COURT wouse muPms LAS.IflOAS HCVAO* LAS VEGAS WEATHER BRPORT By CHABLE8 F. SQUIRES X KaBDGE ALLEGIANCE TO f ntl FLAG OF -SUp' U—UUU STATES, AND TO. THE REPUB­ August 3 _.— MS 61 LIC FOB WHICH IT STAND* **pmt * • T.VI.VT fWRfey **• ONE NATION, INDIVISIBLE, August 4|§7. — WitffT - «8 August 6 106 IP WITH LIBERTY AND JUtSTlOHi "August'6 ,w~4i— 166—~ -n~ ana ass. TB^m_t___tMBimt August 7 .... —. 109 72 August S ..„.......„:....... MO 71 THePN^-taSAh^^ADIH^KlaWSPAP^ Volume XXXVI, Humber 32 LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, FRIDAY, A-UGUST 9, 1940 FIVE CENTS PER COPY ilBSERVAtlONS TERRIBLE TRAGEDY TAKES SEVEN If By CHARLES P. SQU—« Sam Paulus Will SIXTEEN SERIOUSLY BURNED OBSERVATIONS— Open New Cafe IN WESTSIDE GAS EXPLOSION OUR CAPITOL HILL . IMr nearly thirty-five years I have Sam PaUlus, for more than ten been visiting occasionally oar Capi­ yean past- one of ttw outstanding THEDEAU tol City of Car«wi. Each tune, it leader* ia ttw restaurant business seems, I have tn Las Vegas, wiU next week open Thomas R. Myers, dealer and distributor of petro- found it. 'more up his new and latest enterprise la lane gas in tanks. igy| ^^^S^p 7v^H deUghtful. It ttwt Une, which he promises wiU Mrs. Thomas H. Myers, wife of ths dealer. has always outclass anything he has yet at­ Mrs. Linda Myers, 19, bride of Gerald Leavitt, to heen to me a tempted. __ei"i whom she was married at L.D.S. Temple, Salt Lake City, little city "Sam's Cafe" in ths new Med- last April, a talented and beautiful young woman, daugh­ quaint and syl­ man building adjoining El Portal ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Myers, who was spending. van in charac­ Theatre,. wUl specialize to charcoal the day with her mother. __^m$- ter, a veryj broiled steaks and in fountain ser­ vice and confecionery for .ttm af­ Kathleen Myers, 16, another daughter- of Mr. and Happy setting Mrs. Myers. ' *gg far. our state ter-theatre *erowds Jto meet ttm capites.' -rfjjjjlj needs o fthe fast spreading business Teddy Myers, 9, a son of the illfated family. It lies toa are of Las Vegas* <m ttw outskirts Doreen Myers, infant daughter, lovely, fertile of which parking space-is still con­ Elvira Negrete, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Negrete, valley sur­ veniently available. neighbors, (sometimes known as Aguilar)!^^^^ rounded by There wttl be no more attractive green meadows and shaded by tow­ place" to Las Vegas than "Sam's I ering sentinels of lombardy, poplar, Cafe" whh~its counter chairs and! STILL SURVIVING ^VICTIMS spreading elms and flowering lo-" alcove seats beautifully upholstered Tony Negrete, ta serious condi­ custs which, in May and June fUl la tan' and blue leathers to match Lad Vanishes At tion to Las Vegas Hospital. the air with fragrance. ,__M the ten, brown and blue decorations Allan Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. which form the general color ef­ Frenchman's Mine Matt KeUy, also seriously burned. fect. Lighting will be of ttw most John Negrete, Grace Lu Jon, bar-; CARSON GARDENS modern florescent type set in blue j Oiiver Nash, fUteen-year-old son Never have I seen more colorful ot Mrs. Percy Nash, whose fattier los Lujon, Reuben Aim, children transparencies along the waUs. playing/to the vicinity, painfully gardens than are everywhere about The refrigeration and air condi­ was a prominent peace off tear and the homes cf Canon City. The for some time Chief of Police of but not dangerously burned. tioning systems are the most effi­ Las Vegas; dropped from sight mys­ whole, town seems Just now to be cient systems known while aU kitch­ WhUe Thomas H. Myers, distrib­ in a friendly contest of floral beauty, en appliances, including range, al- teriously last Saturday when he ttw back yards generally relegating Went on a trip of exploration to utor of petrolane gas to tanks to umtoum cooking utensils and fix­ ttw "Frenctmma's Mine" at Dash- ret— users throughout Las Vegas, the rubbish and ash barrels to ttie tures, instaUed by Mir. S. D, Chris­ Umbo at forgotten things, in favor of ulca or Sunrise Mountain twelve Was transferring ttw liquified gas tie representing ttw Los Angeles mUes east ef Las Vegas, - ski from ttw large tank _ which It velvety green laws with borders of HAROLD J. STOCKEB, CANDIDATE - COUNTY COMMISSIONER Cabinet Works, embody ttm latest | was transported, into smaller tanks brilliant and choice shrubbery. features to (hat line. The dishes,! When ttie lad failed tb returp to aa effort to salvage Ihe fluid I saw several beautiful back-yard year term to which I aspire as I Saturday night a searching party have enjoyed ta the past and shall to match ttw general color scheme, j which was escaping through a de­ gardens while in Carson, the most Stocker Recounts are shades of brown and tea. One was hurrldly formed and headed by beautiful ef those I saw* being that give tn return therefor my sincere Bernard J. Burger, Juvenile officer, fective valve or "soft plug," — ex­ appreciation and respect for the loy­ Important feature of which Sam is! plosion, searing and burning every­ of Judge and Mrs,* Taber. It is Justly proud, is the modern, stear- j made hi way to the mine. The lad's surrounded by a waU, the panels Campaign Pledge al support and devotion I have al­ bicycle was near ttw old incline thing within many feet of ttw tank ways enjoyed at .the hands of the iliztog dishwashing system which j from which it bad escaped, took tha of which to some parte form frames Harold' J. Stocker, who recentiy assures th* utmost ta -cleanliness shaft supported by ita standard as Ioy.__ipd^.pi_o^andJtowerjk Mp^ filed notice of his candidacy for re- electors." •___§•!! Islp ____& if Just left by the boy. The remains Uves of seven persons Wednesday -Among—hte-other-activities- to and sanitation it la.possible to pro­ of-ttw-hawb lm4radHiilr-m straw**! Shortly before lxion, six tg whom Taber, .1 am told, spends much of H»tfenWmeHflseriS"ttre Beard ~*F vide to a cafe. M^__ Linda Myers Leavitt, 1&, beautiful young bride who was the her time looking after ttm garden Commissioners of Clark County, has Clark eounty, Mr. Stocker has found first of the six in the Myers family. to "die from the severe where he had eaten. That was aU. Warn' members of the Myers family. sStlnli seems wonderfully te ap­ been a resident of this oounty since time to participate In the activities The exact date of the opening burns received in the fire Wednesday. She was the wife of The ted had vanished completely. Because of ttm blowing of ttm 1910, except for the time he was of many civic and fraternal organ­ wiU be announced wittito ttm next "soft plug" through over pressure, preciate her loving 'eei-t&_ IfiP few days and Sam is Issuing a gen­ Gerald Leavitt and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H, It,was reasonably assumed that gas had been escaping and Myers attending school ia Los Angeles, izations. He is one of Hie charter Myers, both of whom also succumbed from-severe burns. he had wandered or fallen into ttw He was for a time employed to members of Las .Vegas Lodge 1468, eral invitation to the public of Las old shaft aad a posse of CCC men was attempting to ssjgago It Into CARSON CHANGING Mm Vegas which he has so long served, smaller tanka-'Jj||&SJ| I have noticed ttw times X have the railroad shops to Las Vegas and Benevolent and Protective Order 6f headed by Sheriff Ward and his left tiwfremployment^to become to Elks and was one of the eommit-tee to drop -to and pass Judgment on deputies made a thorough search of Haw the gas became . ignited, been to Carson ttie past three or his latest enterprise. j-jjSflj four years, that ttw city is growing 1921 a member of the party which, which purchase the site far the DEATH €01—S AS MERCIFUL the workings, Mb sign of the bey whether through^ a match lighted and prosperous. Many charming under Walker R. Young, distin­ Elks Lodge about twenty years ago, was found there. by some ene, an electric spark torn new homes are being buit, net dis­ guished engineer of ttie U. S. Bu­ He is a member of Las Vegas Chap­ -HEF TO WM.E. HAWKINS AU day Sunday the search con­ some appliance jta ttm neighbor­ reau of Reclamation, made ttw first ter No. 9, International Footprtat- tinued to ever-widening circles, With hood, er some Other cause may placing the lovely eld houses, but ers' Association, of Las Vegas 'Ae­ Farnd— Files ^ (WUliam E. Hawkins, known for ef Eagles and also a charter mem­ never be known* It is only known encroaching onto the surrounding bortog^_in the bedrock at Boulder many years to a host of friends in ber of Las Vegas Lodge No. 33, no results. Assisted by Boy Scouts Canyon to the studies which finally rie No. 1213, Fraternal Order of snd many citizens familiar with the that a blast of flame, starting some fields, so that the newer homes are Eagles, Of American Legion' Post both Nevada and CaUfornla as F. A A, M. Before Laa Vegas Lodge distance away, enveloped ttw im­ set in natural meadows which slope resulted in ftodlttg a ^suitable site For Assembly Jj| BUT Hawkins, was a true pioneer 1488 B.
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