Friday, FebruaryNEWS 2, 2007 Technique • Friday, February 2, 2007 • 1 “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” Miss Asian Volume 92, Issue 21 Atlanta 24 pages Pageant ONLINE www.nique.net results, page 12 TECHNIQUEServing Georgia Tech since 1911 Clough unveils Tech Promise program Committee By Craig Tabita student’s other financial aid personal expenses. Assistant News Editor with a combination of other “Th e students would already scholarships, grants and job op- have the HOPE scholarship, votes on Low-income Georgia resi- portunities. Th e package will the Pell grant and a work-study dents will no longer be priced program. We would be cover- out of a quality education from ing the diff erence to make sure Tech when the new Tech Prom- “We wanted to the students remain debt free,” Athletic fee ise program is launched this Clough said. fall, permitting undergraduate focus on those To qualify for the program, By James Stephenson students whose families have an students who are besides falling under the $30,000 News Editor annual income under $30,000 annual income level, students to graduate debt-free. most at risk.” must be legal Georgia residents Th e debate over the Athletic fee is fi nally over “We wanted to focus on those pursuing their fi rst undergradu- now that the Mandatory Student Fee Advisory students who are most at risk,” Wayne Clough ate degree and must be eligible Committee (MSFAC) has voted to support the said Institute President Wayne Institute President for federal student fi nancial aid. fi rst option to raise the Athletic fee by 112 dollars Clough. For tax purposes, they must per year. Scott Medway/ Student Publications Tech Promise will specifi cally be dependents whose parents Th e second option, which entailed raising the Institute President Wayne tailor fi nancial aid packages for cover the total published cost are eligible to fi le an IRS Form fee by 24 dollars per semester and charging 100 Clough announced the new each of the projected 400 eli- of attendance, which includes 1040A or 1040EZ for the most dollars for tickets for home football and ACC bas- fi nancial aid program, Tech gible recipients, supplementing tuition, mandatory student fees, ketball games, was the fi rst option voted on by the Promise, yesterday morning. the HOPE scholarship and the books, room and board and See Aid, page 5 committee due to a motion made on the fl oor of the committee. Th e second option received a vote of two in favor, nine opposed and one abstention, Apply for 2007 so the option failed the committee. Th e fi rst option was voted on next and received a Astronaut award vote of nine in favor and three opposed. Th e option passed the committee and the committee will give Th e Astronaut Foundation Institute President Wayne Clough a formal recom- has announced a 10,000 dollar mendation to submit the fi rst option to the Board scholarship for the 2007- of Regents. Th e three opposed, however, were the 2008 academic year to be three graduate students on the committee. awarded to a Tech student in “I am disappointed that today the Manda- a science or engineering major. tory Student Fee Advisory Committee voted to The student must be a recommend that President Clough ask the Board junior, a senior, or in a master’s of Regents to raise the mandatory Athletic Fee program, and a U.S. citizen. by 75 percent to 112 dollars per year,” said Mitch The Foundation is looking Keller, graduate student body president. for a bright and motivated According to Keller, the three graduate student student who is also creative and members of the committee voted against this New frat looking to charter imaginative enough to charter recommendation because they did not feel it was into the unknown with their fi eld the right solution. the way the original Mercury “I appreciate that the Athletic Association has Seven astronauts did when found itself in a diffi cult fi nancial situation and they embarked on the fi rst U.S. that something has to be done to remedy that. manned space mission in 1958. However, I feel that the alternative proposal to Courtesy of the College Republicans raise the fee by half the amount, to 88 dollars per Wanting to keep the U.S. as The College Republicans set up a Pro-Life display marking the anniversary of the controversial the world leader in science and Roe v. Wade decision. The display was stolen from its place next to Skiles Walkway Monday. technology, they established the See Fee, page 2 Mercury Seven Foundation in 1984 to provide scholarships to students in all science and GTCR Pro-life display missing technology fields, and later Sigma Pi looks to changed their name in 1995 to By Corbin Pon awareness. Th e “Cemetery of the licans have held various campus allow all U.S. astronauts to assist Staff Writer Innocent” was a grouping of 48 activities to bring attention to start Tech chapter in their fund-raising eff orts. white crosses planted on Skiles pro-life issues. By James Stephenson To date they have awarded Th e College Republican Pro- Lawn, each one representing 1 “Abortion is a controversial News Editor over 2.3 million dollars in Life display was stolen Monday million abortions since 1973. issue, but rather than engage in scholarships to 211 students. night. Th e display “Cemetery of Accompanying the crosses, debate and dialogue, someone A new national fraternity, Sigma Pi, is Th e application materials must the Innocent” was set up by the chose to steal our display and interested in starting a chapter on campus. be submitted by February College Republicans in recogni- deprive other students of the op- Should the fraternity form, it will be the fi rst tion of the anniversary of the portunity to see and experience 26 and may be downloaded “The theft of our time in 12 years that such an occurrence has at psp.gatech.edu/astro/ Roe v. Wade decision legalizing the display’s message…. Th e happened on campus. However, the fraternity’s abortion. Pro-Life display is theft of our Pro-Life display is interest in Tech is not new. “Our entire display was stolen clearly an attack on free speech clearly an attack “Sigma Pi approached us a couple years ago. I-Movie Fest and all the crosses and signs are and expression,” Holte said. Th ey didn’t have the interest or the resources still missing. After informing the on free speech According to Holte, despite to act on it until now,” said Jonathan Sangster, appropriate campus departments the theft, the College Repub- ceremony Feb. 8 and expression.” Interfraternity Council (IFC)president. and administrators of the situ- licans will continue to engage A graduate student who was a Sigma Pi The finale for Campus I- ation, I fi led a police report on David Holte in dialogue around prominent alum at another school sparked interest in Movie Fest will be Th ursday behalf of the organization. We issues and concerns. starting the new fraternity on campus. Feb. 8 at 7 p.m. in the Ferst are obviously very perplexed and College Republican “I hope that this incident “Sigma Pi have a very good program for Center for the Arts. Th e Atlanta in search of answers as to what Campus Activism also causes people to consider starting new chapters. Th ey targeted Tech Grand Finale will be Wednes- transpired,” said David Holte, Director the extreme intolerance of those because we are a strong ACC school with a day Feb. 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the College Republican Campus who seek to eradicate views they good reputation,” Sangster said. Atlanta Symphony Hall. Th e Activism Director. do not agree with, and exposes Should the new fraternity come to cam- Tech movie making process “We are looking for any several signs around the display those who resort to cowardly pus, they will begin recruiting members took place during Jan. 16-22. clues that would help explain explained the College Republi- and even unlawful actions such immediately. Six other universities in the what happened to our display,” can position. as this rather than engaging in “Th ey will have three weeks of recruitment Atlanta area also competed in the said Ashley Johnson, College “College Republicans put a a thoughtful discussion on the which will overlap with normal rush. Th e Campus Movie Fest including Republican Chairman. tremendous amount of time, issue at hand,” Holte said. goal will be to get 25 guys so they can start a Georgia State, Emory, Univer- Put up Monday and set to money, and energy into this A police report has been fi led sity of Ga., Spelman College, run through Wednesday, the project,” Johnson said. and the Tech police department Morehouse, and Clark Atlanta. display intended to raise abortion For years, the College Repub- is investigating the incident. See Frat, page 4 2 • Friday, February 2, 2007 • Technique NEWS our graduate teaching and research “We look forward to working Technique Online Voice your opinion! from page 1 assistants,” Keller said. with the administration to see these Last issue’s question received 76 responses. Fee According to Keller, they have eff orts through so that Tech can con- semester, along with charging for responded swiftly to study the tinue to attract top graduate students What should Health Services do to prevent no-shows? student tickets to football and men’s much larger issue of graduate stu- in spite of this dramatic increase in basketball games, provided a much dent stipends, including, among mandatory student fees.
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