AAU ALL-AMERICAN COLLEGE TEAM (1910 - 1969) NCAA COLLEGIATE HONOR ROLL LISTS (1925 - 1962) NCAA ALL-AMERICAN COLLEGIATE TEAM - (1941 to 1974) NCAA ALL-AMERICAN LISTS (1975 - Present) AAU All American AAU All American AAU All American College Team - 1910 to 1969 College Team - 1910 to 1969 College Team - 1910 to 1969 (selected by AAU) (selected by AAU) (selected by AAU) 1912 1939 1965 Fred Kelly - 120H Erwin Miller - 440 Bill Fosdick - PV 1913 Bob Peoples - JT Paul Kerry - 120H Fred Kelly - 220LH Johnny Wilson - HJ 1966 1914 Lou Zamperini - Mile Bruce Bess - 4x880 Charles Borgstrom - PV 1941 Dave Buck - 4x880 Howard Drew - 100 Bob Peoples - JT Dennis Carr - 4x880 Fred Kelly - 120H 1944 John Link - 4x880 1915 Earl Audet - SP 1967 Fred Kelly - 220LH Al Lawrence - 120H Bruce Bess - 4x880 1919 1947 Dave Buck - 4x880 Charley Paddock - 100 Mel Patton - 100; 220 Gary Carlsen - DT 1920 J. Walter Smith - 440H Dennis Carr - 880; 4x880 Charley Paddock - 220 1948 Fred Kuller - 4x110 1921 John Montgomery - PV John Link - 4x880 Charley Paddock - 100 Mel Patton - 100; 220 Earl McCullouch - 120H; 4x110 1924 1949 Lennox Miller - 4x110 Bud Houser - DT Mel Patton - 100; 220 Bob Seagren - PV Morton Kaer - Pentathlon 1950 O.J. Simpson - 4x110 1925 Dick Attlesey - 120H Paul Wilson - PV Bud Houser - SP 1952 1968 1926 Jack Davis - 120H; 220LH Fred Kuller - 4x110 Lee Barnes - PV Sim Iness - DT Earl McCullouch - 4x110; 110H; 60yH Leighton Dye - 120H Parry O’Brien - SP Lennox Miller - 4x110 Ken Grumbles - 220LH 1953 Bob Seagren - PV Bud Houser - SP; DT Jack Davis - 120H; 220LH O.J. Simpson - 4x110 1927 Dick Genther - JT Carl Trentadue - 1,000 Charles Borah - 100 Sim Iness - DT Geoff Vanderstock - 400H 1929 Jim Lea - 440 1969 Jess Hill - LJ Parry O’Brien - SP Rich Coulter - 4x110 1930 1955 Fred Kuller - 4x110 Frank Wykoff - 100 Des Koch - DT Edesel Garrison - 4x110 1931 Ernie Shelton - HJ Lennox Miller - 4x110 Dick Barber - LJ 1957 Bill Graber - PV Max Truex - 2M; 3M; X/C NCAA Collegiate Bob Hall - SP Robert Voiles - JT Honor Roll - 1925 to 1962 Ernie Payne - 220LH 1958 (selected by NCAA Rules committee) Vic Williams - 440 Rink Babka - DT Frank Wykoff - 100 Dave Davis - SP 1925 1932 Charlie Dumas - HJ Leighton Dye - 120H Dick Barber - LJ 1960 Ken Grumbles - 220LH Bill Graber - PV Luther Hayes - TJ Bud Houser - DT Bob van Osdel - HJ Dallas Long - SP 1926 1933 1961 Lee Barnes - PV Norman Paul - 220LH Luther Hayes - TJ Leighton Dye - 120H 1934 Dallas Long - SP Ken Grumbles - 220LH Al Olson - LJ 1962 Bud Houser - SP; DT 1935 Dallas Long - SP Clifton Reynolds - 120H; LJ Ken Carpenter - DT Jan Sikorsky - JT 1927 1936 1963 Lee Barnes - PV Ken Carpenter - DT Rex Cawley - 440H; SMR Charles Borah - 100; 220 Earle Meadows - PV Dick Cortese - SMR Jess Hill - LJ 1937 Kevin Hogan - SMR Jack Williams - PV Bill Sefton - PV Lew Hoyt - HJ 1928 Earl Vickery - 220LH Julio Marin - 2Mile; 3Mile Lee Barnes - PV 1938 Dave Morris - SMR Charles Borah - 100 Loring Day - PV Jack Williams - PV Edward Gloege - 880 AAU ALL-AMERICAN COLLEGE TEAM (1910 - 1969) NCAA COLLEGIATE HONOR ROLL LISTS (1925 - 1962) NCAA ALL-AMERICAN COLLEGIATE TEAM - (1941 to 1974) NCAA ALL-AMERICAN LISTS (1975 - Present) NCAA Collegiate NCAA Collegiate NCAA Collegiate Honor Roll - 1925 to 1962 Honor Roll - 1925 to 1962 Honor Roll - 1925 to 1962 (selected by NCAA Rules committee) (selected by NCAA Rules committee) (selected by NCAA Rules committee) 1929 1932 1934 Charles Borah - 100 Ed Ablowich - 440; 400m; 4x220 Jim Abbott - 4x110; 4x220 Jess Hill - LJ Leslie Ball - 4x110 Ed Albowich - 440 Howard Paul - LJ Dick Barber - LJ Francis Benavidez - DMR Jim Payne - 220LH Joseph Bills - 120H; 4x120SHR Clarence Berry - 4x120SHR Jack Williams - PV William Brannan - HJ Ken Carpenter - DT 1930 Roy Delby - 4x110 Marvin Crawford - LJ Dick Barber - LJ Bob Dow - 4x220 Leslie Culp - 4x120SHR William Carls - 220LH Bill Graber - PV Foy Draper - 100; 220; 4x110; 4x220 Hector Dyer - 100; 220 Bob Hall - DT James Fimple - PV Bob Hall - SP; DT Cliff Halstead - Mile Al Fitch - 440; 4x220 William Hubbard - PV Hueston Harper - SP Ed Hall - 120H William Livingston - PV John Johnson - LJ Hueston Harper - SP Bill McGeagh - 880 Alvin Koenig - 4x110 John Hooker - PV Jess Mortensen - JT Bill McGeagh - 4x220; 880 Estel Johnson - 880; DMR Howard Paul - LJ Duncan McNaughton - HJ Robert Lyon - 120H; 4x120SHR Ernie Payne - 220LH Norman Paul - LJ; 220LH John McCarthy - 440; DMR James Snider - JT Jim Payne - 120H; 4x120SHR Curtis McFadden - LJ Jim Stewart - HJ Bob van Osdel - HJ Al Olson - LJ Bob van Osdel - HJ Albert Vignolo - 4x120SHR Lawrence Osburn - 4x110 Ed Welsh - 120H Ed Welsh - 120H; 4x120SHR Charles Parsons, Jr. - 100; 220; 4x110; 4x220 Victor Williams - 440 Frank Williamson - JT Gilbert Strother - 4x120SHR Frank Wykoff - 100 Art Woessner - 4x220 Ferris Webster - DMR Frank Wykoff - 100y; 100m; 220; 4x110 1931 1935 Dick Barber - LJ 1933 Francis Benavidez - 2MR Clarence Berry - 4x120SHR Ed Ablowich - 440; 4x440; DMR George Boone - 100; 220; 4x110; 4x220 Joseph Bills - 4x120SHR Granville Ashcraft - DMR George Brown - 4x120SHR William Carls - 220LH Leslie Ball - 100; 4x110; 4x220 Ross Bush - 880; 2MR Roy Delby - 4x110 Francis Benavidez - DMR Ken Carpenter - DT Vic Fitzmaurice - 880 Clarence Berry - 4x120SHR James Cassin - 4x440 Bill Graber - PV George Carter - 4x440 Phil Cope - 120H; 4x120SHR Maurice Guyer - 4x110 David Foore - DMR Clark Crane - 4x110; 4x220 Bob Hall - SP; DT Bill Graber - PV Leslie Culp - 4x120SHR Cliff Halstead - Mile Hueston Harper - SP Foy Draper - 100; 220; 4x110; 4x220 Milton Mauer - 4x110 Elwood Jones - 4x120SHR Al Fitch - 220; 4x110; 4x220; 4x440 Ernie Payne - 220LH Alvin Koenig - 4x110; 4x220 Estel Johnson - 880; 4x440 Jim Stewart - HJ Bob Lyon - 110H; 4x120SHR Paul Jungkeit - LJ Bill Stokes - 4x120SHR Ken McKenzie - JT Fred Lantz - 2MR Albert Vignolo - 4x120SHR Lawrence Osburn - 4x110; 4x220 John McCarthy - 4x440 Vic Williams - 440 Charles Parsons, Jr. - 220; 4x110; 4x220 Earle Meadows - PV Frank Wykoff - 100; 220; 4x110 Norman Paul - 220LH; LJ Wallace Monroe - 4x440 Bob Reed - 4x440 Al Olson - LJ Harry Thompkins - 4x440 Bill Sefton - PV Ed Welsh - 4x120SHR Harold Smallwood - 4x440 Roy Staley - 120H; 4x120SHR Gilbert Strother - 220H Lou Zamperini - 2MR AAU ALL-AMERICAN COLLEGE TEAM (1910 - 1969) NCAA COLLEGIATE HONOR ROLL LISTS (1925 - 1962) NCAA ALL-AMERICAN COLLEGIATE TEAM - (1941 to 1974) NCAA ALL-AMERICAN LISTS (1975 - Present) NCAA Collegiate NCAA Collegiate NCAA Collegiate Honor Roll - 1925 to 1962 Honor Roll - 1925 to 1962 Honor Roll - 1925 to 1962 (selected by NCAA Rules committee) (selected by NCAA Rules committee) (selected by NCAA Rules committee) 1936 1939 1950 Ross Bush - 800 Loring Day - PV Henry Aihara - LJ George Boone - 100; LJ; TJ; 4x100 Hugo DeGroot - JT Dick Attlesey - 120H; 220LH; 4x120SH Ken Carpenter - DT Robert Fisher - SP Art Barnard - 120H; 4x120SH James Cassin - 400; 4x400 Phil Gaspar - DT John Bradley - 4x110; 4x220 Phil Cope - 110H Jim Humphrey - 120H Dick Brombach - HJ Clark Crane - 4x100; LJ Payton Jordan - 220 Bob Chambers - 800; 4x880 Loring Day - PV Clarke Mallery - HJ John Cherry - DMR Foy Draper - 100; 200; 4x100 Don McNeil - SP Bud Curry - DMR Al Fitch - 200; 400; 4x400 Erwin Miller - 440 Don Halderman - 4x120SHR Owen Hansen - SP Bob Peoples - JT Sim Iness - DT John Hooker - PV Reed Trusel - JT Walt Jensen - PV Estel Johnson - 400H; 4x400 Howard Upton - 440 Al Lawrence - 120H; 4x120SH Earle Meadows - PV Earl Vickery - 220LH Stan Mattson - 4x880 Tex Milner - JT Barney Willis - 100 Al Mejia - 4x110; 4x220 Bill Sefton - PV Johnny Wilson - HJ Bob Mitchell - DMR Donald Skinner - LJ Art Wrotnowski - DT Jim Newcomb - Mile; 2M; DMR Harold Smallwood - 4x400 Lou Zamperini - Mile George Pasquali - 4x110; 4x220 Roy Staley - 110H Bob Pruitt - 880; 4x880 Adrian Talley - 100; 4x100 1940 Norm Stocks - 4x110; 4x220 Delos Thurber - HJ Mickey Anderson - 100; 220 Wally Wilson - 4x880 Hugo DeGroot - JT 1937 Ken Dills - PV 1951 George Boone - 100; LJ Byron Dudley - PV Art Barnard - 120H; 4x110 Ross Bush - 880 Gil LaCava - HJ John Bradley - 440; 4x110; 4x220; 4x440 Clark Crane - 220 Don Hommel - 120H Jack Davis - 120H; 220LH; 4x110; 4x220 Phil Gaspar - DT Clark Mallory - HJ Frank Flores - LJ Owen Hansen - SP Don McNeil - SP Larry Goins - JT Irving Howe - PV Bob Peoples - JT Walt Jensen - PV Earle Meadows - PV Bill Schaefer - PV Bob Lane - 4x440 Bill Sefton - PV Howard Upton - 440 Al Mejia - 4x110; 4x220 Roy Staley - 120H Leroy Weed - Mile Jim Newcomb - 2M Adrian Talley - 100 Johnny Wilson - HJ Sam Nicholson - 4x440 Delos Thurber - HJ Lou Zamperini - Mile Parry O’Brien - SP Earl Vickery - 220LH Jack Rowan - PV 1949 Verle Sorgen - 4x220 1938 Henry Aihara - LJ Jess Swope - SP Whitney Alexander - DT Dick Attlesey - 120H Harry Taylor - 4x440 Mickey Anderson - 100 Bill Bayless - SP Howard Bauchman - 440 Bob Chambers - 800 1953 Ivy Bledsole - 120H Wells DeLoach - 440 Jack Davis - 120H; 220LH; 4x110 Loring Day - PV Ron Frazier - 220LH Dick Genther - JT Ken Dills - PV Al Lawrence - LJ Jim Graffio - 100; 4x110; 4x220 Phil Gaspar - DT John Montgomery - PV Darrel Griffin - 4x440 Irving Howe - PV Mel Patton - 100; 220 Roger Lee Hendrix - 4x440 Jim Humphrey - 120H Bob Pruitt - 880 Sim Iness - DT Payton Jordan - 220 Jess Swope - SP Jim Lea - 440; 220; 4x220; 4x440 Erwin Miller - 440 Manuel Ronquillo - HJ Charles Soper - JT Parry O’Brien - SP; DT Adrian Talley - 100 Ernie Shelton - HJ Delos Thurber - HJ Verle Sorgen - 440; 4x110; 4x220; 4x440 Reed Trusel - JT Rod Wilger - 4x110; 4x220 Earl Vickery - 220LH Will

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