/ K*"' V£^3A\^^ THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY FOL'SDED BV JAMES LOEB, LL.D. EDITED BY t T, E. PAGE, C.H„ LITT.D. F. CAPPS. PH.D., LL.D. W. H. D. ROUSE, litt.d. L. A. POST, M.A. E. H. WARMINGTOX, m.a. HORACE SATIRES, EPISTLES, ARS POETICA HORACE SATIRES, EPISTLES AND AES POETICA WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY H. RUSHTON FAIRCLOUGH rRovBgsoK or classical literature ik stantobd urnvBRarrv OALIFORNTA IX)NDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS MCMXLII FEB 1 1 1945 Virsi printed 1926 Revised and rtpritUed 1929 RepriMted 1932, 1936, 1939, 1942 Printed in Great Britain. ALFREDO BAKER TORONTONENSI PROFESSORI EMERITO AMICITIAE GRATIA PREFACE As is the case with many other volumes in the Loeb Classical Library, it has been found necessary to make this book something more than a mere trans- lation — something approaching a new edition of the poet. Each of the Satires and Epistles has been provided with its own Introduction, and, inasmuch as the poet's transitions are not seldom rather abrupt, and often it is no easy matter to re-establish the con- nexion, a careful effort has been made to indicate the sequence of thought. Numerous allusions have been explained in the notes or Index ; many dubious f)assages have been discussed, however briefly, and the Latin text itself has been scrutinized in every detail. All important variant readings have been duly registered and considered, and the results of both old and recent scholarship have been utilized in translation or interpretation. Acknowledgements are due to the general editors of the series, one of whom. Dr. T, E. Page, has read my manuscript carefully and offered many a timely vii PREFACE and wise suggestion. Some explanations given of puzzling passages are due to him, H. R. F. Harvard University, December 15, 1925. In preparing for a reprint of this volume, I take the opportunity of thanking all who have offered me helpful criticism, especially Professor Charles N. Smiley of Carleton College, and Professor B, O. Foster of Stanford University. H. R. F. February 4, 1929. CONTENTS PAOI Introduction— A. Chronology of the Poems xi B. Earlier History of Satire XIV C. Relation of Horace to Lucilius xvii D. Manuscripts and Commentaries xxiii E. Editions and Bibliography xxvii F. Abbreviations XXX satires- Book I. 1-123 Satire I. 2 „ H. 17 „ III. 30 „ IV. 46 « V. 62 „ VI. 75 „ VII. 89 . „VIII. 95 „ IX. 103 „ X. 112 Book II. 1 24-245 Satire I. 124 „ II. 134 „ HI. 149 „ IV. 183 ix CONTENTS PAOR Satire V. 196 „ VI. 208 „ VII. 221 «VIII. 236 EPISTLES— Book I. , 24.8-391 ElMSTLE I. 248 « II. 260 „ HI. 269 „ IV. 275 V. 279 « VI. 284 „ VII. 293 „ VIII. 3o:> „ IX. 309 X. 313 « XI. 321 „ XII. 327 „ XIII. 333 „ XIV. 337 „ XV. 34.3 „ XVI. 348 „ XVII. 358 „ XVIII. 366 „ XIX. 379 „ XX. 387 Book II. 392-441 Epistle I. 392 „ II- . 421 ARS POETICA OR Epistlk TO THE PiSONES . 442 Index of Proper Names . 491 INTRODUCTION A. Chronology of the Poems The First Book of the Satires is the first work which Horace pubhshed, though it is possible that some of the Epodes were composed before any of the Satires. In Sat. i. 10. 45 Horace refers to Virgil's Eclogues, which were published in 37 b.c, while the introduc- tion to Maecenas {Sat. i. 6. 54 ff.) is commonly- assigned to 38 B.C. Allowing some time for the friendship between the poet and statesman to mature, and for the general interest, referred to in Sat. i. 6. 47, to be aroused, and keeping in view certain passages in Satires ii. (e.g. 6. 40), we miay claim 35 B.C. as the probable date of the publication of Book I. At this time the poet was in his thirtieth year. In 33 B.C. Horace received from Maecenas the gift of his Sabine farm, which figures so prominently in Book II. The Sixth Satire of this book makes several allusions to pohtical events. In 1. 53 mention is made of the Dacians, who in the struggle between Octavian and Antony offered themselves first to one leader and then to the other. At this time Octavian was necessarily absent from Rome, and in 1. 38 Horace speaks of the administration of home affairs as being in the hands of Maecenas. After the battle INTRODUCTION of Actium (31 B.C.) public lands were assigned to the disbanded soldiers (1. 55). On the other hand the absence of any allusion to the closing of the temple of Janus or to the celebration of a triple triumph shows that Book II. appeared before 29 b.c. We may therefore claim 30 b.c. as the year of its pubhca- tion. In the intei'val between the appearance of the Satires and that of the Epistles, Horace published the Epodes (29 B.C.) and Books I.-III. of the Odes (23 b.c). The next work to appear was Book I. of the Epistles, the last verse of which {Epist. i. 20. 28) gives the consulship of LoUius as the date of writing. This would naturally imply that the book was finished in 21 B.C., but allusions to later events, such as the close of Agrippa's Cantabrian campaign, the restoration of the standards taken from Crassus {Epist. i. 12. 26 ff.), and the triumphal progress of Tiberius through the East (ib. i. 3. 144.), show that the book was not published before the following year (20 b.c). The three Literary Epistles which remain are often classed together as the three Epistles of Book II., but the Mss. and Scholia recognize only two Epistles in that Book, giving the third an independent posi- tion and a special name as Ars Poetica. Of the two the Second undoubtedly precedes the first in point of composition. It is addressed to Florus, to whom Epist. i. 3 had been sent, and who is still absent from Rome in the suite of Tiberius. The occasion for this absence need not be the same as for the earher letter, yet in view of Horace's renunciation of lyric poetry (Epist. ii. 2. 65 ff.), this Epistle can hardly have been written in the years when the Carmen Saeculare and Odes iv. were produced (17-13 INTRODUCTION B.C.). It was therefore, in all probability, written about 19-18 B.C. The introduction to Epist. ii. 1 gives the main reason for believing that the Epistle to Augustus was v\Titten after both the Epistle to Florus and the Ars Poetica. Moreover, there are several passages in it which indicate a connexion between it and Horace's later lyrics. Thus 11. 132-137 refer unmistakably to the Carmen Saeculare of 17 b.c, and 11. 252-256, as Wickham has pointed out, show certain correspond- ences with the political Odes of Book IV., which was pubhshed in 13 b.c. In the Mss. the Ars Poetica appears after either the Carmen Saeculare or Odes iv. Its present position is due to sixteenth-century editors, and Cruquius (1578) first called it the Third Epistle of Book II. It was perhaps pubhshed by Horace independently, while Augustus was absent in Gaul, 16-13 b.c, but the fact that it reflects so much of the influence of Lucilius would indicate a still earlier date of com- position." It is not certain who the Pisones (a father and two sons) addressed in it are. According to Porphyrio, the father was L. Calpurnius Piso, praefectus urbi in a.d. 14. He was born in 49 b.c. and became consul 15 b.c, but could hardly have had grown-up sons several years before Horace's death. It is more hkely that Piso pater was Cn. Calpurnius Piso, who, like Horace, fought under Brutus at Phihppi and was afterwards consul in 23 B.C. He had a son, Gnaeus, who was consul 7 B.C., and another, Lucius, who was consul 1 b.c. " See Fiske, Lucilius and Horace, pp. 446-475. According to Professor A. Y. Campbell, " the Ars Poetica was written at some time between 23-20 b.c. inclusive " {Horac«, p. 235). INTRODUCTION B. Earlier History of Satire The great litei'ary critic Quintilian proudly claims Satire as a purely Roman creation, satira quidem iota nostra est (x. 1. 93). This kind of literature had originated in a sort of rustic farce, the mixed char- acter of which had given it its name. As lanx satura was a dish filled with various kinds of fruit offered to the gods, and lex satura was a law which included a variety of provisions, so, in the literary sphere, satura {sc. fahuld) was a miscellaneous story, which was originally presented as a dramatic entertain- ment." After the introduction of the regular drama from Greece, the dramatic saturae, like the mimes and the Atellanae, survived as afterplays (exodid),^ but the saturae of Livius Andronicus and Naevius were probably of the earlier, dramatic type. Different from these were the saturae of Ennius and Pacuvius. These, to be sure, were miscellaneous both in subjects and in metrical forms, but they were composed for reading, not for acting. The Saturae of Ennius included the Epicharmus, a philo- sophic poem ; the Euhemerus, a rationalistic treat- ment of mythology ; the Hedupkagetica, a mock heroic poem on gastronomy ; the Sota, in the Sotadean metre ; and the Scipio and the Ambracia, wliich dealt with contemporary persons and events. Of the Satires of Pacuvius we know nothing, and " It is here assumed that the account given of the origin of the drama in Rome by the historian Livy (vii.
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