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Husk du kan også købe tidligere numre af Himmelskibet, se mere på hjemmesiden Forfatter Titel Forfatter Titel Abbey, Lynn The Guardians Arnason, Eleanor Daughter of the Bear King Adams, Terry A. Sentience Asimov, Isaac Nightfall two Aikin, Jim Walk the moons road Asimov, Isaac Earth is room enough Aldis, Brian W. Frankenstein unbound Asimov, Isaac tales of the Black Widoers Alton, Andrea I Demon of undoing Asimov, Isaac Casebøøk øf the Black Widøwers Anderson, Kevin J Gamearth Asimov, Isaac Murder of the ABA Anderson, Poul The Enemy stars Asimov, Isaac Banquets of the Black Widoers Anderson, Poul Traders to the stars Asimov, Isaac Buy Jupiter Anderson, Poul Time and Star Asimov, Isaac The Rest of the Robots Anderson, Poul The man who Counts Asimov, Isaac The Robots of Dawn Anderson, Poul World Without Stars Asimov, Isaac (editor) Before the golden age 1 Anderson, Poul The Peregrine Asimov, Isaac (editor) Before the golden age 2 Anderson, Poul Three hearts and three Lions Asimov, Isaac (editor) Before the golden age 3 Anderson, Poul Strangers from earth Asire, Nancy Twillight's Kingdoms Anderson, Poul Trader to the stars Asprin, Robert Lynn Tambu Anderson, Poul The Trouble Twisters Asprin, Robert Lynn The cold cash war Anderson, Poul The Last Viking 1: The golden Horn Asprin, Robert Lynn the bug wars Anderson, Poul The Last Viking 2:The road of the Attanasio, A.A. In other worlds sea horse Ball, Brian N. Singularity Station Anderson, Poul The Last Viking 3: The Sign of the Ball, Brian N. Timepiece Raven Ball, Brian N. The Regiments of Night Anderson, Poul After Doomsday Ball, Brian N. Planet Probability Anderson, Poul & Karen The Unicorn trade Barbet, Pierre The Napoleons of Eridanus Anthony, Piers Macroscope Barbet, Pierre Baphomet's meteor Anthony, Piers Triple Detente Barbet, Pierre The Enchanted Planet Anthony, Piers Steppe Barbet, Pierre The oan-of-arc replay Anthony, Piers Ghost Barbet, Pierre Cosmic Crusaders Anthony, Piers Steppe Barnes, Artur K. Interplanetary Hunter Anvil, Christopher Warlord's world Barnes, John One for the morning glory Anvil, Christopher Pandora's planet Baryley, Barringston J. Collision Cource 1 Forfatter Titel Forfatter Titel Baryley, Barringston J. The Fall of Chronopolis Card, Orson Scott The Folk of the Fringe Baryley, Barringston J. The Pillars of eternity Card, Orson Scott A Planet called Treason Bass, T.J. The Godwhale Card, Orson Scott Ender's game Bass, T.J. Half past Human Card, Orson Scott Wyrms Bayley, Barrington J. Empire of two worlds Card, Orson Scott Hart's Hope Bayley, Barrington J. The grand wheel Carr, Terry Cirque Baylock, James P. The Stone giant Carr, Terry The light at the end of the universe Bennet, M.J. Where the Ni-Lach Carver, Jeffrey A. From a changeling star Biggle Jr., Lloyd The rule of the door Carver, Jeffrey A. the rapture effect Biggle Jr., Lloyd watchers of the dark Carver, Jeffrey A. star rigger's way Biggle Jr., Lloyd The still, small voice of trumpets Chalker, jack L. Dancers in the Afterglow Biggle Jr., Lloyd all the colors of darkness Chalker, jack L. The Messiah Choice Biggle Jr., Lloyd The world menders Chalker, jack L. and the devil will drag you under Biggle Jr., Lloyd The light that never was Chalker, jack L. The Identity Matrix Bischoff & Monteleone Night of the Dragonstar Chalker, jack L. A war of Shadows Blumlein, Michael The Movement of Mountains Chase, Robert R. The Game of fox and lion Bolton, Johanna M. The Alien Within Cherryh, C.J. Fires of Azeroth Boucher, Anthony Far and Away Cherryh, C.J. Gate of Ivrel Boucher, Anthony the Compleat werewolf Cherryh, C.J. Well of Shiuan Boulle, Pierre Time out of mind Compton, D.G The Steel Crocodile Bova, Ben Colony Conway, Gerard F. the midnight dancers Bowes, Richard Feral Cell Cooper, Edmund The Tenth Planet Bowes, Richard Goblin Market Cox, Joan Mindsong Boyd, john The Rakeheels of heaven Crichton, Michael Eaters of the dead Boyd, john The Gorgon Festival de Camp, L. Sprague Tower of zanid Boyd, john The Organ Bank Farm de Camp, L. Sprague Let darkness fall Boyd, john Andromeda Gun de Camp, L. Sprague The Goblin Tower Brackett, Leigh The Book of Kaith 1:The Ginger Star de Camp, L. Sprague The Clocks of Iraz de Camp, L. Sprague The Arrows of Hercules Brackett, Leigh The Book of Kaith 1:The hounds of de Camp, L. 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Nova Zimmer, Paul E. Delany, Samuel R. The Bridge of lost desire Bretnor, Reginald The Schimmelhorn File Delany, Samuel R. Tales of the Neveryon Brown, Jerry Earl Under the city of angels Eddings, David Magician's Gambit Brunner, John The Super Barbarians Eddings, David Queen of Sorcery Brunner, John The Jagged Orbit Eddings, David Enchanters' end game Brust, Steven Teckla Eddings, David Pawn of Prophecy Brust, Steven To Reign in Hell Eddings, David Castle of Wizardry Bryant, Edward Particle Theory Eklund, Gordon The Eclipse of Dawn Bujold, Lois McMaster The Spirit Ring Freireich, Valerie J. Testement Bujold, Lois McMaster The Hallowed Hunt Freireich, Valerie J. The beacon Byers, Richard Lee Dissolution (Forgotten Realms) Garner, Alan Elidor Callin, Grant Saturn Alia Garrett, Randall Murder and Magic Callin, Grant A Lion on Tharthee Garrett, Randall Lord Darcy Investigates 2 Forfatter Titel Forfatter Titel Garrett, Randall Too Many Magicians Lackey, Mercedes Arrow's Fall Gerrold, David Moonstar Odyssey Lackey, Mercedes Magic's Promise Gerrold, David Space Skimmer Lafferty, R.A. Fourth Mansions Griffith, Nicola Ammonite Laidlaw, Marc Neon Lotus Gunn, James The Magicians Landis, Arthur H. A World called Camelot Hambly, Barbara Traveling with the dead Landis, Arthur H. Camelot in orbit Hambly, Barbara The Walls of Air Lanier, Sterling E. Hiero's Journey Hambly, Barbara The Time of the Dark Lanier, Sterling E. The Unforsaken Hiero Hambly, Barbara The Armies of Daylight Lanier, Sterling E. Menace under marswood Harness, Charles L. Lurid dreams Laumer, Keith Retief's war Hassison, Harry Prime Number Laumer, Keith Galactic odyssey Holdstock, Robert Unknown regions Laumer, Keith The Other Side of Time Holdstock, Robert P. Eye Among the Blind Laumer, Keith The Long Twilight Holdstock, Robert P. Where time winds blow Laumer, Keith The House in November Irvine, Alexander C. A Scattering of Jades Laumer, Keith The Long Twilight Jablokov, Alexander Carve the sky Laumer, Keith Time Trap Janifer, Laurence M. Slave Planet Laumer, Keith Catastrophe Planet Janifer, Laurence M. A piece of Martin Cann Laumer, Keith Greylorn Jeter, K.W. Infernal Devices Le Guin, Ursula The Dispossessed Jeter, K.W. Morlock Night Lee, Tanith Vazkor son of vazkor Jones, D.F. Colossus Lee, Tanith The Birthgrave Jones, J.V. The Baker's boy Lee, Tanith Electric Forest Jones, Raymond F. Man of two worlds Lee, Tanith Day by night Jordan, Robert The Dragon Reborn Leiber, Fritz Gather, Darkness! Joseph, M.K. 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