1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 11147 Maj. Wilbur Ellsworth Bashore, Infantry. Maj. John Alexander Russell, Quartermaster Corps. Maj. Harold Head, Infantry. Maj. Theodore Tyler Barnett, Quartermaster Corps, Maj. Walter William Boon, Cavalry, Maj. William Addison Ray, Field Artillery. Ma;j. Hugh McCord Evans, Infantry, subject to · examina­ Maj. Lloyd Spencer Spooner, Infantry. tion required by law. Maj. Leon Ewart Savage, Field Artillery. Maj. Michael Joseph Mulcahy, Infantry. Maj. Henry Mills Shoemaker, Cavalry. Maj. Harold Stokely Wright, Quartermaster Corps. Maj. Eugene Erwin Morrow, Infantry, . Maj. Lois Chester Dill, Quartermaster Corps. Maj. Kinsley Wilcox Slauson, Quartermaster Corps. Maj. Edward James Maloney, Infantry, Maj. Fred Tenderholm Neville, Quartermaster Corps. Maj. Richard Abram Jones, Infantry. Maj. Louis Duzzett Farnsworth, Coast Artillery Corps. Maj. Nelson Macy Walker, Infantry, subject to examination Maj. Harry Martel Gwynn, Infantry. required by law. APPOINTMENT IN THE REGULAR ARMY Maj. Milton Brandt Goodyear, Infantry, Edward Casimir Rogowski to be a second lieutenant in the Maj. William Ewart Gladstone Graham, Infantry.. Medical Administrative Corps, with rank from date of ap­ Maj. Jesse Ralston Lippincott, Infantry. pointment. Maj. Francis Russel Lyons, Corps of Engineers. Maj. William Norman Thomas, Jr., Corps of Engineers. APPOINTMENT, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR ARMY Maj. Lee Sommerville Dillon, Corps of Engineers. TO QUARTERMASTER CORPS Maj. Peter Edward Bermel, Corps of Engineers. First Lt. Ivan Walter Parr, Jr., Infantry, with rank from Maj. Carl Raymond Shaw, Corps of Engineers. June 13, 1936. Maj. Theron DeWitt Weaver, Corps of Engineers. Maj. Frederic Franklyn Frech, Corps of Engineers. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Maj. John Elliott Wood, Corps of Engineers. Maj. Edward North Chisolm, Corps of Engineers. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1940 Maj. James Sproule, Quartermaster Corps. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Maj. Joseph John Schmidt, Infantry. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered Maj. Arthur Bothwell Proctor, Quartermaster Corps. the following prayer: Maj. George Augustine Frazer, Judge Advocate General's Department, subject to examination.required by law. Most gracious God, our Heavenly Father, who hast called Maj. Royden Williamson, Cavalry. us to another day and assured us that we are still partakers Maj. Charles Clement Quigley, Adjutant General's Depart- of Thy life, before Thee nothing is common nor worthless ment. in human life. We earnestly desire to enter into closer rela­ Maj. Reginald Johnston Imperatori, Coast Artillery Corps. tionship with Thee. In labor, in association, and in the need­ Maj. Raymond Greenleaf Sherman, Infantry. ful pauses, may we find cheer, high purpose, and an incentive Maj. William Cone Mahoney, Quartermaster Corps. to do the right and shun the wrong, Grant unto us wisdom to Maj. Alpha Brumage, Field Artillery. pursue splendid ends with intelligent zeal and patient effort Maj. Sherman· I. Strong, Quartermaster Corps, that our service to our country may broaden, deepen, and Maj. Lee W. Card, Quartermaster Corps. bless all life. God bless America. It can be saved only by Maj. Leighton E. Worthley, Infantry. becoming permeated by the spirit of the Master and being Maj. Gilbert Sylvester Woolworth, Judge Advocate Gen- made free and happy by the practices which spring out of eral's Department. His spirit. The Christ will give to all those who walk in His Maj. Henry Mahoney Denning, Finance Department. way victory over the things that seem impossible. We rev­ Maj. John Albert Shaw, Infantry. erently pray that ·our citizens throughout our land may give Maj. Wesley Wright Price, Quartermaster Corps. their lives in a colossal sacrifice out of which was born our Maj. James Paul Lloyd, Infantry. national unity and our continuance as a nation. Almighty Maj. Thomas Asbuary Harris, Infantry, God, Thou hast a plan which will preserve us from drifting Maj. Charles Clarke Loughlin, Infantry. into a materially minded people, from ease and from moral Maj. Lawrence Peter Worrall, Finance Department. laxity. 0 speak to us that we may hear a voice, not of our­ Maj. Milton Humes Patton, Cavalry. selves, that will direct the character and destiny of our land, Maj. Brom Ridley Whitthorne, Quartermaster Corps. born in the guidance and fear of our infinite Heavenly Father. Maj. Gilbert Rieman, Cavalry. The Lord bless our Speaker and the Congress. In the name Maj. Wallace Edwin Durst, Quartermaster Corps, of our Redeemer. Amen. Maj. Hiram Edwin Tuttle, Quartermaster Corps. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and .Maj. John Walter Campbell, Infantry. approved. Maj. Samuel Alexander Greenwell, Cavalry, subject to ex­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT amination required by law. Sundry messages in writing from the President of the Maj. John William Thompson, Quartermaster Corps, sub- United States were communicated to the House by Mr. Latta, ject to examination required by law. one of his secretaries, who also informed the House that on Maj. George Cook Hollingsworth, Infantry. the following date the President approved and signed bills of· Maj. Charles Otis Ashton, Infantry. the House of the following titles: Maj. Joel Franklin Watson, Judge Advocate General's De­ partment. On August 27, 1940: Maj. John Conrad Hutcheson, Quartermaster Corps. H. :R. 10030. An act increasing the number of naval aviators Maj. William Downing Wheeler, Air Corps <temporary lieu- in the line of the Regular Navy and Marine Corps, and for tenant colonel, Air Corps) . other purposes; and Maj. David Ransom Wolverton, Quartermaster Corps. H. R. 10213. An act to permit American vessels to assist in Maj. William Eldon Harris, Corps of Engineers. the evacuation from the war zones of certain refugee children. Maj. Gregory Sumner Lavin, Ordnance Department. MIDSHIPMEN AT UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY Maj. Arthur Freeman Bowen, Infantry. Mr. SABATH, from the Committee on Rules, submitted Maj. Herbert Horton Lewis, Infantry. the following privileged resolution, which was referred to the Maj. George Ray Ford, Quartermaster Corps. House Calendar and ordered to be printed: Maj. Newton Harrell Strickland, Ordnance Department. House Resolution 581 Maj. John Vincent Rowan, Quartermaster Corps. Resolved, That immediately upon the adoption of this resolution Maj. William Henry Beers, Infantry. It shall ·be in order to move that the House resolve itself into the Maj. Willis Dodge Cronkhite, Infantry. Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for the 11148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE AUGUST 28 consideration of S. 4271, a b111 to increase the number of midship­ Mr. VINSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, no doubt the House men at the United States Naval Academy. That after general de­ bate, which shall be confined to the bill and shall continue not to is aware of the · fact that authorization bills in the amount exceed 1 hour, to be equally divided and controlled by the chair­ of $7,000,000,000 have been passed for the Naval Establish­ man and ranking minority member of the Committee on Naval ment. Approximately $3,320,000,000 of that authorization Affairs, the bill shall be read for amendments under the 5-minute has been made available by appropriation and contract au­ rule. At the conclusion of the reading of the bill for amendment, the Committee shall rise and report the same to the House with thorization. It is the intention of the Naval Affairs Com­ such amendments as may have been adopted, and the previous mittee of the House to keep the House and the country thor­ question shall be considered as ordered on the bill and amendments oughly conversant, as far as possible, with these expenditures. thereto to final passage without intervening motion except one I therefore ask unanimous consent, Mr. Speaker, to insert in motio~ to recommit. the Appendix of the RECORD a list of all negotiated contracts, EXTENSION OF REMARKS with the name of the contractors and the fees and the place Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent where the work is going on, and also to insert in the RECORD to extend my own remarks in the RECORD, and to include a complete list of all engineering firms that have been called a letter .which I received from the White House with regard . in, the places for which they have drawn the designs and blue­ to the part the Negroes are to play in the preparedness pro­ prints, and their fees. gram. Mr. RICH. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object-­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the and I will not object--but I hope the gentleman will place ·in gentleman from Illinois? the RECORD at the same time the information as to where There was no objection. you are going to get the money to go ahead with these PRINTING OF HEARINGS BEFORE WAYS A~ MEANS COMMITTEE contracts. Mr. JARMAN. Mr. Speaker, from the Committee on Print- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the ing, I report <Rept. No. 2888) an original privileged concur­ gentleman from Georgia? rent resolution (H. Con. Res. 87) authorizing the Committee There was no objection. on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives to have EXTENSION OF REMARKS printed additional copies of the hearings held before said Mr. WHITTINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con­ committee on proposed legislation relative to the Exee£s sent to extend my o.wn remarks in the RECORD and to include Profits Taxation Act for 1940, and ask unanimous consent for therein a declaration against delay in prompt and adequate its present consideration. defense by representatives of the -American Legion, World The Clerk read as follows: · War Veterans, and citizens of Mississippi, in mass meetings House Concurrent Resolution 87 assembled, in Jackson, Miss., on Sunday, August 25, 1940. Resolved by the House · of . Representatives (the Senate concur­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the ring), That, in accordance with paragraph 3 of section 2 of the gentleman from Mississippi? Printing Act, approved March 1: 1907, the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives be, and is hereby; authorized There was !10 objection.
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