iSsB'iS'K?^ ;:-;f':S J'::!;-;;'' . •%, \ ||-;/'/'//.../•.Pago Twenty, THE CRANFORD tlTIZEN AND CHRONICLE, TUESDAY. NOVEMDER 20, 1951 Rotary, Lions Club Presidents rontest-at-ttie-present Materialism Tiger Patrol is to receive additional credits for having the greatest •lumber, seven out of eight, pres- ent on the hike. Note: The article in last weekV Citizen and Chronicle concerning Monlclair President the Western District Rally was in error Both Troop 75 and 79 re- to Warns Lions, Rotary, ceived standard ribbons—not Par- FOR MEN IT'S GARWOOD KENILWORTH ntly. Of Danger to Country ticipating Kibbons Only one of POTARY i thp Litter was awarded, and that There, is biitf-i iSluici'lc uiulci- to a ti oop in Rosclle. Point;, for | 24 Pages — FIVE CENTS way in th • \votld,'toil.ijv. foi the ribbons are as foll6ivs:: Parti'cipat- THE "SKI KING TjmiuL;'and H^IvSj of .wen. '.- fSr.' EV ft. I'i? 150-399: stanetard, 3Q0-42.4, Partridge,, president' of MontclaTF and proficient; 425-500. Terms of Three School State•'Teachers College,' told more New Red Cross Aide than 90 members and guests of BY LAKELAND Course Starts Soon "Trustees End Next Year the Rotary and Lions Chios' last Wrong House • A training course for new1 Red Terms of three members pf the Thursday night, at a joint'dinner Address of Mario Ji. OeSalvo, Cross aides w:U begin next Thurs- H>f-tne-i Board of Education, which expire day; it is announced, by Mrs. Schobl ncict yeaf, will be filled M the an* Graduates the Ihe opening of the new "Hcho J< V- • * • "week's issue concerning traffic Joseph Conrad, * chairman of staff Lanos Banquet Hall, Mountain* s . .; side. •:-..• ••••.'•'. fines imposed in Municipal Court, iaf ' ' ~ 12, it was learned this week from was incorrectly listed. Mr. •De- Urgent need for aides at Gamp In Ccdjege Tius w lire lei x -..between two in- 35.00 22 Holly-Entwined Gri«l Classic Official Kilmer and to assist during future District Clerk H. R, McCuiiougK, Beviaiic Service Ote Higher Living t one opts, the speaker d<v Salvo Uvcs at 38 Kfelth Jeffries periodic bloodmobile visits " to Deadline for filing of petitions for 'Iho ujnner in the buttle H. St:iiil(JV MacCiaiy president of the Rotary Club, is shown street. /'.-..' ' '.-.'' .- Arches Wiir HeraW Dr. Best Reports Costs in Request '•*.;'-'.:,----- : : 'ranford tot the- aifmtd'forces has the school board" is 20 days prior Bus Far Iiicrease _\vj^l_ be fiie oiT<?~th?i t~"pt-ovttlc«- tlk* • "*" "* ;^^"kteiii-=<>fe^»e= Liv«.d-Club<.diirinj*''.3oint-_ Board Selte Grant; Bcviano Chartered' Service of 1 ^e^iTijrBrth tjitf Holiday Season irom'pted'-.'the service course, Mrs. to election; "... • • Larger- Percentagcv To Town Comniittee Ltitj institution ;••andTlic iscsTiisiilP"' "" ' ' l-^il—Eeho^Lanesir— From the looks, of.things it's going toibe-» long, cold d^idL! Plans New School In Linden has applied to th.e Public irs to tidin its young people. Mountnii,is"ieltV Notice to cBE»>»a*s .Sessions, will. b« held in the home Those "Whose-tcrins-cxpire .neict Bonuses of $400 for each member winter! Take • tip from Lakeland on the smartest way Christmas lights will be turned year- are. President Richard J; hi Schools, Service Utilities Commission for an .ino-f the police and fire departments While Ainctica presently excels O? CORDON h, PEttRS. on in the Crantor^d '.business center >f Mrs- George H. Bates, 18-Hamp- 'Not Distant crease from seVen to ten cents in in the technical know-how, this Bailey, William Krippendorf, Don- d to keep warm.. • with their famous "Ski King" jacket. ori .road. First meeting wilL be at Kaul, who ;s completing his sec- A larger percentage of Cranford for the current year were requested: Pursuant 'U».thc* order of CiiABUES A. MoiuUiy evening marking th/ for- Union Junior College's offer to ond three-year1.term; John H. Mc- High School graduates of the1 class the fares- in each of its three jgp.n'cs.'By.(he Patrolmen's Benevolent As- nation tmiM continue to |*ive its ald Creiuhtpn, C.harles ' OTtO. JR., Surrotfat* bf the Couniy of Of 100% wooL "Ski King" is styled with .1] wool :30 p; W.. Volunteers,' who may on its Bus Routo-.i(hopb'rating be- Surprise Lake Union, iimd* on the fiHh day at Uovrto' mal bpening of the' hoiida/ shop- jay $20,000 for the former Grant Clintbck, cowipleting his first term; of 1951 i is ttriSiegA junidjidr an d sociation and the Firemen's Mutual ,NOUIIK pcnpli' "Hre-Kichnieiil nnd Richard Babinec and b«r A. D., I6S1, upon the application o* quilted interlining, sleeve' wristlets, slash pockets, telephone the local Red Cross tween • Granford, Kenilworth •• and' School;, which it has leased from and M; L. '^Taiiaferro, who wafour-yeas r colleges and universitiee s ; Benevolent Association in a reso- nioi.il tiiiiinni!. to preserve the e(t. :. *• ••''.' '••' th<« und^Hiliinecii a* Admlniittratrlx of tb« chapter to register wilt be equip- the comjr(uriityt,.it he Board 6f Education for the.1 Linden." v : .. •' ..;.•'.- . "•. .''-tl Amuuc.m uii5. tif life., • uatalt! ol said deceased, nolle*. U IirMby flipper closing and Timton collar that buttons «|I<M ped with knowledge o( the organi- elected, last .February: to a ..one- than graduates of preceding class- lution Keeeived by Township .Com- Hike la Made Sejiior Scouts- Rudy Metzner, Ulvcit tu th» eredltof* nf tald dec*a»*d to pS by"Loiiis ast nine years, was accepted last Revealed in a .letter received mittee at its mbetirig Tuesday nightj Dr. rMitndgc. asserted that the (?xblblt tn the »Ubser*ef under oath or *ronnd the neek for extra warmth. Removable belt in zation and 'community, yi unexpired term. Mr. Kaul has es,. Supervising Principal Howard Donald Jewett «ntl James Loran- amrtnatlort thtlf Claims, astd aemaud* week by the board. A resolution Jsy Township Coivnriittee^Tuesday The request was referred to com- j*tcate-.t d.inuei nt the moment is Cohcii, chairman of the Christmas served as chairman of the nnanee R. Best reported in _ releasing fig- fjer acted as • edunsei'ors for this ajiWjut the estate ef sattl deceiised 'iuithia the haak. In red or green plaid; sizes 36 to 46. jrepared hy the board's attorney, and building and grounds commit- ures uf it.recent report by: the Wgh- night, the application was referred mittee of the whole for study. Kio tiunvblyui of this nation's'.'impr-. work. Frank Walters, Robert For- "SnTmoiiths firom the date of said order. fciliting conynittee/w (KeCranford to committee of the whole pending at they will be forevefr bairi?«d hqn% pro-, George S- Sauer, authorising com- tees. Mr, McClintock is chaiman school guidance department this The two units pointed*-but": that :il billies ftorn,.within.- A World , Gfritcc Mason, Alex SieJk- i or roeovtrlny" the s&mt ii*»iiiit Business Associa^on.' .» ' ;, • pletion of the sale, was adopted. a hearing 'date~to ^Be set. by thej W.tr 11 vcici.in.-ther-sjjeijk-eiMjr-itiw Troop 79.;' sponsored-by rih MEN'S FURNISHINGS, StREET FLOOB Bposters of the finance and long-range week., .. living costs- have, been abnormal man's-' Bible. Ciiiss o? WsTTiWyy^ H and Dale Ben- There will be/22 jholly-entwitted utility, dommissiohers. eteod the .11 mod forces far not tak- 1 JuJ.C.'s offer was the only one planning committees, and Mr.The dass of |JSI sent 30 per cent ^ 'Proposed fares Would be10 cents since the outbreak of.the Korean terinn Church, conducted.- the first nett concentrated their efforts on 'lighted ^ this Reason along, made ^t,a,_publk£auction held by. Taliaferro is chairman- -of the of its .membersi to--f6ur^yea,tjbol-; conflict, that asui'veyof ..polke^and im; .i (li-ilnite stand on moral (h-st clnsw mcns'iiring under the Charles J. Stevens. Attorney between Slonroe avenue, JtTR y hikr of it:i |->C!it:nt tJnlon ftvf-.—-i Korth T street; To Honor he board in. its Cleveland School health and attcndance.committeesi leges" while .the class of 1949 sent \}yn -ricpnrtm^Mt. sniarifs inJrithet issues, • -.••.• .••-.'.-•• ,"••'. direction of Mr. Gessler. Cranford. N; J. • None_ of the trustees has indi- woiih, nnd Union and toorm avc- ""•' Eiiuctitb'rK must encourage better . Fees St.80 I North andfeouth".avenues and ^N&l- ftlces Nqvemher 1?- It purchased only 24 per""cent, junior '"college] county municipalities shows Cran parted fn>ni (he'.-church at 8:4.r> Ini'livwlual discpur- he thifefe-storj", brick structure. enrollment increased from eight ntieSi .Cranford; 10 cen^s within values, the institution of the' __ | nuRivonue.Hi tidditioni there wiU Al dinner i cated as whether he will. fordto be under the "average, and -•"•' a jjer jeent for the class; of 1950 to] Cranford; J6 cents within-Linden, mtiSt bt> 'ninintnincd if wur, - ,"'v • . ^^ r that at the present salary scale it !irnvcH1 a •Lake. liod test work, Hot-soup during the 'be Uiree.-arches i.n- the Centennial Ed price, New York Giants ftill- ng, on a bid submitted by County. 15 per cent for last 3une"s7grapr dffi "youth' is to-crow.', strong, and out-1 . The conipany pointed out ig its jieoplo must tiiko n staiul for vvhiit i M/my of I'm;participants were sandwich lunehtirae was prepared awinue- shopping center-which will back, will be - principal speaker llerk Henry G. Nultont a member uates". '' .•• '•..-.•: j. .;•'. menls to fill vacancies in either on, the site by committeemen R, H. communication that there has been is right.- ' - - . '.".;•' •' , rookies so pariticulor attention was MORE CUPS fa elected arid turned on by the Tuesday-evening"^at the Cranford jf the college's board of trustees.
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