New Mexico Historical Review Volume 51 Number 4 Article 8 10-1-1976 Index Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nmhr Recommended Citation . "Index." New Mexico Historical Review 51, 4 (2021). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nmhr/vol51/iss4/8 This Index is brought to you for free and open access by UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico Historical Review by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Index ABC: Americans BefOre Columbus, Alamogordo Reservoir, 102 noted, 235 Alaska, 58, 71, 234, 240 Abert, Lt. James, 94 Alberts, Don E., "The Corps of Engineers Abiquiu Dam,99 and New Mexico's Water," 93-108 Abiquiu; N.Mex., 123,124,129 Albright, Honice M., Ill, 117-20 passim Abreu, Jesus, 131,132,142 Albuquerque Journal, 51,93,151,152, Acoma Pueblo, 10 204 Act Concerning the Publicity and Albuquerque, N. Mex., 7,13, 42,145, Promotion of Public-Resources and 151,153,176,177,190,203,204, Welfare; 206 275,313-28 passim, 332, 333, 334 Act of possession, in land grants~ 8, 9, 12, Alcatraz Island, 238-39,240,246,248 131-35 passim, 316-17 Alexander, William Lee (Confederate Adams, Eleanor B., 276-77; and Fray officer),329-35 Angelico Chavez, trans. and ann., The Almaraz, Felix D., Jr., bk. rev. by, Missions of New Mexico, 1776, A 341-43 Description by Francisco Aianasio Alton Hutson: Reminiscences of a Dominguez with Other Ccmtemporary SOUth Plains Youth, by William Curry Documents, rev. by Oakah L. Jones, Holden, rev. by Ben Proctor, 164-65 252-53 Ambrose, Stephen E., Custer and Crazy AdvanceiThe (Albuquerque newspaper), Horse: The Parallel Lives of Two 304 American Warriors, noted, 232 Adventures in the Apache Country: A American Bar Association, 47-48; Report TOUr Through Arizona and Sonora, on Interstate Compacts, 49 1864, by J. Ross Browne, rev. by American Board missions, 220,230 Andrew Wallace, 161-62 American Indian Movement (AIM), Adventures of a Texas Naturalist, by Roy 242-46 Bedichek, noted, 67 - . "AmericanIndians and the Bicentennial," Agnew, Spiro, 237, 240,246-48 passim by Donald L. Parman, 233-49 Agriculture: and-No Mex. Bureau of American Mining Stock Exchange, 22, 27 Immigration, 195,199,203, 207; in "Americans for IndianOpportunity," by N. Mex. (1870s), 194; in N. Mex. LaDonna Harris, noted, 241-42 province, 6, 8,10-12,14,31'8, 321 c24; American Society of Range Management, instructions for Native Americans, 220· 63, 72 Ajo, Ariz., 20, 32 "American West: Perpetual Mirage, Ajo Mining and Development Company, The," by Walter P. Webb,68 23,32,33 Anderson, G. M. "Broncho Billy," 152 352 NEW MEXICO HISTORICAL REVIEW LI:4 1976 Anderson, Robert, "Early Film Making in Ballard, John, 19 New Mexico: Romaine Fielding and Banks, Dennis, 242, 243 the Lubin Company West," 145-55 Barnett, Becky J., Pearce S. Grove and Anderson, Sen. Clinton P., 240 Sandra J. Hansen, New Mexico Angel, Frank Warner, 142-43 Newspapers: A Comprehensive Guide Annual Report of the Board of Regents to Bibliographical Entries and of the Smithsonian Institution, noted, Locations, rev. by Necah Stewart 223 Furman, 87-88 Anza, Juan Bautista de, 287, 320 Bartlett, Rex S. c., Historical Sketch of Apache Indians, 10, 30, 218, 281-94 the Missions of the American Board passim, 298, 300-309 passim, 313-20 Among the North Americanlndians, passim quoted, 220 "Appraisal of the 1862 New Mexico Battey, Thomas c., The Life and Campaign: A Confederate Officer's Adventures ofa Quaker Among the Letter to Nacogdoches, An," by India11S, quoted, 219 Martin Hardwick Hall, 329-35 Baur, K. Jack, bk. rev. by; 258 Archeologicalruins, 109, 1l0, 116, 117 Bay Area Native American Council, 239 Archibald, Robert, "Canon de Carnue: Beaubien and Miranda (Maxwell) Settlement of a Grant," 313-28 Grant, 121, 127-42 passim; 180 Arizona: mining in, 19-34 passim, Beaubien, Carlos, 142 statehood of, 43 Bedichek, Roy, 65, 66, 67,69, 74; quoted, Arizona as it iSjor, the Coming Country, 70; Adventures of a Texas Naturalist, by Hiram C. Dodge, quoted, 218-19 67 Arizona Copper Co., Ltd., 26, 27, 29 Beebe, Lucius, 69 Arizona Weekly Star, 22, 299, 304 Belen, N. Mex., 13,322 Arkansas River, 121 Bellecourt, Clyde; quoted, 243 Arkansas Valley & Cimmarron Railway, Bennett, Robert, 236 139 Benson, Maxine, bk. rev. by, 165-66 Armijo, Manuel, 121, 124, 130, 131, 135 BensOn, Nettie Lee, bk. rev. by, 260-61 Arms, Henry, 128, 132, 136 Bent's Fort, 176 Armstrong, J. M., 137 Bernalillo County, N. Mex., 153 Army Wife on the Frontier: The Bernalillo, N. Mex., 204 Memoirs of Alice Blackwood Baldwin, Big Bend: A History of the Last Texas 1867-1877, An, by Robert C. Frontier, The, by Ronnie C. Tyler, Carriker and Eleanor R. Carriker, rev. rev. by David M. Vigness, 256-57 by Maxine Benson, 165-66 Billington, Ray Allen, bk. rev. by, 338-40 Artesia, N. Mex.,..l02 Bisbee, Arizona, 19,20,25,29,30,34 Artesian wells, 95 Bisbee, DeWitt, 19 Arthur, Chester A., 304, 306 Bismark, N. Dak., 248 Aspinall, Wayne, 238 Bismark Tribune, 225 Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, Black Bear Copper Company, 23 109,140,194,201,203,208 Black Hills, S. Dak., 27 Atkinson, Henry M., 126-37 passim Blaine, James G., 302-3 Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, 20, 140 Blaire, Robert, Tales of the Superstitions: Atlantic Monthly, quoted, 223 The Origins of the Lost Dutchman Austin, Tx., 58, 65,70 Legend, rev. by Rodman W. Paul, 256 Axtell, Samuel B., 136, 142 Blood of the Conquerors, The, by Harvey Fergusson, 177-79 Baird, Spencer F., 215, 221, 222, 229, Bloom, Lansing B., 269-80 passim 231 Blue Lake, N. Mex., 239-40 INDEX 353 Bolton, Herbert Eugene, 273 Canadian River basin, 102' Bonus Army, 49 Canby, Edward R. S.,333 BookReviews noted, 75, 157,251,337. "Canon de Camue: Settlement of a See also author, title, reviewer. Grant," by Robert Archibald, 313-28" Borah, Sen. William E., 45 Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Border patrol, 58 109-20 passim' Boston, Mass,,22, 23, 26, 27,36 Captivity narratives, 217 Boulder, Colo., 22 Captured and Branded by the Comanche Bourbon reforms, 282 Indians in the Year '60, by EdWin Brevoort, Elias, 129, 132 Eastman, noted, 217-18 Brief Account of Murders by the Indians Carey Act, 203 and The Cause Thereof, in Carleton, Capt;, James; 94 Northampton County Penna., by Jds. Carlsbad, N. Mex., 102 J. Mickley, noted, 217 Carlucci, Frank, 244,.249 Brothers of Light, Brothers of Blood: The Camue,7, 13,313-28 Penitentes of the Southwest, by Marta Carrie Copper Mines, Ariz., 24-25 Weigle, rev. by David M. Vigness, Carriker, Robert C. andEleanor R.' 340-41 Carriker, An ArmyWife on the' Browne, J. Ross, Adventures in the Frontier: The Memoirs of Alice Apache Country: A Tour ThroUgh Blackwood Baldwin, 1867-1877, Arizona and Sonora, 1864, rev. by rev. by Maxine Benson,165-66 Andrew Wallace, 161-62 . Carson National Forest; 240 Bruce, Louis R., 237, 241, 246 Casa Grande Copper Mining Company, "Bruce's Braves," 240-41, 242, 246 24 Bryan, Col. Gay M.,295-96 Cass Lake Reservation, 243 Bryant, Keith L., Jr., History of the CatalonianVolunteers, 281-94; uriiforms Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe' of, 282; weapons of, 282 Railway, rev.. by Arthur M. Johnson, Catrori,ThomasBenton; 122, 126, 134, . 159-60 ' 139,142,143 Bucareli, Viceroy Antonio Marla, 13,285, Cattlemen, 58, 193; 194,210 286' Centennial Expositic>n;.Philadelphia, Buffalo Copper Co., Ariz., 27 216,221-24 Bull Moose (Progressive) Party,43, 44,55 Chavez, Fray Angelico and EleanorB. Bureau of Indian Affairs, 37, 1()9-20 Adams, trans. and ann" The MissionS passim, 233-49 passim; buildings of New Mexico, 1776: A Description occupied, 242, 24445 by Francisco Atanasio DominguezWith Bureau of Land Management, 104 Other Cdntemponiry Documents, rev: Bureau of Reclamation; 62, 63; 93, 95, byOakah L. Jones, 252-53 96,101,102,104 Checklist of New Mexico PubliCations, Burke, Charles, 37,44 1850-1953, by WilmaL. Shelton; Bursum Bill, 45-47 passim, 51 noted,207 Bursum, Sen. Holm, 44, 46 Chicago, Ill., 22, 40, 202,203, 227,232, Bushman, Francis X., 152 235 Chicago Land Show (1910), 207 Cactus Film Co., 154 Chicago, Rock Island, and Paci6.c .' California Catholicism: A Holy Year Railroad, 208 Tribute, by·Francis J. Weber, rev. by Chicago Tribune, 225,.228 Francis F. Guest, O.F.M., 85-87 Chinese laborers, 20 . Callis, Cap. Agustin, 282-86 passim Chino Copper Co., 146 Calumet and Hecla Mining Co., 26 Chippewa Indians, 242,243, 354 NEW MEXICO HISTORICAL REVIEW LI.:4 1976 Christiansen, Paige,.TheStdryof Mining Cook, Leon, 242, 248 in New Mexico, rev. by Clark C. Copper, 19-34 passim, 146 Spence, 343 Copperopolis, Ariz., 24 Churches, 29,227,232. Copper Queen Mine, Ariz., 19, 22,25, Cimarron,N, Mex.,J22; 128 27,29,31 CimarronNeWs and Press, 128 Cornish laborers, 30 Civil Rights Movement in U.S., 234 ' Continental Divide, 106; tunnelsystem ­ Civil War in N. Mex., 329-35", through,99 Clay, Henry, 105 "Corps of Engineers and New Mexico's Clergy, 185"86; alienation oEland grants Water, The," by DonE. Alberts, to, 8 93-108 Clifton,'Arlz., 20, 22,2;5, 26; 27,29,30, CorsiCa, 149 31 CostillaCounty; Colo., 123, 128 Climate of N. Mex., 195, 199,207,213 Courting customs, in: N.·Mex., 181· Clod, The (motion picture), 151 Court of Private Land Claims, 15, 139, Coan, Charles, 275 325 Cochise Copper Co.; 26 . Coyote, 181, 190 Cochise County,Ariz., 30 Cozzens, Samuel Woodworth, The Cachiti Dam, 93, 100; Lake, 93 'MarvellOus COuntry, or Three Years Cockfights, 175 .
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