■ _ 'I P.T13J w Jr z c D M Fir91^8-^few Good Kmorning [ T t l 5 5 o r c t o e r s " si f a i p s r lc r E Today’s foreciM:ast: *“ • Mgstly cloudy.>y.with showers likelyj • •Highs 55-60. L oww s 40-45. l» ag eA 2 President wwants U.S. nnilitaiy to heelp enforce ' tant interests's^fbr^ TS— - I I Los Angelea Times 7T. / U;N. evacBcuates - A4 Banker rejectscts seliool funding ‘‘WASHINGTON —- PPresident Clinton ordered:d ' ..................... ■- ip position off the shores ofof! Clinlon's repealed relreferences lo concerns abouiQut a * O nly C urtis EatorKon, Twin Falls, d isscn t- six warships to take up ] .N. trade embargo scheduled;d thc sa fc ty o f 1,100 Amerncrican citizens living in Hait Board of Education sug- Haili to cnforce the U.N. ed os the Idaho Boi ■ nnrf rwifjieH n-SmnlLcQntiit--n=__ uppeared.tQ-ScLthc.stag<agc-focpossiblc.aimcdJnicrj ilHun"forpnblic suliools: — '•ffVrT n r gent of'ground troopss f«for the possible rcscuc of□f vention to evacuatc theie .Americans and to pave theth e ^ P a g e B I ____ lA aerim ns nn.'thc.CaribbchHenn islnnH. iL _ w a v fo cA n stid e’s eventiintunl return. ' ~ Clinton ordered the shoshow of force to back up hisis Thu pres dent a lso saicaid he was im posing uniJatcr- Convict caughght in Twin Falls L demand that Haiti’s milmilitary rulers abide by anin al sanctions on H aiti’ss nmilitary leaders. i;icluding'g aa wcr and allow the reti^m ofsf freeze on assets held inin tthe Unilcd Stales ond rcyd- Policc have caughJght a man who w as sup^i ogrccment to cede powci ident'Jean-Bertmnd Anslide,e, cation of thcir tmvel visaisos. Colorado priwn and who popularly elected Presidei posed.to be in a Col ‘The purpose of thesec.«ie acitons is Ihis: To ensureurc r.i—_i ‘^-i'nisy^sve defi'audtxl ^giiffilHaqjQLlP ______ L ___ J. the safety of AmericansIS iin Haili and to press for theth e — --------- P u i^ B l, But a senior administlistration official acknowl- ............................... '-•••AP-photo kely Aristide would take of-f. -restoration of demococrocy there through theth e ■" edged that it was imlikel; no Minister Robert Mal- Hce on Oct. 30 as providik-idcd for in a U.N.-mediatciI strongest possible enforforcement o f the sanctions,”■s." H aitian s o ld ie r s g uuard i the home ot Prime I sculemcnt reochedthrce'nle'monilis ago. Please see HAITI^A2A2 vai as he meets Frliriday with U.Sv Ambassaissador Robert Swjng. ----- —Suit-cballenge l l Thcxcorporationlont that operates Cassia pla UX vF vF J V : Memorial Hospita!itdl needs no flnancial help ffom the countunty or taxpayers for the new hospital, sayss t^the plaintiffs’ attorney. I P a g e B 3 d raaws cen:isu res _ Bruins-Brave!/es Twin Falls playcayed to a homecoming Times crowd in its footbi)tball game with Boise ' ' j TON — Holding the top ech- Friday night. ti-. ■■ ’ . ■ _____ Navy and M arine Corps ac- . P s g e T O L os A ngeles Timir the Tailhook scandal, the __ Bobcats-Tieer:ers_______ ’ WASHINGTCiday censurcd three admiral.s elon of the ded-aBOthcr-3n.tnp.r.inki^B.nr.Nov _________ lurley in the game that Jerome met Burl 1^' , countable foring tl to Slop o r report se.xual as- probably determinnined the top seed for " Pentagon Fridoycurred while they were allend* District 4 A-2 footbistball. i’s, 1991 convcniion in Las Ve- P a g e B 6 -------- ttmi-rtipHmanded- fic«rs for failing i .suulls that oocurrilinary actions w e re taken by Eagles-V ikingagS ing the group’s.ary I' John Dalton with the ap- The College off SSouthem Idaho playcd ■ ■ ■ gas. cfcnse Sccrclary Les Aspit). • a key league voile>llcybQll m atch a g a in s t The disciplinuJO receiving reprimands was Ricks at C SI g y m Fi Navy SecreiaryB. Kelso, the nation's top P « , . B 6 proval of Dcfcn Among the 30lellers r of cen.sure arc consid* I h . - I A d m . FrankIS B. blemishes I'or ofllcials ol nuval ofliccn.ilitary rank. The le.sser rcpri* ^ H | T he Ihree )ecomeni-part^ofrthc*30-»>l'Il'lelU e re d grievous:nt b personnel flics and m ay al* C hristiah comincerts coming such high militassignments and pronioiions. : Susie McEntirerc Luchsinger, Rcbo’s H g g — =mandsiwi!}-beco1 oflTiccrs w ere cxoncraicd. sister, is on her wa>vay tolhe Magic Valley hSQ cers' permanentscrvicc \ has suffered jpeatly n.s to sing for th e Lord. ailhook." D a lto n said in an* MIKE aM.SBURrmw TVnM-BBjB feet future assig P o g e B 4 , T w o other lop; oflpunishments. “Some sonior -wcrc-therc-fniled-lo-exerciKc------------ ~ Tf^pecTByvaHbujsuVzprilng'lawsTBOb'Gc S orr says he m ay'beinn'dangervfloslnghls'hc c -hom e.-SittlngontheIr—|bH n ' • “Thq naval scr Battelred clerg been trying to help himIm m o v e t h e tra ile r. a resu lt o f Tailliihip ond lake lhe necessary ac- property, Lee andid ILinda Jackson have b iiLbehaaoiLlbot was_wro_im. -------- •, C olum nist Clarlr-I nouncing the pu be an epidem ic. --------— officcrs-who-wci0 me there w as a failure ot ap* j P w e M active leadershipIcrship at T ailhook •91.“ or Gcncralls report earlier ihis l i y p a i l C*raric tl^ o b n d c Kat-as mniivJas-jiiiveu dozen' ~ ~ ' ogglfi— ' " Ir's clear lo m propriole leadcrslsexually assaulted and,up lo ______ Inspc^orCnembcrs engaged in improper -------------------ycar-found-tliawing the fliers’ convention. Tlic- W ool subsidie!jes sheared — ^thrteatens^B u h l man’sI home w om en weren'gcd sex from u lla c k in g w om en------------ ay “^unllct" al the Las Vegas ....................C o n g re s s 'v o te d:d Friday to phase out 140 scrvice mem her incidents of crude nlidity w ool ond m o h air suisubsidies. > : ByBertiIiaL. Redfemsm anyiy placc to go. • and hod bebought the permit to move _ behovior during I exposure. P a g e A 6 Timcs-Ncws corresporpondcnt TThe trailer is too sm all andmd too old for trailer, activities rangci mo\loving and relocation permmils. it And G o ff But thenen ith e permit was revoked. along a hallwayharshest •' reprimands went to Lichard M. D unJeavy, and rear Grazing feebibattle possible--------------------- B UHL— -Time is-rui'running-out-for-a.69>—has.isno-wherc elsc.lo.livc._____----------------- ------ ------ Ih e -1 9971 7 : model trailer is 340 .sqivc the Hilion, to other ked where it is fcci. But rc y Mixson, director o f Navy air Threats to raiseise grazing fees even ycar-old man who livesli\ in a trailer that TThe trailer has been parkct ; regulations require lhat a tr moving it, or jn the city’s The three 1han Wilson Flagg, his reserve h i ^ e r w o n ’t stop) a N ew M exico s e n a to r -needs to be moved:d by the end of the sinencc 1989. At that time, m y ’s impact orca be a 1976 or placlacing it on the property wasVOS not a prob- model andid ati least 400 square feet insquare si Vicc Adm. RichtDunlcavy. assistant chief of from filibusteringg t«to kill more m o d e ra te . month............................. ons for-uir-warfaro al lhe time Bob G off lives in a ltrailer oii the proper- lemtil. G off said i f it’s iii the, hihighway right ;aid two trailer courts in trailerE admirals Riley M fees, the sen ato r saysays. :ntion, will retain a iwo-star ty of Kountry Korneiner Kafe owners Lee ofr vway, others must be in Ihcthe same situa- >r later warfare, and W . P a 9 « B 2 ;ccpt his home, but they havi oflhe thrcc-.star rank he-had and Linda Jackson.. T h e trailer stands In tiori□ri, wilh a trailer park directi:cily-bchmdthc.-sp„j I size. counterpart. Dui :n he rclircd in the summer of the way of thcir continitinuing business oper-. Jacliclubn’s store an d cafe. icrstand they hove to obeyI BSIil naval-opcnilions G off said he a n d Jackson hahad prepared a * JVC no conventui:n»Uy could co.st him as much ations. d they don’t want junk trailci >ver his retirem ent, The trailer is on theth' highway right of sitetc for the trailer in th e city’sf's impacl area. insteod o f ot a minor sanction," Dalton way. But neither thec titrailer nor Goff have Thehey had pV in a well andJ s<septic system Please see BUHL / achieved when h M eese accused;ed • y 1992. The pemil lers in as SI00.000 over Former Attorn*rney General Edwin ^UA2 "This is not a M ccsc'concoctedi aa“ ■' folsc account” o f an- I said. Iranian arms-for-hc-hostagcs deal, aceord- ^ a y m e i ing to a report. IliflMcoirdips INew cal P a g e A3 Tbfl Associated Press W ASHINGTON — AAmcrico’s n 45 million SS ' o cial mpaign Social Security recipientsnts will get a 2.6 per- S e c u rity hlorine, cancer ccnt cost-6f-Iiving incrc;crcasc next year, re- .
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