EUCLID (Euclid University) is an international intergovernmental organization that delivers best -of-class distance education and capacity-building services to its Participating States’ officials as well as to the general public. Our primary mission is to engage with the global community and foster sustainable development through education, global engagement, and dialogue. We focus on our mandate to train and educate government staff and groups of special interest while also offering outstanding distance degree programs to select students from the general public. EUCLID is also an educational partner for other intergovernmental bodies and functions as a think-tank on topics related to sustainable development and inter-religious diplomacy. EUCLID Participating Parties (2008-2009): Euclid Consortium Member Universities: Benin (2008) ULI (Belgium) with UL Burkina (Burkina Faso) Comoros (2009) University of Bangui (Central African Republic) Eritrea (2008) University of N’Djamena (Chad) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (2008) University Gaston Berger of Saint Louis (Senegal) Senegal (2009) Sierra Leone (2008) Uganda (2008) Vanuatu (2008) EUCLID Invited Parties (2010): Burundi Central African Republic www.euclid.int March 2008—March 2010 EUCLID (Euclid University) Annual Report 2008—2010: EUCLID delivers on its mandate Euclid began in 2005 as a lished EUCLID as an intergov- Vanuatu, 5 for Uganda, 4 for Special points of vision to create an extension ernmental educational frame- Saint Vincent, 4 for Sierra interest: program for the University of work in 2008. This initial Leone, 1 for ECOWAS, etc. We The EUCLID MOU Bangui and ultimately evolved agreement was complement- have also enrolled about 50 (and with it EUCLID into an intergovernmental ed by a revised Framework general public students whose as an intergovern- training institute serving 8 Agreement (approved by 4 tuition payments are an im- mental distance governments across 3 conti- governments in 2009) and 3 portant source of funding for training institute) nents! agreements with other inter- the government scholarships. entered into force on April 16, 2008 Our main programs (notably in national organizations (CAFRAD, ICCI and ECOWAS). To date, 8 govern- Diplomacy and International ments participate in Affairs and Sustainable Devel- Our primary mandate is to EUCLID (Euclid Uni- opment) were very well re- offer training to the approved versity) ceived, especially among gov- staff of our Participating Par- In 2009, EUCLID ernment staff. This interest ties, and this is exactly what signed landmark led to the formalization of the we have done, having enrolled Above—the EUCLID flag as regis- training MOUs with tered with the World Intellectual ECOWAS and ICCI EUCLID MOU which estab- 7 for Eritrea, 1 in Benin, 4 for Property Organization. Highlight on EUCLID Officials and Staff Inside this issue: EUCLID officials form a fairly SGs Chad D’Amore, Imara te Bouzigues, Laurent EUCLID Services 2 small but dedicated group of Johnpullé and Nausheen Wasi. Cleenewerck and Francois professionals who share the Lespes. EUCLID Funding 3 The Board of Advisors, sched- same commitment: to deliver uled to hold a plenary telecon- The Participating Parties each ECOWAS Agreement 3 excellent value to the govern- ference in 2010, is headed by have a National Point of Con- ments who participate in EU- High Steward Ambassador tact: Luis de Shong (VC), Sulay ICCI Scholarships 4 CLID and who have placed Banny de Brum, (with new -Manah Kpukumu / Victoria their trust in them to be effec- Inside Story 4 appoints to be confirmed in Sulimany (SL), Amb. Hanna tive partners. 2011). Simon (ER), Amos Tatangis St Vincent and Gr. 5 The Executive Board is com- The Oversight Council is com- (VN), Amb. Rossette Nyirinkin- posed of Secretary General posed of Syed Zahid Ali, Brigit- di (UG), Djibril Sylla (SN), El- Country Highlights 6 Syed Zahid Ali and Assistant Marouf Mohamed (KM). Annual Report Serving our Government Students At EUCLID, we never forget We encourage our National oped (in line with its man- that our primary mandate is Points of Contact to circu- date per Article I) special- to deliver outstanding dis- late a “Scholarship Flyer” as ized (shorter) non-degree tance education programs to was done by Saint Vincent certificates, notably in Diplo- the government staff of our (contact: Patricia Martin, macy, International Law and Participating Parties. Our MFA) and Vanuatu (contact: Sustainable Development. goal is to offer 5—10 full Amos Tatangis). We would These credits can later be scholarships (including ac- be pleased to send you tem- transferred to full Master’s cess to textbooks) per Par- plates for such a document. program when the student ticipating State, which is ready to extend his or her H.E. Dr. Mohammed Ibn CHAM- In order to better serve our would bring us to full sup- commitment to a longer BAS, President of the ECOWAS government-sponsored stu- Commission, was the signatory port capacity at this time. dents, EUCLID has devel- term of studies. of the agreement between EU- CLID and ECOWAS. Other Support Programs What else does EUCLID do tion with B&S) support to maximize in terms of services to its participating certain support to improve docu- Participating Parties? We IGOs such as SSNED “We encourage our mentation for Millennium certainly encourage any Challenge Corporation Participating States to ministry or diplomatic mis- development of specific process avail themselves of all sion to avails themselves of course packs, for in- stance for preparation that EUCLID can offer” the following services: no-cost IT support to de- velop, host and maintain to the United Nations support to maximize web sites for ministries competitive examina- access to European Un- and diplomatic missions tion. ion funding (in coopera- Headquarters Update Since EUCLID began as an a EUCLID are allowed to re- As of 2010, EUCLID has two university consortium cen- main in Brussels, Belgium advanced HQ agreements tered in Brussels (location of and may be relocated or proposal being reviewed for the ULI, a member university extended elsewhere upon Africa/ECOWAS and Global of the Euclid Consortium), recommendation of the Gov- Asia Pacific which we hope the EUCLID statutes erning Board or by resolu- will be finalized by the end EUCLID’s SG Syed Zahid Ali with (www.euclid.int/ tion of the Oversight Coun- of 2011. Uganda’s Minister Gender, Labor statutes.pdf) specified at cil.” and Social Affairs Syda BUMBA “The operational offices of Page 4 www.euclid.int Spotlight on EUCLID Funding What the EUCLID intergov- public contracts or sub- lowed by the mandate) ernmental agreement contracts, such as the EU- whose tuition makes it pos- (Article III) makes very clear funded LOT3 (2) by selling sible to fund the govern- is that “the Participating publications and textbooks ment scholarships. Interest- Parties shall not be required (3) through a staffing and ingly, some of these to provide financial support volunteering fund which “general students” actually to EUCLID beyond voluntary represents the real econom- work for various govern- contributions, nor shall they ic value of thousands of ments and international or- be responsible, individually hours of pro-bono services ganizations. or collectively, for any debts, to EUCLID (4) by enrolling a The overall operational Above: the EUCLID team is ex- liabilities or obligations of limited but sufficient num- budget of EUCLID including panding and includes several pro- the institution.” How then is ber of “general public” stu- (3) is close to $400,000 for bono subject-matter experts such EUCLID funded? (1) through dents (about 50-85, as al- as ‘trade diplomacy’ authority 2009/2010. Colin Evans. EUCLID Textbooks and Publications EUCLID is committed to pub- Struggle for Superpower Tavares. lishing books, academic pa- Status and UN Security Several student papers have pers and course-pack that Council Membership at the been posted on diplomatic- “EUCLID enrolls a total reflect highly on the excel- Edge of Decline” co-authored monitor.org and other are of 50-85 general public lence of its faculty and stu- by professors Rodriguez and scheduled for posting on students to support the dents. Cleenewerck. In early 2010, treatylaw.org in 2010. “United Nations Peacekeep- operational budget” In 2008, EUCLID University All EUCLID publications are published “Japan on the ing: History, Challenges and the Call for Reform” was available free of charge to Edge: An inquiry into the the Participating Parties. Japanese Government’s released, authored by EU- CLID faculty member Joao The ECOWAS Agreement In 2009, after a year of dis- develop skilled manpower in programs. Three EUCLID cussions, reviews and finali- our region by providing ad- Participating States are also zation, an important Memo- vanced educational opportu- ECOWAS Members. randum of Understanding nities.” The agreement ap- (The agreement is posted in was signed between EUCLID plies immediately to ECO- PDF format at and ECOWAS in which the WAS staff and will be ex- www.euclid.int) ECOWAS President express- tended to also apply to ECO- es his “deep appreciation for WAS residents for general A recent EUCLID Uni- your assistance in helping to public access to EUCLID’s versity Press publica- tion. Page 5 Annual Report Photo: EUCLID’s High Steward Banny de Brum with US President Barak Obama, presenting his credentials as newly reappointed Ambassador of the Marshall Islands (November 2009) Photo: EUCLID’s Commissioner Colin Evans
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