~·- a;::n;:ws 1 586 8TANWAY. ESSEX. fKELtY 8 M.A. ()f Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. The · bright, Copford, Dedham. Donyland-East, Easthorpa_ Peculiar People have a hall here, erected in 1886 to Fingringhoe, Fordham, Horkesley-Grea.t, Horkealey­ eeai 150 persons. The workhouse of the Lexden and Little, lnworth, Langenhoe, Langham, Layet' Breton, Winstree union is in this parish, and will hold 11112 Layer-de-la-Hay, Layer Marney, Tey--Great, inmates. A small fair i.s held here on April 23rd. Little, Marks Tey, Mersea-East, ..-l The manor m Stanway formerly belonged to King Messing, Mount Bures, Peldon, Salcot, Stanway, Harold and afterwards to William the Conqueror, but Virley, Wakes Colne, Wigborough-Great, Wigborough m ~he Norman period it became divided into seven dis­ -Little, Wivenhoe & W ormingford. The area of the tinct manors, which, in the main exist to the present union is 71,049 acres; rateable value at Lady Day, date. The principal landowners in the undivided parish 1914, £1o5,4Br; the population in xgn was 22,001 are .Mrs. ·Moy, the Rt. Rev. William Thomas Harris()n Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Rev. Robert W, D.D. (Bishop of Glasgow I888-I903). of Olivers, near Col­ Chilton M.A. Wormingford vicarage, Colchester • chester and the Rt. Hon. James Round P.C. of Birch Vice-Chairman, William Deason, Dedham Hall. The soil is gravel and sand; subsoil, very light. Clerk to the Guardians &; Assessment Committee, Gee. The chief crops are wheat, peas and barley. The area Edward Tompson, Victoria chambers, Colchester of the civil parish is 3•327 acres; rateable value, Assistant Clerk, Waiter Scott Potter, Victoria chamben, £7•457 Ios.; the population in I9II was 1,302, which Colchester included n6 inmates and ro officials in Lexden and Treasurer, Capt. Nevill .Arthur Charles De Hirzel Winstree workhouse, and I,ogo in the ecclesiastical Tufnell J.P. The Bank, Colchester 1 parish. Relieving &; Vaccination Officers & Collectors to de Clerk and Sexton (St. A.lbright's), William Death. Guardians, No. I district, ~uis R. .A.len, West Berg­ holt; No. 2 district, James Henry Ham, Fingringhoe STANWAY ALL SAINTS is an ecclesia~>tical parish, Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. a district, formed IS May, IB45, from the civil parishes of Lexden Edward Herbert Squire M.R.C.S.Eng. Wivenboe; in and Stanway, and the rural deanery of Colchester. · ~o. :! district, Ben Hall M. B. West Mersea; No. 4 All Saints' church, on the Maldon road, about 2i miles ·district, John Henry Salt-er M.R.C.S.Eng. D'Arcy aQuth-east from St. Albright's, was erected in J845, at house, Tolleshunt D'Arcy; No. s district, Francis Hy. a cost of £2,935, and is a structure of brick, quoined Cool;:e M.R.C.S.Eng.. L.R.C.P .Lond. Birch; No. 6 with Caen stone, in the Decorated style, consisting of district, Francis Henry Cooke M.R.C.S.Eng-., L.R.C.P. chancel, nave, organ chamber, south poreh and a low Lond. Birch; No. 7 district. James Richard Lownds western tower with spire containing 3 bells and a clock, B.A., L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. Hillands, Dedham ~ No, 8 erected in ·1887: there . are 285 sittings. The register district, Sidney Slade M.R.C.S.Eng-., L.R.O.P.Lond. dates from the year 1845. The living is a vicarage, net Old Vicarage house, Nayland, Suffolk; No. 9 district, yearly value £2oo, with residence, in the gift of the Charles James Worts M.R.C.S.Eng. Fordham lodge, :Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since I9II by the Rev" Fordham; No. 10 "district, Thomas Edward Pallett Henry Alfred Allpass B.A. of London University. The , M.D.Brux., L.S.A. Eden house, Earls Colne; Inworth population in 19rr was 469. & Messing district, Albert Turner L.R.C.P . .t S.Edin. Clerk and Sexton (All Saints'), Frederick :Balls. The Limes, Kelvedon · l'os~ Office, London road.-1\frs. Jane G. King, aub­ postmistrl"ss. Letters through Colchester are delivered Workhcuse, in Stanway parish, built nt a cost of at 7 a.m. & I2.20 & 7.10 p.m. ; dispatched at 2.20 & £6,8oo, ·to hold 330 inmates; Austin H. Gosling • ·7·5 p.m.; sunday, 10.45 a.m. The nearest money Mrs. Gosling-, master & matron; Rev. J. C. Triphook, order & telegraph office is at Marh Tey, I! miles chaplain; Philip Guyon Laver L.R.C.P.Lond. medi­ distant cal officer Letter Boxes.-London road, cleared at 2.30 & 7.25 j p.m. ; sunday, u.s a.m. ; Stanway church, cleared LEXDEN REGISTRATION DISTRICT. 2.20 & 7· Io p.m. ; sunday, Io.so a. m. ; Stanway Green, cleared at 7.30 a.m. & 7· 15 p.m. week days Superintendent Registrar, George Edward Tomp10n, Post & M. 0. Office. Lexden Heath.-Mrs. Mary Ann Victoria chambers; deputy, Frederick Wyatt, Victoria Miller, «nib-postmistress. Letter-s throu~h Colchester; chambers, Colchester deliveries commence at 6.40 & II.45 a.m. & 7·5 Reg-istrars of Births &; Deaths, Dedham sub-district, p.m. ; dispatched at 7.40 a.m. & 2.35 & 7.25 p.m. Louis R. Alen, West Bergholt; deputy. George Wm. sunday, n a.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Clark, Boxted; Wivenhoe sub-district, Jamea Henry Lexden, I mile distant · Ham, Fingringhoe; deputy, Thomas William Good­ Sergeant in Charge, Daniel J oseph Olley win, Post office. Wivenhoe Reg-istrars of Marriag-es, Louis R. .A.len, West Ber~holt; LEXDEN & WINSTREE RURAL DISTRICT COCNCIL. • deputy, George William Clark, Boxted; James Henry The parishes in the district are the same as in the Ham, Fing-ring-hoe; deputy, Thomas William Good­ union, with the exception of Wivenhoe. The area is win, Post office, Wivenhoe 6g,485 acres; the population in I9II was I9,686. Council meets at Guardians' Board room, Stanway, SCHOOLS. fortniQ"btly, on wednesdav, at ti.'-lO a.m. Public Elementary (mixed), erected by the Essex Chairman, William Deason. Derlham. Colch€'~ter County Council in tgn, for 260 children; average Vice-Chairman, W. G. Fairhead. Peldon, Colchester attendance, I65; Francis Richard Chastney. master. Officials. It is a red brick building ; attached is a cookery A; Clerk, George Edward Tompson, Victoria chambers, manual instruction centre for the use of the children Runwold 11treet. Colchester of this school & some of the surrounding echools, • Treasure?, Capt. Nevill Arthur Charl€'~ De Hirz€'1 Tuf­ possesses about 2 acres of playing ground. The old nPll .T.P. The :Bank. Colcheliter school is now used for sunday school & by the Church MPdical Officer of Health. John Wi11 Cook 1\1 '0 -\ hPrd., Lads Brigade M.R.C.S.Eng-. Victoria chambers. Rnnwold 11t.Colch10tr Public Elementary (All Saints') (mixed), enlarged i• DiJ;trict Survevor & Surveyor of Building Plans, John IQio, fm· roB children; average attendanee, IO'J; Ennals, Lexden Charles Henry Grimwood, master Sanitary Inspector. William Harry Filer, Stanway LEXDEN & WINSTREE UNION. G1RRIERS TO :Board day, alternate wednesdays n: a.m. at the Board Birch-Edmund Pryor, mon. wed. fri. & sat. passe~ room at Stanway. along the Mald'Jn road This Uniorr contains ~6 parishes within the Lex­ ColchPster The carriers from Braintree &:; KelndoD tlen & Win10trPe hnnrlred. vi7..: Abbertnn, .-\IdhAm. pass through tues. & sat Bergholt-West, Birch, Boxted, Chappel or Pontis- Cogge~thall & Copford-mon. wed. fri . .t sat STANWAY. 'LinQ"wood Edgar, Stanway cottage, 'Palmer Miss, Beacon end, Lond011. rd 'PRIV.4TE FESIDENTS. London road I Pearce Edwd. Clifton lo. London rd :Beach Miss, Stanway lodge l\feister George Ernest B.A.TheCedars PPttitt John Henrv. Brick stables :Bt-resford Major Kenne-dy,Stanway ho Moy Mrs. St.anway hall W11rd Frank Runnacles, Beaconville, :Brooks Arthur, London road Nash Bernard A. Corique, KinQ" Coel London road Colvin Col. John Russell Colquhoun, road (letters throurrh Lexden) Oldhouse farm Nash Mrs. Corique. King- Coel road COJOIEBCIAL. Colvin Mrs. Bazett W. Lexden Heath (letters through Lexden) Andrews John Alfred. farmer De Hochepied-LarpPnt Mr11.Holmwood O'Reflly Rev. Richard Hartley M.A. Bat.terham Charles. bPer retailer ' . (letters throug-h Lexden) (recror). Rectory Rirrl Arthur. farmer, Bell house • Griffin Charles, The Villa Palmer Hedley, The Cedars Bird Charles. farmer, Black Pits .
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