S66 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 21, 2004 Iran now feel the combined pressure of around the world are for the first time who is the majority leader. I have the international community to aban- free. great respect for him. His call for bi- don their nuclear ambitions. I am con- Strengthening our homeland secu- partisanship is certainly welcome. I fident in time they will. rity, prosecuting this war on terror, ad- say to him and to others that those of Finally, change wrought by war has dressing domestic issues such as edu- us who serve in the Senate come here given old adversaries an opportunity to cation and health care and tort reform wanting to do good things for our coun- lay aside their grievances and begin are just a few of the issues we will ad- try. We have a passion for good public the work of peace. India and Pakistan dress this year. The President’s judi- policy that will advance America’s in- have agreed to peace talks. Syria has cial nominees will get the up-or-down terests. established diplomatic relations with vote they deserve. We will not allow a But I must say, in the past year or so Turkey. In each case, the opportunity small minority of Senators to thwart the evidence of bipartisanship is hard to pursue a new course of peace be- our constitutional duty to advise and to find with respect to the way the tween these historic antagonists is a consent. White House and the majority in this direct result of the United States de- Look for action to protect unborn Senate have dealt with the minority. termination to oppose international victims of violence, child custody pro- We would welcome true bipartisanship. terrorists and the regimes that sponsor tection, gun liability, bankruptcy, and I must also point out, while I think them. many other legislative efforts. there are areas where we have made This is not to say the war against We have laid out an ambitious agen- progress in this country, there are terrorism has been won. We are far da, one worthy of a great nation, one some very significant issues with from that. Yasser Arafat continues to that will require strong, bipartisan which we must deal. cling to the tools of terror, frustrating work. We will be aggressive. We will We have the largest budget deficit in the latest efforts for peace in the Mid- fulfill our duty to serve the American history, and, no, it is not because of a dle East. In Colombia, a courageous people and make our Nation strong. war, it is not because of a recession. We new government fights a stubborn ter- Some cynics say in a narrowly di- had testimony at a hearing yesterday rorist movement. But with clear-eyed vided Congress, especially during an that said the largest part of this deficit determination we can find solutions to election year, that we are doomed to is as a result of recurring tax cuts, these conflicts as well. gridlock, that we can accomplish little. very large tax cuts, the bulk of which Victory in the war against terrorism I strongly disagree. I believe everyone went to the largest income earners in is inevitable because of the leadership in this Chamber will do what is right this country. If you earn $1 million a of our President, because of the perse- and what is best for the American peo- year, good for you; you are very fortu- verance of our people and, most of all, ple and that is to move America for- nate. You, also, under this administra- because of the courage and sacrifice of ward. tion’s tax plan, get nearly $100,000 in a our men and women in uniform. Every There is much to be done and there is tax cut each year as well. day they serve the Nation, our service no time to waste. I thank my fellow We have a very large and growing men and women give this Nation their Senators for their dedication. I look Federal budget deficit, the largest in very best. They are not the first, but forward to another extraordinary year history. The President proposes in- they are the latest generation to take in the Senate. creased defense spending, increased up and bear arms, to travel from home I yield the floor. homeland security spending, and then and loved ones and risk all so we may f decreased revenue. I went to a really live in safety, so we may live in peace. small school, but mathematics is still They deserve our deep gratitude. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME the same. One and one equals two. I take one final moment to pay a spe- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. cial thanks to the 101st Airborne which That fiscal policy equals very large SMITH). Under the previous order, the budget deficits. is based in my home State of Tennessee leadership time is reserved. We have a responsibility—all of us, and also in the adjoining State of Ken- f tucky. Under the leadership of MG Republicans and Democrats—to our David Petraeus, a friend, the 101st is AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOP- children to put this fiscal policy back doing extraordinary work. You may re- MENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN- on track. This President inherited a member it was the 101st that found and ISTRATION, AND RELATED large and growing budget surplus. We dispatched Uday and Qusay Hussein in AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS now have the largest budget deficit in Mosul. Since then, the 101st has moved ACT, 2004—CONFERENCE REPORT history, and we must fix it. more quickly than any other American The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under We have the largest trade deficit in unit in training guards and policemen the previous order, the Senate will re- history, and we have to fix that. This for the new Iraqi civil defense guard. sume consideration of the conference administration is negotiating new They have also shown that the Iraqi report to accompany H.R. 2673, which trade agreements that, incidentally, people have tremendous generosity in the clerk will report. will once again ship more American their relationships with the United The assistant legislative clerk read jobs overseas. It makes no sense to me States. They have demonstrated the as follows: for us to do that. We do have a global economy, but we ought not set Amer- generosity through their action, A conference report to accompany H.R. through the action of the 101st Air- 2673, making appropriations for agriculture, ican workers and American businesses borne, the generosity, the heart dis- rural development, Food and Drug Adminis- up for competition against those played by our service men and women tration, and related agencies for the fiscal around the world who will work 12- in helping Iraq rebuild its infrastruc- year ending September 30th, 2004, and for year-olds 12 hours a day for 12 cents an ture, rebuild its civic institutions and, other purposes. hour and then ship their products to even more fundamentally, the pride The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under the store shelves in America. That is and hope of the people in Iraq, that the previous order, the time until 6 not fair competition for American pride and hope in the future. Together p.m. will be equally divided between workers and American business. That with the support of the Congress and the chairman and ranking member of is only about larger profits for multi- the American people, the 101st is help- the appropriations committee or their nationals. We need a better trade pol- ing plant the seed of democracy in the designees for debate only. icy and to reduce those trade deficits heart of the Middle East. The Senator from North Dakota. as well. There is yet much to be done, but it Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I ask We have many problems, significant must be said that none of these devel- unanimous consent to consume as problems, we have to address. I wel- opments was even imaginable 3 years much time as I will. come bipartisanship. I hope Repub- ago. Because of the extraordinary lead- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without licans and Democrats, who seek the ership of President Bush and the cour- objection, it is so ordered. same goal, who have the same interests age of our men and women in uniform, Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I lis- and urges to improve this country, can America is safer. Millions of people tened to my colleague, Senator FRIST, work together. VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:17 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S21JA4.REC S21JA4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY January 21, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S67 But I want to talk a little about this feces . diseased-condemned carcass Let me talk about overtime. Let me Omnibus appropriations bill and de- was observed ready for boning and dis- talk about workers in this country. Do scribe why some of us are concerned tribution in commerce.’’ But then the you know, for 65 years we have had a about the lack of bipartisanship at the Mexican officials went to work to re- kind of pact in this country, a rule and end of the last session and about the store that plant’s ability to sell meat a law that says if you want to work partisanship, especially that was exhib- into America. The Mexican plant re- somebody overtime, you have a respon- ited. I want to talk about things that gained its export license.
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