u Marshall Midd'e School students get lessons in life, A3 Homdlawn I:IIW*HH|(:<THIMN WUf'IHJt* Putting you In touch Sunday with your world May 30,1999 Serving tHe Westland Community for 34 years €5 VOLUIW. 34 NlJMBFR 103 WESTLAND, MICHIGAN • 66 PAGES • http://observer-eccentric.com SEVENI Y-RVE CENTS O lMt BomaTown C«f»aituUc*Uoa* Nttwerk, lac. THE WEEK Ex-parks chief ends legal battle AHEAD Former Westland Parks and Recreation Direc­ and reputation damages from an ordeal issued an April 16 opinion dismissing tor Charles Skene apparently won't fight a ' "that will always dog him." Skene's wrongful firing lawsuit that he decision to dismiss a suit for wrongfulfiring .Skene has-worked in newspaper filed against the city and five officials: advertising for the last two years and Mayor Robert Thomas, Deputy Mayor he had filed. Skene now works in newspaper hasn't been able to restart his parks George Gillies, Budget Director Eliza­ SUNDAY advertising. and recreation career. beth Duggan, Westland police Lt. Gary BY DARRELL CLEM Stephen Boak said Wednesday. Skene was cleared of embezzling Sikorski and former Finanfce Director Remembering: The STAFF WRITER The decision means that Skene won't charges in February 1998 by a Wayne Michael Gorman. [email protected] receive any. city money even though he County Circuit Court jury that ruled On Wednesday, Mayor Thomas wel­ Wayne- Westland Memori­ he didn't embezzle thousands of dollars comed news that Skene apparently Charles Skene apparently won't chal­ was fired April 22, 1997, amid an 1 al Day Parade will begin lenge a judge's decision to dismiss a embezzling probe that ended with a from his department. won't appeal Harwoe^d's ruling. 1 p.m. Sunday in the wrongful firing lawsuit he filed after jury finding him innocent. Prosecutors portrayed Skene as a "I'm not surprised by the decision not Kmart parking lot, Wayne bemg ousted as Westland parks and "There will be no (financial) recovery gambling addict who stole money from to appeal," he said, adding that he recreation director. for all the nonsense," Boak said. hrs department to support his habit, believed the city would've prevailed, Road and Cherry Hill, "As* far as I know, there is not going He estimated that Skene lost but Skene maintained his innocence all anyway. and.go north to Ford to be an appeal," Skene attorney $100,000 in wages - aside from pension along. — Road and Westland City Circuit Judge Pamela Harwood Please see BATTLE, A6 Hall. A number of veter­ ans* organizations and others will participate in the parade. S H AP I K <l^%^ HOLIDAY PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Closings: The-William R An essential component to a healthy lifestyle Faust Public Library of Westland will close Sun­ BY KlMBERLY A. MORTSON day and Monday for the STAFF WRITER [email protected] Students enjoy Memorial Day obser­ aintaining a healthy body vance. On Monday, West- weight throughout the period land City Hall and the prior to and during puberty can variety, choice 18th District Court will be a challenge for younjj people^AVith the advent of the Internet, other tech­ in PE classes close. Emergency police nology related entertainment and an average decline in physical activity by and fire service will be BY HEATHER NEEDHAM school-age children, the result has led STAFF WRITER provided. Trash pickup to a significant number of sedentary will be delayed one day. adolescent. Exercise is an important part of Nationally the prevalerice for over­ the educational experience in the weight youth is increasing. Experts Wayne-Westland schools. Swimmers: The Bailey have determined that a natural predic­ High school students need one Center outdoor pool is tor of adult obesity is childhood obesity full year to graduate, and elemen­ — underscoring the importance of tary students spend 50 minutes opening this weekend. maintaining a sensible, well-balanced per week in physical education, or Hours for Sunday and diet and routine exercise program. gym classes. Monday will be noon to According to the American Heart Asso- Elementary students spend an gyUipn,:inactivity contribute*.to risk . oqi—1 amount <tf torn in «^ aucic 3:30p.m. and 4:30-7:30 factors such as obesity, high.hlood pres­ and other enrichment classes, said p.m. For information, call sure, respiratory disorder, dia­ Sally Perkins, executive (734) 722-7260. betes, elevated blood cholesterol KEEPING director of elementary educa­ and early heart disease. KIDS tion. Local public school districts, FIT This time serves as plan­ acquainted with the current ning time for regular teach­ health status of its youth have taken ers, she added. TUESDAY active steps to encourage healthy eat­ Some districts have decided to ing and exercise habits in school, as a let students substitute other hobby and in the home-setting. A cur­ enrichment classes for gym class­ Budget talk: The West- riculum developed in the fall of 1998 es, byt WaynerWestland hasn't land City Council will under the guidance of Governor John done that, according to William' BTJglef,s douncil on Physical Fitness, Camp, executive director of sec­ meet 5:30p.m. Tuesday Health and Sports and a consortium of ondary education with the district. for a continuing council Michigan colleges and universities, "That is currently under review," budget session at City provides physical education teachers said Camp. Physical education cur­ with tools to develop young students riculum operates on a five-year Hall, Ford at Carlson in (K:2) both physically and intellectually _. cycle, which means "the require­ Westland. on the way to life-long learning and fit­ ments change roughly every five ness. years. Unfortunately, Michigan is one of "I. know that some school dis­ eight states with no mandated time for tricts do offer physical education THURSDAY physical education which creates an credit for.other classes besides STMT PHOTO BY TOM HAWLEV. opportunity for students to substitute physical education," Camp said. "I Fitness In motion; Students Catherine Smith, Kristen Young and interscholastic athletic, band or unre* Rata ry: The Westland Jordan Kurkowski work out on stationary cycles in Livonia, Please see VARIETY, A2 Rotary Club meets 12:15 Churchill High School's fitness center. ~ Please see LIFESTYLE, A2 p.m. Thursdays at Joy - Manor, 28999 Joy, east of IUUMW«MWHimi«MW»«W«UW i:3^*7?£-ysXi^wJ':3&^m-£Krj?&Zvz:ss^^ =^-:>7.,:.i.i fi;.: Middlebelt in Wetland. Evacuation follows local INDEX auto crash and gas leak • Obituaries A6 • Classified Index E4 Real Estate El BY DARRELL CLEM a broken collarbone when her car rolled STAFF WRITER over and landed upside down, Deputy Crossword , E6 dctem9oe.homecomm.net Fire Chief Dave Carignan said. Jobs Gl A two-car accident touched off a nat­ Authorities cordoned off Warren Home & Service 'H3 ural gas leak Thursday afternoon that Road west of Wayne while Consumers Automotive H6 prompted the evacuation of several Power workers repaired a severed gas businesses near Wayne and Warren line following the 3:25 p.m. accident. • Taste Bl roads, authorities said. Traffic was snarled for three hours," • Health & Fitness B4 The most serious injury was to a 58- • Arts & Leisure CI year-old Westland woman who suffered Please see LEAK, A6 • Sports & Recreation Dl HOW TO REACH US STKfT PHOTOS BT TO* RA1IW Newsroom: 734-953-2104 Musical moments Newsroom Fax; 734-591-7279 E-mail: bjachmfcntot.bonwcomfn,fw t Fun day: Patchin Elementary Nightline/Sports, 734-953-2104 School kindergartners through Reader Comment Line,734-953-204 2 second-graders enjoy the fun Classified Advertising, 734-591-0900 during the performance by Guy ' Display Advertising; 734-591-2300 Louis Thursday. Louis, of Home Delivery,734-591-050 0 Chautauqua Express, talks about the Native Americans with the students. ; 8TAFT FWJTO BY BUTAN MlTCHtll On the job: A Consumers Energy worker inspects the accident scene. .„.1 > » / mmwmmmmmm wm •w •• mm OH A2(W) The Observer & Eccentric/ SUNDAY, MAY 30,1999 views at BV MAAll CHE8TNKY . These are the qualities spotlighted by offices at 15125 Farmington Road. extra dollars in the school budget, how STAFF Warna See related chart, Pafr A4 ~Riphe*tney#oe.homecomin.ii<et the five school board candidates Questions ranged from school safety would you vote to spend it? Wednesday when asked what one out­ to private school tax credits to the feasi­ Not so fast, said Egan, one of four "There's never any extra, maybe Karen Egan brings leadership and standing attribute they would bring to bility of moving to a grades six^eight challengers facing incumbent Koke­ reserves," said Naser, a mortgage bro­ coalition-building skills. the Livonia Board of Education if elect­ middle school configuration. The entire nakes for two four-year seats on the ker who lives .in Weetland, ^We're doing . Larry Nas«r brings experience. ed in the June 14 school election. ' forum will be rebroadcast before the board. "I'd have to research this very well now. But it is important to focus on Frank Kokenakes brings fiscal The candidates fielded 10 school- June 14 election on Livonia's cable carefully," said Egan, a small business the future." integrity. related questions during the question Channel 15 and Westland's cable Chan­ owner. Naser's extra money would be spent Kevin Whitehead brings new ideas. and answer session sponsored by the nel 19. If extra money is available, she said on hiring more teachers, facility fix-upa Rristen Galka brings a solid knowl­ Livonia PTA Council and held in.Livo-" The first question put candidates in a she'd spent it to improve the curricu­ and after-school programs that offer nia Public Schools' administrative edge of the school district.
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