HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE – AGENDA ITEM 6: LIST OF PLANS. DATE: 5 July 2016 PLAN: 01 CASE NUMBER: 15/05489/OUTMAJ GRID REF: EAST 437635 NORTH 472941 APPLICATION NO. 6.26.261.OUTMAJ DATE MADE VALID: 22.12.2015 TARGET DATE: 22.03.2016 REVISED TARGET: 25.05.2016 CASE OFFICER: Mr Andrew Siddall WARD: Wathvale VIEW PLANS AT: http://uniformonline.harrogate.gov.uk/online- applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=NZ7ES7HYHUH00 APPLICANT: Mr T Swires AGENT: Dh Land Strategy PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of up to 28 dwellings with access considered (Site Area 2.2Ha) LOCATION: Land Comprising OS Field 0003 Dishforth North Yorkshire REPORT SITE AND PROPOSAL Outline planning permission is sought for the erection of up to 28 dwellings with access to the site considered, on approximately 2.2 hectares of arable land split into two fields bisected by a native hedge, adjacent to the existing built up area of Dishforth. The site is currently in agricultural use and has a gentle falling gradient of approximately three metres between its western and eastern boundaries. Access is currently taken from a field gate off a metalled driveway direct from the public highway and this access point, widened and with a reduced gradient would be used to serve the proposed residential development. Cherry trees, within the landscaped highway verge were planted behind the line of the visibility splay and would be retained. The site shares its eastern boundaries with the domestic gardens of dwellings within the existing built up area of the village. These are predominantly formed of hedging with some small scale hedgerow trees and fencing. On Back Lane and Grange Close bungalows in red brick and pan tile back onto the site with shallow rear gardens allowing clear views across the proposed development area. To the south east, the site shares its boundary with Dishforth Primary School. This is again a hedgerow with small trees. There is no existing boundary to the western edge of the development site with the existing fields having a larger site area than that to be developed. A new hedge boundary will be formed here with a minimum ten metre stand-off distance to any proposed buildings to allow this boundary to develop. Agricultural access to the undeveloped part of the fields will need to be maintained from within the application site. Detailed plans are provided of the proposed vehicular access with indicative concepts provided for the remainder of the site. It is expected that dwellings would be set back from the northern and western boundaries of the site with a central public open space to incorporate soak away infrastructure for highway drainage. Pedestrian access will be taken from the site frontage and also via an existing field gate from Back Lane. The development incorporates a new car park for the Primary School, to provide approximately 35 parking spaces with the intention of alleviating parking pressures on Grange Close. MAIN ISSUES 1. Housing Land Supply and the Principle of Development 2. Landscape and Visual Impact 3. The Setting of Dishforth and Impact of Development on Heritage Assets 4. Residential Amenity 5. Highways and Sustainable Transport 6. Ecology and Arboriculture 7. Land Contamination and Pollution 8. Drainage and Flood Risk 9. Affordable Housing 10. Infrastructure Provision/Contributions 11. Archaeology 12. Designing out Crime RELEVANT SITE HISTORY No previous planning applications have been made for the development of this site. CONSULTATIONS/NOTIFICATIONS Parish Council DISHFORTH Planning Policy No comments received DCS Arboricultural Officer No objection but expresses concerns over the line of Cherry trees outside the site. Recommends conditions to protect the health and amenity value of existing trees. DCS - Open Space Commuted sum payments will be required to support the maintenance and enhancement of public open space as a result of the increased population. The exact amount will not be known until the housing mix is determined at reserved matters stage. Heritage Unit of NYCC The site is of archaeological interest. Following consideration of the trial trenching report a condition is recommended to secure a scheme of archaeological investigation. Swale And Ure Drainage Board (Includes Claro) Site is outside the Drainage district but drains towards it. If sustainable drainage options are chosen there is no objection. If connection is made to Yorkshire Water surface water sewer this will ultimately discharge to Soppa Gutter a board maintained watercourse. In this scenario the Board would require the flows to be attenuated to 1.4 litres/second/hectare. A de minimis value of 5 litres/second per control structure is acceptable to secure maintainability. Estates Manager No comments received Principal Ecologist There is no longer an objection to this application on ecological grounds following provision of a field based ecological survey, providing that a condition is attached to any permission requiring a detailed ecological mitigation and enhancement strategy to be submitted with any reserved matters application. Conservation and Design Section The proposal for housing development on this site will not constitute substantial harm to the significance of heritage assets and as such is broadly acceptable in principle in accordance with the NPPF. The precise number of dwellings should not be agreed until an acceptable scheme and appropriate mitigation has been secured in terms of design, layout, built form density, housing type and mix, landscaping and highways. Landscape Officer The updated landscape parameters plan provides appropriate broad landscape principles for the development of the site although it should be recognised that the landscape impact of a development of this size in this location cannot be fully mitigated. Any detailed layout should include some medium/large trees within the streetscape to break up the roofline. Police Architectural Liaison Officer This is a low crime area. Does not have any issues with the proposed application apart from the following: - the school car park should be lit at night - The western perimeter should have robust 1.8m high fencing supplemented with trees and hedging - The footpath link should be lit - If a play area is proposed then it should follow published guidelines - Courtyard parking that prevents occupants from viewing their cars from inside rooms should be avoided - A condition should be imposed to give detail of security measures during construction to minimise crime. H.B.C Land Drainage No objections to the proposed drainage strategy in principle. A condition should be attached requiring detailed plans to be discharged by the LPA prior to the commencement of any development. EHO Contaminated Land - Recommends condition to secure intrusive ground investigation and if necessary, remediation prior to commencement of development - Electric Vehicle charging points should be provided. - Development will be affected by noise from road traffic. This is not expected to be so excessive to recommend refusal however development should be designed to minimise the effect of such noise on internal and external amenity. - Recommends condition to restrict construction hours in the interests of residential amenity. Housing Department Affordable Housing will be required on this site, the standard condition will apply. NYCC Highways And Transportation No objection - conditions recommended. Yorkshire Water No objection - recommends conditions Environment Agency - Dales Area Office No comments received County Education Officer The proposed development will not put Dishforth Primary School over capacity and therefore no financial contribution is required from this development. NYCC Lead Local Flood Authority (SuDS) Planning Conditions should be applied to secure the detail of the drainage infrastructure, in particular to ensure there are clear arrangements in place for the maintainance of drainge assets over the lifetime of the development. RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY NPPF National Planning Policy Framework CSSG1 Core Strategy Policy SG1 Settlement Growth: Housing Distribution CSSG2 Core Strategy Policy SG2 Settlement Growth: Hierarchy and limits CSEQ1 Core Strategy Policy EQ1: Reducing risks to the environment CSEQ2 Core Strategy Policy EQ2: The natural and built environment and green belt CSTRA1 Core Strategy Policy TRA1: Accessibility CSC1 Core Strategy Policy C1: Inclusive communities LPC02 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy C2, Landscape Character LPHD13 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD13, Trees and Woodlands LPHD20 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD20, Design of New Development and Redevelopment LPH05 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy H5, Affordable Housing SPDPOS Supplementary Planning Document: Provision for Open Space in Connection with New Housing Development SPDPVH Supplementary Planning Document, Provision for Village Halls in Connection with New Housing Development SPDHRM Supplementary Planning Document: Heritage Management SPDHSE Supplementary Planning Document: House Extensions and Garages Design Guide SPGRES Supplementary Planning Guidance, Residential Design Guide SPGLAP Supplementary Planning Guidance, Landscape Character Assessment of Harrogate District APPLICATION PUBLICITY SITE NOTICE EXPIRY: 05.02.2016 PRESS NOTICE EXPIRY: 11.02.2016 REPRESENTATIONS DISHFORTH PARISH COUNCIL - Concerned that proposals for green field
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