Terror Fears Exploited to Expand U.S. Imperial Outposts. Page 4. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER: DO NOT DELAY—DATE MAILED: 5-2-03 AMERICA FIRST Top Administration Advisors Have Business Ventures That Thrive on War and Hostility. Page 10. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Why Kissinger May Be Too Scared to Attend Next Bilderberg. AmericanFreePressAmericanFreePress Page 17. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★For Life & Liberty . Against the New World Order ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ VOLUME III NUMBER 19 MAY 12, 2003 www.americanfreepress.net $1.50 EACH BANKROLLING MIDEAST SUPERPOWER’S WAR MACHINE BACKFIRING ON U.S. TAXPAYERS: BLANK-CHECK AID TO ISRAEL COSTS US $10 BILLION Congress skillfully gives Israel $10 traditional celebrations of Christmas and Easter attracted fewer believers because they feared a prema- billion a year to expand its brutal occupa- ture trip to heaven in the war-ravaged land. tion of Palestinian lands in a manner that Israel is also asking for more money in Bush’s “road hides the amount from taxpayers. map” to peace in the Middle East, which was unveiled after Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat named Mahmoud EXCLUSIVE TO AMERICAN FREE PRESS Abbas to the new office of prime minister. By James P. Tucker Jr. Israelis are unhappy with the road map because it requires withdrawal from part of the occupied territo- .S. aid to Israel has some unique aspects, (See OCCUPY PALESTINE, PAge 4) such as loans with repayment waived, or a pledge to provide Israel with economic EDITORIAL “Uassistance equal to the amount Israel owes the United States for previous loans,” says a OUR GREATEST FEAR Library of Congress “briefing paper.” in waging an aggressive war on Iraq was that it This paper, Israel: U.S. Foreign Assistance, was pre- would put us in the position of being a brutal imperi- pared by the library’s Congressional Research Service in al power perpetrating atrocities while doing nothing April and is available to all congressmen. It confirms to further this country’s interests. It now appears assessments made previously by American Free Press that our concerns are materializing. that blank-check aid to Israel costs taxpayers $10 billion With news that U.S. troops, on at least two occa- a year. sions in chaotic situations, fired on demonstrators, “Israel also receives special benefits that may not be who were protesting the U.S. presence in Iraq, and available to other countries, such as the use of U.S. mil- killed dozens of them, the situation is looking more itary assistance for research and development in the and more like Palestine where an occupying army United States, the use of U.S. military assistance for continues to savage a population with acts of violence. military purchases in Israel, or receiving all of its assis- As AFP has stated on many occasions: This was tance in the first 30 days of the fiscal year rather than not a noble war. In fact, it was—and continues to be— in three or four installments as other countries do,” the detrimental to report said. AMERICA’S INTERESTS Because, in the age of deficits, the United States has How Washington elites could coolly tell Americans to borrow the money it gives Israel in one chunk at the that we should expect our troops to be welcomed and According to a recent congressional report, the mili- start of the fiscal year, taxpayers are paying interest on celebrated after Iraqis have suffered 12 years of geno- tant government of Israel gets “unique” treatment all the money given Israel for the entire year. cidal sanctions bringing starvation and hunger and when it comes to U.S. taxpayer-funded foreign aid, These revelations come as Israel is demanding $12 then four weeks of bombing is evidence of their much of which goes to the Middle East country’s mil- billion—in addition to all other aid—because tourism is depravity. itary and security forces. down dramatically and its economy is in shambles. The And, while Americans have been told repeatedly that we will be better off if we oust or kill Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, we have seen no such thing. In fact, THE INSIDE SCOOP: Page 2: News You May Have Missed. Page 3: U.S. Bribes Poland with this country is increasingly becoming a police state as Military Jets, Loans and Investments. • Page 4: War on Terror Furthers U.S. Presence in South America. • Page 6: officials move ahead with programs to monitor, detain and deport political dissidents. Undermined by Hi-Tech Trafficking. Breaks Word to Georgia. Border Patrol • Page 7: Scalawag • Page 8: Spotlight The rub is that our sacrifices are not being made On Congress: Grounding Airlines Bailouts, Bush’s Tax Cuts. • Page 11: Gulf War Syndrome Sufferers Deserted by in the interests of our great country. War and occupa- Pentagon. • Page 12: ‘Diversity’ Advocates Target Free Speech at Colleges. • Page 12: Family Values Republican tion have been prosecuted for the benefit of Big Oil, Nailed for Kiddie Porn. • .Page 18: Book Review: The New World Order Under a Microscope. • Page 20: Letters. the military-industrial complex and Israel. At a time when Americans should be doing all we can to focus on troubles here at home and avoid Ex-KGB Fight Over Update on Garrison: involving ourselves in other nations’ disputes, there is Chiefs Reforming Upcoming Shaw Guilty; no end in sight to America’s occupation of Iraq. Called in to Courts Historical Old Suspect Heeding the advice of our Founding Fathers—who Help Spy on Looms. Conference. Is Innocent. admonished Americans to avoid entangling alliances Americans. —is something current leaders would be wise to fol- Page 8. Page 9. Page 14. Page 6. low. It appears that the country is heading down a dangerous path of interventionism. And that is OUR GREATEST FEAR 2 AMERICAN FREE PRESS May 12, 2003 $9.75 Million Defamation Award Against ADL Upheld (A compilation of significant news items that failed to appear in most of the nation’s News press.) ★★★★ Missed SMEAR PUNISHED. A $9.75 million libel You May Have award against the Anti-Defamation League for American Free Press publicly calling a couple anti-Semitic was upheld Your weekly newspaper from Washington, D.C. April 22, Associated Press reports. William and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has been to OUR PROMISE TO YOU Dorothy Quigley of Evergreen, Col. won the judg- Israel’s cause because he looks like a terrorist. It The point of view of the American Free Press (AFP) is best des- ment in April 2000 after the ADL’s remarks at a also says that the selection of Palestinian Prime cribed as populist and nationalist. AFP is FOR Life and Liberty and AGAINST the New World Order. news conference. The incident arose from a dis- Minister Mahmoud Abbas has come at the American Free Press is 100% employee-owned. You can trust the pute between the Quigleys and neighbors “wrong time” and may force Israel to return to American Free Press to give you “the other side of the news” —to Mitchell and Candice Aronson, who are Jewish. report on events which are vital to your welfare but which would peace negotiations. otherwise be hushed up or distorted by the controlled press. We The ADL became involved after the Aronson’s ★★★★ make no attempt to give you “both sides.” We’ll leave the estab- said they overheard the Quigleys making state- lishment side to your daily newspaper, television and radio. Fur- ISRAEL’S WMDs. While U.S. forces search thermore, we pledge that the American Free Press will correct any ments on the telephone to another person about fruitlessly in Iraq for weapons of mass destruc- meaningful error of fact. them that they considered anti-Semitic. After tion, perhaps they should shift their venue a cou- Make up your own mind who is being honest with you: the establishment media or the American Free Press. the ADL issued a series of public statements ple hundred miles to the west. Poison gas attacks characterizing the Quigleys as racists, the couple OUR GUARANTEE were perpetrated barely two years ago by Israeli AFP will promptly refund the unused portion of your sub- sued. The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld troops against civilians in the Occupied scription if you are dissatisfied with our unique newspaper. To the award. cancel, drop us a note saying you want to end your subscription. Territories of Palestine. At least eight separate ★★★★ attacks were reported from Feb. 12 through NATIONAL STAFF Managing Editor: Christopher Petherick; Editor Emeritus: U.S. MAY DEFAULT. Treasury Department March 30, 2001, first in the Gaza Strip and later Vince Ryan; Senior Editor: James P. Tucker Jr.; Correspondents: officials say the United States could default on SOUTHERNERS PROUD in the West Bank. Several hundred civilians are Mike Blair, F.C. Blahut, Michael Collins Piper; Copy Editor: John some of its bills by the end of May unless Tiffany; Editorial Assistant: Julia Foster; Production Director: OF THEIR HERITAGE reported to have suffered from exposure to the Paul T. Angel; Circulation, Subscription & List Director: Lois Congress votes to take out more loans, reports Guardians of Georgia’s history lost their gas. Many required prolonged hospitalization. Hodges; Business Manager: James Cox Associated Press. Congress would have to vote to fight to keep the Confederate battle flag in The poison gas canisters were marked with a few REGIONAL BUREAUS raise a mandatory limit on borrowing set at $6.4 numerals and Hebrew letters. The smoking gas East: Jeffrey Smith; Southeast: Eustace Mullins, Jerome S. the Georgia state flag (see page 7 for more Myers, Pat Shannan; Robert Weems; Southwest: Howard Carson; trillion, also known as the government’s debt on this).
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