43 o Federal Register I Vol. 52, No. 28 / Wednesday, February 11,,1987 /Proposed Rules National Environmental Policy Act of 24 CFR Part 988 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4332. The Finding of No Loan programs: housing and Background Significant Impact is available for public community development, Public inspection during regular business hours housing, Reporting and recordkeeping On August 23,1978, ATF published in the Office of the Rules Docket Clerk, requirements, Grant programs: housing Treasury.Decision ATF-53 (43 FR 37672. Room 10276, at the address listed above. and community development. Indians. 54624) revising regulations in 27 CFR This proposal does not constitute a Part 4. These regulations allow the "major rule", as that term is defined in Authority: United States Housing Act of establishment of definite viticultural 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437-1437q); sec. 71d) of the the section 1(b) of Executive Order 12291 Department of Housing and Urban areas. The regulations also allow issued by the President on February 17, Development Act (42 U.S.C. 3535(d)). name of an approved viticultural area to 9rl' 1981. Analysis of the proposal indicates 6, 198. be used as an appellation of origin Dated: October wine labels and in wine advertisementd. that it does not (1) have an annual effect .1.Michael Dorsey, economy of $100 million or more; on the AssistantSecretary for Publicand Indian On October 2.1979, ATF published (2) cause a major increase in costs or Housing. Treasury Decision ATF-60 (44 FR 56692) prices for consumers, individual [FR Doc. 87-2854 Filed 2-10-87; 8:45 am) which added a new Part 9 to 27 CFR, industries, Federal, State, or local providing for the listing of approved government agencies, or geographic IWNG CODE 4210.U-- American viticultural areas, the names regions; or (3)have a significant adverse of which may be used -as appellations of effect on competition, employment, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY origin. investment, productivity, innovation, or Section 4.25a(e)(1), Title 27, CFR, on the ability of United States-based Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and defines an American viticultural area as enterprises to compete with foreign- Firearms a delimited grape-growing region based enterprises in domestic or export distinguishable by geographical markets. 27 CFR Part 9 features, the boundaries of which have Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act [Notice No. 6201 been delineated in Subpart C of Part 9. (5 U.S.C. 601), the Undersigned hereby Section 4.25a(e)(2) outlines the certifies that this proposal does not have Stags Leap District Viticultural Area procedure for proposing an American a significant economic impact on a viticultural area. Any interested person substantial number of small entities. AGENCY::Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco may petition ATF to establish a grape- Since the proposal is intended to have and Firearms, Department of the growing region as a viticultural area. the effect of containing'development Treasury. The petition should include- costs for Indian housing and CIAP ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking. projects, it may have an economic (a) Evidence that the name of the impact on builders or developers of such SUMMARY: The Bureau of Alcohol, proposed viticultural area is -locally housing, some of whom may constitute Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is and/or nationally known as 'referring to considering the establishment of a the area specified in the petition; small entities, but it is not believed that (b) Historical or current evidence the number of small entities affected viticultural area in Napa County, 'that will be substantial. California, to be known as "Stags Leap the boundaries of the viticultural area This proceeding was listed as item 962 District." This proposal is the result of a are as specified in the petition; in the Department's Semiannual Agenda petition submitted by the Stags Leap (c) Evidence relating to the of Regulations published October 27, District Appellation Committee. ATF geographical characteristics (climate, 1986 (51 FR 38424, .38468) in accordance feels that the establishment of soil, elevation, physical features, etc.) with Executive Order 12291 and the viticultural areas and the subsequent which distinguish the viticultural Regulatory Flex'ibility Act. .use of viticultural area names as features of the proposed area from The information collection appellations of origin in wine labeling surrounding areas; requirements contained in this proposal and advertising will help consumers (d) A description of the specific have been approved by'the Office of identify the wines they may purchase. boundaries of the viticultural area, Management and Budget under the DATE: Written comments must be based on features which can be found provisions of the Paperwork Reduction received by April 13, 1987. on United States Geological Survey Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520). The ADDRESS: Send written comments to: (U.S.G.S.) maps of the largest applicable OMB control number is 2577-0101. Chief, FAA, Wine and Beer Branch, scale; and The Catalog of Federal Domestic Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and (e) A copy of the appropriate U.S.G.S. Assistance Program numbers and titles Firearms,,P.O. Box 385, Washington, DC map with the boundaries prominently are 14.850, Public and Indian Housing, 20044-0385, (Notice No. 620). marked. 14,851, Low-Income Housing Copies of the petition, the proposed Homeownership Opportunities for Low regulations, the appropriate map, and Petition Income Families and 14.852, Public the written comments will be available ATF has received a petition proposing Housing--Comprehensive Improvement for public inspection during normal an area in Napa County, California, as a Assistance'Program. business hours at: ATF Reading Room, viticultural area to be known as "Stags List of Subjects Room 4406, Ariel Rios Federal Building, Leap District." The proposed area, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., located east of the city of Yountville and 24 CFR Part905 Washington, DC. five to eight miles north of the city of Grant program: housing and FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. Napa, consists of approximately 2,550 community development, Loan James P. Ficaretta, FAA, Wine and Beer acres. It includes eight bonded wineries programs: housing and community Branch, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and and approximately 30 vineyards, with development, Low and moderate income Firearms, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, approximately 1,250 acres of grapes. If housing, Public housing,' NW., Washington, DC 20226 (202-566- approved, Stags Leap District would be Homeownership. 7626). the third viticultural area Within the Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 28 / Wednesday, February 11, 1987 / Proposed Rules 4351 Napa Valley viticultural area, along with (c) In the March 9, 1983 issue of the (located south of the proposed areal, Los Carneros and Howell Mountain. S.F.Examiner, the proposed viticultural and its prevailing winds, moderated by area is Name described as being on the east the hills, also influences the climate in side of the Napa Valley where, "[Tiwo the proposed Stags Leap District. Evidence that the name of the famous wines from this region are Stags' (f) The configuration of the proposed proposed area is locally and/or Leap Wine Cellars .. and Clos du viticultural area favors an inflow of cool nationally known as referring to the Val .... Dick Steltzner's air from San Pablo Bay. The air then area specified in the petition includes: vineyard .... is here. Robert Mondavi exits to the mountain elevations to the (a) Copies of recent wine labels (1979 has vineyards here. You should also be north, or moves to the main valley floor Pine Ridge Chardonnay, 1980 Pine Ridge hearing about Silverado Cellars in through the narrow passes at the Merlot, 1979 Steltzner Vineyards, coming years." northern boundary-of the proposed Cabernet Sauvignon, 1980 Markham (d) Further references to Silverado Stags Leap District. Merlot), each of which indicates the Vineyards as being included in the proposed viticultural area can be found (g) Due to the hilliness of the proposed grapes as having come from the Stags area, fog and low clouds clear earlier in Leap District. in the January 1-15,1982 issue of The Wine Spectator,where the winery, then this area when compared to the lower (b) Excerpts from articles appearing in the west of the Napa River. Trumpetvine Wines, San Francisco under construction, was described as elevations-to Chronicle,Academie Du Vin, Son being "located . .in the Stags' Leap Boundaries of the Area FranciscoExaminer, and Ashbury. area," Market, which consistently make Collectively taken, this evidence The boundaries of the proposed Stags references to the proposed "Stags Leap describes the proposed viticultural area Leap District viticultural area may be District." as being south of the Yountville Cross found on one United States Geological (c) Articles showing that the term Road, 4 to 6 miles north of the city of Survey (U.S.G.S.) map of the 7.5 minute "Stags Leap" was in use since Horace Napa, bounded on the west by the Napa series, titled Yountville, California. and Minnie Chase first used the phrase River, and on the east by the The boundaries, as referred to in the in reference to their summer manor Mayacamas Mountains (also called petition, are described in § 9,117. "Stags Leap"). house, constructed in 1890, and their Regulatory Flexibility Act winery, built in 1893. Geography The provisions of the Regulatory (d) U.S.G.S. field report dated 1951 Evidence that the geographical using the name "Stags Leap" to
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