ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT 10 VOL. 109 No. 35 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2009 © 2009, Baylor University NEWS PAGE 3 NEWS PAGE 3 A&E PAGE 6 SPORTS PAGE 8 Profs go green Music in the 25 ‘FO’ Adams gets it right Mulkey’s Mob BU works to make A Mission Waco Mentalist correctly guessed The Lady Bears set faculty and staff music program offers headlines in Friday’s issue for great season more eco-friendly kids expressive outlet of The Lariat with talented freshmen More companies plan to hire, not cut BY ME G AN KEYSER CNN article also said the survey “Jobs are one of the last because even as the economy because the stock market antici- cult road for students in the next ST A FF WRITER showed more companies spend- things to improve,” Kelly said. improves, employers may in- pates economic change and the year or two,” Gilbreath said. ing than cutting costs — the first Employer price cuts have been crease hours for their current labor market reacts to change, The best thing students can A recent National Associa- time this has happened since the primary reason for job loss- work force before they add new the job market will not see im- do to prepare for the job market tion for Business Economics sur- October 2008. es, Kelly said, and people’s trust employees. provement nearly as quickly as is to get as much experience as vey indicates positive trends in “It’s possible that we’re in the improving the economy Gilbreath said improvements other areas of the economy. possible, through jobs and in- the economy and the job market, reaching the end,” said Dr. Kent may take some time. in the economy indicate a more Although it is likely to be a ternships, Kelly said. foreshadowing a possible end Gilbreath, professor of econom- “There’s doubt about when hopeful economic outlook. while before jobs are quickly Gilbreath agreed and said to the recession in the next few ics. consumers will start spending “The stock prices are reflect- and easily found, Kelly said, by students need to think laterally years. However, Dr. Thomas Kelly, again,” Kelly said. ing optimism by investors that this time next year, it should be and increase experience through The survey showed that more professor of economics and di- As the economic recession the economy will begin to im- much easier to get jobs. graduate work and gaining mar- companies are planning to hire rector of the Center for Business worsened, employers cut back prove,” Gilbreath said. People However, Gilbreath said stu- ketable skills. instead of cut jobs. The survey and Economic Research, said the on employee hours, said as- have wanted to get back in the dents should be prepared to face However, alternatives are marked the first time this hap- change will be gradual because sociate professor of economics stock market before investment a difficult job market for up to pened since the beginning of the the job market has a tendency to Charles North. Improvements prices increase. another two years. see JOBS, pg. recession in December 2007. A respond to these trends last. to the job market will be slow However, North said that “It’s going to be a slow, diffi- 10 Survey: LSAT scores outweigh internships, jobs important admissions factor, fol- Kaplan releases data lowed by undergraduate GPA, ranking experience the personal statement and the below test scores personal experience,” stated Howard Bell, executive direc- BY ADEOLA ARO tor of pre-law for Kaplan Test ST A FF WRITER Prep and Admission, in a press release. Undergraduates in a law- However, Bell said intern- related internship or job may ships can still prove to be advan- be gaining valuable legal expe- tageous in another way. rience for the profession they “Get the internship that has hope to one day enter, but a the most impact to you. The in- recent survey conducted by Ka- ternship can turn into a set of plan Test Prep and Admission recommendations,” Bell said reveals it may not be enough to in an interview with the Lariat. get into law school. “People thrilled with your work After a survey of admissions can be used to bolster your appli- officers at 152 American Bar As- ARAH ROMAN TAFF HOTO G RA P HER cation. The internship itself will S G | S P sociation Law Schools, Kaplan not get you into law school.” found that more than 60 percent Dr. Thomas Myers, associate There’s your sign, Bears of the officers said applicants professor and director of civic with work experiences related As an unexpected treat to Baylor students, Larry the Cable Guy, known as the voice of Mater in the hit movie “Cars,” made the trip to education and community ser- to a career in law have little or Floyd Casey Stadium in support of the Cornhuskers. Neverthelesss, his support for the students didn’t keep him from interacting with vices, coordinates a local intern- no advantage over those who the Baylor Line, an act much welcomed by the students. ship program. Myers said in- do not. ternships are primarily helpful Only 4 percent reported that to provide students with experi- applicants’ with legal intern- ence that will help them deter- ships had a “great advantage” mine if law school is something for admissions. they want to consider. “What’s clear from the sur- A day to fight children’s main killer “Many students’ interest in vey is that admissions officers law is based on simplistic mov- According to the World cal solutions. ent types of pneumonia and continue to consider an appli- World Pneumonia Day Pneumonia Day coalition, pneu- “Nearly half of these deaths often it is a secondary condi- cants LSAT score to be the most see LSAT, pg. 10 seeks to bring about monia kills more than 2 million could be prevented with exist- tion [meaning that it results more awareness children annually, and is as seri- ing vaccines, and the vast ma- from another illness],” Craine BY TREN T GOLDS T ON ous of a problem as ever. jority of cases could be treated said. “It becomes an infection in ST A FF WRITER “Pneumonia takes the lives with inexpensive antibiotics,” your lungs and there are many Professors mesh of more children under 5 than stated Dr. Bill Frist, former U.S. ways to get it. It can turn from Health organizations around measles, malaria and AIDS Senate majority leader and Save something simple, like bronchi- the globe convened Monday in combined,” reported the coali- the Children board member, in a tis, into something serious very with new gadgets support of the first World Pneu- tion. “The disease takes the life press release. quickly.” Technology is being agement Blaine McCormick, monia Day. of one child every 15 seconds Even though most cases of UNICEF and the World uses delicious to post articles The day is an effort to tack- and accounts for 20 percent of pneumonia-related death occur Health Organization have integrated into for his class from the Wall Street le the world’s leading killer all deaths of children under 5 in developing countries, it is still teamed and formed GAPP to various BU classes Journal. His said a poll his stu- of young children by raising worldwide.” a pertinent issue locally, said help governments and organi- Many global health organi- Kelly Craine, public information zations worldwide address the BY JENNA THO M PSON dents took revealed that two out awareness and donations to RE P ORTER of three of his students only read support the Global Action Plan zations are arguing that these officer for the Waco-McLennan pneumonia issue. news sources online and via mo- for Prevention and Control of troubling statistics can be pre- County Public Health District. The world of Twitter, pod- bile devices. Pneumonia. vented with relatively economi- “There are a lot of differ- see SICK, pg. 10 casts, blogs and online role- McCormick does not use a playing games has now taken printed textbook, but has his a role in the classroom. Profes- students participate in an online sors across campus are integrat- business simulation that lasts ing new technologies into their throughout the semester. Stu- Karzai elected for second term teaching to promote a more in- dents compete for prizes, and President Obama tells Obama’s message of stern teractive approach of learning. the program is the main focus of solidarity came as he considers the class. Afghanistan it is time Gardner Campbell, direc- for ‘new chapter’ sending tens of thousands more tor of the Academy for Teach- Students also use Classroom U.S. troops into the war zone in Performance System (CPS) pads ing and Learning, is one of the BY BEN FELLER Karzai’s country. for attendance and polls, and many faculty members encour- ASSOCI A TED PRESS Karzai won a second term aging development in classroom can view class lectures through Monday when competitor Ab- Lecture Capture, a program technologies and implementing WASHINGTON — President dullah Abdullah pulled out of that works in conjunction with them in his own classes. Barack Obama greeted Hamid Saturday’s runoff, suggesting Blackboard. “One of the particular things Karzai’s election victory with as it would be doomed by fraud “The newest technology that I do is to help facilitate how to much admonishment as praise just as the first voting in August I’ve added this term is Lecture incorporate technologies into Monday. was. The handling of the first Capture,” McCormick said. “It their practices,” Campbell said.
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