5/5/2020 WbgGefportal Project Identification Form (PIF) entry – Full Sized Project – GEF - 7 Sustainable Management of Drylands in Northern Togo Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10416 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Sustainable Management of Drylands in Northern Togo Countries Togo Agency(ies) UNDP Other Executing Partner(s) Executing Partner Type Ministère de l’Environnement, du Développement Durable et de la Protection de Government Nature (MEDDN) https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 1/66 5/5/2020 WbgGefportal GEF Focal Area Multi Focal Area Taxonomy Land Degradation, Focal Areas, Land Degradation Neutrality, Land Cover and Land cover change, Land Productivity, Carbon stocks above or below ground, Food Security, Sustainable Land Management, Sustainable Livelihoods, Income Generating Activities, Integrated and Cross-sectoral approach, Sustainable Pasture Management, Sustainable Agriculture, Restoration and Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands, Sustainable Forest, Forest, Forest and Landscape Restoration, Drylands, Biodiversity, Protected Areas and Landscapes, Productive Landscapes, Terrestrial Protected Areas, Community Based Natural Resource Mngt, Mainstreaming, Agriculture and agrobiodiversity, Biomes, Tropical Dry Forests, Climate Change, Climate Change Mitigation, Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use, Climate Change Adaptation, Climate resilience, Least Developed Countries, Deploy innovative financial instruments, Influencing models, Transform policy and regulatory environments, Demonstrate innovative approache, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Local Communities, Stakeholders, Beneficiaries, Private Sector, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Financial intermediaries and market facilitators, SMEs, Type of Engagement, Information Dissemination, Partnership, Participation, Consultation, Communications, Awareness Raising, Indigenous Peoples, Civil Society, Community Based Organization, Non-Governmental Organization, Gender Mainstreaming, Gender Equality, Women groups, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Gender-sensitive indicators, Gender results areas, Knowledge Generation and Exchange, Access to benefits and services, Participation and leadership, Access and control over natural resources, Capacity Development, Integrated Programs, Commodity Supply Chains, High Conservation Value Forests, Sustainable Commodities Production, Adaptive Management, Deforestion-free Sourcing, Smallholder Farmers, Innovation, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Knowledge Generation, Learning, Indicators to measure change, Theory of change, Adaptive management Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 1 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 0 Duration 60 In Months Agency Fee($) 517,576 Submission Date 4/16/2020 https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 2/66 5/5/2020 WbgGefportal A. Indicative Focal/Non-Focal Area Elements Programming Directions Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) BD-1-1 GET 1,435,439 4,150,000 LD-1-1 GET 2,000,000 3,339,230 LD-1-3 GET 2,012,734 2,000,000 Total Project Cost ($) 5,448,173 9,489,230 https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 3/66 5/5/2020 WbgGefportal B. Indicative Project description summary Project Objective To accelerate sustainable land management and restoration for achieving land degradation neutrality while benefitting agro-pastoral livelihoods and globally significant biodiversity in Savanes and Kara Regions of Togo. Project Financing Project Outcomes Project Outputs Trust GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) Component Type Fund 1. Enabling Technical 1.1. Land use and 1.1.1. Policies[1] reviewed to identify gaps, GET 1,009,487 2,747,031 Framework Assistan management weaknesses and strengths, and s and ce decisions are corresponding guidelines produced to Capacity informed by enable spatial data-driven planning and for LDN monitoring data and sustainable land management with Implement gender-responsive incorporation of LDN and biodiversity ation and land use plans that conservation considerations. Biodiversity promote LDN and Conservati biodiversity on conservation. 1.1.2. Community driven, inclusive and gender responsive consultations on land use, biodiversity conservation and Indicators: protected area management conducted, and local land management action plans (i) Improved land developed in targeted prefectures in the cover in targeted Savanes and Kara regions. prefectures in northern Togo, covering an area of 1.1.3. Participatory and gender-responsive 1,500,000 ha; integrated watershed and landscape management plan developed informing (ii) # Guidelines land use planning in the Oti basin in available to inform northern Togo. inclusion of LDN and biodiversity conservation 1.1.4. Online, open access GIS- and remote considerations in sensing-based system for monitoring land relevant sector use and progress towards achieving LDN policies. established and operational. https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 4/66 5/5/2020 WbgGefportal NB: Baseline values 1.2.1. Training and tools provided to and targets for all Ministry of Sustainable Development and outcome indicators Environmental Protection (MEDDN), Office will be for Forest Development and Exploitation determined/confirm (ODEF[1]) and Environmental Management ed during project Agency (ANGE[2]) staff, local land development. management committees and other targeted stakeholders to implement planning, management, and monitoring 1.2. Increased processes relevant to achieving LDN and, institutional and improved PA management, and biodiversity local-level capacities conservation. for gender-sensitive implementation of sustainable land 1.2.2. Dedicated platform established to management and enable strategic coordination of Ministries biodiversity (e.g. MEDDN, Agriculture, Livestock and conservation Fisheries, Finance, Tourism, Infrastructure), practices. Agencies (e.g. ANGE, ANPC, etc), institutions, and private sector for effective implementation of landuse plans. Indicators: (i) Increase in 1.2.3. Government extension service units capacity scores as established and operational at central and per UNDP decentralised level. institutional capacity development scorecard; [1] Office de Développement et (ii) Number of d’Exploitation des Forêts extension services [2] Agence National de Gestion de operational in target l’Environnement area; (iii) Number of individuals in targeted [1] This will include the Agriculture Policy, communities have Forestry Policy, Landuse Planning Policy access to services. and Energy Policy (tbd during PPG phase). 2. Investme GET 1,712,199 2,706,144 2.1. Ecosystem s 2.1.1. Assessment conduc Sustainable nt ervices restored a ted on ecosystem services https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 5/66 5/5/2020 y WbgGefportal land and nd land degradati provided by key landscape forest on avoided throug s in Savanes and Kara, usi manageme h SLM and SFM p ng natural capital accounti nt and ractices in the Sav ng methods. biodiversity anes and Kara reg conservatio ions in northern T n at site ogo, including Oti- 2.1.2. Training provided to level Kéran/Oti-Mando uri Biosphere Res targeted stakeholders on erve and Fazao-M using the outcomes of eco alkafassa Nationa system service assessme l Park. nts for informed decision making. Indicators: 2.1.3. Participatory prioriti (i) Total area of d zation exercises conducte egraded forest un d to select target landscap dergoing restorati es for project-supported re on (target ≧ 22,00 storation and SLM/SFM in 0 ha); terventions, based on agre ed criteria including those (ii) Total area und relevant to ecosystem ser er sustainable for vices and biodiversity con est management servation values (e.g. pres practices (target ence of endangered speci ≧ 37,000 ha); incl es, wildlife corridors). uding 5,000 ha of wildlife corridors; (iii) % Increase in LDN metrics: land 2.1.4: Restoration practice cover, net primary s implemented in targeted productivity, soil o degraded forest areas cov rganic carbon; ering 22,000 ha. (iv) Threats to wil ≧ dlife resulting fro 2.1.5: SLM and SFM practi m deforestation a ces implemented in target nd unsustainable ed landscapes covering land management 37,000 ha. in targeted PAs an ≧ d their buffer zon https://gefportal2.worldbank.org ( 6/66 5/5/2020 WbgGefportal es reduced (cover ing 371,000 ha), a s evidenced by in crease in METT s cores, including in dicators Reduction in lives tock farming and grazing - Reduction in log ging and wood ha rvesting - Reduction in PA l andscape fragme ntation - Increased numb ers of key species such as elephants (baseline tbd duri ng PPG phase) 3. Technical 3.1. Increased 3.1.1. Nature-based livelihood opportunities GET 2,058,719 3,186,465 Sustainable Assistan capacity for upscaled/developed to support nature- ce sustainable environmentally sustainable socio- based agricultural/agrofore economic development in pilot sites livelihoods stry production and identified under Component 2. post-harvest management in a climate smart 3.1.2. Value chain analysis conducted for manner for farmers prioritized agricultural / agroforestry (men, women) in the commodities, including identification of project area for viable national/international markets and products promoting investors. biodiversity and LDN https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 7/66 5/5/2020 WbgGefportal Indicators: 3.1.3. Cooperative units established and (i) Number of land members[1] trained on climate-smart, users demonstrating environmentally sustainable agricultural increased knowledge entrepreneurship and post-harvest value after training (target adding methods.
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