Laa--osc---e· --pLb-`as--,Rra---c-c -----f-- CCI senator from South Dakota, said creasing order of importance, Miathematics Achievement Test, President Ronald W. Reagan, Science Achievemwent Test, English Achievemenlt Test, SATs, after calling an end to terrorism and high school record. his top priority in 1981, has 0 Personnel Rating: A subjective scale, based upon review of failed to control terrorists. " It's application usually by two members of the Admissions Office or an awful lot easier to deplore ter- MIT Faculty. Considerations include "maturity, intiative, energy, rorism than to end it," he said. and drive." Negotiations with all countries in Charles P. Brown the Middle East, llowever, could La I_ - -- - - ---- -- -- -------- ---- '--- bring an end to terrorism in the area. Jesse Jackson accused Ahis op- _CwV~~~~~~~~~~~ ponients of ignoring foreign poli- __~~M [En it ifL cy in two-thirds of the world, and in particular South Africa. He addressed the statement to Having heart is the right stuff. Page 2. Glenln, whom he called "6Mr. Right Stuff." Glenn told the Baptist minister Read Arts just for the record (s). Page 1 0. that the United States must share with many third world countries - some of whom have scarce re- Hear metallic buzz and howl. Page 1 1. sources -"if we are ever to have I peace.'> Tech photo by Henry Wu The seven candidates again de- Oxfarn feasts on donated commons points. Page 18. UJS Sen. Gary W. Hart, D-Colo., addresses students at bated each ot~her's and Reagan's -Brandeis University. Story, page 2. (Please turn to page 20J - -- ,-- - I-· --CI_ -sC-- - --5Y ~~--I0-·8-aral-aPRCIII-~C·CnIp··BI·P1-IbI-~qbAlsA*lll~Y----B~~* I I PAGE 2 The Tech WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1984 M m 0 IM a G~~~~Hat -en 8 racVItbeu ha a a 4_-I- m Tech photo by Henry Wu US Sen. Gary W. Hart, D-Colo. By Burt S. Kaliski "I1 havre a vision of an Ameri- He blamed Reagan for trim- WAL THAM - Presidential can community whose basis is ming federal programs.
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