Current News Items About Our Scrvicemen BROWN GETS NEW RATING Estabiiihed June, 1893 LOWELL, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 24. 1954 Number 9 This area was visited by sever- al hard showers during the past Week and In some places a good soaking rain. The moisture was New Lighting Lowell High School Graduating Class of 1904 Celebrates 50th Anniversary Stores Damaged needed badly by farmers and If Is reported that without this rain Authorized for By Smoke, Water the berry crop would have had a very short season. In spite of the lightning the Football Field Numerous Fires showers were weloome. A complete new modern light- Fire In the block at 2HI K. * * * ing system has been authorized Main Tuesday morning was ells- Two casting rods, 2 reels, a by the Village Council for Instal- covered by Officer Geo. DeGraw j .22 rifle and box of .22 shells dis- lation this summer at Recreation who noticed smoke coming from! appeared from a car left over park to he ready for use for the the second story windows. I'lre | night in the rear of Pete's tavern first football game on Friday, men were handicapped by the J Saturday night. Howard Barn r evening October 1. The lighting dense smoke and gas In the halli- oskl of Cascade rd., owner, dis- of the field Is expected to cost iand In the apartment occupied ] covered the loss Sunday morn- bet wen 7 and 10 thousand dollars. jhy Mrs. Ida Staal who was ah j! ing Present at the council meeting 1 sent from home at the time. It J Officers have found some to discuss tiie terms for the new } is believed the fire was caused ' convincing evidence which may lighting was Theron Richmond, ; 'iy faulty wiring and an overheat j lead to the arrelt of the offend- Walter Gumser and Chris Burch ed motor In the electric refrlger Gerald C. Brown, son of Mr. ers, according to Police Chief representing the school, the i)lor. The damage to the apart- , and Mrs. Clare Brown, serving Frank Stephens. agreement calls for the school j ment was mostly from smoke aboard the USS Midway, Jet Alr- * * * leasing the park grounds for use and water. No estimate has been craft Carrier, was happy to learn Regardless of interest in TV In of the physical education pro- ! reported, , he had acquired the new rating, this area, the people of Kent gram. the school has agreed to county are reading more this Water snaking down through' rM'V Officer 3rd class. Re- underwrite the installation, pay- | 'he ceilings into Munroe's Food marks Jerry, in true sailor fash- summer than they did a year ago, ing off the cost over a period according to a report by Mrs. Market and Hazel Iloag's store j^n; "That little crow (Insignia) of years. Other organizations us- I'-aused considerable damage to j represented a lot of study but af- Gladys Warke, bookmobile li- ing the lights wili be asked to goods and walls. ter my first assignment I felt brarian at Kent County Library. contribute to the cost. Mr. Munroe closed his market j like returning it. I assure you. "The two bookmobiles circulated Plans for lighting the field call 2,422 books last week, the sec- after the fire and hopes to have; polishing shoes is quite a way for shifting the field to the east, it cleared and ready for reopen-j flown the list, however, the boys ond week of the run. with 80-foot poles carrying the ing Friday morning, after state were glad I made it and are wll- This represents a 9% increase lighting on the west side of the over the circulation for the com- inspectors have made their re- ling to help. They were all good field. The bleachers will be in port. ! friends." parable period last year. front of the poles giving an un- * * * obstructed view of the field and I^weil fire department was Scheduled to arrive at Long called 'o the Harold Rittengor LOWELL 8HOWBOAT room will be left for permanent Bpach Ca||f after flve months home south of US10 at 5 o'clock , July 26 through 31 seating, and a quarter-mile track the Far East abarf thc hcavy Tuesday afternoon when some i , ^ Ticket Office At in front of the lights. These Im- crillser uss R()chesfer la t grease from frying meat caught ^ Roth & Sons Co. Store provements are planned for Low- day was John G Doran O-tf Telephone 9209 ell at some future time. fire while Patty, who was pre- USNt son of Mr> an(| Mrs_ Jameg paring the evening meal, left The present lights were in- J. Doran of Murray Lake, Lowell. the kitchen temporarily. The Modem Super Market stalled at Recreation Park In 1933 Gerry, who has travelled some damage was confined to the cup- and Lowell was the first high 25,000 miles on the cruiser and Now Open for Business boards and stove area. school field lighted for night foot- much of the Far East, expects to The Class of 1904 graduating from Lowell High School is pictured above. Reading from left to right, in the back row are. Izene Lowell food shoppers will have ball In western Michigan. Lightning Causes Fires be in or near California for three an opportunity beginning today, Bergin-Arehart, Tom Davidson, Grace Evans-Green, Glen Earnes, LI la Lawrence-Fuller. Bert E. Quick, Floyd Oliver. Third row, Alice Lightning caused fires near months and hopes to arrive at Thursday, to inspect the new Morrls-Peckham, teacher; Lee Smith. Pauline McGee, Harry Fuller Orris Howe-Eason, Libbie Raymond-Hoag, J. F. Thomas, Superin- Lowell at the rate of three in| his home in Lowell In November. Christiansen Super Market Just Junior Rotarians tendent of Schools. Second row, Emory Lalley. Letha McCiain-Oids, Bessie Kcrckes Fryover, Ada Llnd-Wood, Iva Moye, Emma an hour and a half last Saturday His present address is John G. completed at 403 East Main Warner-Gordon, and Editli Vandenberg, teacher. Front row. Kate Kinyon-Davis, Freda Bailey, Pearl Keene-Girdler. Maude McKec- according to the fire chief, at Doran. Fox Div. USS Rochester street. This is Lowell's fh'st Conduct Meeting Huber, Lulu Hill-Taylor. See same class in picture below, fifty years later. the Chan Wells and Leon Miller (CA 124) c-o Fleet Postmaster, large super market arid William Last Wednesday the Junior Ro- homes hn M91 and at the Dar- San Francisco, Calif. Christiansen is to be congratulat- l ,Rds in tarians took over the meeting of Moose SoftboH Team ! ^ County Jail win Hendricks place on M21 east ed on the fine new store that Is Sign Agreement Village Council the Lowell Rotary club. They dt town. Lowell fire department a real addition to the shopping Wins Last Two Games 1 c Showboat Garden Club are a group of outstanding Seni- made a run to each place and the district of Lowell. To Widen Street « Buys Speed Timer ors in our Lowell High school After dropping their first two, Monday morning around 2:30 damage is reported as slight. Invites Public to Join in The new store will be open 8 chosen by the faculty on the bas- games, the Lowell Moose soft- The State Highway Depan- Mario Carizales, 28-year-old Mex- At the request of Chief of House and Garden Tour a. m. to 9 p. m. daily and boasts is of scholarship and personality. n,ent sked ,he vllla e Plays Peculiar Pranks ball team came through lo win ^ ? .1. K t.) | lean was caught ransacking car. Police Frank L. Stephens, the hundreds of feet of meat cases, Throughout the Rotarian year Lightning played some pecul- Plans were completed Monday ^ , agree to share the expense of at Rlverview Inn. east of Lowell village council voted Monday frozen food space and produce each Junior Rotarian is a guest their last two. Last Thursday. compjet|ng the wjden,ng 0j ^ajn iar pranks during the storm evening for the House and Gar- and was picked up by Deputy night to purchase a speed timer racks, modern'easy-to-reach shelf of the club at its regular weekly the localites defeated the Ada:street completely through the Frank L. Stephens and taken to Saturday and Sunday. Several den Tour which Is to be held space for grocery Hems and wide to be used In the village. It is Wednesday, June 30th from 1 meetings for an entire month. Merchants 4 to 2. Behind Lou j village. Thie widening which was the county jail. He was arraign- j operation soon, minor damages have been re- four lane aisles for convenient (0 be n until 4 o'clock p. m. The tour Ray Hoag, as acting president, Seeleys marvelous oitching, andi'^reed to Monday night, calls ed in Justice DcWltt s court Mon- » ... u v . k ported and some fires were start and comfortable shopping. Gus Lowen h s ow , ome on e is open to the public and is spon- opened the meeting and conduct- i for a 48-foot roadway from Hud- dav forenoon and wntenced to! , t. » " 7, , ed from the storm. Rinck, who has operated super some fancy fielding the team sored by the Showboat Garden ed the proceedings of the day son street west to the rallroed The transformer at the rear of markets in Grand Rapids, is the racked up this win. Club. Five homes and 7 gardens very nicely. Doug Antonides. nacks. and from Washington the Fred Franks home on Ver- manager of the store, William will be opened and tour signs acting secretary, read the min- Tuesday night they defeated st^et east'to Jackson streetTh^fefflccrx uhUh have purchased an electric gennes was burned out twice.
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