AN OVERVIEW OF CLEANTECH START-UPS couleur pleine couleur transparente FIND CleantechAlps, c/o CimArk, Route du Rawyl 47, 1950 Sion THIS STUDY +41 27 606 88 60 ON OUR [email protected] MOBILE APP www.cleantech-alps.com ABOUT THE AUTHORS Since 2010, western Switzerland’s cleantech cluster - CleantechAlps - has been the platform dedicated to the development of the clean technology sector in western Switzerland. As the regional gateway into the cleantech field, its purpose is to bring together research organisations with industries and services that contribute to the protection and conservation of natural resources and the production of renewable energy. CleantechAlps is the region’s driving force for the development of the cleantech sector; promoting interaction between businesses and players in the field, and increasing their visibility. www.cleantech-alps.com [email protected] With the support of Eqlosion, on the road to a more sustainable economy Founded in 2015, eqlosion turns ideas into products, activities or companies. The young company was created by entrepreneurs focused on the theme of sustainability. It develops its own ideas, supports sustainable innovation in companies and promotes innovation from research centres couleur pleine by bringing new products and activities to market. Its founders and employees have many years of experience and a very large network; including investors, partners, companies, academics and public authorities. With a couleur transparente very strong market orientation, they share the risks of new developments and have a passion for the transition to a more sustainable economy. www.eqlosion.ch [email protected] EDITORIAL Give cleantech start-ups the visibility they deserve It is an established fact that the cleantech (or clean technologies) sector is responsible for almost 5% of Switzerland’s GDP, with a growth of 25% in people employed in the sector over the last five years. Start-ups are an important element of the cleantech sec- tor in Switzerland and have the potential to form a subs- tantial part of tomorrow’s economic fabric and prosperity. At present, however, there is relatively little information available on the ecosystem of the young cleantech enter- prises in our country. Clean technologies are not actually an industrial sector in themselves, and their image is still somewhat scatte- red. Any company that develops or offers a technology, product or service that involves a response to an envi- ronmental issue is a cleantech enterprise. The feedback we receive, not only from the general pu- blic but also from the media, indicates to us that there is a failure to understand the diversity and numbers of companies who operate under this umbrella. In these days of energy transition, the signature of the COP21 climate agreement, and with the subsequent imple- mentation of the measures discussed at the Paris conference, it is opportune, if not essential to provide those involved, and the cleantech ecosystem in gene- ral, with the visibility they deserve. We regularly receive comments about the absence of a guide on funding for cleantech start-ups, and propose to remedy this situation with a section dedicated specifically to the various parties involved in funding, together with the instruments and programmes available to them. Since this study is the first of its kind in Switzerland, it may be that certain enterprises have slipped through the net, and we apologise in advance for this. This publication is merely a first step towards increased support and visibility for Swiss start-ups. We hope you enjoy reading our report. Eric Plan Secretary General of CleantechAlps An overview of Swiss cleantech start-ups in figures 207 10% clean technology start-ups of Swiss start-ups created over the last 10 years are in the cleantech and still active sector key players recorded 57 in the area of funding 35% 26% of start-ups consider funding of cleantech start-ups are spin- to be their main challenge offs of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and Zurich (ETHZ) Export targets for cleantech start-ups 45% 27% 17% 2 AN OVERVIEW OF CLEANTECH START-UPS SUMMARY Overview of 4 enterprises Funding 16 mechanisms Walter Steinlin 32 ê The cleantech sector will grow rapidly and find its place in the economy Business profiles Yves Loerincik The development of 36 33 ê sustainable projects is the only possible 75 future Benoît Revaz Cleantech start- 34 ê ups and companies are becoming more 77 and more important as pillars of our List of start-ups economy AN OVERVIEW OF CLEANTECH START-UPS 3 OVERVIEW OF ENTERPRISES INTRODUCTION natural resources. Human activities and economic processes therefore need This overview lists and gives a pers- to be reconsidered to incorporate the pective on the whole of the cleantech principle of the efficient, respectful use sector in Switzerland. It covers all those of raw materials, energy and water. Swiss companies involved in innovation WHAT IS CLEANTECH? or technology, and operating in the In this overview, the cleantech sector, Cleantech (or clean technologies) field of clean technologies, that have interdisciplinary by nature and constant- covers those technologies, products a strong potential for growth and have ly evolving, has been divided into 7 and services which have the aim been entered in the commercial register broad categories, then further divided of sustainable utilisation of natural since 2006. into 17, closely following the segmenta- resources and which provide for the This study excludes those companies tions proposed by the Cleantech Group production of renewable energy. that had ceased trading by the date and Roland Berger Strategy Consul- They aim, in particular, to reduce of publication, those that have been tants. Figure 1 shows the structure the consumption of these resources bought out, individual tradesmen, com- used. and to conserve natural ecosys- panies that develop sustainable activi- tems. New technologies have a key ties in capacities such as environmental A FAVOURABLE CONTEXT role here, although importance is consultants and engineering practices, As in all areas of the economy, new increasingly attached to the role of as well as foundations and NGOs. companies in the cleantech sector users and the understanding of their are seeking to develop. They currently behaviour. The global objectives of this overview benefit from a favourable context as a are: result of the Internet revolution, which ê to increase the visibility of this heralded the era of the start-up. Since The environment has thus become sector; the turn of the twenty-first century, and structured and specialised. The un- ê to highlight its dynamism and diver- in particular, during the last ten years, derlying principles of entrepreneurship sity; Switzerland has built up an environ- may remain the same, but the mana- ê to demonstrate its importance for the ment of professional support for young gement and development of innovation Swiss economic fabric; companies. has to adapt to the demands of each ê to give (future) entrepreneurs Incubators – physical or virtual struc- business sector. Clean technologies are suggestions for ways of funding their tures dedicated to the development of no exception; it therefore comes as no ventures. new enterprises – have been created surprise that the new entrepreneurship throughout the country; such as the programme from the Commission for MUCH MORE THAN MERE TecOrbe, dedicated to environmental Technology and Innovation (CTI) inte- TECHNOLOGY... technologies in Orbe (canton of Vaud). grates a vertical approach depending Clean technologies are not only about A wide range of specific support ser- on the sector in question, one of these the simple utilisation of innovative vices, including coaching for start-ups, sectors being cleantech (energy/envi- technologies that safeguard natural re- have been developed alongside these ronment). sources. Cleantech reflects an attitude, incubators. Gradually, entrepreneurial practices and a way of life, which ins- training programs were launched, as pires individuals and companies in all well as multiple competitions for ideas, sectors to act in a way that conserves business plans and prizes. 4 AN OVERVIEW OF CLEANTECH START-UPS CATEGORIES AND SUB-CATEGORIES OF THE CLEANTECH SECTOR Figure 1 AN OVERVIEW OF CLEANTECH START-UPS 5 MAPPING THE LIFE-CYCLE OF pilots and pre-industrialisation of the pro- START-UPS... duct require more resources than in the We will not be examining coaching or majority of other sectors such as medical innovation in this study, as these aspects or information technology, for example. have already been widely covered. We The problem of overlapping is similar for intend to map out cleantech start-ups to those offering funding and their relative PHASES OF THE LIFE CYCLE identify their level of development and positioning along these phases of the life OF A START-UP their main orientations, in line with the cycle. categories referred to in the introduction, The different phases are summarised in so that it will eventually be possible to Table 1, with an indication of the degree PROJECT measure their dynamics. To this end, we of maturity of the business venture. R&D have chosen to analyse the ecosystem of From the idea to concept, proof of these technological enterprises from the concept, R&D prototype, market- point of view of their life cycles oriented research project. (cf. Table 1). Broadly speaking, a business venture emerges from an idea, which may be for the development of a technology or PROJECT/START-UP product with the aim of filling a gap in the Creation market. This is typically referred to as a Validation of the marketing technological or commercial approach. idea, reflection on the business This is the first phase in the life cycle of model, creation of the company, the start-up, which we will call the “R&D” demonstration models. or research and development phase.
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