,{ :. :...: :! ,+, ' : ::' ., . .. • i : • / +•; •... • ,':~/ .... for, FORD 0:f "6"0 : u I u i ii , .... ::~ ,.i ,~ IN THE MEANTIM! . : ': Bob Parker's 'House of Ford B[ ..: , ARE CLEARING 67's . *:. AL+. .... AT : Cos T: ~*' :: I'r ::': : ' Serving Terrace, the Hub City of the Mighb/Skeer~ Volley :in!~ Northwestem British Colurnbio :THIs I$ FORD:,COUNTRY. Ph. , :-. " + .: :, . : • ' Wed nesday; ,$ePtemI~e r 20, i967 +.:: . ::..~ I0c o ~.:ii:i.- ' "~r.... f: ':::: i. ' ),O00:Pre~/il • i i :; • : - ii: ...: : " -i/:>:'; ...... ........ ' :"i:: i '. Hang. down :y.our RCMP'RADAR NETS HUNDRED DRIVERS 'Like taxes, and let that I I it:s here . ~i ei/:?i: to stay' centennia! • I :.+ :. :: ? RCMP radar is right on the beam. , A two - week toll netted some one ~uhOrad" speeding motorists raramn pass who paid fines in.Terrace,~ istrates' Court~ • ". • And "the radar traps will nut • +- • .... --• go aW.ay:Ukea bad dremn. • RUTH HALLECK ; ".... " .... By "Radar is just like taxes- it's here to,st~v," commented There won't be any shootup.. : .. : . i " . " Sta~ Sergeast John Maidens of "Bill Miner" is going to: stay in hiding thisweekend* the .Terrace dntachment R.C.bi. He said in a special hotline interview on Monday that any P. Centennial Caravan that .can withstand the rtgeurs of Highway He was asked to comment fol. 16 deserves to get to Terrace withoutbeingheld along the way. lowiug a heavy traffic infraction The Caravan will be here September 24 and 26. docket dur!ng.thepast twoweelm. ,I • • '-: ' ''Bill Miner was the name given to the still untdentlfied Fifty five motorists were fined Terrace citizen who got his Irish up last February when it for speeding and sundry other was learned the Centennial Confederation Train would pass ,raffle violations here last week. through Terrace twice without making a scheduled stop. The week before there were alsc He spearheaded, a move to stage a mock'holdup of the fifty charged. Centennial Train. , • Staff ~rt Maidens told the The idea grew in popularit~ as it passed quickly from Herald that radar has been in mouth to ear throughout the community. ' " use on Terrace streets since •"Terrace taxpayers wanted a slice of tlie Centennial last summer and that use of the •Train action and the~ were prepared to stay up all night in unit will continue as longas ~ ANGLICAN PRIMATE, Archbishop Howard Hewlett Clark, order to get one. Preparations for themock holdup were made it is available. " " had a warm greeting for Terrace people when he visited swiftly and silently. 'qt's very likely the public St. Matthews, Sunday. Centre is Rev. A. P. Horsfield and at " - • It • is annoyed at the. enforcement right, Father O. P. Mohan ofthe Catholic Church. But the plan was squelched when word leaked out to local but locking at the other side R.C.M,P. ' . .+ of the ledger, our traffic fat. The police warned Terrace citizens at that time that any ality rate is down considerably. ::: noisy and troublesome gathering in the vicinity of the CNR We think radar is having a good Primate in favor depot "might result in the reading of the Riot Act." effect," he sald, "" " Plans wereto stall the Centennial Train for 8 hours by "When people see tlw - parking an immobilized logging truck across the tracks at equipment they are inclined to ' the KalumStreet crossing. ' " ' take their foot off tbe acceler- : unfashionable faith :::,:"!::ii:: . .. • r A great celebration, complete with cowboys, dancinggirls, ator." ' hot dogs and cotton Casdy, was scrapped within fifteen minutes "Weall tend to drive allttle :';:. :•It's not fashionable to be aCl~sU~, the Augi[~ ~:~" i • of the police warning. ., too.............. fan~ and the. +e~.p.m.entis /of Canada foals.... ..... : ' I ' . : I' :~ : '' ~;~11-~ ,.:`r : I n~vdti/~ie on a 24 iio~. a~l~sis , . ~ :.-:~ • Terrace was told towait for the trucks. .". " " .., : ~Jmd.ha s ..he~)~:abe~ the Idea, |:'~:,I. ~,::-~,.t~i~.~_ : .:, ..... ....... - .Art"hh[el~ :.-~ Hew e~l Arehbishep Clark declared., : Little .Memorial'.;P~;~kTh~ wili~l~: ~ f0r~ewing:afte~ .>. Clark, senior blshoP.ef~e AUg-|..:,The!tullAn~llcen~retatocalled.i : thnt. mar~motorisis aregulity ,can'. Church-In Canada, ,ex-|lhe.preseutera,~a~~ ,. 10:45 opening ~ce/.emony'0fiS~:andon Tueeda~v ~1 a.m. to :: .'i ~N - ::.EkTRA;ttF~RTY HEAVE OF THE :-Was" d~'e~ed ' by R~',. George Keen]eyside,- of "wool. gathering a~the wheeL', pressed his views in a televialon age.... > • ~ ..::: '. :, 11 p.m. each day..... ' '. .... ' SHOVEL was given by Terrace pensioner president of the Christian Welfare Council .When/yea're driving a:ihe'avy L,zterview while visiting Terrace J "! ! We're i L'z trouble In.. Drivers and attendants elways take Mondays off. W. D. Grlffiths who turned the first sod sponsoring 'the hensing Pr0Ject, '~d Rev. oar on .the 'r0ad itis .not t/me Sumday nlght," . ':,!..: , i: -:. ;[some i~,,,'>he':~:i::,.:.,<, i:../.:~:. ''Bill Miner', and his.geag have decided it isn't a bad id.ea for the senior citizens' housing complex Hoiger Madsen of the Lutheran Church gave for wool gathering.,, ' ' : The Arch_biShop'said that he./ / Arehh4,~Imo~:C~1~c::::'~.'. ~ to take Monday off. They'll remain in hidl~. • on Tuck St. Monday. Simple ceremony the invocation. "The public might just as wall cause rel~un was unumnmame spoken::in:-.:hls:~%~Son::theneed ' accept radar -- it's lllm taxes-- !'people must now believe be. for,the •Chu_~h:~ieome tO ~ I it, s here to stsyl" cause of their convictions" with the modem w0rld. :-~:.... '~i CENSOR TV, McCARTHY ASKS? ' " - "Children are nowdiScever~ ral minister's advice: that thsir ~parents, .' ~l~lun was a phoney religion.~. I heaor them Kitimat, Terracer Rupe__ for it," he said. ' i ~ ".~i~:ii ~ Pub. I",c , ,s" ,ts" , own icensor;, . , • the ': Arehbishup saw optimistic for :'the :.future Ask-.-provincefor Christianity. : - : : Triangle in tar . ' -I believe that God is shald~ UP: the Churdi,,' belisald. :~A Terrace TV,man replies sre~ new reb~h:0~.~i~0~:iS " • Wayne Seahroak was too polite, Originally directedat TV corn- .ersgettogetherandssy we.should industrialboost to say fie upon btrs. Grace Mc. mercials, the pleaforeensorehip nave means ot censorsmp unu looked 'forward to new ways :~' big,.thilngS: Lain worship, I~t .was .not in~vor.¢f Carthy. I broadened when Mrs. McCarthy ~ey, know. absolutely nothing ~:: VANCOUVER(special). The initiative forb~ diversif- psychedelic'se/~ices. : :.:/.' ..: ButR,:t theth~ CFTK,television~FTK,t~levision man.man- [• s~sted*suggested, "We shouldhave some unout br0adeasung, It's actually VANCOUVER (SPECIAL1 -- Within four years,.4,000,000 tons i~ed industrial development to Central B.C. rests with the ager did say that the public is form of guidance, rather than very closely, gove.rned by the "Youug people a ~,provincial government. of coal per year will be exported from Prince Rupert. different language," :..:::IW said." ; its own censor. " " " ' control, over the type of pro. Board of Broadcast Goveruors." grams that are. piped into our He continued, "But every once Thi~ prediction was medehere "Wemust speak in:-¢weofloth ii? Ottawa .will' help under certain its whole economy was seasonal. He •was commenting on a year via Prince Rupert." . knuckle-rapping issued from Vic- homes Via the television set." in a while someone comes up with by Northern Affairs MinisterArt eantery 1~ when wepreach conditions, bet the request must Unemployment insurance figures the idea that we should be gever. Laing. And that s Just the beginning; the faith.. '.i:./:" i.... r ~:~ come from ~'lcterla, federal showed, that most manpower' toria Monday by Socred Cabinet Commenting on.the ehergas, Mr. Laing said. He will be :in Minister Grace McCarthy who Seabrcek said inTerrace, 'q'd ned by : a . bunch of. old tea. He told this newspaper in an , The ~d~ ~:./d~ industry minister C.M, "Bu'd" worked only a few monthsayear. have to agree. With-her to a grannies who sit around andwateh interview: • " : " Prince Rupert about October 10- his Churoh:mu~ff.ed a~!w~ tO Draw said here in an inter- What Ce~trul B.C. and the launched an attack against tele. 12 to look over ~the situation. update the King James Versina certain lx~nt. Some of the adver. TV and when they see something ' "The Terrace, Kitimal, Prinee : , .. -. vision advertising. She said: Common Pm.ver. , .... i,: view. Caribou needs is agreaterdiver- "If we are to. allow the electronlc Users doge overboard on this. they'thtnk they shonldn~t see Rupert triangle is in for big "There are' six great natural '/i He was replying to aquesti0~ sifleaUon of employment, Dro~ they. shout -- don~ do that." .They are :two oLthe:'tlmmt f~om this newspaper on how Cent. said. mass media enterprises to o~er. But I've found that the lmbHe things, particularly in the field .resources which the export world ate relatively freely, we must generally acts ~as :its own Seabronk said censorship of providing export port faelli2 badly needs -- iron, :limestone, examples of English prose/' be ' r~d B.C. could go abou~ g~ His department plans for five demand of them, responsibility., censor." . wonld be an extremely difficult ties." . oU, ,natural gas, sulphur, and ~ommented, "but the worsh~ btl designated at-ca status simllarto years ahead when assisting an He added, "You've seen ithap- thing to implement and enforce. He said Kltimat will l)rehably salt.' They are being found in ~o~ must be in a ~u~e~ : tllat accorded the Okans~an.. area to uplift itself. No such Then sh e said , " These matters must be governed "by us '.. ,' pen here. Whenever the CBC get most of the port development huge am0unts'lnnorthern Alber- stood by the people;', ' -..'::.:: : ' ..,',!As a resul(oftbedeMgeaUoo, planning seems to be golng.on because the Prince Rupert shore- ta, B, C; and ~the Territories, ' Archbishop ,Clark: favored,C~.+i.
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